The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 295 Reappearance of God Killing Order

Chapter 5

When the system notification fell, Liu Tian's figure immediately retreated, temporarily avoiding the sharp edge of the blue-spotted tiger king. 26nbsp;

The increase in level made the blood on the blue-spotted tiger king's body lessen, and all the scars disappeared, and the state returned to the best state, but the pool of blood in the tiger's eyes became clearer.

"The worrying thing still happened." Liu Tian and Zou Mei, the village chief told him that the blue-spotted tiger king was about to be promoted to level 37, and he was a little worried in his heart.

"Star Kill!"

The killing sword glowed brightly, and the fifteen star swords condensed on the formation, swishing down.The blue-spotted tiger king roared, and a pool of blood appeared above it. The fifteen star swords were all melted by the blood pool, causing no damage to the blue-spotted tiger king.

"Ah..." Liu Tian growled, dripping with cold sweat. The appearance of the pool of blood caused him to fall into the state that appeared a few days ago after the extermination of the fire poisonous bee - the killing intent was endless, and the surrounding environment was blood red. Fortunately, this state existed for a very short time , fleeting.


He was swept away by a wave of blood, and the blue-spotted tiger king flew towards him, and the attack continued. The tiger's palms swept again and again, and pieces of blood rushed out, sweeping on his body.





Hitting out the sword and shield, Liu Tian successfully escaped the follow-up attack of the blue-spotted tiger king, and swallowed a big blood recovery pill, recovering [-] lives in a blink of an eye.The sword demon walked alone and stomped again and again, relying on his mysterious movements, the blue-spotted tiger king was left behind by him.

The blue-spotted tiger king suddenly stopped, and the word king on his forehead rushed out, changing rapidly, turning into a ray of brilliance, catching up with him in an instant, and imprinting it on his body.

"Ding dong, since you were hit by the blue-spotted tiger king's skill 'Tiger King Seal', your attack and defense will each drop by 10% for 2 minutes, your life will lose 5 points per second for 2 minutes, and your self-recovery will be invalid for 2 minutes. "

"You stay here by yourself." Liu Tian walked out of the trap directly with his footwork. He didn't want to fight the current blue-spotted tiger king in his current state.

Seeing this, the blue-spotted tiger king suddenly went berserk and violently attacked the trapped formation. Unfortunately, the defensive power of the trapped formation was extremely high, like a wall of iron and steel. With his attack power, he could not break through the trapped formation. He had to wait until the trapped formation disintegrated on its own.

"Sword Demon Heaven Killing Seal!" As soon as he got out of the trap, Liu Tian joined the guard's battle group. Under the cover of the guards, he jumped high and turned his hands to gather the Sword Demon Suppressing Kill Seal. Two skills descended from the sky, and one skill From the ground up, he beat a blue-spotted tiger to the ground and spit out a few mouthfuls of tiger blood.Soon, under the siege of the crowd, the blue-spotted tiger lay on the ground forever, unable to get up.

"Trial cross cut!"

The Trial Cross Slash went through the air. Its target was not the blue-spotted tiger, but the blue-spotted tiger king who walked out of the trapped formation and automatically dissipated due to the time of the trapped formation.As soon as it came out, it felt very angry, and wanted to seek revenge from Liu Tian, ​​but it didn't expect a cross to come and attack its face.

"The king is in the world!"

The skill release cannot be interrupted, and a series of attacks hit the blue-spotted tiger king who was forced to retreat.

"Light of trial!" The light of trial came out, and the real instant kill immediately returned to the usable state.He dodged the blue-spotted tiger king step by step, but the blue-spotted tiger king tried his best to catch up with him.

"Instantly killing Skynet!"

Seeing an opportunity, Liu Tian stepped on the sword demon and walked alone, throwing off the blue-spotted tiger king, and plundered to the battlefield between the guards and the blue-spotted tiger. A spiky black net covers a blue-spotted tiger.

"Sword Demon Town Kill Seal!"

Liu Tian's body turned suddenly, and Jing Zi Zhen Sha Yin flipped out, blasting the blue-spotted tiger king who was chasing him to the ground.

"Hurry up and get rid of the blue-spotted tiger, and kill the blue-spotted tiger king together."

Holding the sword gang, he fought hard with the blue-spotted tiger king. After the blow, he retreated immediately and continued to use the kite-flying tactic against the blue-spotted tiger king.Soon, the blue-spotted tiger covered by his sky net died, and soon all the blue-spotted tigers died, and the guards came to help him fight against the blue-spotted tiger king.

"Sword Demon Heaven's Killing Mark!" Falling under the cover of the guards, Liu Tian once again performed the most powerful attack, and the blue-spotted tiger king was blasted to the ground again.Seeing this, the guards shot their skills one after another.

"Aw..." The blue-spotted tiger king was furious, roared, and a blood-colored blade spread from its mouth. Many guards who were close to the blue-spotted tiger king were the first to bear the brunt and were almost cut in half.There was another roar, and a pool of blood appeared on the head of the blue-spotted tiger king, turning into a monstrous river, rushing out, engulfing many guards who couldn't dodge it, and there were screams one after another.

"Damn, so strong?" Liu Tian

Terrified, a guard was almost full of blood, and was instantly killed by the surging blood.

"The king is in the world!" No one can stop the attack of the blue-spotted tiger king, but at the same time it also 'exposed' its flaws, was caught by Liu Tian, ​​and the attack fell.





"Come again?" Liu Tian screamed, the rushing blood flowed back like a river, and rolled towards him, if he hadn't dodged so fast, he might have been submerged in the blood, and his life and death would not be known.

"Trial cross cut!" Step by step, stepping on the ground, Liu Tian led the blue-spotted tiger king around the battlefield like a play, handing over the task of attacking to the guards, and occasionally attacking under the cover of the guards. .

In the village, the old village head held his old withered hands tightly together, chanting prayers such as the blessing of the Bodhisattva, and kept his cloudy eyes on the battlefield.

"The village chief, your lord and the guards will definitely kill the blue-spotted tiger king and restore peace to Gumu Village," the villagers comforted.

"Yes, village chief, now that the adults and the guards have gained the upper hand, it is only a matter of time before the blue-spotted tiger king is wiped out."

"I know, it's just that you don't think it's strange that the blue-spotted tiger king has suddenly become bloodthirsty? Maybe the situation will change." The village chief expressed his worries. His skills, especially the surging blood, are incredibly powerful.

"It seems that, as the village chief said, the blue-spotted tiger king became violent, and there is a secret in it."

"Yeah, even in the blue-spotted forest, it wouldn't explode and hurt people, but now it's taking the initiative to attack."

The villagers also began to worry.

In the battlefield, the life of the blue-spotted tiger king was slowly worn down. At this speed, the blue-spotted tiger king could be wiped out within 10 minutes.

"Brothers! Go all out! Victory is ahead, and the blue-spotted tiger king is dying!" shouted the captain of the guard, slashing his sword.


Looking at the blue-spotted tiger king who was out of breath and expending a lot of energy, Liu Tian couldn't help showing a smile. After working so hard for so long, he was finally about to reap the rewards.Cautiously leading the blue-spotted tiger king, at the last moment, he was even more cautious to prevent the blue-spotted tiger king from jumping over the wall in a hurry.


The blue-spotted tiger king roared, his voice was much weaker than before, he lacked energy, and his physical strength was exhausted.At this moment, its tiger eyes were completely covered with blood red, and the pool of blood in the eyes could no longer be seen clearly.


Liu Tian hit the sword demon town kill seal and knocked it back several meters.

"Aw..." The blue-spotted tiger king roared unwillingly, thousands of bloody rays burst out from his body, and the two tiger eyes were even more frightening, dripping blood!

"Are you going to release a big move?" Liu Tian yelled at the guard with his eyebrows raised, "Back! Quickly back! The blue-spotted tiger king wants to use a big move!"


The tiger roared in the forest, the blue-spotted tiger king suddenly opened its mouth, and spit out a blood-red bead. As soon as the bead appeared, it immediately shot out seven or eight streaks of blood. Many guards were unable to dodge and were hit by the blood light. In the middle, his eyes were instantly blood red, and he even swung a knife at his companions around him!

Liu Tian looked at all this in horror. He never expected that the blue-spotted tiger king would have this trick, which could make people kill each other. But at this moment, he has no time to take care of the guards, because he is facing the greatest danger, the bloody The beads are controlled by the blue-spotted tiger king and are flying towards him!

"Ah..." Suddenly, Liu Tian felt a tingling pain in his head, as if something was about to come out of his head, and the pain surged crazily. He curled up on the ground, his body convulsed, and he was enduring unimaginable pain.


A pitch-black token with a hint of blood red drilled out from Liu Tian's eyebrows, sweeping out a bloody light, fixed the blood-colored bead that had just flown in front of Liu Tian, ​​and pulled it in front of the token, the token shook, Another piece of blood was swept out, and the blood-colored beads were swept away and turned into bloody water, disappearing on the token, and the trace of blood red in the token became a little bigger.


The blood-colored beads were absorbed by the order of killing the gods, and the blue-spotted tiger king exploded immediately, and blood rained from the sky.


The order to kill the gods came back to Liu Tian's mind, fortunately this time it was not painful, but this time the consequences were more serious.Just as the killing sword returned to his mind, endless killing intent crazily occupied his mind, and the bloody light from the blue-spotted tiger king reappeared on his body.It's just that his vision is even more frightening, with a mountain of bones and a sea of ​​blood floating behind him, his hair dancing wildly, like a demon.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Liu Tian lowered his head, clutching the killing sword tightly, his body trembling, boundless killing intent overwhelmed his meaning, he was about to become a killing machine more bloodthirsty than the blue-spotted tiger king.Suddenly, Liu Tian raised his head, his left eye was blood red, and his right eye changed between blood red and starry sky.

"My lord, my lord!" The blood-colored beads disappeared, and the guards who were killing each other had returned to normal. Seeing Liu Tian suddenly turned into a humanoid blue-spotted tiger king, he was shocked.

"My lord, my lord, wake up!" The captain of the guard was startled. At this moment, they were already at the end of their strength. If Liu Tian became the blue-spotted tiger king in human form again, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the village might be slaughtered.


Liu Tian looked up to the sky and screamed, his eyes glowed with blood, and his black hair turned into blood in an instant!The god-killing order is looming on the forehead!He began to walk towards the guards step by step, and the killing was about to begin!

"My lord, don't come here, or else, forgive us for offending us!" shouted the captain of the guard.

Liu Tian turned a deaf ear, went her own way, and continued to walk!Just as the captain of the guard gritted his teeth and was about to make a move, a ray of fairy light flew out of his arm, turning into a fairy-like woman.

As soon as Hanxian appeared, the cold jade finger directly touched Liu Tian's eyebrows, causing Liu Tian to appear temporarily clear.

"Ah!" Liu Tian turned around resolutely, and swept towards the depths of the avenue to the west of Gumu Village. The killing consciousness was about to overwhelm his consciousness and take over the dominant position.

"Girl, come back quickly, it's dangerous!" Seeing Han Xian chasing Liu Tian, ​​the captain of the guard hurriedly shouted.

"Don't worry, I'm connected with him by blood, he won't hurt me." Han Xian replied, the speed didn't decrease but increased.

On the avenue, blood was shining, Liu Tian was running at a high speed, his eyes were bleeding, and in front of him was a forest, where tigers roared to the sky, it was the blue spot forest.

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