Chapter 6: Crazy

The blood is rushing to the crown, and the blood light on his body is always shining. Like a demon, he alternates his steps and pulls out phantoms. At this moment, his mind is full of killing consciousness, and the killing target is the blue spot forest.

Immortal Han has a unparalleled posture, and her steps are hurried, like a fairy passing by on the road, very fast, but she can't catch up with Liu Tian.There was worry in her brows, she was worried about Liu Tian.


Liu Tian roared and rushed into the blue-spotted forest, his blood was soaring to the sky, his whole body was full of 'demonic' sex!With a swish, his figure moved again, and directly charged at a blue-spotted tiger attracted by his roar.


In less than a minute, the head of the blue-spotted tiger was blown off, turning into a corpse, lying quietly on the ground.Liu Tian, ​​who fell into a strange state, has greatly enhanced his strength!


A magic sound came out from Liu Tian's mouth, like the roar of a Buddhist lion, resounding through the forest, and for a while, tigers roared one after another, and the blue-spotted tigers began to leap towards Liu Tian.

"Yong, Eternal, hurry up, you will die if you provoke so many blue-spotted tigers!" Han Xian caught up, panting, not worried that Liu Tian would attack her at all.

"Hurry up, let's go, or it will be too late..." She took Liu Tian's hand to pull him away from this place, to avoid the coming danger, he has provoked too many blue-spotted tigers.


Liu Tian glanced at her slightly, pushed her away, and swept into the woods!

"Roar, roar..."

As soon as he rushed into the woods, three blue-spotted tigers bared their teeth and rushed towards them. Liu Tian not only did not hide, but instead greeted them with his sword. Between the clanging of the sword, a streak of blood was seen The color's sword turned into a huge blood-red sword, and it slashed down, like a waterfall of blood crushing the blue-spotted tiger!


At the same time that the bloody giant sword was slashing down, Liu Tian's left hand was not idle, and a much larger killing platform fell down, and the three blue-spotted tigers were directly suppressed on the ground.

Within 2 minutes, the three blue-spotted tigers also died. Although Liu Tian also had several scars on his body, for some reason, he recovered very quickly, and his 100 health recovered within a few seconds.Han Xian followed closely behind him, her black eyebrows furrowed, and she helped Liu Tian deal with the blue-spotted tiger from time to time.

"Ah..." Liu Tian roared like a demon, a group of blue-spotted tigers appeared in front of him, about ten of them, all of them were attracted by his lion's roar.


Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Tian rushed straight towards the group of blue-spotted tigers, his eyes radiating terrifying blood.

"Don't go over there!" Han Xian was anxious, Liu Tian rushing over like this was tantamount to dying, gritted his teeth, and rushed into the battlefield as well!


Endless killings submerged Liu Tian's consciousness, he rushed into the tiger group, like a lunatic, only attacking but not defending, a series of amplified skills were shot out from his hands.


The Killing Sword pierced the eye of a blue-spotted tiger. At the same time, his thigh was bitten by another blue-spotted tiger, dripping with blood. However, Liu Tian's face was expressionless, and his left hand pressed against the void. The town kills and presses down.

"Ice Shield!" Han Xian made a move, an ice shield protected Liu Tian's back, but it was torn apart by the blue-spotted tiger in an instant, and she could only watch helplessly as Liu Tian got another wound on his back.

Liu Tian reversed his figure, his gaze was like lightning, and with a stomp of his foot, the Earth Demon Sword broke through the ground immediately and blasted the blue-spotted tiger into the air.


The strong wind raged, and the three blue-spotted tigers jumped up together, baring their teeth and claws, grinding their teeth to suck blood, and the bloodthirsty light shone in the tiger's eyes.

"Ice Prison Lock!" Han Xianfang clenched her heart, stepped forward, her bare hands danced quickly, and the Ice Prison Lock was attached to a blue-spotted tiger, but it was torn apart instantly, failing to stop it from continuing to attack Liu Tian.


Liu Tian stared at the three menacing blue-spotted tigers, and with a low growl, a pool of blood that had appeared on the blue-spotted tiger king appeared on his head, instantly turning into a vast ocean and spreading out in all directions. Scouring everything, the three blue-spotted tigers flying in the air were the first to bear the brunt, and their lives plummeted.

The blood was surging, like the roaring of the ocean, eight of the ten blue-spotted tigers died under the washing of the sea of ​​blood, and the remaining two blue-spotted tigers also died under Liu Tian's swing of the sword.

Liu Tian went all the way into the blue-spotted forest, and when he reached the middle, he encountered another group of tigers, a total of thirty blue-spotted tigers!


In the blue-spotted forest, he didn't suppress his killing intent, nor could he. He could only kill everything without any suspense. Liu Tian killed another thirty blue-spotted tigers. Kill thirty blue-spotted tigers.This record should be appalling.

Hanxian followed Liu Tian all the way, unknowingly went deep into the blue-spotted forest, but didn't realize that the further he went into the blue-spotted forest, the blue-spotted trees gradually became blood red.Finally, Liu Tian killed all the blue-spotted tigers and came to a cave that smelled of blood. This cave was the lair of the blue-spotted tiger king.

"Kill, kill..." Liu Tian groaned, suddenly, his body shook, and he stepped towards the cave step by step, entering it.

At the bottom of the cave, a cave wall collapsed for unknown reasons, and a passage appeared.Liu Tian didn't stay at the bottom of the cave, but walked slowly, and stepped into the passage, and Han Xian followed him into the passage.

"Ah, this is, this is the killing pool!"

Han Xian was startled, there was a pool of blood at the end of the passage, so similar to the pool of blood that had appeared on the heads of the Blue-spotted Tiger King and Liu Tian!It turned out to be the legendary killing pool!

"Eternal, what are you going to do? Come back quickly!" Han Xian grabbed Liu Tian who continued to move forward, but was pushed away by Liu Tian.


Liu Tian jumped into the blood pool, with blood shining all over his body. With a pop, the God-killing Token rushed into his mind, suspended above the blood pool, with a slight shock, the God-killing Token bleeds again. The blood immediately rolled and boiled, all rushing towards the God of Killing Order.Liu Tian fainted in the pool of blood when the killing order rushed out of his head.

"The killing pool..." Han Xian murmured these four words, feeling unstoppable horror in his heart, unexpectedly there was a killing pool here.

A pool of blood, absorbed by the God-killing Token, was emptied in an instant, and the blood red on the God-killing Token swelled up again.


After absorbing the blood in the Slaughter Pool, the Killing God Order immediately returned to Liu Tian's mind.

Several hours later, Liu Tianyou woke up slowly, feeling dizzy and feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hanxian, what is this place? Why am I here?" Liu Tian rubbed his head, looking at the surrounding environment, wondering how he would appear here?And Han Xian is also here, he tried to recall the situation at that time: "The blue-spotted tiger king controlled a blood-red bead and flew towards me. I just wanted to avoid it, and I had a splitting headache. After that, I don't remember anything."

"You really don't remember anything?" Han Xian looked at Liu Tian with concern, and the previous scenes were still replaying in her mind.

"Uh, what happened to me?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"I don't remember, where is the blue-spotted tiger king? How is the village?"

"The village chief is fine, and the blue-spotted tiger king is also dead."

"Then why am I here?"

"you listen to me……"

Hanxian briefly told Liu Tian the whole story.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Liu Tian nodded, closed his eyes slightly, wondering if something was wrong with his body, worried in his heart, and finally opened the attribute table, but found a surprise in the skill interface.

〖God Killing Mind〗【General Level Mind Power】:

[Mind power form]: Intangible, divided into two parts: real intention and imaginary thought.

[Master of Mind Power]: The player is eternal [Effect of Mind Power]:

1 Killing is not punished by the pk system.

2 The holder of the "God Killing Mind" can forcibly absorb (%) from the experience lost by the player killed by himself (%. 3 Strength is permanently increased by 10 points.

[Psychic skill]:

〖False thought 'manipulation'〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Separate the imaginary part of the "God Killing Mind" and invade the interior of the equipment at or below the phase level, so that the holder is not limited by the equipment, and can forcibly control the equipment for his own use, and the equipment is more closely connected with the owner's mind.

[Casting distance]: within 3 meters

【Casting time】: 5 minutes

【Cooling time】: days

[Skill Consumption]: 10 points of vanity.

Illusion: 50 points/50 points.

False thoughts increase with the growth of "God-killing thoughts". False thoughts can only be withdrawn, but not restored.

〖Instant Kill〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Condensed the real part of the "God Killing Mind", condensed into a phantom weapon in a fixed shape, and shot out instantly.Players must first condense the form of three weapons, and only one weapon can be used during the battle, and the player has not yet condensed the form of the weapon.


[Casting distance]: within 8 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 90 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 10 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 45 points/45 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 15 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

【Real grab】

【Active Skill】

【Skill Effect】

Grab it with real intent, you can ingest an item six meters away from the air.Moreover, this skill can be used to collect 'medicine' grass, corpses, etc., and increase the success rate by 30%.

[Casting distance]: within six meters

[casting time]: none

[Cooling time]: 10 seconds

[Skill consumption]: 1 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 45 points/45 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 15 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

〖Sincerity Injury〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Injury of Real Intent, Control Real Intent, Invisible Blade of Transformation, Straight to the Heart, 40% chance to inflict 350% Qi attack damage on the opponent, and make the victim suffer from a splitting headache for 2 seconds.

[Casting distance]: within 5 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 hours

[Skill consumption]: 15 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 45 points/45 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 15 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

"It seems like a blessing in disguise!" Liu Tian muttered to himself while looking at the skill interface.

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