The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 297 The Killing Pool

Chapter 7: The Killing Pool

"A blessing in disguise? Your blessing is probably insignificant compared to your future misfortune."

Han Xian Youyou's words came.

"Why?" Seeing Immortal Han's expression of worry, Liu Tian gradually put away his expression of joy.

Han Xian pointed to the empty pool that was devoid of any blood, and said, "Do you know what it is?"

"Let's take a bite of the pool, it seems to have been filled with blood."

"Yes, it is a pool, it is called the pool of killing, but it is not blood, but the meaning of killing free in the world. After years of deposition, it turns into blood of killing. Just a little blood of killing is enough It can gradually turn people into killing machines."

"Uh, Immortal Han, where's the killing blood in this pool?" Liu Tian vaguely guessed something, but suppressed his thoughts.

"Before you came, except for the killing pearl, the pool was full of blood." Han Xian looked at Liu Tian.

"Eldest sister, you don't mean to say that I have absorbed the killing blood in this pool of killing, right?" Liu Tian's face suddenly collapsed, the matter of killing thoughts has not been resolved, and now he has provoked killing blood again.

"To be precise, it was absorbed by the token in your mind, but you know the impact on you."

"God Killing Token?! Damn!" Liu Tian cursed. He didn't expect the God Killing Token to absorb the killing blood from the Slaughter Pond. If he absorbed it, he would just absorb it, but fuck he became a victim. Now he can only pray and The dead old man can find Hengmeng snow lotus in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum.

"Hey, Han Xian, you just said that the killing pearl in the killing pool is gone? What is the killing pearl?"

"The Orb of Slaughter is the essence of the Pool of Slaughter. The blue-spotted tiger king must have devoured the Orb of Slaughter before he became bloodthirsty. The other blue-spotted tigers were also affected."

"The bead of killing? It can't be the bead spit out by the blue-spotted tiger king, right? It seems to have been absorbed by the god-killing order..."

"If ordinary people absorb all the killing blood and killing beads, they will immediately become killing machines. You are lucky. That token will help you eliminate many negative effects brought about by the killing pool." Han Xian looked at Liu Tian There was a trace of rejoicing in his eyes, as if Liu Tian had taken advantage of it.

"Sister, this is not a bad luck? The killing desire has been getting stronger and stronger recently, and now it has absorbed the killing pool, ****, so it can last for a while, but now according to what you said, it can last for ten and a half days It's a good month."

Liu Tian rubbed his forehead helplessly, thinking that at first he just wanted to enter the game to support his family, and by mistake he became the successor of the God-killing Token. Although Bai Jingya solemnly mentioned the negative effects of the God-killing Token, he thought it As a player, the negative effects of the God-killing Token should not be able to help him. As time went by, he really discovered the horror of the God-killing Token.

At this moment, he really wanted to shout: I was an ordinary player until I got a token stuck in my head.

"Hey, although the killing pool is scary, it also has huge benefits. Someone once absorbed all the killing blood in a pool, and his strength skyrocketed. The king-level masters did not give in too much, but they were also reduced to killing machines and were wiped out by the emperor-level masters."

"Absorbing a pool of water increases my strength by two levels!" Liu Tian's eyes lit up: "However, why hasn't my strength improved much?"

"Not improved much? Take a closer look yourself."

Liu Tian dubiously opened the attribute interface, and carefully searched for changes. Only then did he find that each of the four basic attributes had increased by 2 points. The most important thing was that he had acquired a skill or a state—killing Body!

The body of killing allows the caster to enter the body of killing, the true energy is transformed into killing energy, and the attack is increased by 100%, that is to say, the power of his normal attack is doubled!It is equivalent to releasing skills with every hit!Moreover, the power of the skills is also transformed into killing qi, the power of all skills is increased by %, the casting speed is all reduced by 1 second, and the cooldown time is all reduced by 1 minute.

"The body of killing, the body of attacking! It is completely born for fighting!" Liu Tian looked at the body of killing, and thought of the fifth effect that had never been triggered in the killing technique: "I don't know the relationship between the body of killing and the state of killing." Compare, which one is stronger and which one is weaker."

"How? How much has the strength increased?" Han Xian asked.

"I would rather not mention it!" Although Liu Tian was very happy about the improvement in strength, once he remembered the madness that Hanxian told him before, he couldn't be happy at all.

"Ma's, it's all caused by the God-killing Order. I knew I wouldn't inherit the God-killing Order."

dong dong...

At this time, there were slight footsteps outside the passage.

"Player? Impossible!" Liu Tian thought for a while, then gave up the idea in his heart, winked at Hanxian, and told her to act recklessly.

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

With a swish, Liu Tian rushed out of the passage, and was about to slap the sword demon town killing seal with his hands, but just as his arms flipped, he froze immediately, and there was a handsome man standing in front of him——Bai Jingya!

"It's you? Why are you here?" Liu Tian asked, "I didn't expect to see you again."

"I happened to pass by here, and felt that this place was unusual, so I kept looking for it." Bai Jingya was the same as before, elegant and indifferent.

"Unusual? Indeed, there is a pool of killing here." Liu Tian said this because he wanted to see if Bai Jingya had a solution.

"Slaughtering Pool!" Hearing this, Bai Jingya was shocked, and said in a daze, "There is actually a killing pool here, Eternity, take me there!"

"The pool of killing is gone."

"It's gone? Where's the killing water in the pool?"

Liu Tian pointed to his head and said, "It's all in me."

This time it was Bai Jingya's turn to froze: "The Killing Pool! Do you know the Killing Pool?"

"I just found out, I regret it too, it's just absorbing the blood of killing, it's not that I want to absorb water!"

"You, you, you actually absorbed the killing blood, you are looking for death! What are you doing by absorbing that terrifying thing? You are looking for death!" Bai Jingya's complexion changed.

"Brother, do you think I'm thinking about it? It's not all about the token. Now if I'm asked to give up the benefits of killing blood and restore my original state, I will definitely agree immediately."

"Now you know how terrible the God Killing Order is."

"It's clear. I was about to lose my grip. Now that the God-killing Token has absorbed the killing blood, my good days are coming to an end." Liu Tian sighed.

"Have you found the spirits I told you about?"

"No, but there are some clues. I still have a purification spirit crystal in my hand, which should last for a while."

"It was possible, but I'm afraid it won't work now. The purification spirit crystal can no longer suppress your killing consciousness. Have you killed many people? It's only now that you've fallen into such a deep place!"


Liu Tian did not deny it.

"In my line of work, looking for you is a purpose."

"What are you looking for me for?"

"I just didn't expect the influence of killing thoughts. Alas, it seems that I will help you find it."

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