The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 298 Containment

Chapter 8 Containment

Hearing this, Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, Bai Jingya wanted to help him find a spiritual object?He knows very little about spiritual things, and now he only knows by chance that the spiritual things he needs exist in the illusion of Tianhu and the underground palace of the imperial tomb, and the possibility of obtaining them is extremely small. 26nbsp;

"You, you want to help me?"

"Well, originally I wanted to do my best, but now that your situation is getting worse ahead of time, I should naturally help, and this is also my duty." Bai Jingya said.

"Thank you!"

At this moment, Hanxian came out from the passage, her graceful figure seductively seduces every step of the way.

"Who is she?" Bai Jingya looked at Han Xian with a dignified expression, he felt that Han Xian was not simple, although he could easily kill Han Xian.

"Oh, her name is Hanxian. My partner, Hanxian, is Bai Jingya."

After the two got to know each other for a while, Liu Tian and Bai Jingya discussed about Sha Nian again.

"Your murderous intent is very strong. You have killed thousands of people at least. No wonder the killing intent can affect you so quickly. I originally expected it to be a year, but..." Bai Jingya really had a headache. Back then, his ancestor Bai Qi was Because of the killing intent, he was almost reduced to killing demons, and in the end he could only end his life by himself.He originally thought that it would take at least a year for Liu Tian to reach the current situation, but he didn't expect Liu Tian to reduce it several times.

"I also have some news about spiritual things recently. If I'm lucky, I can sit back and relax in the future." Liu Tian said.

"I hope so." Bai Jingya's brows were full of worry, how strong was his ancestor Bai Qi?He has spent his entire life and has not found any spiritual objects, which shows that spiritual objects are so rare that they are almost extinct.

"Yeah." Liu Tian nodded, and inadvertently, a charming figure appeared in his mind, and he shook his head: "If it is an npc, there is still some hope, but she is also a player, how could she be willing to sacrifice her body to come In exchange for my safety?"

"Eternal, I'm leaving first, you'd better not kill now, otherwise it will be easy to detonate the killing intent." After a moment of silence, Bai Jingya stood up and said.

"I will."


Not long after Bai Jingya left, Liu Tian shook his head in annoyance, and said, "Han Xian, come back to my body, I'm back to the city."

After crushing the City Return Talisman, Liu Tian appeared in the apartment of the Dragon Imperial City.Leaving the apartment, he went straight to the career transfer hall. His mission has been completed, and he can get attribute bonuses.

"Eighteen o'clock, it's more than three levels higher, but this trip is still a loss." Thinking of killing thoughts, Liu Tian felt a headache, and now he hopes to enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum as soon as possible.

Job transfer hall.

"Grandmaster, the third trial task you entrusted to me has been completed, please help me with the third attribute bonus." Liu Tian stood in front of the swordsman-turned-job master and said politely.

"Well, there has been news from Gumu Village that the Tiger King has been wiped out, young man, yes, yes, I thought you would not be able to complete this task, it was beyond my expectations." Only then did the attribute bonuses be added for Liu Tian.

With 36 points of attribute, Liu Tian allocated [-] points of strength and [-] points of spirit, and his strength suddenly skyrocketed.His current attributes are at least equivalent to [-] attributes, and I'm afraid there are more than that.

After the trial task was over, Liu Tian went to the inner hall to see if Zhui Jian had returned, but unfortunately he was disappointed that Zhui Jian had not returned, which meant that he was unable to learn new skills.

"Hey, I don't know where this rogue master has gone, so I can't even learn skills now." Liu Tian was very sad.

"Grass, go to see the unscrupulous Taoist priest, I don't know if he is there." Having nothing to do, Liu Tian decided to go to see the unscrupulous Taoist priest.

When he arrived, the unscrupulous Taoist priest stood at the place where the two met yesterday. He was smiling and pulling a player. He didn't know what he was talking about. When he saw Liu Tian approaching, he immediately pushed the player away. Come to Liu Tian.

"Hey, little friend, why are you here? It's not night yet, how are you thinking?"

"When should I deliver that letter?" Liu Tian didn't answer the unscrupulous Taoist's question, what he cared about was the mission time, and soon he would enter the underground palace of the Imperial Tomb with the dead old man.

"The sooner the better."

"I have something to do recently, and I can't get away. It will take at least four or five days before I can deliver the letter for you. You should find someone else."

"Four or five days?" The unscrupulous Taoist thought for a while: "You can deliver it for me in four or five days. It's not urgent."

"Okay, wait for me here in five days. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After speaking, Liu Tian left directly and headed for Phoenix Imperial City.

"Binghui, what's the situation in the studio recently?" Walking on the streets of Phoenix Imperial City, Liu Tian was communicating with Yang Binghui through telepathy.

"Everything is going well and is on the right track."

"That's good, you keep busy, don't bother me, I'll ask Luo Xin and the others about their situation." Liu Tian hung up the teleportation, established teleportation with other students one after another, and asked about the recent situation.

Liu Tian originally made an appointment with the pretty squad leader at the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild, but when he arrived at the headquarters, the message beeped.

"Eternity, we are blocked by the devil's black cloud in the Wind Wolf Plain! There are more than 30 of them, and they have not done anything for the time being. Come and save us! Coordinates xxxxxx!"

Liu Tian's face was livid, this message was sent to him by Yang Lan.

"Squad leader, Lan'er and the others were blocked by more than 30 people led by the devil's black cloud in the Wind Wolf Plain. The coordinates are xxxxxx! I'll go first!" Liu Tian edited a text message to the beautiful squad leader, turned around and left.

"Damn it, Devil Heiyun, you'd better not do anything to me, otherwise, one day you will regret it!" Liu Tian ran wildly, his hands clenched tightly, his eyes were slightly red, and he was terrified.

Running wildly all the way, Liu Tian finally arrived at the coordinates given by Yang Lan. The devil Heiyun hadn't made a move yet, but Yang Lan and the others were surrounded by more than 30 people in a circle, and laughter spread from time to time.

"***,court death!"

Liu Tian was like a beast, with bloodlust shining in his eyes, he took a deep breath, walked to the front of the encirclement, pushed away the players of the Devil's Guild, and entered it.

"Damn, who the hell dare to push me?"

Liu Tianniao didn't even glance at such a thing, stepped into the encirclement with one step, and the first thing that imprinted in his eyes was the dark cloud of the devil.

"Brother, you're finally here?" Zhang Long and Su Yan immediately burst into smiles when they saw the savior. They wanted to run to Liu Tian, ​​but they were stopped by the devil Heiyun.

"Let go of them and make an apology, otherwise none of you will be able to leave today." Liu Tian's words were cold, and he looked coldly at the devil's black cloud.

"Can't go? I'm afraid you can't go. Hmph, I know you have a good relationship, and I really attracted you." Devil Heiyun sneered. As soon as his words came out, the players next to him immediately offered compliments.

"Brother Yun is wise!"

"Brother Yun really has a clever plan."

"Let them go!" Liu Tian suppressed the anger in his heart, he was afraid that Yang Lan and the others would be hurt if he did it now.

"Let them go? Who do you think you are? If you tell us to let go, we will let go? Do you still think you are the wise and mighty Brother Yun?" Before the devil Heiyun could answer, his subordinates already responded with disdain. With a contemptuous tone, a series of rhetorical questions, verbal attacks, and a slap on his ass by the way.

Liu Tian tried to smile back: "Devil Heiyun, it seems that your target is me, let them go, I will give you a chance to single out, you are not a coward who can only hold hostages, right?"

Hearing this, the devil Heiyun looked annoyed, his target was Liu Tian, ​​yes, but singled out?If he could beat Liu Tian single-handedly, would he still need to bring a group of men?

"What year is it now? Some people still talk about heads-up, brothers, do you think his brain was caught by the door?" A clever Devil Guild player saw the devil Heiyun eating lamely, and said hastily.

"Yeah, I think he is a fool."

"Haha, it's fine if you want to be singled out. Give him two choices. One, he singles out a group of us, and two, a group of us singles out him. Do you dare to single out? If you don't dare, immediately roll in front of Brother Yun and kowtow to admit your mistake." .”




A group of players from the Devil's Guild yelled.

"It's just a bunch of mobs, it's not a matter of daring or not." Liu Tian's mouth twitched with disdain: "Devil Yuntian, if you can let them go, I will do what you wish and single out you, a mob."

"Brother, don't, sister Lin will be here soon! We don't need to be afraid of him." Zhang Long said hurriedly.

"It's okay, I have my own measure." Liu Tian smiled softly, and then looked coldly at the devil Heiyun: "You can't just threaten me with girls, can you?"

"Hmph, okay, let them go." The devil Heiyun waved his hand, watching Yang Lan and the others be pushed out of the encirclement with reluctance: "Today I will let you taste the power of my devil guild."

"Hurry up and take me out of here, I'm fine, they can't do anything to me." Liu Tian sent Yang Lan a text message.

"You, be careful." A message came back.

"Hmph, heads-up? Come on! Today, all of you are going to die for me! Trapped array!" Liu Tian shouted angrily, and all the anger that had been suppressed for a long time erupted. As soon as he came out, the trap was formed, directly trapping some players in it.

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

Walking with strange steps, Liu Tian was like a god of death, wandering in the trapped formation, his body was like lightning, and the killing sword rushed out, piercing a player's eyebrow.


With a slight movement of the arm, the No.1 player died, it was extremely simple.

"Damn it, fuck me quickly, what are you doing?" the devil Heiyun sternly shouted.

"Yes Yes."

Swords, lights and swords all pressed towards Liu Tian, ​​but they were all blocked by his simple sword and shield.

"Sword Demon Town Kill Seal!"

Pressing a seal, one player was instantly killed on the spot, the killing sword moved again, and a cross cut was made, and another player fell down, and the sword qi split and attacked, and there were two more corpses on the ground, Jian Gang attacked, three Corpses appear on the ground.

In less than 1 minute, eight players fell, and except for the first one, the others were instant kills.

"You, you..." The devil Heiyun was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Liu Tian's strength to be so terrifying.

"Don't worry, you're all going to die." Liu Tian smiled cruelly. His long sword accurately pierced a player's throat, twisted it at will, and another corpse appeared.

"Kill!" The players of the Devil's Guild looked at each other and killed again.Liu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and his body rioted. With an absolutely overwhelming offensive, he instantly killed the eighteen Devil Guild players in the beleaguered formation, leaving Devil Heiyun alone.

"Watch carefully, I will destroy the garbage under your hands today." Liu Tian walked out of the trapped formation holding a blood-dripping sword.

"Hmph, you'd better let me go now, I have already notified my brother, he is also in the Wind Wolf Plain, and now he has brought a large number of masters over!"

"A large number of masters? Alright, I'll follow! If they don't come within 10 minutes, you'll die too." Liu Tian paused, his eyes glistening with bloodlust.

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