Chapter 303 Eliminate Evil

Looking at Liu Tian who broke through the door, Liu Ruoxi muttered in confusion: "Brother, what happened to him? What happened?"

Liu Tian rushed to the road, just happened to be a taxi passing by, he reached out to stop him, quickly got into the car, and said anxiously to the driver: "Quick, take me to the gate of Fengshu Community on Chaoyang Street!"

"Young man, what's the matter? It's burning. 26nbsp;" The taxi driver started the car slowly.

"Get there within 3 minutes, the 300 yuan is yours." Seeing the driver's leisurely appearance, Liu Tian cursed a few times in his heart, and put three red notes in front of the driver.

"3 minutes? Young man, it will take at least 5 minutes to get there." The driver greedily looked at the three hundred yuan in front of him.

Liu Tian really wanted to slap the driver a few times at this moment, but this place is relatively remote and there are not many taxis, so he could only say in a serious voice, "Don't be so long-winded! Whether the three hundred will make you money or not is up to you."

"Earn!" The driver rushed out driving the car, boasting: "Young man, have you seen my superb driving skills? Your three hundred is definitely worth the money! Others' 5-minute journey, I can do it in 3 minutes." It can definitely be done, thinking back then..."

"I think you were a famous racing driver back then, didn't you?"

"Uh, it's almost there, but I've already washed my hands."

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense with me, my girlfriend has an accident, and time is tight!" Liu Tian said with scorn in his heart: "Fuck, do you think I'm so lucky? I can just meet a racing driver?"

"Okay!" Hearing that Liu Tian's girlfriend had an accident, the driver's expression suddenly became solemn, and he raised the speed again and again. The 5-minute journey, under the lure of money, the driver arrived in just over two minutes. Liu Tian threw down three hundred, rushed out of the car, and came to the gate of Fengshu Community.

"Where? Where?..." Liu Tian looked around anxiously, and saw many passers-by in twos and threes, but there was no sign of Lan Menger.

"By the way, the mobile phone..." Liu Tian quickly took out the mobile phone, first sent a text message, waited for a while, but did not get a reply, so he made a call, just connected, and was immediately hung up, Liu Tian vaguely heard The man scolded.

"Okay, Meng'er really had an accident."

Liu Tian was like an ant on a frying pan, anxiously spinning around in place, thinking about where Lan Menger was now.Suddenly, he saw several old people chatting on the chairs not far away, and he was overjoyed, and quickly ran to them.

"Sorry to bother you, may I ask, did you see a woman walking by here just now, and there are three men behind her?"

"My wife? Is there any?" An old woman asked an old man beside her.

"Let's think about it, it seems there are." The old man thought for a while and said, "Young man, what do you want them for?"

"Old man, that woman is my girlfriend. She sent me a message, saying that she was being followed by three men. Didn't I rush here? But now people don't know where they went. I just connected The phone was turned off immediately, and I heard a man's voice on the phone, old man, did you see where they went?"

"It seems to be there." My wife pointed to an alley: "I saw three men stop the woman. I don't know what they said. The woman went into the alley with the three men and hasn't come out yet. , the woman appears to have volunteered."

"Voluntary? Impossible, Meng'er must have been threatened."

"Hey, I remembered. I saw one of the men holding a shiny thing in his hand. I thought it was something reflective. Now it seems that it should be a weapon like a knife."

"Old man, thank you, I'll save my girlfriend first!" After speaking, Liu Tian raised his legs and rushed to the alley, not daring to waste any time, Lan Menger was in danger at the moment, so He exploded at full speed, rushing into the alley like an arrow off the string, the speed was appalling.

Going hundreds of meters into the alley, the alley forked. Liu Tian frowned slightly, and chose the alley on the left. After only a hundred meters, the alley was blocked and it was a dead end.

"Damn it!" Cursing in a low voice, Liu Tian turned back and entered the alley on the left.

"Help... help..."

Liu Tian ran for hundreds of meters like a ghost, and when he was feeling anxious, a low and familiar cry for help came.

"It's right in front!" He was overjoyed, and his pace became faster. As he went deeper, the occasional calls for help became louder. He dared that Lan Menger was here, but the surrounding environment was even more desolate. up.After about 200 meters, there is almost no human habitation.This is a relatively remote area, not a bustling area in the city, no wonder the three men want to bring Lan Menger into here.

"Meng'er, don't let anything happen to you! Otherwise, I won't spare these bastards!"

Finally, in the ruined area near a grove, Liu Tian saw a scene of anger and resentment.

Three thugs with dyed hair, non-mainstream outfits and ruddy complexions trapped a weak woman in a corner, saying obscene and dirty words on their mouths.The woman looked at them in horror, her hands tightly covering her chest, her thin clothes were torn in several places, revealing the spring light inside, making the three punks' blood boil with desire.

"Hey, little beauty, you can have a good time with our third brother tonight, and you will die." A gangster said, his mouth was full of alcohol, and his eyes glistened with lust.

"Don't, don't..." Lan Menger screamed.

"No?" A gangster shook the sharp knife in his hand: "I don't want your beautiful face to disappear from this world."

"Ah..." Lan Meng'er was obviously frightened, screamed again and again, squatting helplessly on the ground, but the rainy appearance of the pear blossom aroused the three gangsters' desire even stronger.

"Hi..." A gangster hiccupped, his eyes were bleary, but he threatened viciously: "If you don't obey us, we will 'rape' you first and then kill you, take 'naked' photos, and disfigure your face!"


A gangster was impatient, looking at the helpless beauty in front of him, he wanted to 3f up and down, stretched out his hand and pulled Lan Menger, and accidentally tore a piece of Lan Menger's clothes that had cracks, "Lu 'Out of which fair skin.

"Haha, the skin of the little beauty is really white." The gangster with the knife smiled lewdly.

"White your mother's head!"

A shout suddenly sounded, and Liu Tian sneaked up behind the gangster with a knife just in case, and a brick fell down. With a bang, the gangster immediately fell limply to the ground.

"You, who are you? How dare you spoil our good deeds? We are members of the Snake Eagle Gang!" The gangster at the outermost edge was so frightened by the sudden scene that his tongue was tied up, and he saw his partner lying limply on the ground , the fear in my heart can't be added.

"I don't care what kind of Snake Eagle Gang you are, or the Snake Bird Gang!" Liu Tian slapped him, and the gangster immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Today, you all have to pay the price."

Like a devil coming out of an abyss, Liu Tian walked towards the last gangster step by step, and a biting cold rushed from the bottom of the last gangster's heart.

"Liu, Liu Tian, ​​you're finally here? Huh..." Lan Meng'er looked at Liu Tian in surprise, wept with joy, and wanted to throw herself into his arms, but suffered from being blocked by the gangster.

"You, you, don't come here, if you come again, I will not be polite!" Seeing that his companion was slapped with a slap, the last gangster yelled in horror.

"You're welcome? You're welcome, show me." Liu Tian looked at the last gangster coldly, but his expression changed the next moment, and the last gangster took out a knife from his arms , on Lan Menger's neck.

"Boy, don't you want to save her? Come on! I'm so stupid, I actually messed with my Snake Eagle Gang!" The gangster shouted arrogantly, but he was rejoicing in his heart: "Damn, I almost forgot that I still have a knife in my arms. "

"Let her go!" Liu Tian said, "As long as you let her go, you can say anything."

"Let go of her? Don't even think about it, shit, I think you're tired of living, you have nothing to be brave, and you still want to be a hero to save the beauty, now you can save her and show me?" While speaking, the gangster stretched out his hand and squeezed Lan Meng Lan Menger's face caused Lan Menger to scream.

"How do you want to let her go?" Liu Tian asked, and at the same time gave Lan Meng'er a gentle look.

"Wake up my brother first!" the gangster shouted, Liu Tian had no choice but to finally wake up the gangster who was stunned by his slap, and the gangster who was knocked unconscious by the brick was still in a coma state.

"Six, beat him hard. If he dares to fight back, I don't mind getting a few knives on this chick's face." The gangster with the knife said to the gangster who had just woken up.

"Okay, shit, I had such a good time beating me just now, now it's time for me to avenge blood and hatred!" Liu Zi smiled ferociously, walked in front of Liu Tian, ​​and punched Liu Tian in the abdomen.

"Make you arrogant."

"Let you slap me!"

"Let you be a hero to save the beauty."

The six sons punched and kicked Liu Tian for a while, cursing while beating.

"Don't, don't..." Seeing Liu Tian being beaten, Lan Menger closed her eyes in despair, two lines of tears streaming down her face.

The six sons fought for five or six minutes. Liu Tian finally fell to the ground, with blood dripping from his mouth. He just looked at Lan Menger with firm eyes, crawled towards her step by step, and murmured: "Let her go..."

"Damn, I thought this kid was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!" The six sons looked at Liu Tian on the ground, kicked Liu Tian fiercely, and watched Liu Tian crawl towards Lan Meng'er with great interest.

"Tsk tsk, Brother Fu, this kid is still an infatuation." The six sons teased, and kicked Liu Tian again arrogantly.

"Yeah, but later he's going to watch his girlfriend make love with someone else's crotch." Brother Fu looked at Liu Tian, ​​feeling unspeakably happy.

The six sons kicked Liu Tian while praising Brother Fu. Finally, when Liu Tian crawled to the side of the gangster who was knocked unconscious by the brick, he passed out.

"Hey, hey, pretend to be dead..." When the six sons saw Liu Tian fell to the ground, they panicked. They stretched out their hands to check Liu Tian's breathing, but found that Liu Tian was no longer breathing. No, she immediately yelled in horror: "Brother Fu, he, he seems to be dead, dead..."

"What? Dead! So you can't help but hit?" Brother Fu's expression was also panicked: "You, kick him a few times to see if he responds."

The six sons did the same, but Liu Tian even frowned, as if he was dead.

"What the hell, why is this happening?" Brother Fu hurriedly let go of Lan Meng'er, and came to Liu Tian with a knife.

"Liu Tian, ​​is he dead?" Lan Meng'er's face paled suddenly.

"Fuck, let me see if he has a heartbeat!" Brother Fu reached out to turn over Liu Tian, ​​but at this moment Liu Tian suddenly moved, reached out to pick up the knife that was knocked unconscious by the brick, and slashed at the knife-wielding gangster.


Sparks burst out, the knife of the knife-wielding gangster was blown away, his hand was scratched by the sharp knife, beads of sweat dripped down his face, and Liu Tianzheng put the knife in his hand on his neck.

"Brother, brother, I'm sorry, please forgive me." Brother Fu begged for mercy in horror.

Liu Tian didn't pay attention, but Chao Lan Meng'er recruited, and said softly: "Meng'er, come here, it's okay, everything is over, with me here, no one can bully you!"

"Woooo..." Lan Meng'er threw herself into Liu Tian's arms, and she poked her head out after a long time: "Liu Tian, ​​are you injured?"

"No, with their strength, I'm not free enough to tickle." Liu Tian gently stroked Lan Meng'er's jade back, comforting her.

"Yes, yes, how could we hurt this big brother." Brother Fu said.

"Stop! Take another step, be careful that the sword has no eyes!"

Liu Tian yelled, it turned out that the six sons wanted to take advantage of Liu Tian and wanted to slip away, but when Liu Tian said this, they froze in place and did not dare to move.

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