Chapter 304

"Meng'er, let everything go." Gently comforting the sobbing beauty in his arms, Liu Tian softly comforted the two gangsters, "You two, lie on the corner of the wall for me, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

The two gangsters trembled, turned their backs to Liu Tian, ​​and lay on the wall, trembling in both hands, one could see the fear of the two of them at the moment, but what flashed most in the eyes of the gangster Fu was not fear but viciousness.

"What are you two going to do? Are you going to call the police or do it privately?" Liu Tian asked casually, playing with the sharp knife in his hand.

"This, this..."

"Tell me quickly, or you will be crippled immediately!" Recalling Lan Menger's helpless look, Liu Tian looked at the two gangsters with killing intent immediately.

"It's private..." Brother Fu's eyes flashed sharply, and he said weakly, "Brother, I can give you money, as long as you let us go."

"Money?" Liu Tian raised his head slightly: "Do you think this matter can be solved by money? If your girlfriend is almost raped, are you willing to collect some money?"

Hearing this, Lan Meng'er's pretty face flushed, her heart was inexplicably sweet, she secretly glanced at the man who was hugging her, she was a little happy, the original fear and grievance gradually disappeared.The mood of the two gangsters was completely opposite to that of Lan Menger.

"Brother, then, what do you think we should do?" Brother Fu stammered and asked.

"It's very simple." Liu Tian's voice was extremely cold, as dark as hell: "I touched Meng'er with your dirty hands before, now you have to pay the price and break a hand, you have no objection!"

"Brother, don't." Hearing this, the six sons were almost frightened and lay on the ground, but because of Liu Tianqian's order, they could only lie on the wall and shout in fear: "Brother, I was wrong. When I drink, I tend to make mistakes." , just bypass me this time."

Brother Fu didn't speak, and fell silent, with resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, he knew that Liu Tian would never let them go.

"Meng'er, turn your back first." Liu Tian ignored Liu Zi's begging for mercy, but told Lan Menger to turn his back on him, he was about to strike.

"Well, be careful."

Lan Meng'er turned her back obediently, her heart was extremely sweet, she knew that Liu Tian was avenging her.


Amidst the terrified cries of the six sons and Brother Fu's silence, Liu Tian kicked off one of the two's hands, and immediately led Lan Menger to the unconscious bastard, stepped out, and only heard a click. With a sound, one arm of the stunned gangster was also broken.

"Meng'er, let's go."

Liu Tian led Lan Menger back to the original road, without seeing the three of them again.

"I won't let you go!" Brother Fu looked at Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er's backs with resentment, and roared in his heart: "I want you to pay the price, if you break one of my limbs, I will break three of yours!"

"Sixth son, call Xiao Luo and the others to wait for these two people at the entrance of the alley immediately, follow up and find out their residences, and when I recover from my injuries, I will take revenge myself! Let him kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!" Brother Fu growled under his breath.

"I'll call right away! When we recover from our injuries, I must insult his girlfriend in front of him!"

The six sons endured the pain, and excitedly took out their mobile phones to make a call, but after all, they had nothing to fetch from the bamboo basket. Liu Tian and Lan Meng'er did not go back to the city from the alley, but went back by a side road.

In front of a snack bar, a man and a woman were sitting. The man was only wearing a long-sleeved summer dress. He looked at the woman at the table eating supper tenderly. The man's clothes beside the woman were lowered and his face was reddish. They were Liu Tian and Lan Menger.Liu Tian didn't take Lan Menger back to the hospital directly, but took her around to dispel her fear.

"You, why do you keep watching me eat? If you're hungry, you can order a bowl." Lan Menger felt Liu Tian's gaze and said with a blushing face.

"I'm not hungry, I'm just looking at you." Liu Tian chuckled and joked, "Haha, my girlfriend is really pretty, no wonder those three little bastards are so malicious."

"I, what's so good about me, besides, I'm not your girlfriend..." Lan Menger's snow-white face was dyed with a sunset glow, and even her fair jade neck and delicate ears were red.

"Ah?" Liu Tian pretended to be surprised: "You are not my girlfriend, so who is?"

"How do I know who it is? You have to ask yourself, anyway, I'm not." Lan Meng'er lowered her head.

"Meng'er, you can't play tricks, we have baby relatives, not to mention I risked my life to save you tonight, you should at least agree with me." Liu Tian continued to tease Lan Menger, to relax her mood, Remove the shadow in her heart.

"You and I……"

Lan Meng'er was so ashamed that she couldn't speak, and finally could only bury her head in eating supper, not daring to look at Liu Tian, ​​the owner of the snack bar watched this warm scene, and smiled silently.After Lan Menger finished supper, Liu Tian gently took her hand and walked towards the hospital.Lan Meng'er was held by Liu Tian, ​​she instinctively struggled a few times, but seeing that Liu Tian didn't intend to let go, she still held Liu Tian's hand, but her little face that had just faded from peach rosy had a layer of blush on it.

The two were like a couple, walking slowly on the street, and it took about an hour to reach the hospital.

The door of the hospital.

"Go back by yourself." Liu Tian said softly.

"Well, thank you tonight."

"This is what I should do. Who made you my girlfriend?"

"Hmph, you know you're taking advantage of me." Lan Meng'er said, her tone was like a little girl acting like a spoiled child, her face was flushed, and she peeked at Liu Tian shyly.

"Hey, then I'll go first, see you tomorrow morning." Liu Tian smiled coyly, looking at Lan Menger who had returned to normal, he knew that his efforts were not in vain.

"Wait." Lan Meng'er suddenly stopped Liu Tian: "Can you close your eyes for a while, it will be fine soon, soon."

Liu Tian smiled and closed his eyes.

A scent came, and before Liu Tian could react, two petals of soft and moist things touched his face lightly. When Liu Tian opened his eyes, Lan Menger had already run back to the hospital.

"Little girl, did you kiss me?" Liu Tian looked at Lan Menger's disappearing back and murmured in a low voice. The scent lingering around her nose and a little moisture on her face proved what happened just now.

As soon as he got home, Liu Tian saw a Sleeping Beauty——Liu Ruoxi.She fell asleep leaning on the sofa, her peerless face, beautiful sleeping posture, trembling eyelashes, extremely peaceful.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi..." Liu Tian called Liu Ruoxi softly.

"Huh?" Liu Ruoxi woke up in a daze, saw Liu Tian in front of her, and said happily, "Brother, are you back? Hee hee, Xiao Xi originally wanted to wait for you to come back, but unexpectedly fell asleep. "

"Go back to your room and sleep, honey, lack of sleep is not good for a girl's skin." Liu Tian's heart warmed.

"Brother hug me back, Xiaoxi is so sleepy, she doesn't want to move." Liu Ruoxi stretched out her hand to wrap around Liu Tian's neck, her eyes were full of happy smiles.

"Okay, you lazy pig."

Liu Tian gently hugged Liu Ruoxi's soft and boneless body, looked at Liu Ruoxi tenderly, and walked steadily towards the room.Opening the door, gently putting Liu Ruoxi on the bed, Liu Tian said softly: "Good night, brother, go take a bath first."


Seeing Liu Tian who was close at hand, Liu Ruoxi suddenly got up, kissed Liu Tian, ​​then hid in the bed, and whispered: "Brother, good night, Xiaoxi is asleep, and brother should go to bed early too."

"Yeah." Liu Tian was a little surprised that Liu Ruoxi kissed him, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he felt very warm. Liu Ruoxi would occasionally kiss him when she was happy when she was a child.

The next day, Liu Tian got up early, exercised, and after breakfast, he bought two breakfasts and rushed to the hospital.When they arrived at the hospital, Zhang Yunlan happened to be going out to buy breakfast, so Liu Tian handed her the breakfast directly and walked quickly towards the ward.

In the ward, Lan Meng'er looked at her father on the bed, but Liu Tian's face appeared in her mind, thinking of his teasing yesterday and the ambiguity before the hospital, her pretty face gradually turned red.


The door of the ward was opened, and the sound of the door opening awakened Lan Meng'er. Seeing Liu Tian walking in, her face turned even redder, apparently recalling yesterday's ambiguity.

"You, you're here?" Lan Menger's tone was slightly joyful.


Liu Tian sat down by the bed, and after a few words of comfort, he asked, "Has Uncle Lan's condition improved?"

Hearing this, Lan Meng'er's eyes were red again, and the crystal tears glistened: "No, my father's condition is, is, continuing to deteriorate..."

"It's okay, everything will pass, and I will always be with you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you so much between us." Liu Tian hugged Lan Meng'er lightly, giving her comfort and warmth.

"Cough cough." Suddenly, a cough sounded in the ward, and Lan Meng'er jumped out of Liu Tian's arms in fright, her little face turned red, her expression was really cute.

"Mom, why are you here?" Lan Menger looked at the visitor resentfully.

"Sigh." Zhang Yunlan sighed intentionally: "If the female college is not accepted, Mom won't be happy when she comes, that's all, that's all, mom left breakfast here, you go ahead, mom is leaving first."

"Mom..." Lan Meng'er said coquettishly, "I don't think she's happy about it."

"No? Mom saw someone looking at her mother resentfully." Zhang Yunlan continued to tease Lan Menger.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you." Lan Meng'er was furious, and sat down on the side of the bed shyly, her little face turned red again, she didn't dare to look at Liu Tian and Zhang Yunlan at all.

"Meng'er, are you angry? Mom is also very happy to see that you have found such a good boyfriend as Xiaotian."

"Mom!" Lan Menger almost died of embarrassment.

"Don't talk, don't talk." Zhang Yunlan smiled, but when she saw Lan Ming on the bed, sadness filled her brows again: "Meng'er, you are lucky to meet Xiaotian. If one day I find you Dad, I'm relieved too."

"Mom." Lan Menger hugged Zhang Yunlan tightly and said nervously, "Mom, don't leave Menger behind."

"Be good, mom won't abandon you." Zhang Yunlan said, looking at Lan Ming on the hospital bed with tender eyes: "I want to accompany your dad, and your dad won't agree, don't worry."

Lan Menger nodded.

Liu Tian sighed, and after returning home, he directly logged into the game.

In the small courtyard, the dead old man was walking back and forth, with a faint look of anxiety on his face, muttering in his mouth: "Nephew, you must come, as long as you come, the uncle was arrested by the emperor for robbing the tomb this time." It's all right."


The courtyard door opened, Liu Tian walked in, the dead old man came to Liu Tian as if he had seen Bao, and said courteously: "Nephew, you are finally here, I will trouble you this time."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

"Okay!" The dead old man didn't talk nonsense, and took out seven jade stones carved with strange runes and placed them on the ground.


Seven jade stones turned into seven celestial lights and danced in the void, and as the old man waved his shriveled hands, the seven celestial lights gathered in the void to form a gate leading to a foreign realm.

"This is the domain gate leading to the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum."

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