Chapter 305 Stone Man Formation

A domain gate with lingering celestial light appeared in the midair of the backyard, and a vast and mysterious atmosphere overflowed from it. 26nbsp;

Looking at the domain gate, the dead old man nodded in satisfaction and said: "Martial nephew, let's go, as long as we cross the domain gate, we can directly reach the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum."

"Old man, is it easy to enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum?" Liu Tian asked.

"Easy?" The dead old man glanced at Liu Tian contemptuously: "Up to now, no more than ten people have been able to enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum by themselves. And you have to know how to open it."

After finishing speaking, the dead old man waved his arm directly, and a road of immortal light sprinkled on the domain gate, leading the two of them.


As soon as the two entered the domain gate, their figures disappeared immediately. At the same time, the domain gate also began to shrink, and disappeared in midair in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

In a flickering space, two white lights appeared out of thin air, and two figures, one old and one young, slowly appeared in the white light.

"Where is this?" Liu Tian asked, looking at this weird space.

"I can't say." The dead old man curled his lips: "I don't know how this space exists. Anyway, every time I go to the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, I have to pass through here. Alright, you stand aside first."


Liu Tian moved lightly, stepped aside, and set his eyes on the dead old man.At some point, two black beads appeared in the dead old man's hands, and mysterious runes were also engraved on the beads. The dead old man gave a soft scold, and the two beads slowly flew into the void. With a bang, the two beads shattered, Two black wind vortices formed.

"Entering the mausoleum vortex, we can only be considered to have reached the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, and that is also the beginning of danger, but you don't have to worry if I'm here."

The dead old man turned his head and said, pulling casually, Liu Tian's body involuntarily flew into a mausoleum vortex, and his figure was submerged by the vortex in the blink of an eye.The dead old man walked leisurely step by step, stepping into another mausoleum vortex gracefully.

"Hey, I'm here again." In the space, the old man's words slowly spread and dispersed.

Liu Tian's eyes darkened, just as he was about to scold his mother, his eyes lit up immediately, his eyesight returned to normal, and he was shocked physically and mentally when he saw the environment he was in clearly.

This is a martial arts arena, to be precise, it is a martial arts arena in a valley. Except for the martial arts arena the size of a football field, it is surrounded by continuous mountains. When you look up, you can see the blue sky.

"Damn, where is this place? Could it be that the dead old man teleported wrongly?" Liu Tian was startled and couldn't help cursing.

"Martial nephew, how could the uncle send the wrong message? This is indeed the underground palace of the imperial tomb. The underground palace of the imperial tomb is the imperial tomb of the Huaxia Dynasty. Naturally, the more dangerous the better, this is the Stone Man Formation, a place like a martial arts arena. It's a picture of the Stone Man Formation, and the uncle has gone through it many times, and the nephew just needs to follow the uncle." The dead old man suddenly appeared beside Liu Tian, ​​and when he heard Liu Tian slander him, he said hastily.


Liu Tian nodded, suddenly his feet trembled, as if an earthquake was about to occur: "Damn old man, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the stone men came out. Let's wait for them to come out." The dead old man said confidently.

Seeing this, Liu Tian didn't say anything, just stared around.


The stone man formation rumbled, like a giant thunder echoing in the ears. Suddenly, a round platform with a size of five or six square meters protruded from the center of the field, and then under Liu Tian's horrified eyes, a ten-meter-high stone man appeared Slowly rise under the round platform, and finally stand on the round platform.

"Uh, is this a stone man?" Liu Tian was embarrassed: "This is clearly a stone giant!"

"Stone giant, referred to as stone man."

"Old man, is this the only stone man?" Liu Tian asked cautiously, he had no doubt that this stone man could instantly kill him with one blow.

"Not only, but not many, only 28."

"Fuck! Old man, if something happens to me later, you will be responsible!"

A hidden smile flashed in the eyes of the dead old man, and he said meaningfully: "Nephew, you have to believe in the strength of the uncle, there are only 28 stone figures in the area, last time I was almost split in two by the king of stone figures in the center!" It's only half, it's okay."

"Damn old man, I remember you!"

While the two were talking, 27 round platforms protruded from the stone figure formation, but they were slightly smaller than the central one. The stone man standing on the round platform was only seven or eight meters high, and his momentum was much weaker.

"Boy, don't go 'random'. Once the Stone Man Formation is activated, it can attack from all directions without any blind spots. Ordinary people can only enter with a dead end. Fortunately, Master, I am not an ordinary person." The dead old man said calmly.

"Cut!" Liu Tian raised his middle finger and rolled his eyes. He felt the urge to beat the old man to death, but he still endured it. Who made the old man be a master here?

"The Stone Man Formation hasn't been opened yet, why don't we leave?"

The dead old man curled his lips: "To enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, it is necessary to pass through the stone man formation, and once you enter the stone man formation map, you will not be able to leave unless you break through the formation. Be careful, the stone man formation is activated!"

The dead old man's expression suddenly became serious, Liu Tian heard the sound and looked at the 28 stone figures around him, and sure enough, all 28 stone figures moved.


The stone man king was the first to move out, holding a huge stone spear, and came roaringly, and the other 27 stone men followed suit, pressing towards Liu Tian and the dead old man. At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, and the world changed color. !

"Kill!" This is a strange syllable merged into a shocking killing sound. The 28 stone figures all slashed out one blow, activating the aura of heaven and earth. Quiet, all attacked Liu Tian and the dead old man.

The 28 attacks, seemingly ordinary, actually cover all directions, and the 28 attacks pull each other, complement each other, forming a strange force, making the dead old man and Liu Tian in the 28 attacks seem to be in a swamp, step by step step difficult!

"Kid, follow me! You are safe within five steps of me."

The dead old man quickly instructed Liu Tian, ​​and took out a dull bronze mirror from his bosom.

Liu Tian knew this bronze mirror. It was temporarily lent to him by a friend of the dead old man in the main city of Qinglong. When the dead old man used this bronze mirror to break into the underground palace of the imperial tomb, the bronze mirror was almost destroyed.And misfortunes never come singly, that time the dead old man was caught by the emperor again, and the items he borrowed were almost confiscated.


The dead old man reached out and wiped the bronze mirror, and the mirror surface of the bronze mirror immediately turned into clear water, sparkling.The dead old man twitched his palm, as if playing a piano, one after another clear light shot out of the bronze mirror, meeting one of the 28 attacks.

Under seven or eight consecutive attacks of clear light, one of the 28 attacks finally collapsed.The dead old man relaxed slightly, turned his head and said to Liu Tian: "Look at my steps, if you take a wrong step, you will be cut to pieces by 27 attacks."


The dead old man took a hard step forward, in the opposite direction of the attack that was destroyed by the dead old man.Seeing this, Liu Tian also took a step hastily, but he almost couldn't keep up with the dead old man, it was extremely difficult to move his hands and feet in the formation of stone men, let alone walking?

swoosh swish...

The speed of the 27 attacks was neither fast nor slow. After Liu Tian and the dead old man took two or three steps, they finally approached them. Each attack instantly split into two attacks, forming a large net in the blink of an eye, killing them from all directions.

The dead old man held a mirror and drew a circle in front of, behind, and on both sides. The big bronze mirror, which was very similar to the bronze mirror on all sides, condensed in front of, behind, and on both sides of the dead old man. The human attacks flew backwards after hitting the four big bronze mirrors.

"What's going on?" Liu Tian was surprised.

"Break the formation first, talk later, remember, you must follow me closely."

While speaking, the old man took another step, and Liu Tian hurriedly followed, but every step took a lot of energy from him, if this continued, he might be exhausted to death first.


The strange killing sound sounded from the stone man formation again. This was not from the stone man's gate, but the interaction between the stone man's killing intention and the stone man formation, which could disturb and deter the stone man formation. The mind of the Chinese creature just has no effect on the dead old man and Liu Tian.

After killing the sound, there was the rumbling sound of thunder, and the 28 stone men moved in unison. They did not launch long-range attacks, but prepared to fight in close quarters, slowly compressing the range of activities of Liu Tian and the old man!

"Take it." The dead old man casually threw the bronze mirror to Liu Tian who was behind him, and took out a stone nail and stone hammer.

Liu Tian hurriedly caught the bronze mirror, before he could complain, the old man's voice came.

"Boy, as soon as I smash the stone man king in the center, you take advantage of the chaos of the power of the earth in the stone man array and lose the pinning effect, immediately run towards the round platform under the stone man throne. The round platform is actually A teleportation array, you jump on the round platform directly, remember to be quick, once the stone man king is broken, he will recover soon." The dead old man put the head of the stone nail on the ground, and raised the stone hammer high with his right hand.

"how about you?"

"I'm back!"

"Uncle, is this not good?" Liu Tian said, "However, I will not disappoint Uncle, I will definitely rush to Yuantai as quickly as possible!"


A ear-piercing scream sounded suddenly, the dead old man had already hammered the stone hammer heavily on the stone nails, and the stone nails were heavily nailed on the stone man formation.


In an instant, the stone nails fired 28 bolts of lightning, which struck the 28 stone statues through the image of the stone figure formation, and one of the extremely thick lightning bolts directly blasted towards the stone figure formation.

With a bang, the stone man king was actually shattered by this lightning strike. The other 27 stone figures just stopped in shape under the lightning attack, unable to move forward half a step.


Liu Tian was already ready to run, when the stone man formation was shattered, he immediately activated the switch, walked alone on the sword demon, and plundered towards the round platform under the stone man's throne.

"Old man, goodbye. If you die, I will burn incense for you on this day next year." Liu Tian mourned for the dead old man in his heart, turned his head, and wanted to see the dead old man for the last time.

It's just that when he turned his head, he was immediately startled, and the dead old man disappeared.When he turned his head, he was startled again, the old man was already standing by the round platform and looking at him with a smile.

"Damn!" Liu Tian couldn't help but swear again.

"Hurry up, the stone man king is about to recover."

The dead old man picked his nose and said, Liu Tian was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but when he saw that the stone chips of the Stone Man King had started to gather, his grief and anger immediately turned into motivation, he rushed to the round platform and jumped down.The moment Liu Tian jumped down, the dead old man also jumped down.

With a flash of white light, Liu Tian and the dead old man appeared in a dark passage.

"Okay, I'm finally out of the Stone Man Formation, old man, the Stone Man Formation isn't strong either." Liu Tiankai said during the day.

The dead old man lit a torch and said: "Not strong, if I didn't have the bronze mirror in your hand and the lightning hammer and lightning nail in my hand, I would not be able to escape from the Stone Man Formation. In the Stone Man Formation , not only is it difficult for people to move, but even the attack is extremely slow, and the long-range attack will also be weakened during the attack."

"What are the functions of the bronze mirror, Thunderstone Hammer, and Thunderstone Nail?"

"The Bronze Mirror, Thunderbolt Hammer, and Thunderbolt Nail will not be affected by the Stone Man Formation. The Bronze Mirror can attack from a distance and reflect the attack. The combination of the Thunderbolt Hammer and the Thunderbolt Nail can blast out special thunder and lightning intertwined paralysis Stone man, crush the stone man king. Because of them, we have a chance to escape from the stone man formation, do you really think that the imperial mausoleum and underground palace are places for tourists? This is also a veritable dangerous place."

After walking for a few minutes, Liu Tian and the dead old man reached the end of the passage.At the end of the passage was a door, Liu Tian stepped forward and pushed it lightly, the door came immediately, behind the door was a forest.

"What is this place?"

"'Misty' soul forest."

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