The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 307 The Sky-eyed Demon Sable

Chapter 307 The Sky-eyed Demon Sable

In the forest of 'lost' souls, Liu Tian held a compass and looked around vigilantly. 26nbsp;The dead old man muttered in his mouth, and took out a stone compass from his arms.There are four characters engraved on one side of this compass, which are leading, killing, breaking and destroying.

The dead old man bit his middle finger and muttered, "Damn it, it's not worth bleeding yourself."

The dead old man looked at the gloomy environment around him, and imprinted his bleeding middle finger on the broken characters on the stone compass in dissatisfaction. Immediately, the broken characters glowed with golden light, and the stone compass swept out a golden light curtain.The golden light curtain disappeared into the gloomy forest and never appeared again.

"Damn, it's useless? Old man Lin, this treasure is not expired, is it?" the dead old man muttered alone.


Suddenly, a strange cry spread slowly in the forest, and Liu Tian hurriedly put the compass on his chest in fright: "The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable is here? I don't know where the old man has gone."

"Oops, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable is approaching, it seems that we can't do bloodletting today."

The dead old man circulated his true qi, forcing the blood to gather on his middle finger, and a bloody arrow shot out from the middle finger, hitting the words Yin and Po on the stone compass successively.


The golden light of the stone compass swept out eighteen golden curtains one after another. The eighteen golden curtains scattered around like fireworks, but disappeared in the forest of lost souls in a blink of an eye.


The dead old man pointed his middle finger on the quotation marks of the stone compass again, and a dazzling golden light flickered in the forest, and all the eighteen golden curtains that disappeared flew back, forming a giant golden sword in mid-air, and slashed in the air.The void was torn open like a piece of paper, the old man saw Liu Tian through the crack, he gave a light chirp, and the quotation flashed light again, sweeping out a golden light, pulling Liu Tian from the crack to the old man.

"Old man, are you still alive?" Liu Tian was imprisoned by the golden light. He originally thought that a catastrophe was imminent, but he didn't expect that it was the dead old man who manipulated all of this, so he immediately called out happily.

The dead old man was almost bleeding from Liu Tiantian, and he said angrily: "Damn boy, do you want me to die? Hmph, if I die, you will not be far from death!"

"Ahem, why would I want Master to die?"

"If you don't want to die, stand behind me quickly, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable has already started attacking."

The dead old man looked solemn, opened his mouth and bit his index finger, and printed his middle finger and index finger on the characters "broken" and "destroyed" respectively. A huge golden beam of light rushed out of the stone compass and blasted into the air.


The golden beam of light shattered and shattered the psychedelic power in one fell swoop, the void immediately shattered like glass, the illusory space slowly dissipated, and the surroundings returned to the appearance of entering the psychedelic forest.

"Old man, where is the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable? Will it sneak attack?" Liu Tian looked around cautiously and asked.

"I don't know, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable is the master of the 'Misty' Soul Forest, it can turn into any 'Miscellaneous' Soul Tree, it can appear if it wants to appear, and it can hide if it wants to hide." The dead old man paused: " However, we don’t have to worry too much, as long as the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable is within four meters of us, the Dao Stone Compass in my hand will give an early warning.”

What the old man said made Liu Tian's complexion a little better, but it was still ugly.

puff puff...

Suddenly, the compass in the hands of Liu Tian and the old man vibrated crazily, and they almost dropped their hands.

"Old man, is the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable here?" Liu Tian nervously glanced around.

"No, it should be the ancient corpse war spirit." The dead old man's expression became more dignified: "The ancient corpse war spirit is a group of souls with unparalleled combat power, and this is also the handwriting of the emperor who replaced the formation eye." Fan Although the "fantasy" power of the "soul forest" is powerful, its attack power can only be regarded as reluctant. In order to enhance the attack power of the "misty" soul forest, the emperor detained a group of extremely powerful fighting spirits in the "miserable" forest. In the Soul Forest, they are now under the control of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, and they have come out."

Liu Tian asked: "Master, can you beat it?"

"Damn, fight with them? Am I looking for smoke? They were strong people before they were alive, and they have been nourished in the 'lost' soul forest for many years, and their soul bodies are more solid. If they swarm up, we will be torn apart immediately." See Looking at Liu Tian's ugly face, the dead old man chuckled: "However, they are souls now, and there are many things that can restrain them, such as the Dao stone compass in my hand. With it, any ancient corpse war soul Don’t dare to attack rashly, unless it wants to fly away.”

In the forest, a black shadow rushed towards the two of them in an instant.Just as Liu Tianshen's 'color' was about to calm down, he changed his 'color' again.

"This, is this the ancient corpse battle spirit?"

A black shadow exuding black air stood in front of the two of them. Gradually, the black air dissipated, and the black shadow revealed its real body. It was a ruthless man in a black battle suit.It stood seven or eight meters in front of the two of them, like a mountain, with a majestic momentum that made people breathless.

"Yes, it is the ancient corpse war spirit." The dead old man nodded: "The ancient corpse war spirit is exactly the same as the one in life, just like they are reborn, but one is the soul body and the other is the flesh body."

swish swish swish...

A series of black shadows flitted in front of the two of them from all over the forest of lost souls, and then dissipated their ghostly aura, revealing bodies in black battle suits and cruel faces.

"One, two, three..." Liu Tian counted the number of ancient corpse war spirits: "Twenty, 21... 36!"

"Damn, old man, I haven't met a single ancient corpse war spirit in the past few times. This time, I not only met 36 ancient corpse war spirits, but also encountered the Sky Eye Demon Sable." The dead old man gave Liu Tian a resentful look. , Said faintly: "Nephew, to be honest, did you have sex with the wife of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, or why I have passed here three times and have not encountered such a situation."

"Get lost! I extremely suspect that you molested the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable the last time you passed by here, and now it has asked you to take responsibility, uncle, you just let it go." Liu Tian cursed angrily, and then laughed sinisterly.

"..." The old man looked at Liu Tian resentfully again.


At this time, a beast cry came again, which immediately made the expressions of the two of them sink.Liu Tian looked in the direction of the beast's cry, and what imprinted in his eyes was a strange little mink.This little mink is covered in snow white, its hair is more crystal clear than jade, and it is extremely handsome. In addition to its hair, its two pupils full of bewitching power are also extremely eye-catching.There is a bulging crack on its forehead, which is the magic pupil.

"Its speed is so fast!"

Liu Tian hadn't had time to admire the beauty of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, but was shocked by the speed of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable. Its speed was as fast as teleportation. One second it was on this tree, and the next second it appeared on the tree in front of it. tree.If Liu Tian hadn't vaguely seen a very faint shadow passing by, he would definitely think that the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable was teleporting.

While disappearing and reappearing, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable came to a "miserable" soul tree in front of the two of them, and looked at them with two-eyed demon eyes.

"Uncle, how are we going to escape later?" Liu Tian's scalp felt numb from the sight of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, and he just wanted to leave immediately.

"Ahem, nephew, we don't have to run away today."


"The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable will take action in person. These ancient corpse war spirits are here to stop us and prevent us from escaping. Otherwise, the ancient corpse war spirits will attack before the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable arrives."

As if to confirm the dead old man's words, the Sky Eye Demon Sable let out a low cry, and the 36 ancient corpse war spirits moved one after another, each occupying a 'lost' soul tree, surrounding the two of them.

"Old man, you crow's mouth, you really hit the mark." Liu Tian couldn't help but cry.

The dead old man said seriously: "Bite your finger, and put your finger on the piece of white jade in the center of the compass in your hand, it will release the protective cover to protect you."

"Oh, oh." Liu Tian did as he did, and when he stamped his bloody index finger on the jade in the center of the compass, the compass shook and flew up above Liu Tian, ​​hovering over his head, releasing a layer of jade white 'The light mask covers Liu Tian in it.

"Huh." The dead old man let out a long sigh of relief, turned the true energy in his body, mixed with blood and overflowed the index finger and middle finger.

As if knowing that the dead old man was going to attack, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's double-pupil magic eyes suddenly opened, arousing the psychedelic power of the Lost Soul Forest. Suddenly, the scene in front of the dead old man changed into an endless desert.


The desert trembled, and a ten-meter-long centipede flew out of the desert and rushed towards the dead old man.At the same time, a huge goshawk that covered the sky and the sun also swooped in.


The dead old man's eyes were shining brightly, his index finger and middle finger were printed on the two characters "Mie" and "Bro" at the same time, and he swept out a golden sword that stretched to the sky.He didn't dare to be careless, the phantom array was illusory and real, and what seemed illusory might actually exist.

This phantom space was shattered by the golden sword, and finally fell apart like a piece of paper, and the dead old man returned to the "lost" soul forest.

"Uncle, help me..."

The dead old man was complacent about breaking through the attack of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable, when he suddenly heard Liu Tian's cry for help, he hurriedly turned around, and immediately saw seven or eight ancient corpses and war spirits besieging Liu Tian, ​​and the shield released by the compass was on the verge of breaking , Liu Tian's life is in danger.

"Damn, let go of that boy, he's coming at me!"

The old man let out a righteous shout, and ran towards Liu Tian, ​​with his index finger imprinted on the word "kill" on the Daoshi compass.To drive away the spirit of the ancient corpse, the attack of the Daoshi Compass is more effective.

Sure enough, after the Daoshi compass swept out a piece of golden light, the ancient corpse's battle spirit retreated in shock.The dead old man breathed a sigh of relief, the secret path was very dangerous, Liu Tian was not only a guarantee that he would be safe and sound after entering the imperial mausoleum and underground palace this time, but also Liu Tian was also the apprentice of Chasing Sword, if Liu Tian died, Chasing Sword would definitely not let go over him.

"Boy, come here quickly."

"Okay." Liu Tian grinned and ran towards the dead old man.


The dead old man's face suddenly changed, he remembered the defensive power of the compass in Liu Tian's hand, how could seven or eight ancient corpse war spirits almost break the defense of the compass in this short period of time?

"Grass, all of this is fake, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable really lives up to its reputation."

The dead old man clicked the broken characters on the Dao stone compass five times, a golden ripple came from the Dao stone compass, the illusion space was immediately destroyed, and the dead old man returned to the "Misty" Soul Forest, looking at it with lingering fear. He glanced at Liu Tian, ​​holding a Daoshi compass to guard against the disappearing Sky-Eyed Demon Sable.

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu's special road stone compass is not bad, otherwise I would really fall here today."


Just when the dead old man was rolling his eyes ghostly, the five ancient corpses moved, and they even rushed towards Liu Tian, ​​chopping out an invincible black light with one hand.

The dead old man glanced casually, and no longer focused on Liu Tian. He knew that the defensive power of the compass on Liu Tian's head could last for a while in the face of five ancient corpse battle spirits.But just as he turned his head back, his face changed again, and the Sky Eyed Demon Sable appeared again, and even went to kill Liu Tian.

"Damn, this kid is not Xiangmomo, why does everyone like him?"

The dead old man let out a mournful cry, injected the true energy in his body into the Dao stone compass, and once again printed his index finger on the word "kill" on the Dao stone compass, eighteen golden swords rushed out of the compass, killing the sky-eyed Demon Diao with a murderous look. .

Suddenly, the Daoshi compass in the dead old man's hand shook suddenly, and a golden shield instantly protected the dead old man.


The dead old man was knocked into the air by a huge force. Fortunately, the protective cover released by the Daoshi compass protected him, and there was no serious problem.Looking at the gradually shattered space around and the Sky-eyed Demon Sable squatting on a tree, the dead old man cried out again:

"I was lied to again, all this was just an illusion, Sky Eye Demon Sable, I xxoo your sister, I don't know how to respect elders!"

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