The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 308 Demon Eyes

Chapter 308

Liu Tian looked at the dead old man who was standing motionless at the same place, and then suddenly flew upside down, and asked suspiciously: "Uncle, do you have a fever? Do you like self-torture?"

"Damn, old man, I'm fighting to the death with the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, and you kid is talking sarcasticly next to me. I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off." The dead old man blew his beard and stared, extremely displeased.

"Uh, uncle, I was wrong, you go on, you go on..." Liu Tian muttered in a low voice, "Masochistic."

In his eyes, the dead old man flew out by himself, not self-torture, what is it?


The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable squatting on the "Misty" Soul Tree uttered a clear and clear magic sound again, the power of "Psychedelic" surged out, and the eyes of the dead old man gradually became "confuse". Fortunately, the Dao Stone Compass shot a golden light ' entered between his eyebrows, his body shook, his eyes became clear, and Liu Tian, ​​under the protection of the compass, never felt anything unusual.

"Almost got it right again, the psychedelic power of the Sky-Eyed Sable is too strong." The dead old man muttered, staring at the Sky-eyed Sable defensively.

The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's figure flashed away more than ten times, and finally stopped on a "miserable" soul tree in front of the dead old man. The double-eyed demon eyes released a horizontal ripple like a water wave. The dead old man hadn't moved yet. Then he saw earth-shaking changes taking place in the surrounding environment, and the "Ecstasy" trees shifted, and an ancient corpse war spirit stood in front of each "Ecstasy" tree.

"This is a big trouble."

The dead old man turned the Daoshi compass to one side. On the top, bottom, left, and right sides of this side, there are engraved green dragons, white tigers, red birds, and basalts. There are four elephants in total, each holding one side.In the center of the guard of the four elephants, the word reincarnation is engraved.

"Come here." The dead old man waved to Liu Tian.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

Touching the Daoshi compass with his right hand, the dead old man squinted his eyes: "Be careful yourself, the "Misty" Soul Forest and the Ancient Corpse War Soul have been perfectly integrated, and the "Mission" Soul Forest Magic Formation has been promoted to "Mission" Fantasy, The phantom formation that attacks one body, we are all in this phantom formation, you may also be attacked, but logically speaking, you will not be attacked."

"Why didn't you attack me?" Liu Tian was puzzled.

"Because you are too weak, as long as you take one blow, you will die immediately." The dead old man hit Liu Tian mercilessly.

"Your sister!" Liu Tian could only look at the dead old man angrily, he is indeed very weak now.

"Damn boy, come here."

"What's the matter?" Liu Tian approached the dead old man reluctantly.

"It's a matter of life and death." The dead old man pulled Liu Tian past him, and reached out his hand to touch the center of Liu Tian's eyebrows. A very thin golden thread immediately extended from the Daoshi compass to the center of Liu Tian's eyebrows.

"In this way, we can be attacked together. Otherwise, as long as you bear a wave of attacks by yourself, you will definitely die immediately."



The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable let out a low cry, Liu Tian only felt the space around him be distorted crazily, and his head was dizzy, and the next moment he and the dead old man appeared in an ancient battlefield.

On the bleak ancient battlefield, dark red soil can be seen everywhere. This is the color of blood stained red. Withered bones and remnants were randomly discarded on this battlefield, and endless resentment floated in the air , There is a battle song echoing faintly.

Suddenly, Liu Tian's body trembled, and a look of horror flickered in his eyes.In front of him, a blood-haired man was holding a blood-red divine sword, and stepped forward in the air, with an astonishing killing intent in his eyes.

"This, this, why did he appear here? Could it be..." Liu Tian's body trembled involuntarily. He had seen this blood-haired man before, when the Killing Star Sword was upgraded to the Killing Life Sword!The scene of the blood-haired man stepping into the air was so similar to the scene he had seen before.

"Could it be that the dizziness just now was because the Sky Eye Demon Sable stole my memory?" Liu Tian murmured, reaching behind his back with his right hand to 'touch' the Killing Sword.

"Who is this person?" The dead old man frowned, he felt as if he had seen this person somewhere.

When the blood-haired man took another step, he finally raised the blood-red divine sword and slashed out with a shocking strike.

Liu Tian's pupils shrank, this sword was the one the blood-haired man used when he shattered the Senluo Temple, no matter the movement or the momentum, it was as if it had been done!

"Fuck, how is it possible? This sword is actually real!" The dead old man cursed, his face changed in surprise. He originally wanted to take Liu Tian to avoid it. If it is true, then he will have to spend a lot of time.It's just that when he was about to lead Liu Tian to dodge, the killing intent locked on him.

"Destroy the Four Elephants"

The dead old man didn't have time to think about it, he circulated his true energy, moved his fingers repeatedly, and tapped on the four elephants of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu one after another, and then turned over the stone compass, with two fingers imprinted on the characters broken and destroyed.

The dragon chants, the tiger howls, the blue dragon and the white tiger jump out of the Dao stone compass, Suzaku and Xuanwu also rush out of the Dao stone compass, and the four holy beasts converge in the void to form a four-element formation to fight against the blood-haired man. sword.

"Too fierce!" Liu Tian was stunned and murmured in a low voice. He was not praising the dead old man's four-element formation, but marveling at the blood-haired man's sword.

With one strike, everything was annihilated, the four-element array was torn apart, the four-element wailed, and dissipated into the void. The dead old man took advantage of the four-element array to resist the shocking sword, and pulled Liu Tian's collar in embarrassment. side.

"Impossible, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's attack cannot be so strong." The dead old man frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Reincarnation!"

An old finger slowly imprinted on the word "Samsara" on the Daoshi compass, and the Daoshi compass turned into a jade color. It escaped from the dead old man's hand and flew to the blood-haired man's head, and quickly became bigger, like Millstone, rolling down!


The dead old man yelled violently, and the descending speed of the Daoshi compass suddenly increased, and it was suddenly suppressed on the blood-haired man.


Liu Tian was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the scene in front of him: the blood-haired man was torn apart by the Dao stone compass, and these shattered bodies were scattered into 36 ancient corpse war spirits and the sky-eyed demon mink.

"No wonder, no wonder it's so powerful. It turns out that the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable has gathered the power of 36 ancient corpse war spirits." The dead old man took a breath, caught the Dao stone compass that flew back, and said, "Fortunately, Old Man Lin's way The stone compass is easy to use, otherwise there will be death and no life this time."

The Sky-Eyed Demon Sable looked at the dead old man angrily, and screamed strangely. The 36 ancient corpse war spirits came to kill them all as if they had heard the order.

"Boy, don't be afraid, Master is here." Seeing Liu Tian's color change due to killing all the ancient corpses and war spirits, the dead old man smiled happily, tapped his fingers four times, and the four images appeared in the void again On the ground, quickly formed a four-element formation, trapping all 36 ancient corpse war spirits in it.

"Hey, since you guys are looking for torture, then I'm not going to be polite." The dead old man smiled, and tapped his fingers eighteen times like on a road stone compass, then pointed to the four-element array, turned to Liu Tian and said: "Damn boy , let's watch a play."

Hearing this, Liu Tian frowned slightly and looked towards the Four Elephant Formation, wanting to see what 'medicine' was sold in the dead old man's gourd.

Four beast cries resounded through the ancient battlefield, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu each opened their mouths to spit out a beam of golden light.Four beams of light converged in the sky, instantly turning into a giant golden net to press down.


Liu Tian's originally suspicious expression turned into shock after being pressed down by the giant golden net. For horror.

"Hey, they are soul bodies, they are considered ghosts, and they actually act wildly in front of my Taoist treasure, and don't let them suffer. They don't know how powerful the Dao stone compass is!" The dead old man boasted.

"Uncle, let's just destroy them, and then take in the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable." Liu Tian smiled obsequiously.

"Fuck off! Your dog beating depends on the owner. This is the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, the emperor's territory! However, after this attack, these ancient corpses and war spirits will not rest for a month or two, so they don't want to regain their victory." status. As for the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, if you want to die, you can take it.”


A soaring roar suddenly resounded through the ancient battlefield, Liu Tian and the dead old man looked for the sound.Then he looked at the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's wide eyes, glaring at the two of them, the bewitching psychedelic power surged out, Liu Tian saw that the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's eyes turned into black whirlpools, Then, groups of beauties ran towards him, Yingying Yanyan, subdued to tempt him!

"Damn! This dead mink really peeped into my memory!" This was what Liu Tian said before losing consciousness.

Looking at Liu Tian who was stunned by his palm, the dead old man smiled triumphantly: "Looking at the look on your face, you must have seen something you shouldn't be seeing, you should lie here obediently, Otherwise, when the Sky Eye Demon Sable opens its magic pupils, you will definitely be controlled."

"Bring to kill and shatter!"

The dead old man put away his smile, and made a decisive move. He used the four characters of killing and destroying together, and saw the sky-eyed demon groaned, and a trace of blood flowed from the double-eyed demon eyes.


A black light flashed between the sky and the earth, like a divine sword unsheathed, the Sky Eye Demon Sable finally opened its magic pupils, and a black eye appeared on its forehead, like a black hole, so black and scary!

Although the dead old man had prepared for a long time and used the Dao stone compass to hold on to the altar, he was extremely clear, but at the moment when the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable opened his magic pupils, his mind was still lost, and was forcibly controlled by the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable to disconnect him from the four-element formation. Immediately, 36 ancient corpse war spirits burst out.

"Depend on!"

With the help of the Daoshi Compass, the old man finally broke the control of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable, but when he saw the 36 escaped ancient corpse war spirits, he still couldn't help but curse out. Show mercy, but they will not show mercy to it.

"Your sister, do you think it's easy for me to trap ancient corpses and war spirits? You just let them out like this!"

The dead old man pointed at the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable angrily, swearing and chattering like a shrew.It's just that the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable directly ignored him, and ordered the 36 ancient corpses to unite as one!

swoosh swish...

In the dazed eyes of the dead old man, 36 ancient corpse battle spirits merged into one, becoming a super battle spirit unconsciously controlled by the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable!

"Use more to bully the less! I also have helpers!" The dead old man angrily summoned Si Xiang, and under his command, Si Xiang went to kill the Super Fighting Spirit and the Sky-eyed Demon Sable.


The dead old man turned around resolutely at the moment when Sixiang was attacking the Super Battle Spirit and the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable, picked up Liu Tian, ​​flipped his fingers, broke the illusion space, and ran wildly.


The four elephants were smashed to pieces by the ancient corpse war spirit as soon as they met each other. The sky-eyed demon mink's pupils shone with a bewildering brilliance. Looking at Liu Tian, ​​who was carried by the dead old man on his shoulders, he let out a low cry and led the super war spirit towards him. The dead old man chased after him.

In less than a moment, the dead old man was successfully caught up by the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable with the power of the "Misty" Soul Forest.The super fighting spirit pointed in the air, and a black light shot out immediately, hitting the dead old man, caught off guard, the dead old man was knocked into the air, and Liu Tian also fell aside.

"I can't run, let me fight!" The dead old man got up from the ground unhappily, and glanced jealously at Liu Tian, ​​who was protected by the compass and was safe and sound. and Super Soul.

"Roar..." The super battle spirit directly confronted the dead old man, and the dead old man followed the principle of peace as the most important thing, and did not confront the super battle spirit head-on, but fled around, waiting for the super battle spirit to be divided into 36 ancient corpse war spirits.


When the dead old man was entangled with the super battle spirit, the Sky Eyed Demon Sable moved, and rushed to Liu Tian in an instant, closed the double magic eyes, and the opened magic pupils began to glow with black light.

"Damn, it's so shameless to make such a noise."

The dead old man shouted, and fled towards Liu Tian. He was not worried about Liu Tian, ​​because he knew the defensive power of the compass, and the Sky-eyed Demon Sable would never be able to break through it in a short time.It's just that the next scene made him panic immediately.

The magic pupil on the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's forehead unexpectedly broke away from the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable's forehead, sank into the protective cover of the compass, and rushed into the center of Liu Tian's eyebrows.

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