The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 309 God-killing order to show power

Chapter 309 God-killing order to show power

In the forest of 'lost' souls, Liu Tian was lying on the ground, mouth poking, sleeping soundly. 26nbsp;It's just that there is a crack healing between his eyebrows, which is a bit scary. This crack is the trace left when the magic pupil entered his brain.

"Fuck, get the hell out of here!" The dead old man was furious, he controlled the compass with his big hand, and ruthlessly threw at the super battle spirit who was entangled with him, wanting to repel the super battle spirit first and rescue Liu Tian.If something happened to Liu Tian, ​​he couldn't be responsible.It's just that the super battle spirit has already received the order of the sky-eyed demon mink, and it will not leave the dead old man. For a while, the dead old man can't do anything to the super war spirit.

Leaving aside the dead old man for the time being, the camera shifted to Sky-eyed Demon Diao and Liu Tian.At this moment, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable still has its eyes closed, eternally motionless, like a jade statue, but a strange picture is present in its mind at this moment.

A vast, chaotic space, everything here is blood-red, only a little bit of clarity in the far distance.In this blood-red space, a black light is flying at extreme speed.This black light is exactly the magic pupil of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable!Everything the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable sees is what the Demon Eye feeds back, and this is Liu Tian's mind.This place is about to be overwhelmed by the violent massacre, and there is only a little bit of clarity. If even this bit of clarity is submerged by the massacre, then Liu Tian will become a human slaughter like Bai Qi. Of course, the premise of human slaughter is that Liu Tian's strength is strong enough not to be destroyed by others.

The magic pupil has been flying for an unknown amount of time, and it came to the place where the blood is the most intense, and this place is also the center of Liu Tian's brain.Here, Motong saw two strange artifacts floating in the air.A token and a sword.The token itself is completely black, but the end is stained with a trace of blood red for some reason, it is of course the Killing God Token.And the "mind" face next to the killing god order is the matching sword that "shot" into Liu Tian's head when Jiancheng Jianzong taught Liu Tian the three sword arrays.

The magic pupil flashed a strange black light. It wanted to bypass these two strange artifacts, reach the deepest part of its mind, obtain the memory of this body, and explore the mysteries of this body, but it did not dare. It clearly felt that killing God's order and the 'mini' little sword threatened it.

'Mi' soul forest.

The tightly closed eyes of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable opened, and then closed again.Liu Tian on the ground was still in a coma and didn't know anything.

Liu Tian's brain.

The magic pupil seemed to have made up its mind, and the black light flickered. In an instant, the magic pupil, which was originally only the size of a crack, turned into a black hole-like existence, and slowly moved behind the God of Killing Token and the mini sword. There was Liu Tian's soul The only place of clarity, surrounded by endless blood-red massacres.


The magic pupil moved slowly, just when it thought it was safe and sound, an extremely bright sword light cut down, trying to cut it in half, the cold killing intent enveloped him, making him shudder,' Mao's creepy.

The 'Mini' little sword is like the light of the Dao, it is extremely well-trained, and when it is cut down with one sword, there is a faint sign of completely cutting off the magic pupil.With a bang, the magic pupil turned into a jet of black lightning and flew out. At the same time, a black light swept out from the pupil like a black hole, and met the mini sword.

The sword light was as sharp as the Dao, it cut off the black light at once, and continued to kill Mo Tong.At this time, Mo Tong was ready to go, and seeing Jian Guang attacking again, unexpectedly swept out a black light that was much weaker than before, and met Jian Guang.

Jian Guang and Wu Guang collided halfway, and what made people dumbfounded was that Wu Guang rushed through Jian Guang and continued to rush towards the mini sword.With a sound of trembling, the black light plunged into the mini sword, and the sword light that was about to hit the magic pupil immediately dissipated, turning into a little bit of starlight and disappearing.


There were bursts of sword cries from the blood-colored space, and the miniature sword was vibrating crazily at the moment, sending out ear-piercing sword cries.From time to time, the black light emitted by the magic pupil appears on the surface of the mini sword, and it is competing with the instinct in the mini sword for the control of the mini sword.

Magic pupils can not only control living beings, but also enter dead objects to achieve the purpose of control.

The 'mini' little sword is fighting for control with Wu Guang, while the magic pupil is slowly retreating. It dare not stay for long. The God-killing Order that has not been moved from the beginning to the end puts infinite pressure on it, making it feel the threat of death.

Finally, Motong abandoned the black light, turned into a thunderbolt and flew away.At the same time as it was moving, the God-killing Token, which had not moved all this time, finally moved, shaking his body slightly, and swept a faint bloody light towards the 'mini' little sword, which was still fighting with 'mini' little sword. The entangled black light of the sword immediately vanished into nothingness.

"Meow..." After the black light was swept away, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable involuntarily let out a muffled groan, and his crystal hair was stained a little blood red, which was very dazzling.


The sound of killing began to echo in Liu Tian's mind, just like the sound of Zen Buddhism, endlessly, getting louder and louder, and finally, after a thunderous thunder sounded, the demon flying to nowhere Hitomi actually flew back, turning into slit-like eyes again.

As soon as the magic pupil appeared, the 'mini' little sword rushed up immediately, and slashed out a simple and unpretentious sword.The magic pupil didn't dodge, and under the control of the sky-eyed magic mink's thoughts, it slammed towards the mini sword. Unexpectedly, the magic pupil successfully entered the mini sword and competed for the mini sword again. The control of Xiaojian, it wanted to control the 'mini' Xiaojian to escape from Liu Tian's mind, but the thunderous sound almost knocked it out just now, it didn't dare to continue to investigate, it just wanted to escape here.

This time, after a slight shake of the 'Mi' little sword, it turned into a terrifying sword light and flew out of Liu Tian's mind. In an instant, the 'Mi' little sword was completely controlled by the magic pupil.


The sound of metal clanging suddenly echoed in the blood-red space.The 'mini' sword controlled by Motong collided with the God-killing Token that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the crisp chirping was produced in this way.

The magic pupil didn't dare to move rashly, and controlled the 'mini' little sword to swing from side to side. Just as it was thinking about where to break through, the killing god order swept out a bloody light again, and at the same time, the killing desires in the blood-red space gathered into a shackle , Trapped the magic pupil together with the 'mini' little sword.

The bloody light slowly penetrated the 'mini' little sword, and immediately, the consciousness of the magic pupil that took over the 'mini' little sword was shattered.Afterwards, the blood light slowly infiltrated into the 'Mi' Little Sword, and at some point, a black eye like a slit appeared on the body of 'Mi' Little Sword!This eye seems to be born on the 'mini' little sword, and there is no gap in it.


In the "Misty" Soul Forest, the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable spat out a mouthful of blood. Its forehead was bleeding, and the location of the bleeding was exactly where the magic pupil was originally.

"Samsara obliteration mark!"

On the other side, the dead old man finally seized an opportunity and displayed his killer move, blasting the super battle spirit into 36 dispirited ancient corpse war spirits in one fell swoop.

"Uh, what's going on here?" After dealing with the super battle spirit, the dead old man had the opportunity to cast his gaze on Liu Tian's side, and immediately saw an unbelievable scene: the forehead of the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable was bleeding, and the magic pupil on his forehead was gone. Nowhere to be found, Liu Tian was lying on the ground peacefully, poking his mouth, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The old man 'rubbed' his eyes vigorously, and said strangely: "I'm not mistaken, am I?" He didn't have to believe the scene before him until he 'rubbed' his eyes sorely.

"Hey, where is the magic pupil of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable?" The dead old man realized that the magic pupil of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable was no longer on its forehead. It seemed that it had been lost. He looked at Liu Tian strangely, as if he was looking at a monster. .

"The magic pupil of the sky -eyed magic marten will not stay in this boy's head? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The dead old man had a mournful face, and the expressions on his face were ever-changing, the last of which was regret.

"If I run away directly when I meet the Sky-eyed Demon Sable, I won't fight the Sky-eyed Demon Sable. If I don't get up with the Sky-eyed Demon Sable, the Sky-eyed Demon Sable will not release the magic pupils. If the Sky-eyed Demon Sable If I can't release the magic pupil, I won't stun this brat. If I don't stun this brat, Sky Eye Demon Sable won't take a liking to this brat. If Sky Eye doesn't like this brat, it will It won't put the magic pupil into his head, if it doesn't put the magic pupil into his head, the incident of anger and resentment just now won't happen! If God gives me a chance to do it all over again, I must do something for The feat of eradicating harm to the people, tied this kid tightly to my back! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Looking at the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable resentfully, the dead old man muttered dissatisfiedly: "Although your eyes will grow back every 80 or [-] years, you won't take advantage of this kid. Could it be that this kid's chrysanthemum is still pink? Tender, pink and tender..."

"Meow!" The Sky-eyed Demon Sable wailed, leading 36 ancient corpses and war spirits to flee in a panic.

"Hey, you're lucky. You got good things the first time you came to the underground palace of the Imperial Mausoleum. It's not like the old man. I came here three times, and I was caught three times, and I didn't even catch a 'hair' three times."

The dead old man looked resentfully at Liu Tian who continued to sleep in another position, and muttered dissatisfiedly to himself.It's really hard for him, he has been to the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum three times, and this time he reached the depths of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, but he returned empty-handed every time, and he returned empty-handed, but he was caught every time.But it was precisely because he didn't catch anything that he was caught three times and nothing happened.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Tiancai woke up leisurely. Just as he opened his eyes, he saw a dead old man with a resentful expression on his face. He yawned comfortably and said, "What's wrong, old man? Did the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable kill you?" Strong? Also, where are we now?"

"Crap! I hope to be raped by the Sky-Eyed Demon Sable. Damn, you didn't pay anything, just because you got a good night's sleep, you got a good thing."

"Uh, good stuff? What good stuff?"

"The magic pupil of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable, the magic pupil is in your man now." The dead old man recounted what happened before.

"I, I, you, you mean that the magic pupil of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable is in my mind at this moment?" Liu Tian was a little dizzy, the eyes on the forehead of the Sky-eyed Demon Sable would remain in his mind.


"No..." Before Liu Tian could utter the word, a system prompt slowly rose in his mind, causing his body to shake and his expression to become weird.

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