The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 311 Formation Maze

Chapter 311 Formation 'Maze' Palace

"Woooo, it's okay, someone came to the rescue and wiped out the group of players."

Hearing this, Liu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes still flashed fiercely: "Zi'er, who saved you?"

"I don't know either, Brother Eternal, if you have something to do, I won't disturb you for now."

"Okay, be careful."

"See you."


After hanging up the teleportation, Liu Tian's expression eased slightly, and he began to look at the surrounding environment.

Here is a hall, and in the wall not far away, there is a passage extending to an unknown area.On the surrounding walls, there are also paintings of the emperors of the Huaxia Dynasty and their achievements, with pictures and texts, telling people the history of the Huaxia Dynasty and the famous emperors of each generation.

"Boy, what are you still doing there? Why don't you come here soon?" The dead old man had already reached the passage of the hall at some point, turning a blind eye to the history of the Huaxia Dynasty, presumably he had already seen it.

"Then what are you in a hurry for? It's all here anyway." Liu Tian ignored the dead old man, looked at the history of the Huaxia Dynasty with relish, and found that even the history of the Huaxia Dynasty was somewhat different from the history of China.

"Damn!" The dead old man cursed in a low voice, but he had no choice but to sit and wait for Liu Tian.

After a long while, Liu Tian simply read these pictures and texts, and greeted the old man on his way.The passage is about [-] meters long, through the passage, the two came to a maze.

"This is a 'maze', which implies various formations. If you are not careful, you will fall into it and you will not be able to get out. Follow me later, don't pay attention to what you meet or see, otherwise no one will be able to save you. "The dead old man said solemnly, he has experienced the divine power of the 'maze' three times, and each time he was startled every step of the way, almost stunned.Every time he enters the 'maze', the road ahead changes every time, there is no fixed route at all, if he is not proficient in these, it is really impossible to pass the 'maze' smoothly.


Stepping into the 'maze', with a gust of cool wind blowing past, Liu Tian looked at the various pictures carved on the walls of the 'maze' with great interest.The dead old man watched his surroundings conscientiously, for fear that something might change.


There was a sudden roar, and under the watchful eyes of Liu Tian and the dead old man, a thick stone wall slowly moved out from the wall of the passage, as if to block the way forward for the two of them.

"Old man, hurry up, the road will be blocked." Liu Tian said anxiously.

The dead old man shook his head and said: "There is no unparalleled road in the sky, there is a road in heaven if you don't take it, if you still take this road, you will go to hell."

"But if our way is blocked by this wall, don't we have to go back and take another way?"

The dead old man still shook his head, looking at the path blocked by the stone wall, his expression remained unchanged, and said: "Follow me." After speaking, he walked directly to the stone wall, Liu Tian was puzzled, I couldn't figure out the old man's intentions, but I followed.

When he came to the stone wall, Liu Tian found that this stone wall was different from other walls. There were shallow lines engraved on this wall, faintly forming a mysterious pattern.

"Do you know what we rushed over before the stone wall was blocked, what was waiting for us?" the dead old man gently stroked the stone wall and said softly.

"What is it?"

"Death! There are various traps behind the stone wall, and all arrows are just one of them. Once you enter, you are close to death."

"Ah?" Liu Tian's heart skipped a beat violently.


The roar sounded again, and the stone walls on both sides of the dead old man and Liu Tian actually began to sink, and soon, two branch passages appeared on both sides of the main passage, with the same length, height, and width.

"Is this the road that never ends?" Liu Tian asked.

"Yes." The dead old man nodded, looked at the two passages slightly, and finally pointed to the passage on the left and said, "Go this way."


Just when Liu Tian was about to step up, a flash of white flashed past the corner of his eyes, and a young woman in palace attire passed the two of them and rushed into the passage on the left.

"Who is it?" Liu Tian was terrified, he didn't expect that there was someone here, shouting loudly, his body tensed up, as if he was going to chase a woman in palace costume.

"No more chasing." The dead old man shook his head: "Didn't I tell you? There are various formations in this 'maze', and illusion formations naturally exist. The woman in palace costume who just ran past is just an illusion. Otherwise, how do you think she could approach us silently?"

"Uh..." Liu Tian scratched his head and said, "That's right, I just find it strange that there is suddenly one more person."

Not long after entering the passage, a mighty stone statue appeared in the middle of the road ahead of the two of them. This stone statue was obviously a general. He held his sword high, his brows were tightly frowned, and his mouth was half-opened, as if he was about to shout something.Seeing that the stone statue didn't show any strange color, the dead old man walked forward quietly and didn't say anything to Liu Tianjie.Seeing this, Liu Tian could only follow behind the dead old man, and only took a few extra glances when passing the stone statue.

"That's right, you have forgotten 'sex' this time." The dead old man stopped and looked at Liu Tian with admiration: "This stone statue is also a killing formation, as long as you touch it, it will immediately activate the killing formation. And this stone statue is surrounded by a phantom array, which will make people want to touch the stone statue involuntarily."

"Phantom array? Are you kidding me, old man? I don't even feel it."

"Damn, of course the phantom array was broken by me, you idiot."

"Your sister..." Liu Tian cursed weakly.

The two continued to go deeper, and after about 5 minutes, another stone wall was removed from the wall, blocking the way forward.The dead old man led Liu Tian to the stone wall again, this time four passages appeared on the passage wall.The old man looked at it for a while, then led Liu Tian into the passage on the right.

As soon as he entered the passage, there was a sound of shouting and killing, and Liu Tian saw a group of people rushing from the passage, holding shining sabers in their hands, everyone was wearing battle armor, and everyone's face was full of blood. With a ferocious smile.Liu Tian wanted to retreat, but was held back by the old man.

"What are you afraid of? I didn't tell you. This is just an illusion. Why are you so nervous?"

"Ahem, it's so real, I almost forgot." Liu Tian smiled awkwardly.

"That's the only way to be successful? I'm afraid of such a small thing." The dead old man took advantage of this opportunity to hit Liu Tian mercilessly. Who let him get the magic pupil?This makes the old man jealous.


Liu Tian didn't speak, and couldn't refute. After all, what the dead old man said was the truth, so he quietly watched the phantom people passing through his body one by one.

After all the people in the phantom ran away, the two continued their previous work.After walking for about 5 minutes, a small stone hall appeared in front of the two of them. There was a passage on the wall on the other side of the small stone hall. To enter this passage, one had to pass through the stone hall.

After seeing the stone hall, the dead old man didn't say anything, but led Liu Tian to continue walking.When he reached the entrance of the stone hall, he stopped and did not enter the stone hall.Seeing the dead old man stop walking, Liu Tian also stopped, looked at the dead old man with strange eyes, but didn't ask any questions.

Liu Tian didn't speak, and the dead old man ignored him. He first looked at the floor, then at the top of the passage, and finally tapped 'touch' and 'touch' on the stone wall. With a bang, Liu Tian's familiar voice gradually rose. Suddenly, the stone walls on both sides of him began to sink again. This time, six passages appeared on the stone walls.

Observing the six passages, the dead old man pondered the six passages carefully, and finally selected the lower right passage.This time when entering the channel nothing happened.

"Let's go, what else are you looking at?" The dead old man looked at the stunned Liu Tian.

"Your sister, I can see if there are any mutations, can't I?"

The dead old man ignored his words, and left a sentence: "If you want to die, stay where you are, and if you don't want to die, follow me." This made Liu Tian feel a lot of resentment, but he had no choice but to obediently follow to die. Behind the old man, he gave the dead old man the death penalty with his eyes—thousands of cuts!

Liu Tian's every move, the dead old man has already quietly caught it in his eyes, and secretly laughed in his heart: "Hey, it's cool to hit this kid,"

In the following time, the dead old man still took Liu Tian to wander through the labyrinth, like flies flying around, and from time to time there would be roaring sounds in the labyrinth, It was the sound of stone walls moving out of the passage walls.

"Old man, did you make a mistake? Why are you still in the 'maze'?" An hour later, Liu Tiantian asked out of breath.During this hour, he was led around by the dead old man. He didn't know what the dead old man was like. Anyway, he was about to faint. He had seen all kinds of formations one by one.

"What's the rush? I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. We have to take it step by step. Although this is a 'maze', it is also full of dangers, so we have to step by step, and you have personally experienced the power of the 'maze'." Dead old man Said disdainfully.

"Master, how long will this kind of life last?" Liu Tian asked helplessly, discouraged.

The dead old man gave an accurate answer: "You will be able to get out of the 'maze' within 10 minutes, don't worry."

"Hoohoo, I'm finally leaving. If I'm allowed to go on like this, I'm really going to go crazy." Liu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, his expression trembling slightly.

"Let's go, it's embarrassing to see you dying!"

The dead old man led Liu Tian to repeat the work, turning seven times and eight times, passing through aisles.Time passed gradually, and at the end, Liu Tian didn't encounter a stone wall blocking his way, and walked all the way down.Seeing the time passing by his fingertips in 1 minute, the smile on Liu Tian's face increased a lot.

"I'm finally getting out of the sea of ​​suffering." Liu Tian cheered in his heart. In the 'maze', he not only had to face the tortuous passages of the 'maze', but also dealt with various formations such as phantom formations, so he kept his mind. He was on high alert, physically and mentally exhausted, and extremely tired.


In the passage, the footsteps of the two echoed. The dead old man and Liu Tian walked down the straight passage. After about 2 minutes, the dead old man and Liu Tian finally reached the exit of the maze. In front of the stone hall entrance.

The two stood at the entrance of the stone hall, looking at the passage leading to the 'maze' in the stone hall.

"As long as we pass through that passage, we will be out of the maze." The dead old man pointed to the passage on the wall of the stone hall.

Liu Tian didn't answer, he was attracted by the pattern drawn on the floor of the stone hall.The ground of the stone hall is covered with patterns, and there is not an inch of land without patterns.The main body of the pattern on the ground is a Bagua diagram, and there are also four images.

"Did you see these patterns?" asked the dead old man, seeing Liu Tian nodded, and continued: "These patterns are actually a formation, and this formation is a mixed formation. , can release an extremely powerful attack, which is almost impossible to crack, but I have a way."

"any solution?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, when I tell you to run, you will run desperately to the passage leading to the 'maze'. Remember, you only have six seconds, so don't hesitate."

The dead old man took a deep breath, took out the Daoshi compass, hung another compass above his head, released the protective cover, and after doing all this, he suddenly rushed into the formation.


As soon as the dead old man rushed into the stone hall, the gossip diagram was the first to run, the sky, the earth, the thunder, the feng shui, the volcanic lake, the heaven and the earth trembled, and a strange energy attack was released. The elephant array is also slowly running, if the four elephant array is also running, then this place will become a catastrophe.

"Four elephants come out!"

The dead old man was in the midst of tens of thousands of attacks, nodding his fingers, Sixiang rushed out of the Daoshi compass, he was protected by the compass, and he was fine for the time being.The four elephants move together, occupying the position of the four elephants in the formation under the control of the dead old man. The four elephants in the formation are suspended, causing the source power of the formation to be disordered. In an instant, the people in the stone hall All the brilliance disappeared, and only the glowing Bagua map and the four-element array of the dead old man remained on the ground.


Hearing this, Liu Tian ran away. Just as he entered the exit passage of the 'maze', the eight trigrams formation and the four elephants formation finally operated together, and the stone hall became a calamity, full of all kinds of attacks.


A gust of wind blew in, a figure flashed in front of Liu Tian's eyes, and a dead old man appeared in front of him.

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