The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 312 Bauhinia Emperor

Chapter 312 Bauhinia Emperor

"Old man, are you alright?" Liu Tian asked worriedly, looking at the ragged old man in front of him who was attacked by the eight trigrams formation and the four elephants formation. 26nbsp;

"Something's wrong! Didn't you see that the old man was seriously injured? Look at my wound." The dead old man pointed to the wound on his body and said unhappily.

"Old man, your injuries don't seem to be serious, right? These scars are just cuts on the skin, many of them haven't bled yet." Liu Tian looked at the old man speechlessly.

"Uh..." The dead old man blushed slightly: "I suffered an internal injury, boy, your skill is too shallow, so naturally you can't tell."

"Oh, how far is that from death?"

"Not far!"

"Oh, then I will give you a good burial after you die, don't worry."

"Get out! In fact, if you can express it, the injury will heal immediately."

"What do you mean?" Liu Tian looked at the dead old man, vaguely aware of the dead old man's plan in his heart.

"For example, give me the magic pupil, I will not dislike it."

"Get out!" Liu Tian said a word very simply, and strode forward.

"Boy, I almost died because you could pass safely! You should show it anyway." Looking at Liu Tian who was unmoved and continued to move forward, the dead old man cursed: "Damn, brat, you Remember it for me! Hmph, it's just a magic pupil, I don't care about the old man."

"Follow up quickly if you're not interested, I don't know the way!" Liu Tian said impatiently as he looked at the blue stone wall.

Passing through the bluestone passage at the exit of the 'maze', Liu Tian and the dead old man saw a palace with the Bauhinia Tomb written on the horizontal plaque.

"This is the cemetery of an emperor named Zijing in modern times. He was not outstanding, so his tomb was also built outside the palace of the emperor's mausoleum. The real tomb is actually under the palace, and all valuables are buried with him. The treasures are also under the palace, and there are only some more precious items in the palace." The dead old man said: "Boy, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Let's take a look, and get to know the situation by the way." Liu Tian nodded, feeling excited, how many people can see the emperor's tomb and enter it?

"it is good."

Liu Tian stood vigilantly behind the dead old man to guard against sudden accidents, but he never expected that the dead old man would look at him with contempt.

"Why, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Liu Tian stammered, speaking slowly, his face flushed slightly.

"You kid, you don't know how to respect and protect the elderly, but you even hid behind me, the old man, for shelter. How shameless are you?"

"Ahem, uncle, you know that I am not strong enough. If I step forward, I am afraid it will only affect your performance, and I am the weakest existence here. No matter who it is, just give me a blow, and I will be able to kill you." I kill in seconds, so..."

The dead old man curled his lips, disapproving, but he didn't say anything, approached the palace door, and pushed in directly.

"Uh, Master, how did this door get opened so easily?" Liu Tian couldn't believe it, the tomb of a majestic emperor was pushed open.

"Then what else do you want, do you think that there are formations arranged on the palace gate, and as long as you touch it, thousands of attacks will rush out at once."

"Well, old man, why should I think so? I wish for a smooth journey more than you do."

"Then why don't you go in? This place is safer than many places, and the royal family of the Huaxia Dynasty didn't set up defenses here." The dead old man gave Liu Tian a white look.

"Not fortified? Why?" Liu Tian was puzzled, not fortified, isn't he afraid that all the funerary objects in the tomb will be stolen?

"Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid? Didn't I tell you about the dangers of the underground palace of the imperial tomb? Imperial Mausoleum Underground Palace, what kind of defense do you think can stop him? Not to mention the difficulty of defense, let’s talk about the number, how long is the history of the Chinese Dynasty, and how many emperors are there? If every emperor has to fortify, even the Huaxia The behemoth of the dynasty can't support it either."

Liu Tian nodded: "That's right, but isn't the royal family afraid of things in the tomb being stolen?"

"The mountain people have their own tricks! Hey, the tombs of every emperor are not in the open, but under the palace. As for the entrance of the tomb, it can't be entered with high strength, so the royal family can also safely pass the emperors of all generations. Buried in the imperial mausoleum's underground palace, a place of geomantic omen, to maintain the prosperity and prosperity of the Chinese dynasty."

Liu Tian's eyes lit up: "So, uncle, you have the ability to enter the mausoleum?"

"Hey, I know a thing or two." The dead old man raised his head proudly, and said, "Boy, let's go, you will be able to enter the emperor's mausoleum later, aren't you very excited? I especially want to thank my uncle. "The dead old man rubbed his fingers, as if he was waiting for Liu Tian to pay.

"Damn, uncle, don't just say a few words and go for the benefits, okay?" Liu Tian was completely speechless, this cheap uncle always talked about benefits every time, and the person who asked for benefits turned out to be him.

"Stop talking, let's go!" The dead old man waved his hands, as if he was really in a war, he strode into the palace of Emperor Bauhinia with his head held high.Liu Tian followed without thinking.

This palace is similar to other ordinary palaces, except that the dragon chair of the palace has been replaced by a coffin, and the base of the coffin is a jade platform made of white jade.The hall in the center of the palace has been replaced by a clear pool of water, and a purple flower grows in the pool.On both sides of the hall, there are eighteen mighty and brave guardian stone statues.

"Old man, does this have any meaning?" Liu Tian asked looking at the strange scene in the palace.

"This is in line with the Five Elements Theory at home. The Emperor Bauhinia cannot lack the element of sleep, so a pond was built in the palace to nourish the Emperor Bauhinia." The dead old man said slowly. Hearing this, Liu Tian couldn't help being surprised Looking at the pool, he asked again.

"Master, where is the purple flower in the pool? What is it? Could it be the spirit of Emperor Bauhinia?"

"I don't know, it's fine if it's not Emperor Bauhinia himself." The dead old man curled his lips.

"Old man, hurry up and let me go to the mausoleum." Liu Tian was so excited that he ignored other things and entangled the dead old man, eagerly hoping to see the mausoleum.

"Follow me." The dead old man nodded, his expression turned slightly reddish with excitement, as if it was the first time the old man entered the imperial tomb.

The dead old man muttered a few words, took out the Dao stone compass, and drew a picture on the compass with his fingers. Soon, the Dao stone compass gradually became transparent, and then projected a picture on the void: a pair polished by precious stones. The resulting sarcophagus is lying in a certain place. Gradually, the lid of the coffin becomes transparent, slowly revealing the scene inside the coffin.An old man was lying quietly in the coffin, and the immortal dragon robe was blessed on his body, unchanged from time immemorial. His cheeks were slightly bulging, and his mouth was shining from time to time. It seemed that there was a night pearl in his mouth.

The dead old man closed his eyes tightly, his fingers were still moving on the Daoshi compass, he didn't know what to draw.

Finally, the scene on the void is slowly disappearing.Suddenly, a mysterious smirk appeared on the corner of the dead old man's mouth.

"Old man, have you found the entrance to the mausoleum?" Liu Tianqiang asked, holding back the excitement in his heart. In fact, he was thinking about the Emperor Bauhinia.

"Don't you even look at who your uncle is? As soon as I step out, what problems and difficulties can't be solved? Huh, how could it be possible for me to be your great uncle with the huge mouth of a mausoleum!" The dead old man said proudly, after all He is operating everything, and he is well aware of the difficulty of the entrance to the mausoleum.

"Old man, don't be too happy. If you accidentally fail to find the entrance, you will be ashamed." Liu Tian couldn't believe that the dead old man had already found the entrance. He didn't see the dead old man take a step, so how could he find the entrance? Woolen cloth?

"Tch, uncle, which time did I make a mistake? Hmph, nephew, I know you are envious, but what should we do when the matter is right in front of us?"

"You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't give you a good deal."

"Stinky boy, you are provoking!" The dead old man went crazy, and said: "I have decided, if I find the entrance later, I will beat you up to vent my hatred!"

"Uh, uncle, don't you want it? Isn't it just a joke? Why take it seriously." Liu Tian was really afraid that the old man would find the entrance and beat him up.

"Get out! You don't believe me, you're so mad at me." The old man was very angry and said angrily, "Let's go, let's go to the entrance!"

Led by the dead old man, Liu Tian came to a corner of the palace.It's not surprising here, it looks the same as other places, but if you look closely, you will find that this corner is brighter.

"Uncle, could it be that this is here?" Liu Tian was puzzled, squatted down, and began to knock on the floor, only to find that the floor was solid, not hollow.

"Master, where is the entrance? This is the real place, why don't you come in and show me?"

"Who said this is the entrance? Who said it? Did I say it?" The dead old man looked proudly at Liu Tian, ​​"However, opening the entrance has a lot to do with this corner."

"Uh..." Liu Tian's expression was stiff, and he smiled coyly: "Master, I didn't doubt what you mean..."

The dead old man waved his hand and said, "Stay back, don't talk too much, let's see Master next!"

Liu Tian retreated as he said, and the dead old man went up the mountain, took out the Taoist compass, and drew dots on the compass, golden lights entered this corner. melody.

Liu Tian watched the dead old man's movements, but didn't speak.Under his gaze, the dead old man finally stopped drawing the Daoshi compass, and stopped tapping the ground with his toes, and jumped out of this corner.


The dead old man suddenly roared, and only heard a bang, nothing happened in this corner, it was the pool that made the noise!At this time, the clear water in the pool is separating, as if a water droplet is in it!The little purple flower was slowly diving, slowly disappearing at the bottom of Shidi Pool, it was extremely weird.

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