Chapter 314 Nine Heavens

Liu Tian looked at the dead old man obsequiously, with hope on his face. 26nbsp;

"Get out! There's no need to discuss it!" The dead old man resolutely rejected Liu Tian's request.

"Master, please don't do this. After all, I'm also your nephew, don't you even want to borrow a few props from your nephew?" Liu Tian stared pitifully at the dead old man.

"Impossible!" The dead old man ignored Liu Tian and walked directly to the route calculated by the Daoshi compass.

"Damn!" Liu Tian cursed in a low voice, and then followed the dead old man's pace.

Two hours later, after passing through more than 100 luxurious tombs, a mysterious foggy area appeared in the vision of the dead old man and Liu Tian.This foggy area is the center of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, where the most outstanding emperors of the Chinese dynasty are buried.The value of these funerary objects for the emperor is simply incalculable, and it is possible to find items that are scarce in the world in these tombs.Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum a treasure house.

"Uncle, what are we going to do next?" Liu Tian asked when he saw that the dead old man stayed outside the mysterious fog area without moving for a long time.

"I'm thinking about where to enter the tomb of 'Misty'."

"Huh?" Liu Tian frowned slightly: "Don't you just walk in? Could it be that people from the royal family are inside?"

"Yes, with the help of the Daoshi compass, I just saw the most powerful guards of the Huaxia Dynasty patrolling the tomb of 'Mi'. It seems that the royal family has entered the tomb of 'Mi' to pay homage." The eyes of the dead old man At the moment, it is covered with a phantom-like golden color.

"People from the royal family have already gone in? Then when will they leave?"

"At least half a day later, the royal family will pay homage to every tomb in the 'Mi' tomb."

Liu Tian asked: "Oh, then can we wait for them to leave before going in?"

"Absolutely not. The opportunity to enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum is not far from being closed when they leave. If we enter again after they leave, then we can only wait for the next opportunity to open before we can go out." The dead old man shook his head, keep thinking.

"Oh." Liu Tian fell silent, waiting for the result of the dead old man's thinking.

After about a moment, the dead old man suddenly pulled Liu Tian's arm and ran towards the 'misty' tomb. Just when Liu Tian was puzzled, the dead old man's hurried voice came from his ear.

"Within 20 seconds, there will be no one patrolling our area, so we can only use this time to rush into the tomb of 'Lost'."

Hearing this, Liu Tian ran wildly with all his strength, but he found sadly that it was the dead old man who was dragging him to fly, his feet were not touching the ground at all, and the speed of the dead old man was frighteningly fast. He changed, and rushed into the 'misty' tomb in a blink of an eye, his sight was blocked by the 'misty' fog, but he could only see five meters clearly, and five meters away was out of his reach.


There was a strong wind blowing in his ears, Liu Tian wanted to tell the dead old man to slow down, but thinking that the guards would come to patrol here, he could only suppress the discomfort in his body, closed his eyes, and let the dead old man pull him "fly".


Liu Tian suddenly let out a low snort, he felt the dead old man pulling him in one direction and stopped, he opened his eyes, and saw the dead old man beckoning him to keep quiet.Liu Tian understood and nodded to express his understanding.Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps approached from a distance, and finally disappeared gradually.

"A guard on patrol?" Liu Tian asked.

"En." The dead old man said: "Go quickly, in less than ten seconds, another patrol team is coming."

As he said that, the dead old man grabbed Liu Tian's arm again and moved it for a split second. The bone-scraping wind hit again, and Liu Tian could only close his eyes helplessly.Along the way, the dead old man often stopped and hid. After about half an hour, the dead old man and Liu Tiancai completely stopped their rushing pace.

"Hoohoo, this is the center of the mausoleum group, and the owner of every mausoleum in it is a once supreme existence."

"Master, how do we get in?" Liu Tian asked, the surrounding fog had thinned a lot, and he could see the towering buildings very far in front of him.


The dead old man used the compass to calculate for a while, then pulled Liu Tian's arm again, striding like flying, and rushed forward in an instant.With a bang, the sound of breaking the membrane came from Liu Tian's ear.Opening his eyes, he was surprised to find that there was no mist in the surrounding area at this time. Not far away, a gorgeous and terrifying palace towered on a peak.On the peak body of the peak, the golden characters of Tang Zong are engraved.

"Is this the tomb of Emperor Tang Zong?" Liu Tian stammered.

"This is the mausoleum of Emperor Tang Zong, where you would rather die."

"Uh, Tang Zong's tomb is so dangerous, let's go to other tombs first." Liu Tian said guiltily.

"No need, Tang Zong's mausoleum is dangerous. It is precisely because of its high status that the royal family is not the first to pay homage to it every time they pay homage to it. Therefore, it is very likely that the royal family is still paying homage to other tombs."

"Oh." Liu Tian nodded, then looked at the towering peak, and said weakly: "Master, do we want to climb the mountain and enter the real mausoleum from the palace on the top of the mountain?"

The dead old man said arrogantly: "It's stupid to climb the mountain. The tomb of Tang Zong is actually under the bottom of the mountain. However, except for the uncle, no one can directly enter the tomb from the bottom of the mountain. Huaxia The imperial family can only climb to the top of the peak, and then enter the mausoleum through special means, let's go, what are you waiting for? Waiting to be arrested?" Said, the dead old man stared at Liu Tian who was in a daze.

"Ah, oh, oh."

When he came to the bottom of the peak, the dead old man took out his often-used Daoshi compass again, and fiddled with it for about 3 minutes. The Daoshi compass shot out two golden lights, one sank into the peak body, and the other landed on the two people. .The two of them disappeared under the bath of this golden light.

Liu Tian only felt that there was a sudden golden light in front of him, and the next moment, all the golden light disappeared, and he and the dead old man appeared on a path paved with white jade.

"Isn't this too luxurious?" Looking at the jade-colored path, Liu Tian had the urge to steal the white jade floor.

"Don't be too surprised. You think that you are powerful and you can use more precious things to pave the way. However, our trip is not to come and see this surprise, so don't waste time here." The dead old man said.

Passing through the jade path, Liu Tian and the dead old man came to a small hall.On the gate of the hall hangs the words "Tomb of Tang Zong".

"Old man, you won't lie to me, right? Dangerous? We've all arrived at the gate of Tang Zong's mausoleum, is it still dangerous?" Liu Tian looked at the old man suspiciously.

The dead old man disdains and adds displeasure: "Stinky boy, you don't understand anything so talk less, this is just the first heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum, and there are eight heavens, and the danger of this heaven is in the tomb. .”


Tang Zong's Mausoleum is divided into nine heavens, each of which is more dangerous than the previous one.No one has ever forcibly broken into Tang Zong's Mausoleum in history, so Liu Tian and the dead old man are the first and second outsiders here.At this time, Liu Tian was not half happy that he was a pioneer of history, and looked at the dead old man with a bitter face.

The reason why Liu Tian became like this must start from the past.The dead old man told him that Tang Zong's mausoleum was divided into nine heavens, and he immediately thought of Hengmeng Xuelian's question, and asked immediately.

"Uncle, which heaven is Hengmeng Snow Lotus?"

"Only the ninth heaven in Tang Zong's mausoleum has burial objects, and there is nothing in the other heavens. There is only endless danger. Hengmeng snow lotus should be somewhere in the ninth heaven."

The nine heavens of the mausoleum, each of which was carefully designed by the Chinese royal family, hides monstrous murderous intentions, if you are not careful, you will sink deep into the mud, and you will die without a whole body.Although the dead old man had a little understanding of the situation in Tang Zong's mausoleum, it was still full of dangers. If he didn't pay attention, there might not be two less people in this world, and two more hard, cold corpses.

The small hall stands in front of it, like a prehistoric beast, exuding invisible murderous intent.Liu Tian and the dead old man came to the front of the small hall step by step, but did not directly enter.

Sighing, the dead old man took out another protective compass, hung it above Liu Tian's head, and protected Liu Tian's whole body.He himself held a Taoist compass, put on a battle suit, and solemnly entered the Jiuzhongtian of Tang Zong's mausoleum!


In the hall, it was quiet and empty, with only the gloomy sound of the wind.There was a picture scroll hanging on the wall, the strange thing was that the picture scroll was completely black, as if it had been soaked in ink, what was even more strange was that Liu Tian could actually see a warrior holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in the black picture scroll.Its icy eyes are staring at him and the dead old man forcefully!


A strange wind swept across the hall, and the scroll fell off and fell lightly to the ground.Under the watchful eyes of the dead old man and Liu Tian, ​​the picture scroll glowed with black light, and the invisible force lifted it to float on the void.

"Ha ha……"

The hearty laughter seemed to come across time and space, and spread from the abrupt hall, and the surging fighting spirit also flowed in the hall.

A warrior wearing a black iron battle suit slowly appeared on the scroll, from transparent to solid, it was the warrior Liu Tian saw in the scroll holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"Spirit?" The dead old man muttered, he knew that the general in front of him was also a soul body, but he seemed to have his own consciousness, unlike the ancient corpse with a hazy consciousness, controlled by the Sky Eye Demon Sable.

"Anyone who trespasses on Tang Zong's mausoleum will be killed without mercy!"

The black iron warrior's gaze was like a knife, he stared at Liu Tian and the dead old man coldly, and slowly raised Fang Tian's painting halberd.


Fang Tian's painted halberd turned into a black thunderbolt, and it slashed down angrily. The raging murderous intent hit the two of them, and they felt powerless in their hearts!Especially Liu Tian, ​​his feet were trembling unconsciously, if the old man hadn't pulled him at a critical moment, he might have been hit by Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"What happened just now? Why can't I move?" Liu Tian murmured to himself in horror with cold sweat all over his face.

"It seems to rely on the power of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum to derive a temporary 'domain'!" The dead old man stared at the general solemnly, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

"What is 'domain'?"

Domain is a special power, it can also be said to be the most original power of each person, it can communicate with heaven and earth, and create a small world, which is domain.In the domain, you are the master, you are the gods.Of course, the domain is not an invincible existence, it also has limitations. Having it does not mean that you are invincible, but it represents an opportunity and an absolute advantage. As long as you are not as strong as the person who cast the domain, then you will definitely fail, without any suspense .So far, no more than a hundred people have condensed out of the field.

"However, its 'domain' does not seem to be a 'domain', just a controlling force."

Suddenly, the dead old man breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a clue, what the warrior was using was not a domain, but a kind of controlling power, and the sense of powerlessness that arose in his and Liu Tian's hearts just now was also affected by the controlling power.

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