The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 315 The First Heaven

Chapter 315 The Third Heaven

The general with the soul and body resides in the black painting. He was originally a general of the ancient Chinese dynasty, but unfortunately died in battle. 26nbsp;The Huaxia royal family paid a huge price and used secret techniques to successfully condense it into a soul-body warrior to guard the tomb of the Emperor Tangzong.

The soul and body warrior leaped like a dragon, and Fang Tian's painted halberd rushed down like a black dragon with the momentum of overwhelming the ages.The dead old man looked calm, facing the ferocious attack of the soul general, he threw the Daoshi compass, and with a clang, Fang Tian's painted halberd flew upside down with the soul general, hitting the wall.

"Uncle, I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"Yeah." The dead old man nodded flatly. In fact, he was crying in his heart. His attack just now seemed easy, but actually consumed a lot of his energy. He couldn't maintain this level of offensive for a long time. After all, his occupation Not a fighting profession.

The soul-body warrior stood up as if nothing had happened, held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and walked again step by step, his eyes trembling like demons.

"So strong?" The dead old man frowned slightly. He was very clear about how strong the blow was just now, but he didn't expect that the soul body warrior seemed to be fine, and the soul body was still so solid.

"Four Elephants!"

The four elephants jumped out of the Daoshi compass, formed a formation in an instant, and weaved together strange and mysterious forces to entangle the soul and body warriors.At the same time, the dead old man sacrificed the compass in his hand, turned it into the size of a millstone, and rolled it down.


The dead old man shouted, taking advantage of the soul-body general struggling under the four-element array and the compass, he pulled Liu Tian and rushed towards a wall in the palace in an instant, with five fingers vacillating, he drew a mysterious rune and printed it on a wall. A black vortex appeared on the ground, and the dead old man pulled Liu Tian directly into the black vortex.Before leaving, the dead old man made a move with his arm, and the Daoshi compass flew back immediately, and disappeared into the black vortex together with the dead old man.

Not long after the two left, the four-element formation was shattered by the general of the soul and body.Looking at the place where the two left, the soul and body warrior remained silent for a long time, and finally turned into black light and disappeared into the picture scroll.The picture scroll that was originally as blank as snow due to the departure of the soul body warrior immediately became black as ink.

The second heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum is a small Shura hell, in which extremely powerful resentful spirits are imprisoned.They did evil and harmed one party during their lifetime, and were cut out by the Huaxia Dynasty, and refined into wraiths controlled by the Huaxia Royal Family, guarding the second heaven of the Tang Zong Mausoleum.

As soon as the two of them appeared, all the resentful spirits wandering around the world of Little Shura, who were originally in a daze, flocked to them with fierce eyes.While waving, the monstrous resentment surged towards the two of them, and the endless desire was hidden in the resentment, which was slowly eroding the souls of the two of them.


Facing the powerful and extremely large number of resentful spirits, the dead old man didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and directly sent all the resentful spirits to the six realms of reincarnation, and dragged Liu Tian to run away again.Of course, this reincarnation of the six realms is not to reincarnate the wraith.The six paths of reincarnation imply six spaces, which can be attacked and blocked.To get out of the six realms of samsara, one must go through six dimensions.When the two rushed into the entrance of the third heaven, the group of resentful spirits also rushed out of the six realms of reincarnation, looked around suspiciously, and after seeing no one there, they returned to a dazed and unconscious state and wandered around.

The third heaven of Tang Zong's Mausoleum is a place that looks like a beautiful place, but is actually a very dangerous place with hidden dangers.There are 360 ​​weapons of various kinds hidden here, and these 360 ​​weapons form a huge attack formation.Entering the third heaven means entering this formation and will be attacked by 360 magical weapons.Don't underestimate these 360 ​​weapons, each of them has been baptized by blood, at least contaminating the lives of thousands of people, and each weapon has a sense of killing, accompanied by a tailor-made formation, Even if all the resentful spirits from the previous heaven entered this formation, they could barely break out in the end.This is also the proof of the background of the Huaxia Dynasty.

At this time, there were flashes of lightning-like light around the two of them.They are those weapons, the two of them can deeply feel the killing intent and power of these weapons, Liu Tian is even more so, his killing consciousness is far stronger than these weapons, because of the appearance of these weapons, he almost fell into a killing state again.Fortunately, the compass protecting it lost to him a piece of clear power at a critical moment, so he avoided a disaster.

"Uncle, is there any way for us to escape from this ghostly place?" Liu Tian's expression changed slightly, there were streaks of aggressive aura all over his body, faintly tending to scratch him.

"Let me think about it." The dead old man was also anxious at this moment. If it wasn't for a defense scroll given to him by his old friend to block these weapons, the two of them would have become a pile of minced meat at this moment.

bang bang...

A loud bang sounded in the void. This was the sound produced by 360 Slaughter Soldiers attacking the defensive scroll. At this time, the defensive scroll was already crumbling and rippled like water waves, indicating its powerlessness.


A dragon's tail flowing golden boring finally broke through the protection of the defensive scroll, rushed in, and slashed at Liu Tian with a beam of divine light on the spot.The dead old man didn't block the dragon's tail Liu Jintong's attack, but activated his true energy to fill the gap in the defensive scroll.He knew that with the power of the dragon's tail and gold boring, he still couldn't break through the defense of the compass for the time being.But if other weapons are allowed to take advantage of the situation and break through the defensive scroll, then the two of them will really die without a whole body.

"Damn it, the Mausoleum of Tang Zong's Mausoleum really lives up to its reputation." Panting heavily, the dead old man successfully filled the gap, and then with the power of the Taoist compass, he suppressed Longweiliu Jintong to the ground.

"Your sister!" Suddenly, the dead old man's expression changed drastically, and he cursed loudly.Because he saw blood-stained weapons appearing around the protective shield formed by the defensive scrolls.

"What are they going to do?" Liu Tian asked, feeling something in his heart.

"They want a general attack! Attack us together. Once they make a general attack, our defensive cover will be breached immediately."

"Huh?" Liu Tian's heart sank.

More and more weapons appeared around them. Just as the two of them were nervously looking at the weapons that appeared, in a blood-red space, a black but blood-stained token suddenly shook, emitting a circle of red mist, and then Then Liu Tian's body shook, his eyes were completely blood red, and a black token appeared in his eyes.All this was not discovered by the dead old man who was nervously watching the weapons around him.


Liu Tian's blood-red eyes slowly stared at more than 300 weapons, and they made more than 300 weapons tremble and buzz in unison.The corner of his mouth evoked an evil smile inexplicably, and a black token appeared on his forehead.With a bang, more than 300 weapons seemed to have been attacked by something, and all retreated and disappeared.

"What's going on here?" The dead old man stared blankly at everything around him, feeling like he was dreaming.

"Old man, am I dreaming? How could more than 300 weapons retreat?" The dead old man thought to himself, but he hadn't thought deeply yet, and a plop interrupted his thinking.Looking back, it turned out that Liu Tian fell into a coma and fell to the ground.

"Damn, this brat has been scared to death with such a small amount of force?" The dead old man didn't forget to magnify his image while beating Liu Tian.So much momentum?He was ashamed to say it.

Not long after, Liu Tianyou woke up, rubbed his sore head and asked the dead old man where this was

"You won't be scared stupid, will you? Of course this is the third heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum. It's not like you haven't seen it just now." The dead old man hit Liu Tian mercilessly.

"Why didn't we die?"

"Brat, do you really want to die?" The dead old man gave Liu Tian a slap, and said, "With someone as powerful as Master, what can hurt us?"

In fact, when he said this, the dead old man was guilty. This is the third heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum. Yes, he wanted to go to the fourth heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum when more than 300 weapons retreated, but his energy The consumption was huge, and he had to recover in the third heaven of Tang Zong's mausoleum, otherwise, he and Liu Tian would have a dead end when they descended to the fourth heaven. Therefore, even though he was terrified, he stayed.When Liu Tian woke up, his energy had almost recovered.

"That's it..." Liu Tian suddenly realized: "Oh, uncle, let's remove the protective cover and enjoy the beautiful water and mountains here."

"Uh..." The dead old man said awkwardly: "This, it's better not to, although most of the weapons have been attacked by the uncle to the scrapped state, but there are still many weapons hidden around, ready to attack. It is true that the uncle is powerful, But if the protective cover is removed, it is inevitable that these weapons will take advantage of the gap and injure the nephew."

"Oh." Liu Tian didn't think about the authenticity of the dead old man's words, but was thinking about the reason for his coma. He remembered that he seemed to have fallen into a killing state before he fell into a coma, but at the same time, His consciousness also disappeared.

"Uncle, why did I faint?"

"You don't even know, how do I know, but after repeated analysis, my uncle came to a result." The dead old man looked like an outsider.

"What result?"

"You fainted from fright. Nephew, your psychological quality needs to be strengthened." The dead old man looked at Liu Tian and said very seriously.

"Get out! You were scared to faint, and I won't be scared to faint." Liu Tian was not angry, but he still asked a worry in his heart: "Did I make any crazy moves?"

"Crazy move?" The dead old man looked at Liu Tian strangely: "Little guy, are you sick?"

"Get out!" Seeing the dead old man's expression, Liu Tian knew that what he was worried about hadn't happened.

"Master, when will we descend to the fourth heaven?"

"You can play now. If it wasn't for waiting for you, I might have reached the ninth heaven." The dead old man boasted.

Under the leadership of the dead old man, the two wore protective covers and walked slowly towards the entrance of the fourth heaven.The dead old man rolled his eyes nervously, fearing that the 360 ​​weapons would come out again. Fortunately, his worries did not appear in the end, and the two successfully entered the fourth heaven.

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