The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 316 Tang Zong Mausoleum

Chapter 316 Tang Zong Mausoleum

The fourth heaven of Tang Zong's Mausoleum is an endless sea of ​​suffering, in which there are countless undead creatures lurking. 26nbsp;This heaven can be said to belong to Tang Zong's mausoleum, but it can also be said not, because the fourth heaven is a special independent space, not in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum. I really don't know how the Chinese royal family combined it with Tang Zong The mausoleum is linked together.

Liu Tian and the two of them worked hard and went through untold hardships, and finally managed to get through the sea of ​​suffering and reached the fifth heaven.

After that, the two passed through the sixth heaven, the seventh heaven, and the eighth heaven, and finally reached the destination of this trip, the ninth heaven.

The Ninth Heaven is the place where Emperor Tang Zong was buried. Here is the vast starry sky. As for where the tomb of Emperor Tang Zong is located in the starry sky, the dead old man does not know.

"Uncle, what should we do now? Are we going to search for Emperor Tang Zong's tomb in the boundless starry sky?" Liu Tian felt a headache when he saw this starry sky. Where is the tomb of the Lord?

"You ask me, can I ask Emperor Tang Zong?" The dead old man curled his lips: "Now we can only search along the starry sky."


Liu Tian nodded helplessly, now he can only use this non-solution method, and carry out a blanket search. If he finds it, he is lucky, but if he can't find it, he can only consider himself unlucky.Ever since, two busy figures appeared in this starry sky.

I don't know if the sky has eyes, but after more than an hour of searching, a simple stone palace appeared in front of the two of them.From a distance, the two of them saw the four characters of Tang Zong's mausoleum on the stone hall shining golden.

"Ah, I finally found it." Liu Tian heaved a sigh of relief, thankfully, before he saw Tang Zong's tomb, he thought he might have gone in the wrong direction, but luckily he finally found it.The dead old man's expression was obviously overjoyed, he had finally found a top-quality tomb after he had been raiding the tomb for so long.The hardships and dangers of life along the way are not in vain.

"Uncle, let's go quickly." Liu Tian seemed excited to see endless treasures of heaven and earth waving their small hands to welcome him.

"Let's go." The dead old man's mood was also not calm, and he had a strong desire to explore Tang Zong's tomb. He had never entered or seen such a famous super emperor's tomb like Tang Zong's emperor. He entered the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum three times, was arrested three times, and did not even see the mausoleum of the good emperor three times.

The two were very excited, but quietly walked towards Tang Zong's tomb.The excitement of the two was different, Liu Tian was because of the chance to finally obtain the Hengmeng Snow Lotus, and the dead old man was because of the status of Tang Zong's mausoleum.

In front of the stone hall in the starry sky, there are two figures. They have been standing here for more than a while, but they have not stepped into the stone hall. They are hesitant, afraid that there will be unknown dangers in the stone hall. After all, the former eight heavens have harmed them. , they don't dare to be careless now.But the stone palace has no gate at all, and seems to welcome anyone to come here.

After a while, the dead old man calmed down and brought Liu Tian into the stone hall.In the hall, it is very quiet and empty, only in the center of the hall, a path made of stone leads to the ground.

"Let's go, let's go down." The dead old man hesitated for a while, and finally decided to enter the trail.

To the surprise of the two, the two did not encounter any trouble in the passage, and there was no risk of going to the eighth heaven.There was only one path, three meters long and wide, without any forks. About half an hour after the two walked carefully through the path, they came to a stone room.The moment Liu Tian and the dead old man entered the stone room, their expressions were first stunned and then pleasantly surprised.

The stone chamber was also empty, with a sarcophagus lying horizontally, which should be the resting place of Emperor Tang Zong.There are eight other passages in the stone chamber. I don't know if they are the same here or extend from the stone chamber to other areas.

"Uncle, do we want to go in?" Liu Tian was suspicious, for fear that there might be hidden dangers in the stone chamber, and the smooth sailing of Ninth Heaven made him feel very strange.

"Let's go, it's all here, what else can we do if we don't go in?"

The two entered the stone room with a compass on their hands, but they waited for a long time, but they did not encounter any attack.

"Is there no danger in the Ninth Heaven?" the dead old man murmured.

"Uncle, let's go and have a look." Liu Tian said, since there is no danger, his top priority now is to find Hengmeng Xuelian.


The two walked towards the coffin in the center of the stone room step by step with a glance, and finally came to the sarcophagus when nothing happened.I don't know what kind of stone the sarcophagus is made of, it is black and gold in color, and the entire sarcophagus is covered with densely packed strange runes, like tadpoles.

"Uncle, what is engraved on the sarcophagus?"

"A mysterious text, I don't know the specific function." The dead old man stared at these runes, and at the same time searched for the function of this rune in his mind.

"Don't touch the sarcophagus!" the dead old man shouted in surprise, it turned out that Liu Tian couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart to 'touch' the sarcophagus, but the dead old man called late, and when he called, Liu Tian's hand had already covered the sarcophagus.


The moment Liu Tian's hand touched the sarcophagus, the tadpole-like runes on the sarcophagus glowed with golden light, as if they were alive, and a strange force came out. Immediately, Liu Tian's body flew upside down involuntarily, Hit hard on the wall of the stone chamber.Fortunately, there is a defensive scroll with a compass, otherwise Liu Tian should have returned to the city this time.

"Damn..." Liu Tian rubbed his back unhappily. Although he didn't die, the pain was inevitable.

The dead old man saw that Liu Tian was fine, and the hidden smile on the corner of his mouth gradually widened, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Damn, you'll know if there's anything wrong if you hit it."

"Haha, didn't I tell you not to touch it? You are going to touch it yourself."

Liu Tian no longer paid attention to the dead old man, but focused all his attention on the sarcophagus.

"Uncle, is there a way to enter the sarcophagus?" Liu Tian looked anxiously at the dead old man, but saw the disappointed scene. The dead old man shook his head at him, expressing that he did not know how to enter the sarcophagus.In fact, Liu Tian didn't want to enter the sarcophagus, but to see the funerary objects in the sarcophagus.He was not sure whether Hengmeng Xuelian was in the sarcophagus.

"Uncle, are the funeral objects of Emperor Tang Zong in the sarcophagus?" Liu Tian asked tremblingly, watching Liu Tian nervously, afraid that he would say yes.Fortunately, the dead old man shook his head.

"I don't think so. There are eight passages here, which should lead to the places where other funeral objects are located."

"It's very possible!" Liu Tianxi said: "Uncle, let's go find Hengmeng Snow Lotus. As you said, if you want to help me obtain two items, Hengmeng Snow Lotus counts as one."

"Okay..." The dead old man followed Liu Tian into a passage angrily, alas, whoever asked him to make an appointment with him?

Just as the two entered the passage, a group of people came from the mausoleum of Emperor Tang Zong.This group of people, headed by a man and a woman, came to the peak where the tomb of Tang Zong was located.

"You stay here." The man said, his voice was full of majesty. He and the woman next to him had a relationship with Liu Tian. If Liu Tian were here, he would definitely recognize them. Today's emperor and today's princess.


The emperor nodded in satisfaction, and then walked into the palace on the top of the peak.In the first heaven, the emperor and the princess frowned and looked at the things that appeared on the black picture scroll, their brows were deeply furrowed, and it took a long time for the emperor to say with a dark face: "This dead old man dares to trespass into the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum!" , I’m really impatient to live, take my words as deaf ears?”

On the picture scroll, it is the scene of the dead old man fighting the soul body warrior and entering the second heaven.

"Brother Huang, the person next to him seems to be No. 1 in the trial meeting." The princess said.

"Whoever he is, anyone who trespasses in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum must be punished by words. Let's go, let's go to the ninth heaven."

The two of them were not hindered by anything, and they easily passed through the layers of sky.



Today, Zi Ye's heart is very 'turbulent', at first it was because Yang Lan and the others were attacked, and then it was because of the person who saved them.If Liu Tian was there, he would be very surprised, because the person who rescued them turned out to be Bai Jingya.

After saving Yang Lan and the others, for some reason, Bai Jingya invited her to talk alone, and Zi Ye agreed out of gratitude to him.It's just that when she came back, her heart was completely 'chaos', and she was in a trance, because of something Bai Jingya said to him, something about Liu Tian.

A few days ago, when Bai Jingya was wandering around Phoenix City, he accidentally saw Liu Tian, ​​Zi Ye, and Yang Lan. He originally wanted to go up and say hello to Liu Tian, ​​but he thought nothing of it.He turned around and wanted to leave, but he was attracted by Zi Ye, not because of Zi Ye's beauty, but because some time ago, he happened to get an ancient book with secret records.The ancient books introduced the characteristics of the Yaochi Celestial Clan and the Yaochi Saintess.The last time he and Liu Tian met in the Blue Spotted Forest, Bai Jingya wanted to tell Liu Tian the characteristics of the Saintess of the Yaochi and let him look for the Saintess of the Yaochi, but seeing Liu Tian's condition, she planned to look for it by herself.

The moment Bai Jingya saw Zi Ye, his heart trembled suddenly. He found that Zi Ye was not much different from the image of the fairy maiden described in ancient books, with a purple gauze covering her face and a purple dress on her body.Of course, this does not confirm that Zi Ye is the saintess of Yaochi, the most important point is that mysterious purple energy will appear in the sky above the saintess of Yaochi, and from time to time, the purple energy will turn into a beautiful word of ancient pond or Yaochi.Of course, this kind of vision cannot be seen at a glance, but requires a little secret technique.When Bai Jingya used the secret technique introduced in the ancient books, she suddenly discovered that Zi Ye was the saint of Yaochi.

He didn't know why Liu Tian knew that his situation was very dangerous, and he was with the saintess of Yaochi, but he still didn't have sex with her, just because he didn't know Zi Ye's identity.

Therefore, Bai Jingya followed Zi Ye all the time, hoping to find an opportunity to tell Zi Ye about Liu Tian.Today, he happened to encounter Yang Lan and others being attacked, so he made a move. Taking this opportunity, he told Zi Ye everything about the God of Killing profession, Liu Tian's current situation, and the solution.He didn't know the relationship between Zi Ye and Liu Tian, ​​but he could clearly see the admiration in Zi Ye's eyes looking at Liu Tian.

"If it is not resolved within half a month, he will become a killing machine! At that time, no one can save him! You may not feel anything now, but when he is in a state of killing, you will know how terrible it is!"

This is what Bai Jingya said before leaving.

Zi Ye's heart was in a 'chaos' on the spot, and she returned to Phoenix Imperial City with all the girls in a trance, then found an excuse and went offline.

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