The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 317 Meeting the Emperor in the Mausoleum

Chapter 317 Meeting the Emperor in the Mausoleum

The eight passages in the stone chamber lead to the eight stone chambers where the funerary objects are placed. 26nbsp;Liu Tian and the dead old man searched the eight stone chambers one by one. They have seen the magic weapons, the treasures of heaven and earth, but they did not find Hengmeng Snow Lotus.

"Where will the Hengmeng Snow Lotus be?" Liu Tian looked angrily at the rows of jeweled objects in front of him, and had the urge to smash them down. He originally thought that he could find the Hengmeng Snow Lotus as long as he reached the ninth heaven, but the result was very big. It was beyond his expectation.

"Uncle, is there a secret room here?" Liu Tian could only pin his hopes on the secret room.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be. The danger of the former Yachongtian is so high that almost no one can pass. It is a big part of luck that we can get here. The Chinese royal family will not build another secret room and bury some valuables with them." Store items in there."

"Then why can't you find the Hengmeng snow lotus?" Liu Tian anxiously scanned the stone room where equipment and materials were stored.

"Hengmeng snow lotus is a legendary spiritual object. Even if it is a funerary object, I don't think it is possible to place it here at will." The dead old man seemed to have thought of something, and he didn't inadvertently shudder.

"Didn't you say that there is no secret room? Hengmeng Snow Lotus is not here, where else can it be?"

"Do you think there is any place to store things here?" The dead old man sighed.

Hearing this, Liu Tian thought of the eight stone chambers, but he eliminated them in an instant. He had searched all eight stone chambers, and suddenly, he raised his bowed head.

"That sarcophagus!"

The dead old man nodded approvingly: "Yes, I think Hengmeng Xuelian should be in the sarcophagus. I have read an ancient book. If there are no mistakes in the ancient book, Hengmeng Xuelian can fix the corpse and prevent the body from decomposing. As long as Hengmeng Xuelian One day in existence, the corpse held by it will be immortal forever!"

"Uncle, can you open the sarcophagus?" Liu Tian looked at the dead old man expectantly, but his face was full of disappointment in an instant, and the dead old man shook his head gently but firmly.

"It's not that I don't help you, it's that I can't help you, and I have no ability to help you. It's disrespectful for us to enter the tomb of Emperor Tang Zong. If we still open the sarcophagus, we will be sent by heaven. Besides, I didn't open it either." The ability of the sarcophagus."

Liu Tian leaned against the stone wall dejectedly, his eyes absent-minded: "Are you really going to the snowy region to find Misty Snow Peak? Or..."

"Are you okay? Although there is no Hengmeng snow lotus, there are other ways. You have to believe that your friend will recover." The dead old man comforted.

"Well, let's go. I won't take another item. Let's find what you need now." Liu Tian casually put a belt made of soft white jade beside him into the Dragon Soul Ring, and walked out first. go.

"Okay, let's go."

When the two returned to the main hall of Tang Zong's mausoleum along the stone road, their expressions froze immediately, and then surprise, panic, and panic appeared on their faces at the same time.At the entrance of the main hall, there were two people standing. Liu Tian had seen both of them before. One was the current master of the Huaxia Dynasty, and the other was his younger sister, the current princess.

"Isn't this the Emperor? Oh, let's pay homage to the Emperor Tang Zong. Hehe, I have admired the Emperor Tang Zong since I was a child. Today I came here uninvited. I specially paid homage to express my admiration in my heart. The emperor should not blame us, hehe, let’s talk about this today, we will talk about it another day, Eternity, let’s go, don’t disturb the emperor and the princess.” After speaking, he finally pulled Liu Tian, ​​nodded to the emperor and princess, smiled, and pulled Liu Tian to walk outside.

"Li Fenghua! I have warned you again and again that you dare to trespass into the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum. I think you are impatient!" Walk.

The dead old man had an aggrieved expression: "My lord, you don't know, since I was a child, I have especially admired the emperors of our dynasty, and of course you who love the people like a son and sympathize with the people's feelings! Alas, it is because of this that I have to say three times. I entered the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum twice, wanting to pay homage to the emperors of all dynasties."

"Don't talk nonsense to me! If you don't give you some punishment today, I don't think you will repent. Don't think that I will be merciful." The emperor's expression was as cold as ice, and his words were cold.

"Ahem, emperor, you don't understand me, alas, princess, can you persuade the emperor? You know, I admired the emperors of all generations since I was a child, and I will inevitably do some impulsive things." The dead old man was dejected. .

"No!" The Yongronghuagui princess was also angry at the dead old man trespassing on the imperial tomb. You must know that the underground palace of the imperial tomb is their ancestral tomb, and their ancestors are all buried in it.

"Princess, don't rush to refuse, let's see who he is?" The dead old man suddenly pointed at Liu Tian and said.

"Him? Isn't he the No.1 of the last trial meeting? Hmph, he dares to sneak into the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum with you, no matter who it is, my brother and I will not let him go."

"Princess, he has a master, and you know his master, and, princess, you still... hehe." The dead old man said.

"Is your master, is he chasing, chasing the sword?" The princess' expression changed slightly, she ignored the dead old man, and asked Liu Tian instead.

"Yes, Zhuijian is my master." Liu Tian nodded.

Hearing this, the eyes of the emperor and princess flashed with astonishment.

"Really?" asked the princess.

"Of course it's true. The sword on my body was given to me by him."

"Your master, is he, is he alright?" A flash of panic suddenly flashed in the princess's beautiful eyes, and a blush floated on her snow-white face.

"My master is fine." Liu Tian murmured in his heart, "I didn't expect Zhui Jian to know the current princess. It seems that there are still some past events."

"Brother Huang, this time, can you let them go this time?" After giving the old man a hard look, the princess begged for mercy.

The emperor gave the dead old man a cold look, and said: "I can let you off this time, but you have to do one thing for me."

"It's ok, the emperor's business is my Li Fenghua's business. You say, I will do it." The dead old man patted his chest and said.

"You may have heard of this matter, but this kid probably doesn't know, let me tell you about it." The emperor said slowly, and then he explained in detail what he was going to hand over to the dead old man. , the face of the dead old man changed on the spot.

100 years ago, a little princess carved in powder and jade was born in the Huaxia Dynasty. Her birth caused an undercurrent because she was born with a phoenix body, and a phoenix was conceived in her body. Once she was born, an adult phoenix came to the palace. , bless the little princess, and accompany her for a hundred days.A natural phoenix physique is rare in a thousand years. Throughout history, there have only been three natural phoenix physiques. Every time a natural phoenix physique appeared, it heralded the appearance of an emperor-level master!Because the natural phoenix body can help the emperor-level masters break through to the emperor-level.

18 years later, the little princess was born into a peerless beauty. In the past 18 years, the little princess was attacked more than a hundred times, all of which were caused by some forces. They wanted to take the little princess away and use her to break through the emperor The shackles are just that the Huaxia Dynasty has been prepared for a long time, so no one has succeeded.This year is the year when the little princess gets married. Although the little princess strongly opposes it, since the marriage has been settled in the early years, the emperor cannot cancel the marriage just because of the little princess's objection. It was a marriage established by Emperor Taizu, even if he disagreed, it would be useless.

On the night of the full moon, the little princess gets married. This day is also the day when the ghost world opens.On the way for the little princess to get married, the royal family sent heavy soldiers and masters to defend against the snatchers.A group of people who robbed the marriage were repelled, their offensive was not fierce, they did not dare to really confront the Huaxia Dynasty.

When passing by the ghost cloud slope outside the Phoenix Guild, the little princess and the others were attacked again. This time the attack was unprecedentedly fierce. Yunpo's purpose is also to steal the marriage.The strength of the ghost king has reached the peak of the king level, and he is about to step into the emperor level. His strength is extraordinary, and he also brought a large number of masters. Although the guards tried their best to protect him, he was still successfully robbed by the ghost king.

After successfully snatching the marriage, the ghost king immediately returns to the ghost world. At this time, the gate of the ghost world is slowly closing. Once it is closed, no one will be able to enter the ghost world again for a hundred years.Fortunately, when the gate of the ghost world was about to close, a spiritual cultivator activated the time map of spiritual objects at the cost of his own life!Time is imprisoned, and the ghost king and his gang of little ghosts and little princesses are all included in the time map, and the time map becomes a picture of the ghost king welcoming his relatives!

Although the time map imprisoned time and included the ghost king and others into the time map, because the body of the time map is in the human world, and the imprisoned ghost king is in the ghost world, after the successful confinement, the gate of the ghost world has been closed.Therefore, the time map cannot be opened again, and the time map can only be activated again when the gate of the ghost world is opened again a hundred years later, and the Chinese royal family who heard the news were helpless.

The marriage ended inconclusively, and the Huaxia royal family did not announce that the little princess was safe and sound, so as to avoid further troubles, because the ghost king's wedding picture transformed into a time map was fused with a stone wall for special reasons and could not be removed. The announcement of this matter may cause many troubles, and in order to deceive people, the imperial court did not send anyone to protect the time map.For a hundred years, this matter gradually subsided, and the person the little princess wanted to marry also married a wife.

Now, a hundred years have passed, and the time map will open again, it's time to rescue the little princess.What the emperor wants Liu Tian and the others to do is to rescue the little princess!

"My lord, you know my strength, but it's not enough for a ghost king to plug his teeth." The dead old man said with a sad face, "Besides, the Huaxia Dynasty has no shortage of masters, why push us into the fire pit? This is not the same as not letting us go!" What's the difference."

"My purpose is to let you go to Chasing Sword for help. Eternity is his apprentice, so it's not difficult to move him, right? As for the masters of the Dynasty, they have all entered the periphery of Shengyan Volcano. This time, the thousand-year reincarnation of Shengyan Volcano is not easy. " said the emperor.

"My lord, the picture of the ghost king welcoming the bride you mentioned is not the picture of the ghost king welcoming the bride in the ghost tomb under the ghost cloud slope, is it? The gate of the ghost world is also there?" Liu Tian suddenly remembered the ghost tomb under the ghost cloud slope when he fled. The shocking picture scroll seen in the movie.

"Yes, it is there, but the gate of the ghost world is not there. The spiritual practitioner spent his life imprisoning the ghost king far away in the sky. Soul tombs can lead to hell, but not to the ghost world. Ghost world and hell are two different concepts." The dead old man explained.

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