The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 318 The Imprisonment of the Time Map

Chapter 318 The Imprisonment of the Time Map

"Are you agreeing or not? It's not like you guys are the ones to do it, but I just asked you to invite Zhuijian. Li Fenghua, you know Zhuijian's temper. If I ask him to go out, he may not agree. 26nbsp;" The emperor's tone was full impatient.

"My lord, may I ask if we are going to rescue the little princess within a few days?" Liu Tian asked, frowning slightly, he still doesn't know the whereabouts of the chasing sword.

"In five days, after five days, the hundred-year period will arrive. At that time, I will let the apprentice of the spiritual cultivator go to the soul tomb together and open the time map. Remember, you only have three days after entering the time map, because ghosts The gate of the world has only been opened for three days, and the time map will be closed again after three days." The emperor said.

"Five days later..." Liu Tian said softly, "But I don't know the whereabouts of my master. He and a good friend of his went to do a very important matter, and they haven't returned yet."

"You don't have to worry about this. After three days, Chasing Sword will return to the job transfer hall. You can go and persuade him then." The emperor said.

"Okay, then it's settled." Liu Tian nodded in agreement.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for accepting the quest [The Imprisonment of the Time Map]"

〖Hide the only one〗【Confinement of Time Map】〖Imperial Low Grade〗:

【Task Content】:

A hundred years ago, a little princess born with a phoenix body was born. Eighteen years later, she was born into a slim and beautiful girl. When she got married, she was taken away by the ghost king who came out of the ghost world.When the gate of the ghost world was about to close, the time map was born, imprisoned for that period of time, and included the ghost king and others into the time map. Due to special reasons, the time map could not be opened.Now, a hundred years have passed, and the time map can be opened again. At this time, it is the thousand-year reincarnation of Shengyan Volcano, and the masters of the dynasty have other tasks and cannot go to the rescue.So let you ask the master to chase the sword and go out to rescue the little princess.

【Mission time】: Eight days.

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure penalty]: Unknown.

"My lord, can we go?" The dead old man asked cautiously, heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly said: "It's really right to bring this brat here this time, but I didn't get any benefits along the way, so he is fine. Harvest again and again, damn it."

"Let's go." The emperor waved his hand: "However, Li Fenghua, you will remember it. If you dare to enter the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum next time, I will not forgive you because of anyone." At the end, the emperor The Lord's tiger eyes were wide open, revealing his murderous intent.

"Yes, yes, old man, I will never come to the underground palace of the Imperial Mausoleum again." The dead old man apologized, and pulled Liu Tian out.

"Wait." The emperor suddenly stopped the two of them, threw a token to the dead old man, and said: "Hold this and you will not be attacked on the way back. When you leave the imperial mausoleum, remember to take this token Return the cards to the palace, otherwise..."

The situation they encountered when they went back was very different from when they came back. The two were not attacked in any way. When the patrolling guards saw them, they saluted respectfully and watched them leave.

Behind the old man's courtyard, Liu Tian and the old man were sitting on the stone bench, eating vegetables and drinking wine.Of course, this wine is just ordinary wine, not the kind of wine that made my body feel like it was on fire when I drank it last time.

"Hey..." Seeing the melancholy on Liu Tian's face, the dead old man felt even more depressed: "Are you not happy? You got so many good things in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, what about me? 'Mao' didn't get any one."

Liu Tian picked up his eyelids slightly, and said: "That's because you didn't take it yourself. There are so many good things in Emperor Tang Zong's tomb, why don't you take any of them?"

"Ahem, in fact, I have long thought about what I want to take, but..."

"Not enough greed." Liu Tian said lightly: "I don't have any ideas about other things, I just want to get Hengmeng Snow Lotus to save my friends."

"Go, you kid actually dare to educate the uncle..." the dead old man said angrily, but before he finished speaking, Liu Tian had already got up and walked towards the door.

"See you at the transfer hall in three days."

Liu Tian went back to meet some beauties, said a few words casually, and left. After that, he went to see the studios created by some classmates. Finally, he came to a small restaurant in the Dragon Imperial City alone, and opened a restaurant. I took a box and ordered some jugs of wine and some dishes.He was waiting for someone, two people, one named Tiegu and the other named Wufeng.The two of them are exactly the two talents Liu Tian met in the trial forest.

During the trial forest, the two promised Liu Tian to join his guild that had not yet been established.At the same time, Liu Tian assigned them a task to try their best to recruit players who had not joined any forces.Today, Liu Tian made an appointment with the two of them to see how they are currently recruiting.

About half an hour later, Tie Gu arrived at the restaurant first, and Liu Tian was stunned by the first sentence he said.

"President Eternal, you finally summoned me and Wufeng, I thought you forgot."

"Ahem, president of eternity... Tie Gu, you better not call me that, I'm not used to it, and I'm not a president now." Liu Tian handed Tie Gu a glass of wine.

"Hey, not now, I guess he will be the president of the first guild in this game soon." Tie Gu smiled, took the wine that Liu Tian handed over without politeness, and drank it straight and forth.

"Uh." Liu Tian awkwardly 'touched' the tip of his nose: "Tiegu, how many members have you recruited now?"

"More than 300." Iron Bones poured himself a glass of wine: "Many of them are players who have known each other over the years of playing games, or those players know. Only a small number of members are newly recruited, as you know, Our newborn guild has neither strength nor family background, so it is quite difficult for other players to join us."

"Well, I understand this. As long as we are the first to establish a guild, I believe that with the name of the first guild, many players will join." Liu Tian nodded, he was quite satisfied with the numbers reported by Iron Skeleton News.

"Thanks for your hard work, Iron Bones."

"It's nothing, just, I want to ask you a question." The iron-bone look suddenly became very serious: "You created a guild, are you really just to resist those arrogant guilds, not for your own selfish desire?"

"I'm not only for resisting those guilds, I also want to destroy them when I have the opportunity. Of course, I'm not doing it for my own selfish desires. If I monopolize the power and go my own way just to satisfy my own selfish desires, you and Wufeng can leave the guild immediately. "Liu Tian's eyes shone with determination: "I will definitely not let the guild become the kind of guild that bullies others. I just want to give our members a good game environment, not to suffer in the game."

"Papa." There was a burst of applause, and a man pushed the door open: "Well said, those guilds only know how to bully others, steal monsters, and kill people! We must destroy these guilds if we have the chance."

"Wufeng, are you here? Sit down quickly." Liu Tian said.

"Our guild can't bully others, but we must avenge our vengeance." Wufeng took a sip of wine: "Of course, we must be arrogant when necessary, otherwise people will think that our guild is a soft persimmon. Oh no."

"Yeah." Liu Tian nodded: "By the way, Wufeng, how many players do you have now?"

"Too few, more than 100." Wufeng shook his head, expressing his dissatisfaction with the number: "There are many players here who are fools and may leave at any time. After all, we don't have the background of the Grand Guild. They have regular members and a certain reputation, so it is not difficult for them to develop rapidly, but we will have to pay a huge price, but now we have the first order of the sky, and we have taken advantage of the time."

Afterwards, the three of them discussed the specific matters of the guild before leaving.Liu Tian went directly to the City Lord's Mansion, and he went to the City Lord's Mansion to accept a task of eradicating small bandit strongholds. This task does not reward money or experience, but it can reward a lot of reputation.Prestige is very important to Liu Tian who is eager to establish a guild, so he has no choice but to do this kind of task.

〖Normal〗【Eliminate Bandit Strongholds】〖Smart Low Grade〗:

【Task Content】:

A group of bandits came recently on the Black Snake Mountain, more than 20 miles outside the East City Gate.A village was just robbed a few days ago, please rush to Black Snake Mountain and kill a certain number of bandits.

【Task time】: Five days.

【Task Status】:

0/50 ordinary bandits

0/2 Bandit Leaders

0/1 bandit leader

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure penalty]: Unknown.

After purchasing medicines, repairing equipment, and organizing storage space, Liu Tian rushed to Black Snake Mountain immediately after a series of preparatory work.

As soon as he entered the mountain road of Black Snake Mountain, there was a rustling sound in the grass, and suddenly, a big man with tiger eyes and swallow jaw jumped out of the grass, wearing half-leaked clothes, he looked like a hooligan.He also held a machete in his hand.

【Bandit】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 31

Health: 3800/3800

Infuriating value: 1000/1000

"I planted this tree." The bandit first pointed to a tree beside the road, then pointed to the road on the ground and said, "I opened this road, and I want to pass here..."

"Stay to buy money." Liu Tian interrupted the bandit angrily, and asked, "Were you a bandit before, and now you have changed your job to become a bandit?"

"How do you know?" asked the bandit.

"So a classic sentence..." Liu Tian sighed: "Don't you guys know how to innovate? That's right, your man must not be able to innovate, otherwise he wouldn't be reduced to a bandit now."

"You insulted me! You're doomed!" The bandit was furious, holding a machete and throwing at Liu Tian, ​​Liu Tian escaped the bandit's attack just by moving his steps lightly.

The bandits attacked a few more times, but Liu Tian easily dodged them all. Finally, when he was out of breath, Liu Tian used two consecutive moves to kill him, and continued to walk up the Black Snake Mountain.

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