The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 323 New Missions

Chapter 323 New Mission

Back in the city, Liu Tian and centurion Xiaoqi came to the City Lord's Mansion and delivered the task, while Tianxuan bid him farewell and went to deliver the task as well. 26nbsp;Because Liu Tian helped the centurion Xiaoqi successfully capture all the bandits in Black Snake Mountain, he was judged to have overfulfilled the task, and gained 25000 experience, 500 reputation, and 2 gold coins.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the mission [Suppress the fleeing robbers]"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the quest [Dead Wife's Hairpin]"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the mission [Traitor Among Soldiers]"

Liu Tianyi accepted three tasks in a row, and these three tasks were all related to each other. Doing three tasks was almost the same as doing one task.

The story background of the three missions: A soldier betrays the army and joins the ranks of wandering robbers.A few days ago, they robbed a rich businessman who was playing in the wild.The deceased wife of the rich merchant had given him a hairpin, which was a relic of his wife and was also taken in this robbery.

〖Normal〗【Suppress the fleeing robbers】〖Smart-level low-grade〗:

【Task Content】:

A few days ago, five wandering robbers made another move. They robbed a rich businessman and got a lot of money, but they didn't know that their every move was already under the surveillance of the government. Please hurry up now Go to the Ivy Forest and kill these five robbers.

[Task time]: Two days.

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

〖Common〗【Dead Wife's Hairpin】〖Small Class〗:

【Task Content】:

A few days ago, five robbers robbed a rich businessman who was playing in the wild. They not only robbed all the money of the rich businessman, but also took away the hairpin given to the rich businessman by his deceased wife. Now go to the Ivy Forest and kill the robber He took back the hairpin and returned it to the sad rich businessman.

[Task time]: Two days.

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

〖Normal〗【Traitor Among Soldiers】〖Low Handsome〗:

【Task Content】:

A week ago, a soldier was dissatisfied with the status quo and resolutely joined a robbery gang. A few days ago, he and his accomplice robbed a wealthy businessman.Now that the location of the soldiers and those robbers is known, they are in the Ivy Forest, please hurry to the Ivy Forest and kill this traitor.

[Task time]: Two days.

[Task Status]: Not completed.

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

Liu Tian repaired his equipment, bought medicines, and bought a few steamed buns to satisfy his hunger, before embarking on the journey to the Ivy Forest.

Ivy Forest is located in the west of Liufeng City, ten kilometers away. There are already 25 monsters there, and they are not difficult to deal with. It meets the needs of current players, so it is also a good place for leveling.When Liu Tian arrived here, he saw teams of players coming in and out. Many teams saw Liu Tian, ​​a player who was well-equipped and well-equipped, and sent invitations to join the team one after another, but Liu Tian rejected them one by one.He went straight into the depths of the ivy forest.

"Hey, brother, why do so many people enter the Ivy Forest alone recently? Look at the player just now, it's the same. Doesn't he know the level of monsters in the Ivy Forest? All the people who have entered recently are dead, I think Unless he is a pervert on the ranking list, he can't break through the Ivy Forest alone, you say, he is stupid, or stupid, or an idiot."

"I think he is stupid, stupid and idiot, thinking that he can destroy the boss in the Ivy Forest by himself, and take all the benefits into his own pocket."

"Brother, you are so right. Those idiots seem to be going to the boss in the forest recently. Hehe, they don't even look at what kind of goods they are, and they want to take it all by themselves? Don't they know that a boss from yesterday? Fortunately and unfortunately, the team encountered the Ivy boss in the Ivy Forest, and the entire army was wiped out."

The two players looked at Liu Tian's back and whispered.

The monsters in the Ivy Forest are similar to its name. Ivy is the main monster here, and there are other plant monsters like flower demons, and of course animal monsters like poisonous snakes.No, not long after Liu Tian entered the green vine forest, an arm-thin green vine jumped out from the weeds and directly wrapped around Liu Tian's thigh.


A flash of red light flashed, the killing sword was unsheathed, and a cut vine and some green blood appeared on the ground.Holding the sword, Liu Tian rushed to the root of the ivy, pierced straight through with the sword, and the green blood immediately splashed everywhere.




A series of injuries emerged from Ivy's head, and within a few seconds, it died.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who killed Ivy forever and gained 8400 experience."

Liu Tian took a few steps after killing the green vines, when a bewitching flower suddenly opened its closed petals, spewing out a puddle of black venom, hitting Liu Tian's body impartially.

"Ding dong, you were attacked by the flower demon and fell into a poisoned state. Your speed was reduced by % for 1 minute, and your body fell into a paralyzed state for 1 minute."

"Grass!" Liu Tian yelled, just now he was still praising the beauty of Hua'er in his heart, but he was attacked by Hua'er the next moment, it's also because he didn't collect the information of the Ivy Forest, and didn't know that the Flower Demon is also a monster in the Ivy Forest.

"Pierce through your flower mouth, and see how you can still spit out the poison!" The electric switch erupted instantly, and Liu Tian flashed in front of the flower demon. Suddenly, a green poisonous snake with the thickness of an arm struck.

Players who often level up in the Ivy Forest know that the Flower Demon and the Green Snake are usually together. The Flower Demon cannot move and is at a disadvantage in the Ivy Forest. However, it and the Green Snake in the Ivy Forest are an inseparable pair of cooperation partner.The flower demon can secrete a strange fragrance, which can attract small animals. With the flower demon, the green snake can save a lot of predation effort.


The green snake bit Liu Tian's shoulder, retreated with one blow, and went straight back to the tree, swallowing the snake's letter, staring at Liu Tian viciously, and might attack at any time.The green snake was lurking, and the flower demon attacked again. After the flower mouth closed, it started to spin, and the flower thorns rushed out one after another. Liu Tian couldn't dodge in time, and several flower thorns hit his body.


While he was dodging, the Green Snake found the right moment and made a surprise attack, took a bite of Liu Tian's butt, and then sneaked into the weeds.

"Your sister, it's not good to bite, you're biting your ass." Liu Tian rubbed his butt in displeasure, his eyes flicked around, trying to find the green snake, but there were not many other things in the ivy forest. As there were many weeds, he cast his eyes for a long time, but he couldn't find the green snake. Instead, he gave the flower demon time to prepare his skills.


The flower demon made a sound similar to the roar of a beast, and the flower body suddenly became bigger, and its huge mouth directly bit Liu Tian, ​​who was three meters away.

"That's right, if I don't show off my power, you still think I'm trash?"

Seeing this, Liu Tian did not retreat but advanced, summoned the Earth Demon Sword, and pierced the flower demon's sharp mouth.Liu Tian pretended to attack, and after drawing out the green snake, he directly hit the sword demon's killing seal, blasting the green snake to the ground, and the killing sword repeatedly slashed, a living poisonous snake died just like that.Without the help of the green snake, the flower demon soon became Liu Tian's experience.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who killed the flower demon forever and gained 8400 experience."

A system prompt, representing the death of the flower demon.

Slashing the ivy, killing the flower demon, and killing the green snake, all the way through the customs, Liu Tian quickly arrived at the place where the five wandering robbers were.

Not far from the robbers, Liu Tian had already heard their voices, sneered secretly in his heart, stopped his pace, and then sneaked forward after making up his mind on the battle strategy.As the saying goes: sneak into the village, do not shoot.

Liu Tian quietly lurked towards the source of the sound, but after a while, he saw five strong and sturdy men chatting in a simple wooden house not far away.

"Haha, brothers, are you satisfied with the vote a few days ago? The rich businessman actually brought a lot of money with him, and there is also a valuable jade hairpin. I will find a buyer in a few days." , we brothers can live happily for a while again." Robber A said while playing with a white jade hairpin.

"Satisfied, big brother, this fat sheep is really fat, and Brother Fei has been staring at it for several days." Robber B said excitedly.

"Yeah, big brother, when are we going to make a move again? This fat sheep makes my heart itch, I can't wait to make a move." The robber c said, he is also the rebellious soldier, Zhang Hua.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the authorities are looking for a bit tight these days, let's evacuate here tomorrow and go to other cities to get rid of Yuhan." Robber A said.

"Brother is right. I went into the city yesterday and saw the notice that we are wanted." Robber D nodded and said.



The robbers were talking, and Liu Tian was secretly approaching the hut.

"Brother, let's stop after we do a few more big votes. After all, doing this is very dangerous. Although the money comes quickly, it is not safe." Robber e thought for a while.

Robber A said: "Well, I agree with Lao Yu's idea, we will stop after a few votes and start some serious business."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance." Just as the other three robbers were hesitating whether to stop, a cold voice sounded outside the hut, and a man walked in from the door, and the person who came was naturally Liu Tian.

"Who are you?" Robber A asked with a frown. Although he scoffed at Liu Tian's words, he still guarded against Liu Tian.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are about to die by my sword." Liu Tiancai ignored the five dying people.

"Hmph, I don't know how to live or die. I guess he is a running dog of the government. He came here alone for a reward. Although he is brave, he is extremely stupid!" Robber B said.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him. He may be someone sent by the government to scout the way. I'm afraid the officers and soldiers are right behind him." Robber C, Zhang Hua, said.

"Well, Zhang Hua, go ahead, he, you should deal with it, right?" Robber A said.

"It's a piece of cake." Zhang Hua said, his tone was arrogant, but a more arrogant word came faintly.

"You guys should go together, so as not to waste my time." Liu Tian slowly drew out the killing sword, and said calmly.

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