The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 324 Meeting a Thief on the Way Back

Chapter 324 Meeting a Thief on the Way Back

Liu Tian's flat tone showed his arrogance, but this was also due to his confidence in his own strength. Just five robbers in their thirties and above did not pose much threat to him. 30nbsp;His arrogance naturally provoked the five robbers to be extremely angry, and they were about to rush forward with roars.

【Robber Li Da】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 32

Health: 4 0/4 0

True Chi value: 1800/1800.

【Robber Wu Quan】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 30

Health: 3870/3870

True Chi value: 1500/1500.

【Robber Zhang Hua】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 33

Health: 4400/4400

True Chi value: 1800/1800.

【Robber Di Qiu】〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 30

Health: 3840/3840

True Chi value: 1550/1550.

[When the robber is cold] 〖handsome inferior〗:

Level: 32

Health: 38 /38

True Chi value: 1530/1530.

This is the attribute of the five robbers, and Li Tianran is the leader of the five.As expected of being a soldier, Zhang Hua had the highest attributes among the five, but he didn't have Li Da's prestige, so he couldn't be the leader of the five. The attributes of the other three robbers were not much different, brothers between.After detecting the attributes of the five people, Liu Tian became more confident.

"If you don't come up, I'm coming." After finishing speaking, Liu Tian directly called out the sleepy formation, held the outer formula of Yujian, and shot out the killing sword in an instant, piercing the forehead of a robber.



"Damn it, how dare you sneak attack." Li Da was annoyed, and shouted: "Brothers, let's go together and kill this bastard!"

"Hmph." Liu Tian snorted. Now he is much more proficient in using the trapping formation. With one thought, he mobilized the power of the trapping formation, hindered the actions of the four robbers, and released Wu Quan alone.


The killing sword slashed down from behind Wu Quan, and hit the robber on his shoulder. Taking advantage of Wu Quan's moment of loss of consciousness, the sword demon suppressed the killing seal and blasted out.



"Earth Demon Sword!"


There was another sound of piercing into the flesh, and the Earth Demon Sword pierced Wu Quan's abdomen.At this time, Li Da and the others finally defeated the obstructive forces and rushed to rescue Wu Quan, but they were greeted by Liu Tian's cold voice and a big net full of spikes!

Instant Kill ●Asura Net!

The Shura net contracted and expanded by itself, directly covering the four robbers firmly, and the sharp spikes pierced the flesh and blood of the four people fiercely. More, more stabs and deeper!For a moment, the tragic cry echoed in the hut!

Retracting the Killing Sword with his mind, Liu Tian unleashed the Star Killer, and a bright silver sword fell down, hitting the four people who were in great pain.






In the damage caused by the star kill, there is also the continuous damage caused by the Shura net!This is an overwhelming feat, and the five of them are not far from death.

"Slaughter body, avatar technique!"

Liu Tian made a clone, and the effect of the body of killing was also blessed on the clone, which really surprised him.Relying on absolute strength, Liu Tian quickly wiped out the five bandits.

On the ground lay a hosta, which was one of the goals of Liu Tian's trip.Liu Tian bent over and picked up the hosta.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for completing the task [Eliminate the fleeing robbers] Please deliver the task as soon as possible."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for completing the mission [Dead Wife's Hairpin] Please deliver the mission as soon as possible."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for completing the mission [Traitor Among Soldiers] Please deliver the mission as soon as possible."

The three tasks have been met, Liu Tian smiled slightly, turned and walked out of the wooden house.He originally wanted to use the city return talisman to go home directly, but he was depressed to find that there was no city return talisman, so he had to go back to the city on foot.

"Second son, quickly lure the boss into this trap."

"Roger that!"

Not long after he left, Liu Tian heard such a voice, looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a dozen figures flashing in the distance.

"Boss fight? Interesting." Liu Tian said to himself, he thought to himself for a while, and strode towards the dozen or so people. He wasn't worried that the dozen of people would attack him, anyway, he wasn't going to hunt monsters , just to take a look, and with his strength, it is extremely easy to escape.

The boss in the Ivy Forest must be at least level 26. For the current player level, it should be a bit difficult to deal with it, but Liu Tian saw the action of these dozen people dealing with this boss, he couldn't see the difficulty, but it was a bit easy. aroused his curiosity.

Hiding behind a tree, Liu Tian observed the team closely, and soon he discovered a strange place.There are ten people in this team, and everyone is a thief!Each of them is very agile behind them, and when dealing with the boss, they are also very calm, or iron-blooded, with a military atmosphere.

The boss is a green vine flower demon, like a combination of green vines and flower demons, a coquettish flower grows on a thin green vine that is as thick as a human body, the flower spits out poison, and the green vine entangles the enemy, and This is a boss that can only move.At this time, the three thieves were flying up and down to attract the hatred of the Ivy Flower Demon, while the other seven were setting up various traps.

"Wow, that's okay?" Liu Tian saw three thieves leading the Ivy Flower Demon into a trap, and immediately saw a series of damages on the Ivy Flower Demon. The duration is not short.

The three thieves who originally attracted the hatred of the boss saw the boss entering the trap, and decisively dodged out of the way. The three of them worked together to set up a new trap.And the Ivy Flower Demon who just came out of the trap was entangled by three other thieves.

The green vines flew wildly, and the green vines invaded everywhere, trying to tie up the three thieves, but the three bandits were so agile, they cleverly avoided the entanglement of the vines, and they were still there from time to time. Draw a few lines on the ivy.

"This is skill level." Liu Tian was amazed. He checked the attributes of several thieves and found that they were only level 21 or 22. Killing the boss with this level was really skill level, but he felt that this It's real fighting skills.

With the iron-blooded fighting posture, calm eyes and close cooperation, Liu Tian suddenly had the idea of ​​taking them under his command.It's just that this idea was cut off by him in an instant. Most of these teams should be the main force of a certain guild. How could it be his turn to recruit this unborn guild?Even if they haven't joined any guild, with their strength, even if they want to enter the top ten guilds, they are still the elite among the elites. How could they enter his guild?

"However, after they finish killing the boss, it's not bad to see if we can get acquainted with each other." Liu Tian was determined to pay attention, watching the team of thieves kill the boss under the tree with peace of mind.

Not long after, a trap was set out, and the three thieves led the Ivy Flower Demon into the trap step by step.

"Let's go!" The retreat of the three thieves who attracted the monster meant that the Ivy Flower Demon had fallen into the trap.Ever since, a series of injuries emerged from the Ivy Flower Demon again.

When the Ivy Flower Demon broke the trap and came back out of the rivers and lakes, it was replaced by three other thieves who entangled it. Although it was furious and attacked fiercely, who made the other party as agile as a monkey? Almost hard to hit each other.

Soon, another trap was set up, and when the Ivy Flower Demon was caught in the trap again, it was completely angry. Although its wisdom was no better than that of humans, it also knew that anger was happy.This time it attacked, it used the flower demon venom that had never been used before.Its method of using the venom is very special, it actually infiltrates the venom into the vines.

The Ivy Dragon Dance, the Ivy Flower Demon once again gave birth to several vines, and dozens of green and black vines danced like green snakes. A thief was attacked by several vines at the same time. When he wanted to avoid it, he was caught by a The green vines on the ground entangled his ankles. Although he jumped forward at the critical moment, he was still swept into the crook of the arm by a green and black vine.

"Ding Dong, you were hit by the poisonous ivy of the Ivy Flower Demon, and fell into a state of paralysis for seconds."

A feeling of numbness spread to the thief, and his every move immediately became much more difficult.


Taking advantage of his inability to move, several vines entangled the thief's body and dragged him to the Ivy Flower Demon. At this time, the flower on the top of the Ivy Flower Demon finally bloomed, revealing a A mouth full of sharp jagged teeth.It actually wanted to eat the thief!

"Rabbit!" A thief shouted urgently, and wanted to step forward to rescue him, but a vine swept across him, and he had to retreat.Because their level is low, if they are hit by the Ivy Flower Demon, not to mention how much their life will drop, but also the poison contained in the Ivy.He can't take another step forward, and he can't let himself be caught, which will only increase the burden on the team members and the danger of rescue.

"Give up setting up traps first, attack all, and work together to rescue the rabbit." A man said, resolutely gave up the work in hand, and rushed away with a five-inch long dagger gleaming with cold light. His nickname in the game was Cang. The original blood wolf.

Nine thieves formed three teams in an instant, cutting the vines forward, but the effect was not obvious. The entangled thief still approached Ivy at a not slow speed. After all, they were not combat professions, and their level was too low. The monster doesn't do much damage.

Just as they were about to watch their brother being dragged into the flower mouth of the Ivy Flower Demon, a blood sword emerged from the air, and with a puff, it directly blasted into the Ivy Flower Demon's flower mouth.The Ivy Flower Demon was injured, and the Ivy loosened, and the thief took the opportunity to escape and return to the main army.

With a slight smile on his face, Liu Tian walked slowly towards the ten people and the Ivy Flower Demon.

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