The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 325 Getting to know

Chapter 325 Get acquainted

The blood sword flew across the sky, like a thunderbolt piercing the flower mouth of the Ivy Flower Demon. When the ten thieves were still in a state of surprise, a young man slowly came from behind the tree, with a faint smile on his ordinary face.

Liu Tian's helping hand not only failed to make the ten thieves feel grateful, but instead made them feel defensive.In the game, robbing monsters happened from time to time, they didn't believe that Liu Tian was full and had nothing to do to save them.From their point of view, Liu Tian wanted to steal the monster.

"My friend, thank you for your help. I am Cangyuan Blood Wolf, the leader of the Dark Wolf Mercenary Group." It implies vigilance and warning.

Seeing this, Liu Tian frowned slightly: "Don't worry, I didn't come to hunt monsters, I only shot when I saw him in danger."

Liu Tian's straightforwardness stunned Cangyuan Blood Wolf and the other nine thieves.

"Okay, it looks like you don't believe me, I'm leaving, so as not to make you suspicious." Liu Tian spoke bluntly, turned his head and left, and the killing sword was summoned by him, and returned to its sheath with a clang.

"Wait." Seeing Liu Tian's every move, the Cangyuan blood wolf didn't seem to really want to steal the monster, so he hurriedly asked to stay: "My friend, I apologize to you, please wait, let's put this monster first. After the boss is killed, I will thank you again."

"Okay." Liu Tian stood beside a tree, stopped talking, and looked at the Ivy Flower Demon who had just recovered from the Dark Wolf mercenary battle.

The battle strategy of the dark wolf mercenary group is the same as before. They still use traps to drag the ivy flower demon to death. However, after seeing the power of the ivy flower demon poison, they are more careful and would rather fight head-on than inject poison into their bodies. The ivy flower demon swept the body.

After about 5 minutes, the dark wolf mercenary group finally killed the Ivy Flower Demon.Cangyuan Xuelang, the leader of the Dark Wolf Mercenary Corps, wiped the green blood from his face, came to Liu Tian's front, and said sincerely.

"I'm sorry I misunderstood you just now. Now I will introduce myself again. My name is Cangyuan Blood Wolf, the leader of the Dark Wolf Mercenary Group. I want to make friends with you. What do you want?"

"My name is Eternal. It's a great honor to have you as my friend." Liu Tian smiled lightly and put the previous unhappiness behind him.

"This is a piece of equipment from the Ivy Flower Demon. Please accept it as our reward." Cangyuan Blood Wolf took out a green staff and put it in front of Liu Tian: "If it wasn't for you to help , the rabbit must have returned to the city now."

Liu Tian shook his head: "Let's take this piece of equipment back. I didn't do anything, so I deserve it. Besides, we are friends now. It's normal to help out. How can we ask for payment?"

Invisibly, the relationship between Liu Tian and the blood wolf of Cangyuan took another step closer.

"Okay, then I won't be arrogant anymore, let's go, go to the tavern in Liufeng City to have a drink and celebrate." Cangyuan Blood Wolf issued an invitation.Liu Tian thought about it for a while, and then agreed. He probably still wanted to establish a good relationship with the Dark Wolf Mercenary Corps, and he might ask them for help in the future.

A group of people hurried towards the city.

"Brother Blood Wolf, why are all your mercenary groups thieves?" On the way, after Liu Tian and the Dark Wolf mercenary group got acquainted, he finally asked his doubts.

"Oh, there's actually a reason for this, and I'm not afraid of making fun of you if you say it." Cangyuan Blood Wolf laughed and said, "We have all served as soldiers in reality, hehe, all ten of us are comrades-in-arms. What did I live that led to a poor life, and later I heard that games can make money, so I entered the game with my comrades in arms. The things learned in the military camp are more suitable for thieves, and choosing rogues can make full use of the fighting skills we learned in the military camp."

"So that's how it is." Liu Tian suddenly realized: "No wonder you two are so powerful together, Brother Blood Wolf, you can beat even level 26 bosses."

"I think you can overthrow the Ivy Flower Demon by yourself, tsk tsk, I saw the style of that sword at that time, and it actually caused the Ivy Flower Demon's life to drop by more than 200." Rabbit said, he was the one who was killed by Liu Tian The man who was rescued was slightly smaller than the other nine people, but he was very fast, so they all called him Rabbit.

"Ahem..." Liu Tian smiled awkwardly.

Back in Flowing Maple City, Cangyuan Blood Wolf directly dragged Liu Tian to a tavern.

"The wine in the game is stronger than the wine in reality, but the game is a game after all, so it lacks such a feeling." Cangyuan Blood Wolf raised the wine glass fiercely, took a sip and said, "Brother Eternal, come, I respect you." You have a glass, if you are a man, you can finish it in one gulp."

Liu Tian had a bitter face, but he still wanted a man's face, so he picked up the wine and drank it in one gulp.Liu Tian seldom drank, drinking so much alcohol all at once made him cough until he choked.

"Brother, you can't do this. How can a man not drink? Come on, I'll toast you too. If it's a man, I'll finish it in one gulp." The rabbit also picked up the wine glass.

"Okay." Liu Tian said with a sad face, and almost drank another glass of wine.

Next, Liu Tian kept hearing this sentence repeated: Come on, I'll toast you too, if it's a man, I'll finish it in one gulp.

"Brother, that's right! Come on, I'll toast you too. If it's a man, I'll finish it in one gulp." This is what the second son said.

"Brother, that's enough! Come on, I'll toast you too. If it's a man, I'll finish it in one gulp." This is what Hei Niu said.


After paying respects to the ten people one by one, Liu Tian almost suffered a tragedy, but luckily his physique is not so good.Finally, after adding friends with ten people, Liu Tiancai got drunk and went offline.In reality, Liu Tian is also a little drunk, which is affected by the game's sensor system, but only a little bit.

Liu Tian took a shower, and even the trace of drunkenness disappeared.

Time passed, and soon came the day when Chasing Sword came back.After washing, eating, and going to the hospital, Liu Tian logged into the game and went straight to the job transfer hall after going online. This time, he not only had to persuade Zhui Jian to come out, but also learned new skills.

When he came to the transfer hall, Liu Tian was a little excited and a little uneasy.What if Chasing Sword doesn't kill him, and doesn't agree to his request?

"Rub, why did you forget to drag the dead old man here?" Liu Tian was so annoyed that he arrived at the transfer hall unknowingly.Ignoring the gazes of other players, he walked directly into the inner hall.

The emperor did not deceive Liu Tian, ​​Liu Tian saw the chasing sword in the inner palace.

"Master, you're finally back. I've been looking forward to your return every day. I haven't seen you for a few days. Master's demeanor is even better than before." As soon as we met, Liu Tian immediately slapped him with a series of flattery. What about asking others?

"Not bad, apprentice, have you reached the level of a handsome low-rank? The speed is good, but your body seems to be a little bit wrong..." Chasing the sword was taken very well by Liu Tian, ​​and he looked at Liu Tian with a smile and said, but the more he looked at God' Color' more dignified.

"Teacher, you didn't absorb the killing pool, did you? Such a strong murderous aura."

"Uh, master, can you feel it?" Liu Tian asked, so far, no one has seen his physical condition, of course, except Bai Jingya.

"Don't worry about how I know, tell me quickly, have you absorbed the killing pool?" Chasing Sword's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"Absorbed a little bit." Liu Tian felt guilty.

"A little bit, that's good. With the murderous aura in your body, you should be able to restrain the murderous desire. As long as your strength rises, it will not be difficult to kill this murderous aura." Zhuijian let out a long breath, and he naturally felt He couldn't see the terrifying killing intent in Liu Tian's body, and he was only slightly aware of it.

"Master, this time, I have something to ask for your help..."

"I already know." Chasing Sword gave Liu Tian a chestnut: "When I'm not around, don't you become lawless? That old bastard Li Fenghua trespassed in the palace of the Imperial Mausoleum, and now he wants me to wipe his ass." ..."

The resentment of chasing the sword is very deep.

"Ahem, master, actually I don't want to go either. I was fascinated by money for a while, so I went under the bewitching of the dead old man." Liu Tian tried his best to push his own responsibility to the dead old man.At this time, he was thankful that he didn't bring the dead old man here. If the dead old man was present now, how could he so recklessly shift the responsibility to the dead old man?

"Okay, stop talking, I promised."

Liu Tian almost hugged Zhui Jian and shouted long live, but he didn't expect Zhui Jian to agree so easily.His original plan was this: first tell Zhui Jian the super-touching story he made up, and then move it with emotion and understand it with reason.If it really doesn't work, you can only be shameless. Of course, the job of being shameless is left to the old man.

"Stay away from that bastard Li Fenghua in the future, the scheme hit me. I'll rub it!" Zhuijian said angrily.The emperor had contacted Zhuijian earlier and asked him to rescue the little princess, but he refused. Now it's good, he has to go if he doesn't.

"Master, don't be angry, I must stay away from this dead old man, he also let him plot." Liu Tian is now showing a common hatred.

"Okay, okay, for the sake of your leveling up so fast, I will forgive you for these things first." Chasing Sword waved his hand: "You level up quickly, and help me avenge Old Man Bing."

"Yes, master, this apprentice will definitely work hard to level up, and strive to avenge Master Bing's blood hatred as soon as possible."

"Zhuijian, you're finally back, I miss you so much." Just as Liu Tianjiang asked Zhuijian to teach him skills, Liu Tian's familiar voice came from outside the hall.

"Why did the old man come here?" Liu Tian was puzzled.

"You old bastard, what are you doing here?" Zhui Jian scolded unceremoniously.

"Ahem, chasing the sword, actually I need your help with a little favor." The dead old man winked at Liu Tian repeatedly, asking him to tell the story, but Liu Tian pretended not to see me and stared blankly at me. up to the ceiling.

"Get out! I know about this, and I will settle accounts with you again, how dare you plot against me." Zhui Jian still scolded.

Hearing this, the dead old man smiled awkwardly, and left after saying a lot of good things.At this time, Liu Tian finally had the opportunity to propose the matter of learning skills.

"Master, I haven't learned the level [-] skills yet."

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