The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 362 Netherworld Level 1

Chapter 362 The Nether First Floor

The sky over Guiyunpo is still gloomy with gloomy clouds, the wind is howling, and ghosts and ghosts are still emerging one after another. 26nbsp;However, the vitality here has increased a lot due to the appearance of the new map Nether, and more and more players have entered here to practice.

Entering the Ghost Cloud Slope, you can see many players fighting various little ghosts emerging from the ground in groups, whether far or near.The increase in the number of players led to a significant increase in the number of ghosts and their refresh rate. Liu Tian and Yaoluo moved forward all the way, and encountered nearly twenty gravediggers in just five or six minutes.This completely reversed what Liu Tian encountered when he entered Guiyunpo.

After walking for more than an hour, Liu Tiandai finally arrived at the cemetery of the Headless Corpse King.At this time, the cemetery of the Headless Corpse King has disappeared, and it has become a wide cave avenue leading underground. Wisps of ghost energy emerge from under the avenue, and a few withered ancient trees stand at the entrance like the mouth of an ancient giant beast. , an old man was standing under the tree.

"Grandpa, is there anything I can do to help you?" Liu Tian stepped forward and asked.

"Recently, the number of ghosts in the first layer of the nether world has increased greatly. You two can help me get rid of a hundred wandering ghosts, a hundred mourning ghosts, a hundred angry ghosts, and a hundred vengeful ghosts , a hundred world-hating ghosts, and collect the soul stones they exploded?" said the old man.


"Ding Dong, congratulations to players Eternal and Enchanting for accepting the mission [Raging Ghosts]."

〖Normal〗【Wrath of Ghosts】〖Scholar Grade Mid-Rank〗:

【Task Content】:

Enter 【Netherworld】, remove one hundred wandering ghosts, one hundred howling ghosts, one hundred angry ghosts, one hundred hateful ghosts, one hundred world-hating ghosts, and collect them to explode soul stone.

[Task time]: Unlimited.

【Task status】: not completed

【Failure Condition】: None.

[Failure Punishment]: None.

"Grandpa, let's clear the first layer of Netherworld and clear up these five kinds of ghosts. Goodbye." Liu Tian said.

The old man waved his hand and said softly, "Go, go."

Stepping into the entrance that looked like the mouth of a giant beast, Liu Tian and Yaoluo felt the foreground flicker, and immediately appeared in front of a vast hall. At a glance, countless translucent ghosts flickered in front of them.

The gloomy environment coupled with the gray sky that the eyes can't see through, does have a feeling of being in the dark.


A gust of wind rushed from the side, Liu Tian was alert for an instant, and pulled Yao Yao back a step.Turning his head to look, he immediately saw a translucent ghost rushing towards him with its fangs and claws.

【Wandering Ghost】〖Scholar-Level Low-Rank〗:

Grade: grade

Health: 1300/1300

True Chi value: 1000/1000.

While pulling back enchantingly and lightly, Liu Tian activated the [Sword Control Art], and the killing sword soared into the sky from the scabbard of Tianyun, turning into a divine light, piercing the translucent soul body of the wandering ghost .


A beam of extremely high damage floated out from the wandering ghost's head, and this damage was dealt while being weakened by 10%.Because wandering ghosts, howling ghosts, angry ghosts, vengeful ghosts, and world-hating ghosts have a super attribute-10% immunity to physical attack damage!

With a thought in Liu Tian's mind, the Killing Sword lightly added a stroke, and the wandering ghost immediately turned into wisps of green smoke, and only one black stone—the soul stone fell. [Underworld] Except for equipment, experience, and some special items such as soul stones and ghost iron pieces, the creatures in the map will not explode, and there is no chance to collect corpses.

"Sister, you just need to stay behind me, these monsters will never have a chance to hurt you." Liu Tian quietly looked at the three ghosts looting towards him, said quite manly, and at the same time turned on [Glance].

【Howling Ghost】〖Private Class Low-Rank〗:

Level: 21

Health: 1500/1500

True Chi value: 1100/1100.

"Giggle, okay." Enchanting covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her smile was like a flower. Although her appearance was not beautiful at this time, she couldn't hide her charm.

Seeing the howling ghosts getting closer, Liu Tian took a step and was about to attack.The three wailing ghosts wailed in unison, and the triple wave-like light waves hit Liu Tian's brain. Liu Tian only felt a sudden pain in his head, and a system notification sounded in his ears.

"Ding dong, the player will be attacked by the howling ghost sound wave forever, life -18."

"Ding dong, the player will be attacked by the howling ghost sound wave forever, life -16."

"Ding dong, the player will be attacked by the howling ghost sound wave forever, life -18."

"Sonic attack..."

Liu Tian muttered to himself, and when he came back to his senses, three wailing ghosts had already rushed in front of him, their mouths slightly opened, intending to release sonic attacks again.The limited range of the sonic attack is six meters, the closer the distance, the stronger the sonic attack power of the howling ghost, and if it is attacked by the sonic attack within a distance of three meters, there is still a 15% chance of being stunned for 1 second.

Without hesitation, Liu Tian stepped out of [Swing Up], and quickly escaped from the range of the sound wave attack. When the sound wave of the howling ghost ended, he stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Alone], turned into a phantom and rushed in front of the howling ghost. Lifting, the edge of the sword flickered coldly, and a blow of [Jian Gang] angrily slashed down, instantly killing a howling ghost.With a twist of the blade, the killing sword attacked another howling ghost.


The howling ghost suddenly opened its black hole-like mouth, and let out a high-decibel scream.

"Ding dong, the player is eternally attacked by the howling ghost skill [Screaming], the skill [Sword Gang] is suspended, and the ability to move is stopped for 1 second."

At the same time that the blade on the Killing Sword dissipated, Liu Tian's body paused for a second like a computer crash, causing two howling ghosts to escape successfully.


A howling ghost suddenly wailed miserably, with a damage value of -72 bouncing off its head, and while wisps of black smoke drifted from its body, it involuntarily pounced on Liu Tian, ​​and was chopped to death by Liu Tian's three swords after he regained his mobility.

The howling ghost turned into black smoke, and behind it was the enchanting woman holding a magic staff, Liu Tian glared at her: "Didn't I tell you to stay behind me, why did you run in front of me?"

The attacking power of the enchanting fire type is more lethal to ghosts and undead.The ghost who howled just now screamed because of her surprise attack, and her translucent body floated towards Liu Tian involuntarily.

Enchantingly pursed her lips, she smiled charmingly: "My sister doesn't want to see my younger brother being too tired."


While enchantingly speaking, Liu Tian chased the soul with two flying swords, and the remaining howling ghost let out a death scream and then disappeared.

Picking up the three soul stones on the ground, Liu Tian said, "I didn't expect sister Yaoluo to care so much about younger brother."

"That is, I am beautiful, and my heart is even more beautiful."

As Enchanting said, she was about to flaunt her charm and show off her infinite charm, but Liu Tian quickly rushed to her side, wrapped her arms around her slender waist, and stepped back.


A jet-black beam of light descended from the sky and hit the place where Yaoluo had been.Its releaser is a translucent imp with eyes that gleam in rage.

【Angry Ghost】〖Scholar-level low-grade〗:

Level: 22

Health: 1600/1600

True Chi value: 1500/1500.

"Sister, this is an angry ghost." Liu Tian said, forgetting to let go of Yao Yao, and continued to hug her.

"Brother, is it comfortable to hold me?" Enchanting asked with a smile, but there was a knife hidden in the smile, the Jiuyin White Bone Claw had quietly moved from Liu Tian's back to Liu Tian's shoulder.

"Uh, sister, what did you say?" Liu Tian hastily let go of her enchanting slender waist, and looked at the beautiful but extremely lethal Nine Yin White Bone Claw with lingering fear.

"You're wise! Why don't you hurry up and wipe out the angry ghost who dared to hurt your sister?!" Enchanting looked fierce, although she looked more fierce, she had another flavor.

"As ordered!"

Liu Tian ran forward, rushed to the angry ghost, and slashed the sad angry ghost to death like a mess.


A crisp sound spread, and a piece of black iron fell from the angry ghost.Liu Tian's eyes lit up, this should be the Nether Iron Plate, one after another dim lights flowed on the iron plate, and he could clearly see the incomplete pattern on the iron plate.

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