The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 363 Ghost Advanced

Chapter 363 Ghost Advanced

"Is this the ghost iron sheet?" Enchanting came up, bent down to pick up the iron sheet, checked its attributes, but only saw a short line of words. 26nbsp;

Nether Iron Piece, gather all 320 and four Nether Iron Piece to synthesize Nether Iron Plaque and enter the second layer of Netherworld.

"Brother, you are very lucky. A piece of ghost iron exploded not long after you arrived." Enchanting patted Liu Tian's shoulder, as if her sister was optimistic about you: "I guess it's my sister's luck."

Liu Tianzheng was complacent about Enchanting's first sentence, but was confused by Enchanting's second sentence.

"I'll continue to kill monsters!" Liu Tian looked at Enchanting with resentment, then threw down a sentence, and directly killed the five howling ghosts.

The monsters on this level did not pose any threat to him at all, he smashed all obstacles with his enchanting fighting posture, and easily penetrated into the first level of Netherworld.An hour later, I went deep into the first layer of Nether for nearly a kilometer, and the task [Ghost Raids] was almost completed, but there were only 21 pieces of iron in the Nether. No difference was found between them and ordinary ghosts.Liu Tian was very lucky to be able to explode to 21 ghost iron pieces.

Along the way, Liu Tian also met many players. They saw that only two of Liu Tian and Yao Yao could kill monsters unscrupulously in the first floor of Netherworld, so they couldn't help sending out invitations to form a team. Liu Tian tactfully refused, after all, the players who can enter the first level of Nether are not ordinary people.Perhaps there will be a place for them in future games.


The fragrant wind swept through the sky, and a fairy-level beauty flew towards Liu Tian and Yao Yao from mid-air, with ghosts under her body.

"Hanxian is back."

Enchanting and envious, she looked at Han Xian who could fly freely in mid-air.Half an hour ago, Liu Tian summoned Han Xian, almost frightened Yaoluo, and finally Liu Tian introduced Han Xian to Yaoluo.Enchanting and carrying forward her old profession, she teased Liu Tian, ​​saying that he is a charming and dishonest man.

"The partner you're looking for, my sister is ashamed of herself." Enchanting and sour, she said, "It's beautiful and strong..."

Liu Tian awkwardly 'touched' his nose, and said, "Uh, my sister is also beautiful, and her strength is not bad."

"Go, elder sister is not so easy to coax, hehe, younger brother, you see how inconvenient it is for a girl like Hanxian to follow you, how about letting her practice leveling with elder sister in the future?" Enchantingly looking at Liu Tian.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that Hanxian doesn't want to leave me." Liu Tian said boldly.


"Hey, sister, let me tell you the truth, I don't have a girlfriend yet, Hanxian is here to show me, if you can be my girlfriend..." Liu Tian said disappointedly, and quietly teased him again 's enchanting sister.

"Stinky boy! Go die for me, eat from the bowl and look into the pot, courting death!" An enchanting kick towards Liu Tian, ​​but he dodged it.

"I'm going to kill monsters, don't send them away!"

Without looking back, Liu Tian ran towards the pile of ghosts brought back by Han Xian, [Dragon Soul Possession] blessed his body, and a [Star Kill] shot down through the air, and the flickering cold light blasted into the monsters one after another. group.





A series of eye-catching injuries floated out from the group of ghosts, making Liu Tian feel extremely relieved.

[Sword Demon Walking Walk] activates, Liu Tian rushes into the monster group in an instant, [Sword Astral] sweeps, [Sword Qi Slash] breaks the enemy, [Earth Demon Sword] attacks, [Trial Cross Slash] rushes to kill, it is overwhelming 'After the attack, the original seventeen or eighteen ghosts were reduced to ten.

Slightly moving sideways one step, dodging the black beam of light blasting down from the sky, Liu Tian swung his sword to the west, an angry ghost screamed, and the soul dispersed like a wisp of green smoke.

The ghost screamed, and accompanied by a strong wind, a wandering ghost fiercely grabbed Liu Tian's neck. Liu Tian used his right foot as a support point, and the other foot drew an arc, his body Instantly shifted to one side to avoid the wandering ghost, taking advantage of the interval between the wandering ghost's attack, Liu Tian swung his arm, and struck out with the killing sword, like a thunder that pierced the sky and blasted into the wandering ghost head.



With a flash of his figure, Liu Tian retreated like a feihong, and with a bang, the place where he fought before was scorched black by the angry ghost.The figure flickered, and Liu Tian moved forward again, looking straight ahead, the killing sword turned into a cold light, filled with the breath of death.On the road that Liu Tian passed, wisps of green smoke drifted away.Within three to two minutes, all seventeen or eighteen ghosts had been wiped out in Liu Tian's hands.

After tidying up the battlefield, Liu Tian got another piece of ghost iron in his hand.After this trip, Liu Tian's luck can be said to be very good, there are only 21 monsters that can explode the Nether Iron Shard, and he has killed [-] of them.

"What's the matter, you're smiling so happily?" Liu Tian asked suspiciously when he saw the enchanting smile all over his face as soon as he returned.

"Haha, Hanxian agreed to level up with me, how about it? Now you..." She smiled enchantingly, seemingly very proud, but when she saw Liu Tian's expression was as usual, like a high-ranking god king, she slanted When she squinted at her, she wanted to go crazy.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "how do you know I'm lying to you?"

Liu Tian leaned close to her ear and said, "My people, I understand."

Hearing this, Enchanting paused for a moment, her face blushed imperceptibly, Liu Tian's words were ambiguous and ambiguous, did he mean to understand Enchanting, or Hanxian?

"Sister, why are you so happy?" Liu Tian asked, the enchanting happiness came from the heart, and the conversation between Qian Xia and him was deliberately to deceive him.

Enchanting and dissatisfied, she glanced at Liu Tian: "Hmph, I just upgraded to level 23, and now I'm level [-]."

"Oh, then continue to go deep into the first layer of Netherworld!" Liu Tian turned around and said to Han Xian, "Han Xian, thank you for your hard work."

"En." Hanxian nodded coldly, her eyes seemed to contain no emotion, whistling wind picked up, she had already soared into the sky, flying to other places, her hands were foggy with cold, ready to make a big move.

Liu Tian and Yaoluo followed Hanxian, and soon saw Hanxian flying back. Under her body was a group of chaotic ghosts, and beams of black light fell on the place where she flew from time to time.

[Sword Demon Walking Walk] is activated, and Liu Tian turns into many phantoms. At the same time, he releases [Light of Trial], clearing the cooldown time of [Star Kill], as soon as he rushes to the front of the ghost, he immediately hits [Star Kill] 】.

The whereabouts of each star sword will cause a damage value of nearly a thousand.At the same time as the Xingjian fell, Liu Tian also rushed into the ghost group. After a few dodges, a sword formation towered over the ghost group, trapping most of the ghosts in it.

The sword groaned violently, with a murderous aura, Liu Tianyou walked outside the sword formation, using his attack skills one by one, quickly killing all the ghosts outside the formation, and then turned to attack the ghosts inside the formation.In a short while, the wave of ghosts attracted by Han Xian became the dead souls under Liu Tian's sword again.

The days and months are marching, and the time is still several hours.The three of Liu Tian went deep into the first layer of Netherworld for more than 3000 meters, and gained a lot. The number of Netherworld iron plates increased to 27, and the raging ghosts were only separated by eighteen ghosts who hated the world and fifteen ghosts who hated the world. There are not many outside the first layer of Netherworld.

Even though it has penetrated more than 3000 meters, the Nether Map still looks like there is no end in sight. Although Liu Tian has killed a lot of ghosts all the way, he still feels that there are still many ghosts around.

The first floor of Netherworld is like a small world. Except for a stone wall with no boundary and stone slabs on the ground at the entrance, there are only ghosts one after another.


A strange hiss suddenly came from far ahead.Liu Tian frowned, and asked Han Xian to take him to the sky to see what might be happening ahead.After rising about seven or eight meters, Liu Tian could see everything in front of him.

Right in front of Liu Tian and the others, about 300 meters away, seven or eight black beams of light criss-crossed and intertwined in the sky, like a thunderstorm, one after another they fell on an angry ghost whose soul body was extremely solid. , so that the angry ghost was covered with black light, and the soul body became more solid.

"Advanced?" Liu Tian said to himself, with the situation of an angry ghost, it is estimated that he is about to advance.

"Alright, there should be a boss that can be killed."

Suddenly, Liu Tian frowned, and he saw a team of three on his left, rushing to the place where the angry ghost advanced.

"Sister, let's go. There may be a boss ahead that can be killed, but three people are also rushing there."

"Then hurry up. We finally met a boss, but we can't let it fall into the mouths of others. My sister has been accused of stealing the boss all day long. Now there is finally a chance that someone else will steal our boss." With a boss, Enchanting is more anxious than Liu Tian.

Liu Tian secretly wiped his sweat, and looked helplessly at Enchanting.

Because Liu Tian and the other three knew that there were people who were also rushing to the place where the angry ghost advanced, they tried their best to rush to the destination, while the other three players didn't know that they had competitors, so they relaxed a little bit, although they It was closer to the angry ghost, but still a little slower than Liu Tian and the others.

"It's you?" One of the three cried out in surprise when he saw Liu Tian.

The person who spoke was quite handsome, wearing strange white clothes. The strange thing was that two kinds of brilliance, blue and blue, would appear on the clothes from time to time.

His name is Immortal Dao Mangmang, and he once had a battle with Liu Tian in the Trial Conference, but he was defeated.

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