Chapter 364 Competition

Immortal Dao's words diverted Liu Tian's attention from the advanced angry ghost to him.Slightly glanced at the vast expanse of the Immortal Dao, Liu Tian's memory about him slowly emerged.

Liu Tian opened his mouth and said, "Is the immortal way boundless?"

Liu Tian couldn't help sighing that it was fate. When he competed for the qualifications for the [-]th floor of the trial platform, one of his opponents was Immortal Boundless.After World War I, they never saw each other again, and they never expected to meet again in this small world-like world today.Fate is indeed a wonderful thing.

"En." Xiandao nodded, and then pointed to the two men beside him: "They are the sword maniac and the sword master."

Hearing this, Liu Tian couldn't help raising his brows, and the information about Dao Maniac appeared in his mind.

Knife Madness, 'Level, Berserker, the owner of the Blood Drinking Knife who ranks fourth on the ranking list and fifth on the equipment ranking list.

The simple information reveals the power of Dao Maniac.His level is closely following that of the Phantom Assassin, and the reason for the rapid upgrade of the Phantom Assassin is the same as Liu Tian and Dou Zhan Cangtian. He belongs to one of the five holy places and has a special bloodline. In fact, his stealth skills are extraordinary. It is much easier to kill and grab bosses, but Saber Maniac is only a hidden profession, and the level can be raised so fast, so there must be something extraordinary in itself.

As for Dao Ba, Liu Tian didn't know him, his name had never appeared on any list, and naturally no players collected his information on the official website forum.


The advanced angry ghost finally restrained the black light all over his body after Liu Tian and the others got acquainted briefly, and let out a sharp long cry.

"It's unobstructed."

【Ghost of Rage】〖Soldier Level Low-Rank〗(boss):

Level: 23

Health: 00/ 00

True Chi value: 1400/1400.

"Sure enough, I have advanced." Liu Tian thought to himself, his eyes casually glanced at the three people in the immortal way.

"Friends, does this boss belong to you, or to us?" Dao Kuang asked. He has a rough appearance but is handsome, tall and tall, and the radiant Ming Guangkai makes him even more mighty.

Just as Liu Tian was about to open his mouth to give them the angry ghost, a voice from the Immortal Dao came.

"I don't think so, how about our fair competition?"

"How to compete fairly? Tell me." Liu Tian glanced at the angry ghost who seemed to be about to move, and said.

There was a sunny smile on the vast and elegant face of Xiandao: "I was defeated by you last time. Although I was unwilling, I was convinced. Today I want to compete with you again, but it is not a battle, but a competition. There are many strange ones."

Liu Tian couldn't help being stunned by Xiandao Mangmang's words, he didn't expect that Xiandao Mangmang wanted to compete with him again.

"Okay." Liu Tian thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Hehe, how about we take out the lottery head? Then you and I won't fight for nothing." Xiandao said with a smile: "The loser will give the winner ten ghost iron pieces, how about it?"

"Ten ghost iron pieces, yes."

"Okay, the way to calculate the outcome is the number of soul stones in hand. Before the start of the competition, we will give all our soul stones to our companions. After 10 minutes, we will come back here and count the number of soul stones."

"Okay, just follow this method of calculating the outcome."

Afterwards, the two handed over their soul stones to their teammates, and at the start of the knife madness, they each rushed to a direction on the first floor of Netherworld.Others stare at it from a little distance away from the wrathful ghost.

[Slaying Art] [Dragon Soul Possession] [Slaughtering Body] One after another auxiliary skills are added to the body, the phantom of the killing god, the dragon soul surrounds the body, and the appearance of one by one, makes Liu Tian's attributes A sea change has taken place.

His figure swayed, Liu Tian was like a tiger entering the flock, any ghost became his prey, all ghosts were beheaded with one or two swords, killing a soul with one step, not spattering a drop of blood, but the murderous aura was still raging , his slightly blood-red eyes are the embodiment of the monstrous killing intent in his heart.

bang bang bang...

One by one turned into green smoke under Liu Tian's lightning-quick attack. They only had one chance to make a move, and they generally had no chance to reappear.Because it was a competition, Liu Tian's attack power and speed exploded in an all-round way, and the combination of skills and skills was even more seamless. The road he passed was full of green smoke.

Killing all the way to the west, Liu Tian was very lucky to meet a group of ghosts, about seventeen or eight ghosts. "Star Kill!" With a few strides, Liu Tian rushed into the group of ghosts, and after drawing the slightly scattered ghosts together, he immediately retreated and returned to the outside of the group of ghosts.

A [Star Kill] fell, and the extremely bright streamer pierced the void, hitting the group of ghosts, causing thousands of wounds to float out continuously.Liu Tian turned into electricity, rushed into the group of ghosts again, and killed one ghost with a single blow. In the blink of an eye, there were only three or two semi-remnant ghosts left on the battlefield.

Stepping on the [Sword Demon Walking Walking] to quickly clean up the entire field, Liu Tian can't wait to join a new battle, targeting eight ghosts!

On the other hand, the killing of the vast expanse of the Immortal Dao is also extremely simple and effective. With only a wooden vine water wave shield as protection, he will kill the monsters without hesitation.Both hands were filled with blue light, water blades condensed, pierced through the air, and hit the ghost who was entangled by the vines that came out of the ground.




"Create something out of nothing!"

Eighteen green and vigorous vines crawled out of the ground like eighteen green snakes, intertwined with each other, quickly encircling a bunch of ghosts, and then a simple prison cage composed of eighteen vines 'swinged' up. Another layer of turquoise water ripples seamlessly made up for the simple cage with slight loopholes.

"Giant wood technique!"

Immortal Dao Mang Mang stepped on clever moves, dodging one attack after another, waved his hands, and with a green air, a huge broken log appeared in midair. Like a deformed meteorite, it fell into the group of ghosts who were temporarily trapped by "creating something out of nothing".




Under the crushing of the giant tree, three damages floated up.

"Giant wood technique, sweep!"

The second form of giant wood technique!Sweeping across the world, a slightly ancient giant tree suddenly spun, sweeping away all enemies in 360 degrees, and ghosts were swept away helplessly.

"-5 "





"Giant wood technique, burst!"

Immortal Dao's figure flickered, while avoiding the attack of a wandering ghost, he spit out the third giant wood technique indifferently, flicked his fingers, and four or five blue beams sank into the old giant tree.

As if in spring, the giant tree glowed with green light, and the green buds grew rapidly. In a blink of an eye, strange branches protruded from the giant tree, entwining and holding ghosts who only wanted to escape.

With a bang, the giant tree cracked, and pieces of wood were shot out like sharp swords, with howls of ghosts and wolves and dazzling blood-red damage values.





"Water Blade!"

Immortal Dao's boundless staff moved slightly, and shot four water blades in a row, killing the four ghosts who were about to die.With a movement of his feet, Immortal Stepped into the prison made by [Creating Nothing], a water spear appeared in his hand, and with Immortal's swing, all the ghosts that had not been killed by the giant tree technique were pierced into ghost aura by the water spear.

The figures of the two killed one side each, like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, revealing their supernatural powers.For a moment, the four pairs of eyes flicked between Liu Tian and Xian Dao, and it was not yet possible to determine who would win and who would lose.Liu Tian's advantage is naturally unrivaled attack, while Immortal Dao's advantage is long range and range, no one can make a decision at this moment.

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