The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 370 1 Months

Chapter 370 One Month

A human-shaped shadow spread from Liu Tian's feet, which was completely different from the human's own shadow.The shadow of a person will be deformed due to the problem of light, and the height, shortness, fatness and thinness will also change differently due to factors such as the distance and angle of the light.

But at this time, the shadow under Liu Tian's feet was completely humanoid, his body and limbs were all the same as that of a human.As soon as he found that the shadow ghost was sneaking into his shadow, Liu Tian did not hesitate to slash at the human-shaped shadow under his feet, but his movements were still a bit slow, the shadow ghost had already launched an attack, Liu Tian only felt a sudden cold under his feet, his body It has already flown out.


In mid-air, Liu Tian saw that the human figure was still connected to his feet, and with a flip of his arm, three sword qi slashed out at the same time, blasting at the human figure.




At the same time Liu Tian was attacking the shadow ghost, the shadow ghost also attacked. Liu Tian suddenly felt pain like needles on the soles of his feet, and his muscles spasmed involuntarily.


"Fuck..." Liu Tian scolded in a low voice, his right foot was a little numb from the attack.

As soon as it landed, Liu Tian immediately blasted the [Sword Demon Town Kill Seal] to the ground.This time, the shadow ghost got the hang of it, and in order to avoid his attack, he got out of his shadow.

"Now you are not dead yet!" Looking at the human-shaped shadow on the ground, Liu Tian's eyes were like lightning, [Sword Demon Walking Walk] was activated instantly, catching up with the shadow ghost, [Sword Gang] came out, and the sword groaned With a slight 'swing', a condensed sword gang immediately appeared around the Killing Sword.


There was a gap in the ground, but the shadow ghost on the ground had disappeared, and Liu Tian didn't hit it.Due to the light, his shadow was in front of him, and the shadow ghost took advantage of it. When he was about to hit the shadow ghost, the shadow ghost entered his shadow with a whoosh.

"Dragon Soul Shockwave!"

Three shock waves spread from Liu Tian's feet, Liu Tian didn't know if he could force the shadow ghost out of the shadow, but he was just trying.The result of the attack was bigger than he expected, the shadow ghost screamed and escaped from his shadow, with three huge wounds floating on his head.




The damage of these three attacks may not be high compared to Liu Tian's other skills, but it must be known that the power of [Dragon Soul Shockwave] is not great, and one shockwave is equivalent to a normal attack, and the damage dealt at this time is almost equal to [ Sword Qi Slash] 350% attack power, no wonder Liu Tian was surprised.

In fact, the power of [Dragon Soul Shockwave] has increased so much, mainly because of the dragon soul in the Dragon Soul Ring.Dragon souls are also a type of ghosts, and their lethality is naturally not so strong against ordinary ghosts like shadow ghosts.

Although Liu Tian had many thoughts in his mind, it was only a matter of one thought.When the shadow ghost was blasted out of the shadow by [Dragon Soul Shockwave], he had already charged up with his sword. The clear sword light flickered, and when the shadow ghost was frightened, he blasted out wave after wave of attacks.Finally, with a blow of [Chop], the shadow ghost dissipated.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing shadow ghosts forever, killing monsters by leapfrogging, and gaining 18 times experience and experience for killing monsters by leapfrogging, a total of 799."

Even though he heard this pleasant reminder sound many times, Liu Tian still couldn't help but feel happy. The experience of 799 is more than double the experience. An ordinary 35th level only has 37000 experience, and the experience of 799 is unavoidable for him. happy.

The battle with the shadow ghost was just a very common one among his many battles.After killing the shadow ghost, he moved on, encountering more and more monsters along the way.The ghosts in the third layer of Nether are not low in strength, and their experience is super high. It is an excellent training ground.On the third floor of Netherworld, Liu Tian stayed for a month, and his level finally rose to level 35.

In this month, he has encountered three battles against the heavens, and once encountered a phantom assassin.There was no battle between him and Dou Zhan Cang Tian and Huan Sha Assassin, they just looked at each other a few more times before walking in other directions.Because of his 18 times experience, he was on the throne of the first level again, fighting against the sky level 34, fantasy killing assassin level 33.

During this month, Liu Tian's skills have been upgraded a few more times, among which [God Killing Intent] has also been upgraded. ] How to upgrade, now he finally understands.If you want to upgrade your [God Killing Intent], you have to kill creatures, absorb the killing intent generated when the creature dies, and when you reach a certain level, your [God Killing Intention] can be upgraded.

〖God Killing Mind〗【Phase Level Mind Power】:

[Mind power form]: Intangible, divided into two parts: real intention and imaginary thought.

[Master of Mind Power]: The player is eternal [Effect of Mind Power]:

1 Killing is not punished by the pk system.

2 The holder of the "God Killing Mind" can forcibly absorb (% from the experience lost by the player killed by himself.

[Psychic skill]:

〖False thought 'manipulation'〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Separate the imaginary part of the "God Killing Mind" and invade the interior of the equipment at or below the phase level, so that the holder is not limited by the equipment, and can forcibly control the equipment for his own use, and the equipment is more closely connected with the owner's mind.

[Casting distance]: within 2 meters

【Casting time】: 5 minutes

【Cooling time】: days

[Skill Consumption]: 12 points of vanity.

Illusion: 30 points/30 points.

False thoughts increase with the growth of "God-killing thoughts". False thoughts can only be withdrawn, but not restored.

〖Instant Kill〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Condensed the real part of the "God Killing Mind", condensed into a phantom weapon in a fixed shape, and shot out instantly.Players must first condense the form of three weapons, and only one weapon can be used during the battle, and the player has not yet condensed the form of the weapon.

Each weapon can cause a minimum damage of 450% air attack, a 45% chance of 600% air attack damage, a % chance of 700% air attack damage, a 5% chance of 700% air attack damage, 1 % chance to instantly kill the enemy.

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters,

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 hours

[Skill consumption]: 10 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 50 points/50 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

【Real grab】

【Active Skill】

【Skill Effect】

Grab it with real intent, you can ingest an item four meters away from the air.Moreover, this skill can be used to collect 'medicine' grass, corpses, etc., and increase the success rate by 30%.

[Casting distance]: within six meters

[casting time]: none

[Cooling time]: 1 seconds

[Skill consumption]: 1 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 50 points/50 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

〖Sincerity Injury〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Real Injury, Control Real Intent, Invisible Blade of Transformation, hits the soul directly, with a 60% chance of causing the opponent to suffer 500% Qi attack damage and a splitting headache for 2 seconds.

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 15 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 50 points/50 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

〖Sword Demon Town Kill Seal〗【Intermediate】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 101/6000

[Skill Effect]:

But volleying out a terrifyingly powerful kill seal, the power of this kill seal is 400% Qi attack!

[Casting distance]: within five meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 2 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

〖Sword Control Art〗【Intermediate】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 11/5000

[Skill Effect]:

At the current level, you can use your sword to kill enemies within 6 meters at will within 12 minutes. Each hit is at least 250% of the normal attack. The attack direction and attack speed are determined by the player himself.

[Casting distance]: within 12 meters

[casting time]: none

【Cooling time】: 2 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 points of true energy.While Liu Tian's strength improved, the levels of Jin'er and Hanxian also increased a lot, Jin'er's level rose to the first level, and Hanxian's also reached the) level.

Nickname: Jiner

Race: Jiaolong

'Gender: Female

Grade: King

Grade: grade

Health: 00

Chi Points: 00

Physical Attack: 00

Air attack: 00

Physical Defense: 00

Gas defense: 00


〖Little Dragon Flame〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 1021/00

[Skill Effect]:

Long Yan, the basic skill of the Dragon Clan.The Dragon Flame of the Heavenly Flood King is a 500% Qi attack that combines the energy of the four elements of metal, earth, wood, and fire.

[Casting distance]: within 18 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

[Cooling time]: 30 seconds

[Skill consumption]: 250 point of true energy.


【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 1544/00

[Skill Effect]:

Longwei, the basic skill of the Dragon Race. 100% probability to reduce the attack and defense of creatures not higher than level 25 by 30%, lasting for 5 minutes.

With a 60% probability, the attack and defense of creatures not higher than level 35 will be reduced by 15%, lasting for 3 minutes.

With a 10% probability, the attack and defense of creatures not higher than level 45 will be reduced by 5%, lasting for 1 minutes.

The range is centered on the caster, within a radius of 12 meters.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Dragon Wagging Tail〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 112/3000

[Skill Effect]:

As the dragon body swings sideways, a translucent dragon tail containing 450% physical attack damage is condensed, sweeping everything within five meters.

[Casting distance]: within five meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 2 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Shenlong Chong Killing Skill〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/4000

[Skill Effect]:

Gather the zhenqi in the body, and transform into a zhenqi dragon, rushing forward to kill the enemy. 100% ignore the enemy's defense, causing 400% physical attack damage.

[Casting distance]: within ten meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 hours

[Skill consumption]: 400 point of true energy.

Growth status: juvenile stage.

Liu Tian had to admit that Jin'er's attributes were becoming more and more perverted, and the effect of [Shenlong Rush Killing Skill] ignoring defense made him only infinitely sigh.

"It's time to go back to Immortal Peak to see Old Ge. I wonder if he has any way to get rid of his killing intent."

There was a trace of worry in Liu Tian's eyes. In more than a month, he almost went mad three times, and fell into a killing state once, but fortunately he was awakened by Han Xian.

Suddenly, Liu Tian's expression changed in shock, his eyes were ready for blood, and an invisible hostility surged away.

"No, I'm going to fall into a killing state again!"

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