The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 371 5 years ago

Chapter 371 5000 years ago

A trace of panic appeared on Liu Tian's face, the endless killing was overwhelming his consciousness, his eyes were turning blood red, blood was faintly overflowing from his body, and the monstrous killing intent swept around like a tornado. 26nbsp;

Seeing Liu Tian's state, Immortal Han's expression also changed, she stood quietly with her eyes closed, and the dragon groaned in her body, she wanted to summon the dragon soul in her body to help Liu Tian suppress the murderous thoughts, but at this time the ice dragon Hun actually revealed a touch of panic.

"What should I do? Now the ice dragon soul is useless, what else can I do?" Han Xian said to herself, Gu Jing Wubo's eyes were full of worry, and her fingernails were deeply embedded in her palm, which shows her mood.

Liu Tian's hand holding the killing sword couldn't help trembling, and wanted to put the killing sword back into its sheath, but there was a voice in the deepest part of his heart that made him swing the sharp sword, fight everywhere, fight everywhere, and conquer everything.

"No!" The obsession in the deepest part of Liu Tian's mind exploded, allowing him to gain a very brief sobriety.In the blink of an eye, a spar appeared on his palm—the purification spirit crystal!

【Purification Spirit Crystal】〖handsome low-grade〗:

[material category]: spar

[use requirements]: no

[How to use]: Swallow

【Accompanied effect】:

Purify all the negative effects of the handsome level and below, especially the purification of 'violence' and 'bloodthirsty' has a significant effect.

Cannot be discarded, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped.

The purification spirit crystal, Liu Tian exploded when he killed the soldiers infected by the corpse energy, the explosion of the purification spirit crystal was definitely an explosion of luck.On the mainland, the number of purification spirit crystals is extremely rare, even in the emperor's treasury, there are not many purification spirit crystals.Its role can be seen from its introduction.

Taking advantage of the short time of waking up, Liu Tian dug out the spar, opened his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.The purification spirit crystal melts at the entrance, turning into two clear streams, one goes straight to the brain, and the other enters the internal organs.With the help of the purification spirit crystal, Liu Tian's consciousness slowly recovered, and the killing intent like a 'tide' gradually receded.In just ten seconds, he was already sweating profusely, and his spirit was extremely weak.

"Ding Dong, because you used the purification spirit crystal, the killing intent in your body was temporarily suppressed. The suppression time is unknown."

"Hehe, I'm still a ticking time bomb." Liu Tian laughed at himself.

After a short rest, he stood up, greeted Hanxian, said a few words to her, crushed the return to the city talisman and went back to the city.He is going to Immortal Peak this time, and he doesn't know how long it will be. After returning to the city, he said goodbye to all the beauties first, and then called Wufeng, Tie Gu, Yang Binghui, Zhang Yuanhao, Ye Tianxiang, Luo Xin and others, Tell them about the guild.

"How long will you be away this time?" Yang Binghui asked.

"I don't know the details, maybe a day or two, maybe a week or two." Liu Tian said.

"It's not bad. The time for us to establish the guild is coming soon. You, the guild leader, can't just go missing." Yang Binghui continued.

"Well, by the way, how many people are there in our guild now?"

"There are about a thousand core members, and tens of thousands of peripheral members." Wufeng thought for a while and said, "If we create a guild, the number of players who sincerely join us will definitely increase a lot."

"Well, have you thought about the name of the guild?"

Wufeng said: "We tentatively decide on the Indestructible League, and we will change it when we think of a better name."

"You decide the name of the guild, so let's do it first. This time, things are more important, so I'll leave first. When I come back, it's time for us to create the guild!"

After leaving the meeting place, Liu Tian returned to his villa and took out the Indestructible Order.

The Order of Immortality is very simple, with simple patterns on one side and the word "Mie" engraved on the other side.

As soon as the Immortal Order appeared, a strange silver light immediately glowed, suspended above Liu Tian's head, casting warm brilliance one after another.Liu Tian only felt that his body was warm and extremely comfortable.


The order of immortality suddenly turned, and a beam of light was projected on Liu Tian's body. The white light disappeared in a flash, and one person and one order disappeared in the villa.

"It's back again." Looking at the main hall of immortality in front of him, Liu Tian sighed. After almost seven months, he finally came back. The first place he set foot in the game was here.

"Young master?! Is that you? You are finally back!" Behind him came an old voice, very similar to Liu Tian's scene when he first entered the game, but things are different now.

Liu Tian turned around slowly, looked at the old Mie Ge, smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, Old Ge, I'm back."

"The young master is indeed the savior of our clan. He did not disappoint the old slave. He reached level 35 in seven months." Mie Ge smiled kindly, his cloudy eyes implied satisfaction.

"Ge Lao, now that I'm back, you can tell me something."

"Of course, come on, let's walk together and talk while walking."

Walking together with Mie Ge, Liu Tian quietly listened to Mie Ge's talk about the five holy places.

"Actually, 5000 years ago was a time of great change, and the decline of my Immortal Origin Race also began at that time..."

According to Mie Ge's narration, Liu Tian had a little understanding of something.

5000 years ago was an era of catastrophe.However, all the books and records about the events of that era were destroyed. Only some forces kept some books about the events before Wuqian, but there were not many.

The decline of the Immortal Origin Clan also began 5000 years ago. Most of the decline of the Immortal Origin Clan was due to the sudden disappearance of the most powerful ancestor in the family, and even the most powerful ancestor on the mainland.The reason why the other four holy lands are willing to surrender to the Immortal Yuanzu is precisely because of his existence.According to Mie Ge's description, this ancestor is only 27 or [-] years old. His strength is said to have reached the god level, and the bloodline in his body is actually the source of the bloodline of the Immortal Origin Clan—the eternal bloodline.

It stands to reason that this ancestor was the most powerful person on the mainland, and he should not have died in the catastrophe 5000 years ago, but the fact is that the ancestor suddenly disappeared, and with his disappearance, 5000 years The previous catastrophe has also stopped, but there is no god level in the world anymore.In that catastrophe, countless human races participated in the battle, and no one knew exactly how many powerful people fell in the catastrophe, and it is unknown how many other people with low strength died.

5000 years ago, not only was the catastrophe of the human race, but all creatures on the three continents participated in that battle.After that battle, the three continents fell into a trough for hundreds of years, and then slowly improved.And the records about the catastrophe 5000 years ago were also forcibly destroyed, only knowing that there was an extremely tragic war at the beginning.

After experiencing the catastrophe 5000 years ago, the strength of the Immortal Yuan Clan plummeted.As a result, more than a hundred years later, the four holy lands took the opportunity to jointly attack, but fortunately they were not exterminated. The two parties signed an agreement to conduct a life-and-death contest every hundred years, but it was not a one-on-one contest, but a dangerous one. Chasing life and death in the heavy sunset forest, hunting each other, the Four Holy Lands vs. the Immortal Origin Clan!

"Is there going to be a life-and-death chase this year?"

Liu Tian asked, he was a bit guilty, the saintesses of the Yaochi Celestial Clan were his friends, the saintesses of the Frost Spirit Clan were his pets, only the Fighting Saints, the Illusion Killing God Clan's Dou Zhan Cangtian, the Illusion Killing Assassin God Only then will he pursue life and death with him.

"No!" Mie Ge's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "This year, our five holy lands will join forces!"

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