The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 375 Battle in the Holy Realm

Chapter 375 Battle in the Holy Realm

In 1 minute, Liu Tian's physical condition recovered to its peak, and at the same time, he thought about some problems. 26nbsp;He remembered the introduction of the Immortal Holy Land, which seemed to be a cheating place for skill proficiency growth.

In less than 1 minute, the proficiency of Sword Qi Slash was increased by more than 20 points!I am afraid that after [-] days, his strength will not be much weaker than that of leveling in [-] days.Moreover, this might be the only chance for skill levels to soar.Therefore, he was faintly grateful for this decision.At the same time, he can also gain an in-depth understanding of the attack methods, attack characteristics, attack power, defense power, speed and other aspects of each profession.

This trip he definitely made a profit.However, not all skills can increase proficiency as quickly as [Sword Qi Slash]. For example, continuous 'skills' such as [Sleeping Formation], can only wait for the duration to pass before releasing the skill.

"Hey, it is indeed the top of the five holy lands in the past. It has a profound foundation. It is worthy of an immortal holy land, and it can create countless powerful people. However, the immortal holy land may also have the requirement of blood purity." Liu Tian said to himself.

"Ding dong, 1 minute is up, the battle begins! Please trainers get ready."


Liu Tian stood up all of a sudden, his whole body was filled with surging fighting intent, the blood pattern on the killing sword also exuded a strange blood red, his arm trembled slightly, and the killing sword pulled out a blood-stained sword flower.

The scenery changed, and the surrounding area turned into a scorching desert, with sand dunes for thousands of miles. The ball of light in the sky cast hot breath and light on the scorching land.

Liu Tian quickly looked around, and saw a spiritual cultivator wearing a mage's robe on a small sand dune not far away.At this time, the spiritual cultivator was chanting words with righteous thoughts, and the fire was lingering around him, and he could tell at a glance that he was releasing a big move.

With staring eyes fixed, Liu Tian's figure moved instantly, and stepped on the desert lightly with [Sword Demon Walking Walk], leaving only very shallow footprints.


When Liu Tian was about 20 meters away from the fire-type spiritual cultivator, a dragon's chant that seemed to come from ancient times came from the void, and clusters of flames appeared in the void out of thin air, quickly condensed, and merged into a long flame dragon!


Looking at the fire dragon rushing towards Yukong, Liu Tian cursed, and quickly activated the [Trapping Formation], 28 sharp swords appeared around him, and a strange field force was formed in an instant, communicating with the earth, casting the trapping formation into an impregnable Sword array.

Under the control of the fire-type spiritual practitioner, the fire dragon directly collided with the trapped formation. However, even though it was a mighty fire dragon, it could not break through the amazing defense of the trapped formation. Outside the trapped formation, there was nothing he could do to Liu Tian in the trapped formation.

"Explosive bomb!"

The fire-type spiritual cultivators leapt up, dodged under the fire dragon, and spit out another skill without emotion.He opened his left hand, purple fire gathered in his palm, and in a blink of an eye, a purple fireball like the sun appeared on his hand.With a flip of his palm, the purple fireball immediately floated towards the trapped formation.


Liu Tian looked at the scene in front of him in amazement, the purple fireball actually ignored the defense of the trapped formation and directly penetrated in.He hurriedly took a few steps back, played [Sword Shield], and condensed a true energy shield in front of him.


As soon as the purple explosive bomb landed on the sword and shield, it exploded immediately, making an earth-shattering sound, and Liu Tian was directly pushed back two or three steps by the air wave.


"Fuck, come back?"

Looking at another blasting bomb coming in through the trapped formation, Liu Tian was very upset. Now he finally sounded, there was an attack called: Ignore defense. After the first stage, even ignoring the defense cannot break through its defense.

Liu Tian had no choice but to dodge. Whether he fought or not, he would be at a disadvantage, so it's better to save some energy.As for leaving the trapped formation to attack the fire-type spiritual cultivators, Liu Tian was not that interested. A fire dragon with its head held high was staring at it outside the formation.

"Explosive fire and rain!"

The magic staff inlaid with a translucent fiery spar was waved by the fire cultivator to emit red lights, and a fiery red cloud was gathering on the formation, just like before the rain.

Looking at the fiery red clouds that were still gathering above, Liu Tian muttered: "Sister Lin, this move probably ignores defense, otherwise the fire-type spiritual practitioners probably wouldn't release it."

"I'll take the initiative to attack."

He muttered to himself, kicked his feet hard, and retreated from the trapped formation. Seeing this, the eyes of the fire-type spiritual cultivator flashed past, and the fiery red clouds in the sky moved quickly with Liu Tian's movement. Floating above Liu Tian's head.


A scorching gust of wind suddenly blew up, and thumb-sized fireballs fell from the fiery red clouds in the sky. No matter how Liu Tian avoided it, he couldn't escape the attack of the small fireballs.However, what Liu Tian was most concerned about at this time was not the little fireball, but the fire dragon that circled around and attacked him along the trapped formation.

"Instant Kill ●Poisonous Dragon Drill!"

Liu Tian stepped back a few steps by stepping on [Sword Demon Walking alone], invisible ripples emanated from his forehead, and at the same time a strange Buddhist Zen sound swayed, and immediately his heart split open, A dragon-shaped pointed drill rushed out of it!

With a puff, the poisonous dragon drill directly rushed into the body of the fire dragon, piercing it from the beginning. Although the inside of the fire dragon's body was nearly torn apart, the fire dragon did not dissipate. , the last bit of energy all impacted on him.


Liu Tian was secretly annoyed. In the Immortal Saint Realm, if he lost his life, he lost it. There was no recovery at all, and even his automatic recovery was disabled.

He doesn't want to lose.Those who fight against him are like players of various professions, there is no reason for him to lose!With a sudden flash of body shape, he directly penetrated into the trapped formation, and immediately rushed out of the trapped formation, heading straight for the fire-type spiritual cultivator who retreated unhurriedly.


The fire-type spiritual practitioner grasped the void with his left hand, and a fire blade appeared in his hand. With his throw, the fire blade shot towards Liu Tian.

"Hmph!" At the same time as Liu Tian pushed out the sword shield, [Jian Gang] was activated, and the killing sword slashed furiously a few times, directly smashing the fire blade. [Electric Switch] [Sword Devil Walking Walk] used together, Liu Tian's speed went up to a higher level, like a phantom chasing a fire-type spiritual practitioner.

"Raging Flame Mad Lion!"

The fire-type spiritual practitioner's hands are half-bent, facing the sky, and the fire is gradually red between the hands, just like the appearance of the morning glow.His hands became more and more red, as if a round of sun was being conceived, and finally the roar of a wild lion spread faintly.He no longer retreated, but bullied Liu Tian, ​​and suddenly pushed his hands forward, a lion burning with divine flames rushed out from between his hands.

"True Intention Instant Kill ●Splitting Sky Sword!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth. He had expected all this. At the same time as the Fiery Lion appeared, the center of his eyebrows turned into a black vortex, and the Sky Splitting Sword came out, splitting the Fiery Lion in two. Half!He rushed from the middle of the flame mad lion's two petals to the fire spiritual cultivator.

In Liu Tianfan's hands, the [Sword Demon Suppressing Killing Seal] started to kill, a black ink pad fell from the sky, suppressing the fire-type spiritual cultivator who turned around and tried to escape, and shot him a mouthful of blood on the spot.

"-4 "


Another black sky-shattering mark fell on the body of the fire-type spiritual practitioner, and then one after another [Sword Demon Suppression Killing Seal] suppressed the fire-type spiritual practitioner's back, causing him to be killed by Liu Tian without even a chance to fight back. Lost.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who killed the fire-type spiritual practitioner forever. You can rest for 1 minute. After 1 minute, the next battle will start. Opponent: random."

Standing in place, even though the battle was over, he still did not sit idle, used all the skills once, and deeply experienced the effects of each skill.In the end, he frantically used skills such as [Sword Qi Slash], [Sword Demon Suppressing Kill Seal], and [Earth Demon Sword], which could be used again in a short time.

After 1 minute, he ushered in a new opponent, a swordsman, in a jungle.

"Finally coming to close combat, you don't need to chase anymore."

Looking at the swordsman holding a three-foot green blade not far away, Liu Tian sighed.Facing long-range attacking players, he lost a lot of his advantages. Facing close combat, he can fully display his own advantages and deal with the enemy with the strongest fighting posture.

The two figures quickly approached, and they flew through the jungle like spirit apes.Liu Tian's eyes were like lightning, and his pupils shifted following the shuttle of the swordsman in front of him. Suddenly, he stopped and rushed into a field of weeds, and his figure disappeared into the weeds.

The swordsman, who was quickly shuttling through the jungle, stopped and leaned against a big tree, staring at the place where Liu Tian disappeared.Suddenly, he felt a strange sound coming from the sky, raised his head suddenly, and saw Liu Tianru, a god of war, carrying fifteen bright star swords, coming from the sky, and a killing intent gradually spread out from the corner of his eyes.



Fifteen star swords, like fifteen waterfalls, sprinkled from the sky, and the swords' chant was like a dragon, shaking the swordsman's heart.

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