The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 376 Undercurrent is turbulent

Chapter 376

Two days later, at eight o'clock in the morning. 26nbsp;


The door of Liu Ruoxi's room was opened, and Liu Tian walked out of the room carrying a suitcase.Liu Ruoxi followed behind him and also came out. Today she changed her hairstyle to deliberately cover up part of her beauty.

"Xi'er, when you get to school, you can add what you need, don't be too frugal." Mother Liu's eyes were slightly red, and there was a crystal substance called tears in her eyes, and there was an emotion called maternal love in the tears.

Liu Ruoxi glanced at Liu Tian and said, "Mom, I will."

"Xi'er, it will take another half a year for you to go, right? I'm afraid you won't be able to come back until the Chinese New Year, so I won't say much, Tian'er, send Xi'er away, I won't go, lest there be time... ..."

"Mom, I will miss you and brother."

Before Liu's mother finished speaking, Liu Ruoxi threw herself into her arms with red eyes, and said in a low voice, her voice was hoarse with crying.

"We will miss you too. In the past, if you left, mother would be the only one left at home, but..." Mother Liu patted Liu Ruoxi's shoulder lightly, and said, "Now that your brother is with me, you can go to college without worry. Remember to call mom often."

Sitting in the taxi, Liu Tian and Liu Ruoxi rushed towards the airport, and they arrived at the airport in about 10 minutes.After getting off the car, Liu Ruoxi took Liu Tian straight to the meeting place Su Yan told her on the phone just now.

"Brother, Yan'er is there." Liu Ruoxi saw Su Yan's family of three who were waiting for her from a long distance away.

"Well, let's go."

Carrying the luggage, Liu Tian followed Liu Ruoxi and walked towards Su Yan's family.

"Xiao Xi, you, you guys are finally here? The plane is about to take off in 10 minutes." Su Yan saw Liu Ruoxi walking over, and trotted up to take the suitcase in her hand.

"It's a bit long by taxi, and it's the rush hour for work, so it's a bit slower." Liu Tian explained, looking at the radiant, youthful and charming Su Yan, he was quite moved.

"En." Su Yan nodded obediently, suddenly looking a little cramped.

"Xiaoyan, have you recovered from your illness?"

"It's almost done, Brother Liu Tian, ​​thank you for taking care of me during my time, I really trouble you." Su Yan's pretty face showed a charming red glow.

Liu Ruoxi held Su Yan's hand, with a look of guilt on her face: "Yan'er, don't thank me for everything, it was because of me that you became like this, I should be the one to thank."

"The plane is about to take off, you two should stop being sensational here and get on the plane." Su Sheng and Su's mother also came over at this time, and when they heard Liu Ruoxi say this, they raised their eyebrows and said.

"Uncle Su, Aunt Zhang, you are here too." Liu Tian greeted.

"Yeah." Su Sheng nodded: "Yan'er, Xiao Xi, hurry up and get on the plane, it's getting late, I've booked adjacent seats for you, if there's anything you can talk about on the plane."

"Dad, Mom, Xiaoxi and I are getting on the plane, goodbye..."

The two graceful figures gradually moved away under the gaze of Liu Tian, ​​Su Sheng, and Zhang Mei, and finally disappeared at the cabin opening.

"Let's go too." Su Sheng said.

Liu Tian walked with Su Sheng and Zhang Mei for a while, chatted, and finally went home to log in to the game because Su Sheng and Zhang Mei had business matters.

In the past two days, he has experienced countless battles in the Immortal Holy Land, but he has not lost yet.From ordinary professional players at the beginning to hidden professional players later, from easy victories at the beginning to difficult victories later.The characters he is fighting against are also gradually increasing, and it is quite strenuous for him to deal with them.But at the same time as he paid, he also gained a lot, and his strength was gradually increasing.

He has fought in each profession more than once, so his understanding of each profession is getting deeper and deeper. At the same time, his skill proficiency increases like a rocket, slowly increasing.He believes that after sixty days, many of his skills will have a new look!


The Huaxia Dynasty, the imperial palace garden.

"Is the time of the thousand-year reincarnation of Shengyan Volcano confirmed?" The emperor asked a civilian man in his 50s with his back turned.

"Your Majesty, the time of the millennium reincarnation should be roughly determined. It will be about two months, that is, sixty days later." Said the commoner man.

"Have we set up our defenses there? This year's millennium reincarnation is not easy."

The old man in civilian clothes said: "Your Majesty, we have spent huge financial and material resources to arrange defensive barriers around the Chiyan Mountains outside the Shengyan Volcano, leaving only a gap in the direction of the Phoenix Imperial City, and the strange tide that gushed out from the Millennium Reincarnation 'There is no way to go out from other places to cause 'disorder' in the world."

"Those big guys in Shengyan Volcano are about to move around recently, what's the situation?" The emperor looked at the flowers competing for beauty in front of him, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, originally there was a fire phoenix in the Holy Flame Volcano, and those big guys could only hibernate in the Holy Flame Volcano, but recently the Fire Phoenix gave birth to a descendant, and it is in a weakened state, it is difficult to restrain those big guys, but they Don't dare to act rashly for the time being, it should be waiting for the opportunity."

"After you retire later, find a few people, go to the Holy Flame Volcano, and calm down those big guys first, lest they take advantage of the millennium reincarnation and come out to wreak havoc on the world."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Do you have any suggestions for this millennium reincarnation?" The emperor asked, "If you have any ideas, just mention them, don't worry too much."

"Your Majesty, let me give you some advice. The thousand-year reincarnation is extremely long, and the level of monsters that start to emerge from the Chiyan Mountains is not high. We don't need to launch an army to destroy them. We only need to announce a monster-killing mission in each city. The task, the low-level monsters are solved by the folks, and their strength can be enhanced by the way. At the same time, I think we should find a good place outside the Chiyan Mountains, build a city, store various resources, and provide millennium reincarnation or future All the battle needs. However, I don’t think we need to build this city, just leave it to the folks. We don’t have to worry about the speed at which they develop the city.” The old man in civilian clothes said his heart word by word idea.

Hearing these words from the commoner man, the emperor fell into deep thought, and a person appeared in his mind.

"Building a city, he is quite suitable. Not only does he have the first Heaven's Order in his hand, he can create a guild and build a city at any time, and he is also an apprentice of chasing swords, so many worries can be eliminated. But I don't know if he is willing Willing to build a city outside the Chiyan Mountains, it is easy to be destroyed by monsters..."

The emperor withdrew from the state of contemplation and said, "Okay, you go down first."


Liu Tian fought in the Immortal Realm, and the others fought in other places in the game.The game is still in full swing, and countless players are shedding blood and passion on countless leveling points.

On a certain plain in the game, Yang Binghui, Zhang Yuanhao, Ye Tianxiang, Tie Gu, and Wufeng are leading a group of people to besiege a level 24 bison king.The cooperation between them has gradually improved. Even though the opponent is the 24th-level bison king, they can still slowly wear down the bison king's life to 10%, and control the number of deaths of their own side to less than five.


The Buffalo King's eyes were red, and his nose was blowing out white air. Suddenly, it slammed one foot violently on the spot, and then rushed out. A large area of ​​players in front of it was affected by its [Trample Charge], and their figures were about to fall.


Several balls of blood burst out on the Buffalo King's head, and it was so enraged that it didn't notice the approach of the three assassins, and was successfully stabbed in the head by the three assassins.


The bison king roared, and three assassins were directly knocked into the air by it, one low-level assassin was instantly killed, and the remaining two assassins had only fifty or sixty lives, but their lives were recovering rapidly, after one after another treatment Light fell on them.

Because of the assassin's blocking, all the players affected by [Trample Charge] recovered, and the defensive fighters quickly organized to resist the incomparably angry impact of the Buffalo King.


The Buffalo King hit the shield wall made up of seven or eight fighters. Although the seven or eight fighters were almost sent flying by its charge, they survived in the end.And now it's their turn to attack.

Several pillars of fire fell from the sky and bombarded the Buffalo King, and the smell of meat immediately overflowed.Green vines grew on the ground and wrapped around the Buffalo King crazily. Puff, puff, thorns broke through the ground and swept over the Buffalo King's body, pulling out scars on his body.

Seven or eight soldiers dispersed in a rush, and all the attacks rushed towards the Buffalo King.Finally, the bison king moaned and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yang Binghui smiled slightly: "I won."

"Well, clean up the battlefield, the whole army rests for 10 minutes, and go to kill the next boss." Wu Feng said high.


A wave of fighting spirit is stirring.Waves of healing light showered on them, restoring their life and physical strength.

The calm game is actually a dark and turbulent river. Many discerning people have already seen a clue. The original top ten guilds in the game are no longer the absolute guild supremacy.The game guild that once ruled the world for a while and then retired to the world has reappeared, or they just kept their names incognito, and now they have returned to their original appearance.

Therefore, the current top ten guilds are only powerful, not enough to be called the peak guilds in the game. Because of their participation, the game world may be more exciting, but there may be more and more battles in the future.In this increasingly lively and chaotic game, can Liu Tian's guild have a chance to survive and develop?

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