Chapter 377 Ninja

Immortal Peak, Immortal Holy Realm.


Looking at the berserkers charging towards him, Liu Tian retreated quickly, but it was still a bit late.Hit by the Berserker's [Waves Crash].

[Waves Crash]: Berserker's unique skill, using the body as a weapon to hit the enemy.The enemy will receive 250% physical attack damage, and has a 90% probability of being forced to retreat. The primary wave crash has only one effect.That is to say, it can only be hit once. As the level increases, the number of collisions of the waves will increase.

The Berserker who was fighting against Liu Tian's [Clash of Waves] has been upgraded to a high level, with a triple impact effect.When he rushed in front of Liu Tian, ​​there were two afterimages behind him. As his body hit Liu Tian, ​​an afterimage from behind rushed into his body, forming a second impact effect.The second afterimage also rushed into the Berserker's body, forming a third impact effect.Under the effect of the third stage [Clash of Waves], Liu Tian was knocked back two meters directly.

"-2 "




Liu Tian, ​​who was knocked back two meters, could only watch helplessly as the berserker stood still for two seconds before recovering his ability to move.However, within these two seconds, a sword formation consisting of 28 sharp swords appeared around the two of them.

"Sword Demon Town Kill Seal!"

Liu Tian pinched the [Sword Demon Suppression Seal] with his left hand, activated the [Sword Gang] with his right hand, and rushed towards the Berserker furiously.Not to be outdone, the berserker suddenly raised the saber in his hand, slashed out a giant saber aura in the air, and shattered Liu Tian's [Sword Demon Town Kill Seal] with one blow.


Liu Tian slashed on the Berserker's long knife with his sword, and slid it, suppressing the long knife all the way to cut towards the Berserker's chest, bursting out a series of sparks.



Time: half a month later.

Before he knew it, Liu Tian had been in the Immortal Saint Realm for fifteen days, and he had experienced more than a hundred battles?The strength has been improved to a higher level.However, for him now, it is often difficult for him to defeat opponents in the Immortal Saint Realm. His opponents can completely equal him. To the opponent in the Immortal Sanctuary.

He always has a sense of powerlessness. He fights to the end with his opponent, both sides have only one life, but he still loses, only one point away from victory.His opponent seems to be more meticulous and calm than him, or cold-blooded, without any excitement from the beginning to the end, neither sad nor happy, this is the benefit of system generation.

Even so, he was not discouraged, but his fighting spirit became even more passionate.There are not many players who can defeat him. Only the system can generate super abnormal characters to fight with him. Life and death, swords and war can strengthen a person's strength.

Only by walking on the verge of hell can you understand the true meaning of life.After thousands of battles, you can tap the potential of your body and understand every inch of your muscles.

Five days later, Liu Tian ushered in an opponent. His occupation was not that of the Huaxia District, but a ninja from RB.

This ninja was carrying a samurai sword and was wearing a dark blue uniform. His figure was thin, which met the requirements of a ninja who should be as light as a swallow.

At this time, the fighting environment between the two is also the jungle, which is extremely beneficial to the ninja.Ninja's ninjutsu can be used to the fullest in this environment.

"Rb's career, I can't lose..."

Liu Tian looked at the fleeting figures around him, and was secretly vigilant. He had heard of the job of the little rb before, but he didn't expect that the Immortal Saint Realm also had such a job. good thing.


A figure flashed past Liu Tian's side, and then there was a sound of piercing through the air. Liu Tian's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw a ninja's four-horned shuriken flying towards him.He quickly slashed out with a sword, and with a clang, the shuriken was sent flying and stuck into a tree.

"Sword and shield."

Liu Tian held a shield in front of him, stared sharply at the surroundings, slowly turned his body, and calmly swept the ninja who was passing by in the forest.With a whoosh, another four-pointed shuriken shot at him.

With a wave of his arm, he chopped off the four-pointed shuriken that flew towards him at high speed, pierced through a red flower, and plunged into the ground.The pierced safflower quickly withered and turned yellow, and died in a blink of an eye.

"Very poisonous..." Liu Tian casually glanced at the withered red flowers, feeling a little annoyed.In the Immortal Holy Land, you cannot use any medicines, and if you are infected by a highly poisonous poison, you can only wait for the poison to disappear on its own.


Like a ghost, the ninja appeared and disappeared, running around Liu Tian at an extremely fast speed.Suddenly, the ninja disappeared completely. Liu Tianxin was startled, and hurriedly activated the [Exploration Technique], but before he activated it, the ninja appeared again, holding a samurai sword in both hands, cutting down from the sky, and was interrupted by the ninja.


The swords and swords intersected, and the clear sound of the clash spread in the forest. Except for the ninja who suppressed Liu Tian for a while when he suddenly attacked, he was violently suppressed by Liu Tian at other times.

"Sword Gang!"

Liu Tian violently slashed out [Sword Gang], and the thin ninja was directly knocked back half a step.Liu Tian half-raised his left hand, condensed a jet-black ink pad, and suppressed it.

The ninja's face remained unchanged, and he let the [Sword Demon Suppressing Killing Seal] press towards him. With a flip of his hand, a four-pointed sword appeared in his hand. With a shake of his arm, he threw the sword.With a puff, the sword in his hand sank into Liu Tian's body.

"Ding dong, you were hit by the sword in the ninja's hand, and you fell into a poisoned state. Your life per second -10, lasted for 1 minute, and fell into a 'weak' state, with a 5% reduction in speed and 5% attack, and lasted for 2 minutes."


Liu Tian cursed in a low voice, at this time [Sword Demon Town Killing Seal] had also bombarded the ninja, knocking him back half a meter in one fell swoop.


Liu Tian blasted three sword qi at the ninja, but before he could attack him, he disappeared in place.

"Exploration technique!"

A piece of starry sky flashed in Liu Tian's right eye, and the [Exploration Technique] was activated successfully. He stared and scanned the surroundings, but he scanned the jungle, but he did not find the figure of the ninja.

"Advanced invisibility?" Liu Tian felt something was wrong. He seemed unable to detect the ninja's invisibility.

"Drowsy formation!"

Liu Tian didn't dare to be careless, and erected a sword array around his body to protect his comfort.He is doomed to have only 10 lives left now, 1 points per second, 600 in 600 minute, he only has more than [-] lives now, if he seriously hits a few more swords in his hand, he will be finished .

call out.

The ninja appeared under a tree, and casually threw a sword in his hand towards the trapped formation. Seeing that he couldn't break through, he stopped moving, stood on the tree, and looked at Liu Tian quietly.

"Little rb..."

Liu Tian cursed in a low voice, and rushed towards the ninja with a sword and shield on his back.

The ninja standing under the tree suddenly spoke.

"Separation technique!"

bang bang bang...

The ninjas were suddenly divided into two, then four, eight, and sixteen!

"Little rb's avatar technique is just mediocre." Liu Tian sneered, rb's avatar technique is different from his avatar technique, the avatar created by rb's avatar technique has no attack ability, only shadow avatar, multiple shadow avatar, Avatars such as water avatars have the ability to attack.

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