Chapter 380 Choice

After closing the skill interface, Liu Tian walked out of the hut, breathing the fresh air of the bamboo forest, he felt as if he was reborn as a human being. 26nbsp;

"Master, have you come out? How has the sixty days of fighting been going?" Elder Ge asked cordially, looking at Liu Tian whose momentum had changed, he nodded secretly.

"Old Ge, I think you should know the result. I hope I didn't disappoint you." Liu Tian smiled slightly, and silently thanked him in his heart. The sixty days have helped him a lot. Now his understanding and application of skills has definitely improved to a higher level, especially since he can finally feel the movement of true qi, and the benefits are endless.

"Master, you will definitely be the pride of the Immortal Yuan Clan." Ge Lao said firmly.

"I will work hard."

"By the way, young master, the emperor sent someone to ask you to come to the palace after leaving the Immortal Sacred Realm."

"Okay, I'll go later."

"The old slave reckons that the reason why the emperor asked you to go to the palace is because of Shengyan Huoshan's thousand-year reincarnation tomorrow.


"Ge Lao, what is the Millennium Reincarnation?"

"Thousand-year reincarnation..." Ge Lao muttered in a low voice, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "The thousand-year reincarnation refers to a large-scale monster riot that occurs every thousand years on the Shengyan Volcano. The incident in the Chiyan Mountains. In fact, the millennium reincarnation is also related to the catastrophe 5000 years ago. Before the catastrophe, the Shengyan Volcano was as terrifying as it is now, but such a thing as the millennium reincarnation did not happen. After the catastrophe, every thousand years, There is a mysterious and powerful energy covering the entire Chiyan Mountains, affecting the minds of creatures in the Chiyan Mountains."

"Then what does the emperor want me to do?" Liu Tian touched his chin, frowning and thinking about all kinds of possibilities.

"The old slave doesn't know either. You're the only one who went there by yourself, but it shouldn't be a bad thing."

"En." Liu Tian nodded, the Emperor and Zhuijian are old acquaintances, he is Zhuijian's apprentice, there shouldn't be any bad things.

"By the way, the emperor also asked you to take one of his relatives surnamed Qin with you."

"A relative with the surname of Qin?" Liu Tian thought for a while, and suddenly realized that the relative with the surname of Qin should be the little princess Qin Jing, and the emperor must be missing the little princess.

"I see, then I will go to the palace now to see why the emperor is looking for me."

"Well, if you want to come back, you can come back by using the order of immortality. And remember, when you reach the fortieth level, that is, when you reach the level of prime minister, you have to come back and carry out the second family treasure inheritance." Ge Lao Said.

"I remember, Mr. Ge, I will go first."

After leaving the Immortal Peak, Liu Tian's communication system was automatically turned on, and the system prompts suddenly rang around his ears.

"Ding Dong, you have received a text message from your friend Wufeng, please check."

"Ding Dong, you have received a text message from your friend Tie Gu, please check it."

"Ding dong, you received a friend..."


After a series of prompts, there was a belated system announcement.

"Ding dong, please pay attention to players. Due to special reasons, there was a strange 'tide' in the Chiyan Mountains outside the Phoenix Imperial City. Therefore, the Huaxia Dynasty issued a mission to kill monsters. After killing a certain number of monsters, players will receive reputation rewards, experience rewards, and money. Rewards, equipment rewards. Players can check the specific task information by themselves."

After carefully reading the system announcement, Liu Tian began to read the short messages.The short messages didn't say anything either, the short messages of Iron Bone and Wufeng mainly reported the situation of the guild, and the short messages of other people just said some irrelevant things.Among them, Liu Tian even discovered the text message from Tianhuo Phoenix.

"Why did she send me a text message? It's strange..." Liu Tian looked at Tianhuo Phoenix's text message, and the content was just asking why he disappeared.

A message was sent to the group, and he established a telepathy with Yang Lan, asking her to take the little princess to the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild.

"Ding Dong, your friend Tianhuo Fenghuang sent you a short message, please check."

Liu Tian was taken aback, he didn't expect that Tianhuo Phoenix was the first one to reply to the message.

Sender: Tianhuo Phoenix

Content: You seem to have disappeared for a long time, what did you do?


Liu Tian replied a text message to Tianhuo Phoenix, then walked out of the villa and walked towards the teleportation array.Soon, Tianhuo Phoenix replied "Oh." After that, there was no more text, and Liu Tian didn't reply, and stepped on the teleportation array leading to Phoenix Imperial City.

Arriving at the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild, as Liu Tian expected, the first person to greet him was Zhang Long.

"Brother, you are finally back."

"Long'er, how are you doing these [-] days? Why didn't you come to my house? You insisted on waiting for me in the game." Liu Tian said with a smile as he touched Zhang Long's hair.

"Sister Lan and I went back. Two or three days after Sister Yan left, something happened to Sister Lan's house. We didn't have time to say goodbye to you, so we went back. I don't know when we can go to the city where you are, but we Now it’s in the city where Sister Ruoxi and Sister Yan are located.”

"The city where Xiaoxi went to college? Then I have a chance to visit Lan'er and your parents."

Entering the lobby of the Phoenix Guild headquarters, looking at the acquaintances he hadn't seen for many days, Liu Tian felt inexplicable and unclear.

After reminiscing with everyone for a while, Liu Tian took the little princess Qin Jing to the palace.As soon as they reached the gate of the palace, a guard stopped the two of them.

"Excuse me, are you Master Eternal?"

Liu Tian nodded: "Well, I am."

"Then please come with me."

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"


Following behind the guards, Liu Tian and the little princess Qin Jing came to the imperial garden of the palace unimpeded.After entering the imperial garden, the guard led the two of them for another minute or two, and the figures of the emperor and the eldest princess came into view of the three of them.

"Master Eternal, Your Majesty has ordered me to bring you here, and you can go to see His Majesty yourself." The guard said after hearing this.

"Well, back off."

As soon as the guards left, the little princess Qin Jing recovered her appearance and walked quickly towards the emperor and the eldest princess. Liu Tian smiled slightly and walked over slowly, watching the little princess throw herself into the arms of the emperor.

"Jing'er, are you still used to it these days?" The emperor rubbed the head of the little princess, the majesty of the emperor on his face was replaced by the love of a father.

Cute dimples appeared on the little princess's cheeks, and she said sweetly: "Father, I am very happy with some sisters."

"Then Father, don't worry. Well, Jing'er, you go talk to Auntie first. Father wants to talk to Eternal about something."

"Well, but the emperor can't make things difficult for him."

"Got it, all right, let's go to Auntie's." The emperor pinched the little princess' nose.

Seeing the emperor waving towards him, Liu Tian quickened his pace, walked in front of the emperor, and sat down under the emperor's signal.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to do with me?"

"You know the reincarnation of the millennium, right? What I'm looking for you has to do with the reincarnation of the millennium."

"I know a little bit about reincarnation." Liu Tian nodded.

"Then I'll cut to the chase and say it directly. I'm looking for you because I want you to build a city outside the Chiyan Mountains." The emperor said after drinking a sip of Longjing leisurely.

"Building a city? Since His Majesty knows about the millennium reincarnation, you still want me to build a city. Isn't that..."

"I want you to build the city because I want to develop a resource transfer station outside the Chiyan Mountains, so that it will not be so difficult to deal with the Millennium Reincarnation."

"If I go to build a city, what help will you provide me?"

"You only need to pay half of all the funds for building the city, and I will directly upgrade the city to the sub-city level below the main city level. And I will send a certain amount of troops to garrison your city." The emperor said.

Liu Tian frowned, he completely understood what the Emperor meant, and now he was facing a difficult choice.To build a city, or not to build a city.If he builds a city, he will definitely be attacked by the millennium reincarnation monster 'tide', which is far more terrifying than monster attacks, and it is estimated that the city will be difficult not to be breached.

If he doesn't build a city, he will definitely be insulated from the benefits of directly promoting the city to the deputy city level. You must know that the primary level of the city is just a village, and it is very far away to be promoted to the deputy city level.The most important thing is that if his city is directly promoted to the sub-level, then his advantage will far surpass that of other guilds.

"Think about it, if you don't want to, I won't force it."

"I'll think about it carefully."

Time passed, and seven or eight minutes passed.Liu Tian raised his head in thought.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to build a city, but I have some requests."

"Tell me."

"First, the information that the city is mine cannot be 'revealed' for the time being. Second, the strange 'tide' of the millennium reincarnation may not be easy. I will find a way to solve the initial strange 'tide', but you must The task of killing monsters is issued, and as for the powerful creatures in the later stage, you need to solve them. Third, all kinds of shops and palaces in the city must be complete. Fourth, the cost of the teleportation array that comes to my city must be fully paid to me." Liu Tian slowly said the conditions he had in mind.

"This..." The emperor pondered for a long time before he nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

A bright smile finally appeared on Liu Tian's face.

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