The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 381 Eternal Alliance

Chapter 381 Eternal Alliance

"Your Majesty, thank you. 26nbsp;"

Liu Tian sincerely thanked the emperor, his condition was actually a bit high, the emperor could agree, most of it was for the sake of chasing the sword, otherwise how could he agree to the condition that most of the benefits were on him.

The emperor said lightly: "The thousand-year reincarnation monster 'tide' attacking the city is different from ordinary monsters attacking the city. The survival of the city is up to you. If you fail, your request will not be fulfilled. If you succeed It's not too much for you to enjoy your request. As for the mission, it was released before yesterday, so you don't have to worry at all."

"Your Majesty, then I will go to create the guild first, and then I will choose the location of the city."

"Go ahead."

"Well, Your Majesty, I'll be back soon."

After leaving the palace, Liu Tian immediately summoned Tie Gu, Wufeng and his classmates, and told them what the emperor said.

"It's very dangerous. The thousand-year reincarnation, the strange 'tide' must be super fierce, and I don't know if it can survive it." Ye Tianxiang said.

"Benefits and risks come together, and there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. I think blaming 'Tide' is equivalent to a test, and it is also a proof." Wufeng analyzed.

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally returned to the name of the guild.

"Is the name of the guild confirmed? I'm going to create a guild soon." Liu Tian asked.

"After discussion, we finally decided that the name of the guild should be Eternal Alliance. Haha, you can also use your name to advertise." Yang Binghui laughed.

"Eternal alliance, eternal love, good name."

Liu Tian muttered a few words, and then said: "Let's go, let's create a guild together. After choosing the address of the city, I have to go to the palace."

"Quack, it's finally time to witness a historic moment. The first guild in the game is born. I guess the members of other guilds will be dumbfounded." Ye Tianxiang smiled darkly.

A group of people went to the hall where the guild was established together with Liu Tian, ​​and found the old man in charge of the guild in the hall, Liu Tian filled out the form that the old man gave him, and immediately handed in the order of heaven.

"Congratulations on becoming the founder of the first guild in the game." The old man looked at Liu Tian and said.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to Player Eternal for creating the first guild in the game. The system will make an announcement and promote it for you. Please edit the content you want to promote."

After discussing with everyone, Liu Tian edited a paragraph of text.

"Ding dong, the editing is successful, and the system will make a system announcement immediately."

"Ding dong, players please note that the first guild in the game, the Eternal Alliance, was born today, and the system will open the guild system. The era of gold and iron horses is coming, join the guild, and travel around. The following is a passage from the president of the Eternal Alliance Word: Two days later, the Eternal Alliance will invite guild members in Sky City, the sub-city of the Chiyan Mountains outside the Phoenix Imperial City. If you don’t want to be bullied by other guilds, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to travel around, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to find a partner, join the Eternal Alliance. Eternal Alliance, friendship is eternal, I believe you can find what you want in Eternal Alliance.”

"Ding dong, players please note that the first guild in the game, the Eternal Alliance, was born today, and the system will open the guild system. The era of gold and iron horses is coming, join the guild, and travel around. The following is a passage from the president of the Eternal Alliance Word: Two days later, the Eternal Alliance will invite guild members in Sky City, the sub-city of the Chiyan Mountains outside the Phoenix Imperial City. If you don’t want to be bullied by other guilds, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to travel around, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to find a partner, join the Eternal Alliance. Eternal Alliance, friendship is eternal, I believe you can find what you want in Eternal Alliance.”

"Ding dong, players please note that the first guild in the game, the Eternal Alliance, was born today, and the system will open the guild system. The era of gold and iron horses is coming, join the guild, and travel around. The following is a passage from the president of the Eternal Alliance Word: Two days later, the Eternal Alliance will invite guild members in Sky City, the sub-city of the Chiyan Mountains outside the Phoenix Imperial City. If you don’t want to be bullied by other guilds, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to travel around, join the Eternal Alliance. If you want to find a partner, join the Eternal Alliance. Eternal Alliance, friendship is eternal, I believe you can find what you want in Eternal Alliance.”

Three system announcements made the entire Huaxia District boil. They didn't expect that someone would create a guild when the millennium reincarnation approached!In just a short while, the word Eternal Alliance was remembered by most players.

At this time, the most angry ones were the presidents of other guilds. As soon as the system announcement came out, they immediately thought of the Heaven's Order that appeared in the trial meeting.

"I didn't expect that the Heavenly Order was really obtained and disappeared for so long..." Lan Yan Fentian whispered while sitting on a chair.

"Which bastard created the guild? The Eternal Alliance, is it related to him?" Hearing the system announcement, the monster in front of Devil Heitian was immediately used by him to vent his anger. After killing the monster, he gritted his teeth and spit out a word after a long time.

You Long Tianxia said to himself: "Eternal League, is it the guild created by Eternal?"

"Tian Xingling is indeed in your hands. I hope you can survive in the increasingly fierce competition." The beautiful class leader looked at the blue sky and thought to himself.


Leaving aside the performance of other players, Liu Tian was about to speak at this time and asked the old man to choose an area for him as the residence of his guild to build a city.


Before Liu Tian could say anything, his words were interrupted by the old man.

"Do you want a residence? The former emperor sent someone here, and your majesty has already sent someone to help you choose the residence. You just need to see if it is suitable, and then choose if it is not suitable."

"As expected of the emperor, the speed is fast enough." Liu Tian sighed, took the map handed over by the grandfather, looked at it, and immediately passed it on to others for checking.

"This place is nice."

"Yes, the terrain is a canyon, and the city is built in the middle of the canyon."

"There is only one side to be attacked, and there is a river in the canyon that hinders the player's movement. If someone wants to attack our guild in the future, it will not be easy."

"Grandpa, let's just go to this place. I'll go to the palace to explain clearly to the Emperor, and I'll take my leave first." Liu Tian said, and then left with everyone.

Entering the palace alone, this time someone also led Liu Tian into the palace.Arriving at the imperial garden, Liu Tian only saw the emperor, the little princess and the eldest princess.

"You're back? Sit down," said the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the place to build the city is the canyon you ordered."

"Okay, I'll let my subordinates go down to build the city. It will probably take a day to build the city." The emperor took a sip of tea and clapped his hands. An assassin in leather armor appeared beside him.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

The Emperor told the Assassin about the construction of the city, and the Assassin didn't say a word, but his figure flashed past and disappeared in front of several people.

The emperor said: "The next time depends on whether you can successfully keep the city."

"I will succeed!" A firmness flashed in Liu Tian's heart. Although he didn't say anything, the emperor could already find his answer from his firm gaze.

"Your Majesty, since I have nothing to do, should I step back first?"

"Go, let Jing'er go with you, it's still dangerous for her to stay in the palace now." The emperor said.

After leaving the palace with the little princess, just as he walked to the gate of the palace city, his complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body exuded a little heat.

"Jing'er, I'm going back to the villa first!" Liu Tian left a sentence, and quickly ran to his villa. At this moment, he felt his body getting hotter and hotter, and his face was slowly getting hotter.

"Could it be that the Sword Demon Alchemy is about to break through?" He thought in his heart.

When Liu Tian flew back to the villa, the players were all in doubt. They searched all over the map, but still couldn't find Sky City in the system announcement.They suddenly thought of a term, that is Jiancheng!They were already shocked by these two words in their hearts. Building a city means monsters attacking the city. The Eternal Alliance seems to have just emerged. Can the strength support the monsters attacking the city?

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