Chapter 393

"Huang, old man Huang?"

Liu Tian didn't expect that standing behind him turned out to be the old man who chased the sword and called Old Huang who appeared when he was dealing with the ghost king. 26nbsp; Glancing over his left shoulder, Jin'er disappeared at some point.

"It turned out to be you, young man, why did you come here? With your strength, you shouldn't be able to get in." Senior Huang showed a look of surprise between his brows.

"This..." Liu Tian showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Since you have something to hide, don't say it." Senior Huang said, "However, you should get out as soon as possible, it's too dangerous here."

"Senior Huang, I want to ask, what are they doing? That's why I came in."

"Look at that dragon." Senior Huang pointed at the evil dragon Kukri, "It's called Kukri, and it's an evil dragon that does all kinds of evil. Many big guys also want to take this opportunity to leave the Red Rock Mountains. We are actually here to drive them back to the depths of the Red Rock Mountains. They are all evil and cruel by nature. If we let them go out, it will be a disaster. Little misfortune."

"I see." Liu Tian nodded and said, "Senior Huang, do you have other people dealing with other big guys?"

"Well, most of them have returned to the depths of the Red Rock Mountains, and the evil dragon Kukri is the most difficult one." Senior Huang said.


Just as Liu Tian wanted to ask other questions, there was a loud noise in the valley, and the opposing sides entered into a fighting state again.

From the mouth of the evil dragon Kukri spit out a black flame more than ten meters long. Wherever the flame passed, whether it was rock or ground, it turned into magma. The five people who dealt with the evil dragon Kukri dodged everywhere. Dodging the attack of the evil dragon Kukri.

"The Heavenly Sword Comes to the World!"

A swordsman flashed to the top of the mountain, and quickly squeezed the sword formula. As his voice fell, the sky suddenly thundered and thundered, and the dark clouds were dense. Under the amazing vision, a huge lightsaber more than ten meters long emerged from the dark clouds. Landed and blasted towards the evil dragon Kukri.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Break the sun!"

An archer also stopped at this moment, pulling the dragon and phoenix bow in his hand unhurriedly, staring at the evil dragon Kukri with cold eyes, and with a whoosh, an extremely bright beam of light dragged for several meters Long tail, off the string.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Two broken suns!"

Another beam of light dragged its long tail and 'shot' towards the evil dragon Kukri.

The evil dragon Kukri let out a roar, and condensed two dark red dragon claws, one of which grabbed the Heavenly Sword that fell from the sky, and the other firmly grasped the piercing sunlight arrow that was shot.

There was a sneer at the corner of the swordsman's mouth, and the gesture of the sword formula changed, and many lightning bolts burst out from Tianjian's body, and then accelerated suddenly, smashing the condensed dragon claw of the evil dragon Kukri in an instant.


A phantom swept towards Tianjian, and with a bang, Tianjian flew out.Liu Tian was startled, that phantom turned out to be the tail of the evil dragon Kukri.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Break the sun three times!"

A broken sun arrow was held in the hands of the evil dragon Kukri, the archer's face was calm as usual, and with a movement of his body, three broken sun arrows had already been shot, and the surrounding air was distorted by it.

The evil dragon Kukri swung its tail with another divine dragon, and after sweeping the Heavenly Sword more than ten meters away, it controlled the dark red dragon's claws and wanted to grab the second broken sun arrow, but the result was beyond its expectation.Yi Po Ri was easily caught by it, but Er Po Ri shot through the dragon claw in one go.


A huge dragon flame flew out of the mouth of the evil dragon Kuli, and immediately burned out the Ersha Sunguang Arrow.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Break the sun four times!"

The archer pulled the mighty bow in his hand again and 'shot' the fourth arrow!

"The art of the earth, gravity space!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the ground, and the huge body of the evil dragon Kukri fell to the ground with a bang.At the same time, a person slowly returned to the ground. This person is the earth-type spiritual practitioner who escaped into the soil.

"Gravity technique?" Liu Tian murmured, looking at the evil dragon Kukri struggling on the ground, his heart was full of surprise.

"That's not a gravity technique, it's a gravity space, it can be said to be the ultimate gravity technique." Senior Huang said: "The gravity space condenses a space, no matter who it is, no matter where it is, after being shrouded by the gravity space , can’t escape the result of gravity, and the gravity space can move with the released person’s movement, it is almost impossible to escape the gravity space. Gravity spell has no such effect, after leaving the earth, the gravity effect will disappear.”

While old man Huang was speaking, the arrow that broke the sun hit the dragon palm of the evil dragon Kukri, and with a bang, the arrow that broke the sun exploded in the palm of the evil dragon Kukri.

"'Shooting' the sun nine times in a row! Five broken suns!"

Another arrow of light dragged a tail several meters long across the sky, shining brightly.

"Human!" A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the evil dragon Kukri, and the body of the more than [-]-meter-long dragon disappeared in an instant, and a middle-aged man holding a dark red long sword appeared in the gravity space Man, he is the evil dragon Kukri in human form. With his dark red hair and his dark eyes, Liu Tian felt shuddering.

"Swallow me!" the evil dragon Kukri roared, and the dark red long sword in his hand turned into a dark red little dragon, swallowing four and five broken sunlight arrows in a row.

"Kill!" The swordsman's voice was like thunder, and Liu Tian lost his mind for a moment. When he woke up, he saw the huge sky sword appearing above the evil dragon Kukri.

"The evil dragon devours!"

The evil dragon Kukri suddenly raised his head, facing the Heavenly Sword without fear, his head suddenly turned into a dragon head, and instantly swallowed the Heavenly Sword.

"This..." Liu Tian looked at Senior Huang, a little unbelievable that the evil dragon Kukri swallowed the Heavenly Sword alive.

"Evil Dragon Swallowing is the unique skill of the evil dragon Kukri. It is said that it can swallow everything in the world." Senior Huang explained softly: "Don't look at the evil dragon Kukri swallowing the heavenly sword in one mouthful. There is a special space in Kukri's mouth, and the evil dragon Kukri uses this special space to perform the evil dragon's bite."

"Spear God Poisonous Dragon Drill!"

The gun fighter among the five finally launched an attack, his body spun rapidly, his body could not be seen clearly in a blink of an eye, only a cone-like air cone, and spiral forces were rotating around the air cone, surrounding The rocks and trees are all brought up by the spiral force.

Liu Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and he actually saw a poisonous dragon appearing in the high-speed rotating air cone, but the poisonous dragon disappeared in an instant, and the sound of the wind was still whistling, but he could faintly hear the dragon's chant.

Under Liu Tian's gaze, Gunslinger and Dulongzuan finally moved, appearing seven or eight meters away in an instant, and then entered the gravitational space in a flash.


The evil dragon Kukri snorted coldly, and his hands turned into dragon claws, grabbing the high-speed spinning Spear God and Poison Dragon Drill. Under the action of the evil dragon Kukri, the speed of the Spear God and Poison Dragon Drill was slowly decreasing, but The drill is also slowly approaching the body of the evil dragon Kukri.

"It's still close, it's still close..." Liu Tian yelled in his heart, worried for the gun fighter.

"Stop for me!"

The evil dragon Kukri yelled, and the two dragon claws closed together. The spear god Poison Dragon Drill stopped, and the figure of the gun fighter appeared. What the evil dragon Kukri grabbed was the spear in the hand of the gun fighter.

The gun fighter quickly pushed and pulled, retracted the spear, and then quickly retreated, intending to exit the gravity space.

"Evil dragon divides heaven!"

The evil dragon Kukri grabbed the dark red long sword that was flying back, and slashed down suddenly. A dark red light wave quickly cut out from the dark red long sword, chasing after the gun fighter.At the same time, the figure of the evil dragon Kukri also moved, following the dark red light wave, it quickly swept out of the gravitational space.

"Kukri is about to leave the gravitational space." Senior Huang said, but there was no strange expression in his expression.

"Senior Huang, doesn't gravity space also move?"

"Kukli's evil dragon divided the gravity space to distort it, and it was almost split, and Fengyun was still in the gravity space, Huitian dared not release the gravity space, otherwise Fengyun would be affected together. "

As soon as Huang Lao finished speaking, he saw that the originally slow figure of the evil dragon Kukri became extremely fast.

"It came out!" Liu Tian cried out.

"Hehe..." Senior Huang laughed lightly.

"You go to hell first!" The evil dragon Kukri held a dark red long sword and quickly slashed at the earth-type spiritual practitioner.

"Assassination technique!"

A cold light suddenly pierced towards the evil dragon Kukri, and the assassin who had been hiding all along also appeared.

"It's you who's waiting!" The evil dragon Kukri's sword sharply turned and slashed at the assassin who appeared in the air.

"We are also waiting." The assassin said suddenly, "Look behind you."

Before the evil dragon Kukri could turn around, his back suddenly felt a pain, and the Six Breaking Sunlight Arrow had already 'shot' it in the back.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Seven break the sun!"

With a pop, a transparent hole appeared in the body of the evil dragon Kukri.

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