The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 394 Fighting the Evil Dragon

Chapter 394 Fighting the Evil Dragon

A trace of scarlet blood overflowed from the corner of the evil dragon Kukri's mouth. It looked down at the transparent hole in the front and back of its chest, with an expression of disbelief on its face. 26nbsp;

"No, impossible, how can you break through my defense, impossible!"

"Hmph, do you think no one can break through your defense with the top-notch dragon body? I can only say that you are too ridiculous." The gun fighter Feng Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"'Shoot' the sun nine times in a row! Eight break the sun!"

The cold voice of the archer's ghost echoed softly in the valley, but the Eight Breaking Sunlight Arrow did not shoot out, but stayed on the dragon and phoenix bow.

The assassin said lightly: "Kukri, I advise you to go back to the depths of the Chiyan Mountains. This arrow is not good. It may leave a second, bigger hole in your body."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for your tricks just now, how could he 'shoot' me?" The evil dragon Kukri looked at the assassin coldly.

"So, what if this is the case?" The earth-type spiritual practitioner who had been silent all this time suddenly looked up at the evil dragon Kukri, and said, "The art of the earth, the hand of the earth!"

The body of the earth-type spiritual practitioner was suddenly surrounded by three spiral khaki-colored air currents. As he stretched out his left and right hands, two giant khaki-colored hands slowly protruded from the ground.The giant hand is composed of pieces of rock, with sharp edges and corners, full of strength, and the palm of the giant hand is covered with rock spikes.

"If you are caught by the hand of the earth, are you sure you can still escape the ghost's 'shooting' the Japanese Jiulianzhu? You must know that one arrow of 'shooting' the Japanese Jiulianzhu is more powerful than the previous arrow, and it can withstand an arrow. It may not be able to withstand the second arrow." The earth-type spiritual practitioner said: "Besides, Fire Phoenix and others will come to support soon, don't you want to suffer more?"

"Fire Phoenix..." Hearing this, the evil dragon Kukri's pupils shrank, and fear and hatred flashed across his face. Most of the reason why he stayed in the Chiyan Mountains was because of the Fire Phoenix. Part of the reason is that the Chiyan Mountains are conducive to its strength improvement.It originally wanted to leave the Chiyan Mountains when the fire phoenix gave birth to a weak offspring, but it didn't expect that people from the Huaxia Dynasty would come to stop it, and everything became a fantasy.

"Dragon Transformation!" the evil dragon Kukri said coldly, turned his body slightly, and a dark red dragon more than [-] meters long appeared in the sky.

"Hmph, if I don't break out now, I will have to stay in the Chiyan Mountains when the Fire Phoenix recovers."

The evil dragon Kukri roared loudly, spreading like the sound of rolling thunder in the valley. The dragon's body more than [-] meters long quickly curled up, wrapped around and crushed the two giant rock hands, and immediately, gravel rained from the sky.

"It's useless."

The earth-type spiritual practitioner said lightly, and the giant hands that had turned into rubble reorganized again, grabbing the body of the evil dragon Kukri from left to right, trying to lock it.

"Roar..." the evil dragon Kukri roared, and the dragon's tail flicked suddenly, and the two khaki-colored rock giant hands were crushed again.

"So fragile?..." Liu Tian was a little speechless, feeling that the earth-type spiritual practitioner's move seemed a little too weak, and it was almost useless. Suddenly, his expression froze.

"Ah, when are you..." The evil dragon Kukri looked at the giant khaki hand locked on the dragon's body in disbelief.

"The number of hands of the earth that I can control is not two, but three, and the hands of the earth are not that fragile. I was just trying to attract your attention, otherwise it would not be so easy to lock you." Soil While speaking, the spiritual cultivator locked the other two hands of the earth on the body of the evil dragon Kukri.

Swordsman Gale, Gun Fighter Feng Yu, and Assassin Shadow Walk slowly walked together, looking at the evil dragon Kukri in the sky.

"Damn, despicable humans..." the evil dragon Kukri glared at the five of them.

"It's not despicable, it's called strategy, it's called tactics. Your dragon race is born with extraordinary physique and strength. Similarly, our human race also has our advantages, and that is our wisdom." Assassin Shadow Walk said.

"Hey, the evil dragon devours Kongbo!"

The evil dragon Kukri suddenly roared into the sky, and all the gravel and dust on the ground gathered towards it, spinning around its body rapidly.

"Stubborn! Ghost, do it!"

The Assassin Shadow Walk shouted, and at the same time, the figures of Swordsman Gale and Gun Fighter flashed. Swordsman Gale appeared in front of the earth-type spiritual practitioner, and Gun Fighter appeared beside the ghost of the archer.

"Bapori!" With a whoosh, the eighth light arrow left the string with a tail that was several meters long, like a shooting star across the sky, shooting towards the body of the evil dragon Kukri locked in the air .


The roar of the evil dragon Kukri echoed in the valley, and an invisible wave of light rushed out of its dragon mouth, with a 180-degree attack range. Huitian and Swordsman Gale are all within attack range.Wherever the space-eating wave passes, any object that encounters the light wave will be reduced to dust without a sound.

Liu Tian stared at the valley intently, his eyes were full of shock, if he rushed into the range of the evil dragon's bite at the moment, he would definitely turn into flesh and blood powder in an instant like those gravels, this is the difference in strength.

The evil dragon biting Kongbo rushing towards the archer ghost and the spear fighter Fengyun met in the air with the eight-breaking sunlight arrow like a rainbow. The powerful evil dragon biting Kongbo was slowly peeled off like a piece of paper However, there are still space-eating waves spreading towards the two of them, and at the junction of the light arrow and the space-eating wave, there are loud explosions.

"Eighteen Shots of Broken Sea!"

The figure of the spear fighter Feng Yun suddenly appeared in the air, the silver spear in his hand was like a summer firefly, glowing with white light, with Feng Yun's roar, his figure was disillusioned instantly, and eighteen There are four Fengyun, each Fengyun maintains a posture, and finally seventeen Fengyun are all submerged in the front Fengyun's body.


Countless gun qi erupted in an instant, and a ray of light appeared in front of Feng Yu's body. The evil dragon Kukri's evil dragon biting Kongbo was destroyed by the thousands of gun qi.

While the archer ghost and the gun fighter Fengyun were fighting, the swordsman and the earth-type spiritual practitioner were also making effective resistance.

"Sword Spirit Qi Shield!"

Swordsman Gale quickly squeezed the sword formula, and in the blink of an eye a radiant light ball appeared around him, covering him inside, and he could vaguely see the figure of Jianxia Gale.

"Is the Sword Spirit Qi Shield an advanced version of Sword Shield, or the ultimate version?" Liu Tian murmured. Suddenly, his expression froze again. Dragon bites empty waves.

"So tough?" Liu Tianda stared blankly at this scene.

"The art of the earth, the earth wall!"

As the voice of the earth-type spiritual practitioner fell, a rock wall several meters thick suddenly rose in front of the evil dragon biting Kongbo.

bang bang bang...

The evil dragon, Kongbo, came into contact with the rock wall. This rock wall did not turn into powder silently like other rocks, but was resisting the Kongbo, but it was being melted quickly by the slowly Kongbo. .


The swordsman Gale urges the ball of light to rush into the evil dragon's Kongbo at the moment the rock wall is wiped away by the evil dragon's Kongbo, and travels back and forth in the space, consuming the space.

"Haha, wisdom is not unique to you humans!" Suddenly, the evil dragon Kukri laughed wildly.

"Oops..." Senior Huang said.

Hearing this, Liu Tian was startled, and fixed his eyes on the evil dragon Kukri, and immediately discovered what the bad thing that the old man was talking about was. At some point, a dark hand appeared next to the three earth hands that locked the evil dragon Kukri. A red long sword.



The sword groaned, a dark red light flashed past, and the three hands of the earth were all cut off, turning into a pile of dust and blowing away with the wind.

"Haha, what else can you do to stop me now?" The evil dragon Kukri turned into a human again, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Are you really sure?" Assassin Shadow Walker suddenly appeared on a small hill, looking at the evil dragon Kukri calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I..." The evil dragon Kukri wanted to say something, but his face changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked at the eastern sky.


A bird's song came through the sky from the far east, Liu Tian stared and watched, seeing that blurred shadow, his heart skipped a beat.

"flaming Phenix?"

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