The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 397 Fire Spirit

Chapter 397 Fire Spirit

Thousands of beasts are galloping outside the canyon, and the targets are all fiery red fire creatures.

Three level 25 giant pig bosses led the herd of giant pigs. Before they had been arrogant for a long time, they were hacked to death by several players with a level of [-]. Under the adjusted counterattack, it was gradually wiped out.

"It's another flying monster..."

Not long after the giant pig was wiped out, Liu Tian, ​​who was standing on the city wall, saw a group of red dots flying from the distant sky.

"Wufeng, let the long-range attackers prepare, there are flying monsters coming." Liu Tian said in the private channel.

"Hey, why haven't all the low-level monsters in the surrounding area been wiped out? There must be too many." Liu Tian frowned and saw that there were not many low-level monsters on the battlefield.

Although Liu Tian was complaining, his eyes never left the flying monsters flying from afar.

In about 1 minute, the flying monsters were about 300 meters away from the canyon, and other players also discovered their existence.The long-range attack players laughed secretly, while the melee players could only complain a few words and focus on attacking the monsters on the ground.

The flying monsters in the sky are a group of flaming red birds with only two fists. The number is extremely huge, densely packed like a large fire cloud spreading.

The sound of chirping birds echoed in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, this group of birds flew towards the sky above the player. The long-range attacking player looked at them and their eyes almost popped out, because they flew too high, even with long-range Attacks cannot attack them.

"Fuck, what are you doing flying so high? You'll die if you fly down a little bit?" a long-range attack player complained.

"Don't tell me, it's really going to die. You see so many people waiting for them." The melee player next to the complaining player joked, secretly laughing.



Under the endless calls of long-range attack players, the group of birds in the sky finally descended, but they were gliding, and the destination of gliding was Sky City in the canyon.

"They are about to enter the canyon, go in quickly." Seeing this, many long-range attack players rushed into the canyon.

"Aiming at the city?" Liu Tian said to himself, looking at the densely packed birds coming towards the canyon.

On the top of the valley on both sides of the canyon, the Eternal Alliance stood full. Seeing the birds flying down from the sky, the captain of the team immediately prepared the team members to attack. When the birds flew more than ten meters above them, a series of attacks It flew out of the hands of the members of the Eternal Alliance, and blasted towards the group of birds that looked like clouds in the sky.

Puff puff…

Contrary to all expectations, the moment the birds in the flock came into contact with the attack, they were blasted into a ball of flames without any resistance, and slowly floated down.


The flustered chirping of the birds finally ignited flames all over their bodies, like rounds of small suns, falling towards the canyon at an extremely fast speed.


A series of attacks blasted into the sky again from the tops of the valleys on both sides.The result this time was still jaw-dropping. All the birds that were hit by the attack exploded into clusters of small flames.

"Be careful, it's not easy, they didn't die at all! We haven't gained any experience so far!" A captain of the Eternal Alliance frowned and said in the team channel.

Hearing this, the members of the Eternal Alliance were all startled, and realized what the captain said, killing so many birds, they didn't gain any experience at all, and this group of birds is too inferior, right?To be killed with one blow, there must be something strange in it.

The number of rounds of fire suns formed by the birds is extremely large, and the players of the Eternal Alliance only exploded some of them, and the rest of the birds all fell towards the canyon.

"Wow, it's finally here, brother is going to attack!" The player under the canyon shouted excitedly.

A series of gorgeous attacks all rushed to the sky, immediately blasting some of the birds, while the rest of the birds were all bombarded on the ground or on the player's body.


As soon as the fireball landed or landed on the players, it exploded immediately. What surprised the players again was that the power of the fireball explosion was not weak. Many players were directly thrown into the air, and their health dropped by one or two hundred.

bang bang bang...

The sound of explosions spread in the canyon, and all the players' figures and blood-red damage values ​​flew in the air for a while.

"What the hell is this?" Liu Tian frowned as he looked at the bursting birds.

Soon, the loud explosion ended, and the ground of the canyon was full of potholes and scorched black, but what is strange is that the clusters of flames produced by the explosion did not go out, and kept burning and chirping.

"Fuck, what are these birds, so strange."

"Yeah, it's pitifully weak, and there is such a trick of self-destruction."

"Damn, my shoulder hurts right now."


Players complained.

"Not good..." Suddenly, Liu Tian saw clusters of flames gathering together, his expression changed.

"Be careful of the flames on the ground, it's weird!" Liu Tian quickly reminded the members of the Eternal Alliance on the guild channel.


The flames in the canyon slowly gathered together, like water droplets merging, fused with each other and became a cluster of bigger flames.As the size of the flames increases, the speed at which the flames gather increases, and soon, when the players don't pay much attention, the canyon is full of half-small flames.

"Hey, the flames around us seem to be getting bigger, and the number is getting smaller..." Many players asked the players beside them.

"Well, it's a little bigger, but it's nothing."

"No, I always feel that something is wrong. How could the flock of birds be so fragile, and they would be wiped out with one blow."

"What you said makes sense..."


The flame was absorbing other flames and increased in speed and volume. Suddenly, two extremely conspicuous eyes appeared in the flame.

"Oops! Look at the flames around us!" Finally, a player saw that something was wrong and shouted quickly, but it was too late.

Clusters of flames transformed into reptiles covered in flames, and the surrounding mountains and plains became the territory of flame beasts.

Liu Tian turned on [Unobstructed View], and there happened to be a Fire Rock Beast within his detection range, and the attributes of the Fire Rock Beast immediately appeared in his mind.

"Huo Ling, level 27, is really not easy." Liu Tian sighed.


In an instant, the canyon was filled with the strange screams of the fire spirits, and the shadows of the fire spirits turned into red moved, crazily shuttled between the players, and shot out fireballs one after another.

"***, what are these strange things? The entire army has been wiped out, where did they run from?" The long-range attack players yelled in horror. They are long-range attackers, fighting with melee fire spirits, they can only be tortured.

"Run out, we have absolutely no chance of winning here!"


A famous player shouted and ran towards the outside of the valley, hoping to use the strength of the melee players outside the valley to get rid of this group of haunting fire spirits first.

"Fortunately, the flames didn't fall on us." A captain of the Eternal Alliance said from above the canyon, watching the chaotic scene in the canyon, "Otherwise, we might have to work hard for a while."

"Wufeng, let our melee troops attack to help the long-range attackers leave the canyon." Liu Tian said to Wufeng in the private channel after killing a fire spirit that ran along the valley wall to the gate of the valley entrance.

"Okay." Wufeng didn't ask why, and immediately let the soldiers he had arranged to attack. In fact, Liu Tian did this not only to help other players, but also to kill the fire spirit. The next target of the fire spirit is absolutely It will be Sky City.

The closed gate of Sky City opened, and more than 300 melee attack players of the Eternal Alliance poured out from the gate.As soon as they came out, they immediately stopped Huo Ling's hunting activities, and formed an encirclement circle, slowly enclosing Huo Ling together.

Four to five minutes later, hundreds of fire spirits raging in the canyon were surrounded together.Huoling is actually like a puppy-like creature, very fast, and can spit out small fireballs from its mouth.


Huo Ling roared in the encirclement, his purplish red eyes staring at the surrounding players.

"What are they going to do now?" Liu Tian said to himself. He always felt that the fire spirit was not so simple. Considering the attack power of the fire spirit just now and the fire spirit's level of 27, the fire spirit seemed a little rubbish.

"Is it going to change again?" Suddenly, Liu Tian smiled lightly, and the fire spirits surrounded by the players turned into clusters of flames one by one, and these clusters of flames started to fuse again.

The fire spirits closed their eyes, and soon all the fire spirits in the surrounding area were transformed into flames, and the flames began to fuse together again. In a blink of an eye, the number of flames decreased by two-thirds, and there were only groups of human-like Flames more than two meters high.

Suddenly, a pair of purple-red eyes appeared on the two-meter-high flame. After the eyes came out, the two-meter-high flame slowly turned into two-meter-high monsters.

"It's still called Fire Spirit..." Liu Tian checked the attributes of the newly appeared Fire Spirit.


There are about 100 or almost [-] fire spirits over two meters high on the battlefield, and they can breathe flames from their mouths and throw fireballs from their hands!Like Vulcans, their bodies are made up of flames, and the raging flames are burning on their bodies!

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