Chapter 398 Defense

There are about one or two hundred human-shaped fire spirits in the canyon, each of which is more than two meters tall, with strange purple-red pupils, like a little giant, with red flames burning blazingly on its body. 26nbsp;

"There are 30 people above level 60, and more than 25 people above level 300. It's not a big problem to deal with this group of fire spirits." Liu Tian muttered, comparing the strength of the Eternal League players who deal with fire spirits with the fire spirits. one time.


While he was muttering, the fire spirit had already launched an attack, the flames in his palms boiled, and quickly condensed flaming fireballs, blasting towards the players of the Eternal Alliance.

The players of the Eternal League flickered, hiding behind the defensive line formed by defensive fighter players. After resisting the attack of the fire spirits, the attacking players leapt their bodies and rushed into the group of fire spirits. The curtain fills the sky and the earth.

chi chi...

One by one, the fire spirits are walking slowly, and flaming flames are gushing out from their huge mouths. The scorching breath fills the area. attack.


While avoiding the flames of a Fire Spirit, an Eternal Alliance player was ambushed by another Fire Spirit and hit in the back with a fireball.Fortunately, other players rescued him in time, so that he survived.

The fire spirit's attack made it difficult for them to fight head-on.The scorching flames caused them to fall into a [burn] state even if they didn't come into contact with the flames, and their lives were more or less constantly declining.

Defensive players soon joined the Fire Spirit group, and cooperated with offensive players to block all the flames of the Fire Spirit with the help of shields in their hands, creating opportunities for offensive players.


The gate of the city opened wide again, and a group of youthful female water-type spiritual practitioners rushed out from inside, rushing towards the fire spirit.Liu Tian's eyes 'revealed' a wave. These water-type spiritual practitioners are all players of the Phoenix Guild, and the player leading this team of water-type spiritual practitioners turned out to be Feng Wu Tianqiong, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Liu Tian wanted to say hello, but thinking of Feng Wu Tianqiong's indifference, he stopped after taking a single step.

"Let's forget it, after a while..."

It's been a long time since I saw Fengwu Tianqiong, and she is still so charming.As soon as she appeared, she unknowingly attracted the attention of many people.

Fengwu Tianqiong stopped in front of Huo Ling, her slender hand was covered with blue water waves, and she held the crystal-like blue-curtain staff with one hand, and ripples slowly swayed from the blue-curtain staff.

"Crystal land lotus!"

She grasped her hands suddenly, and all the ripples on the blue curtain staff disappeared.At the same time, crystal ice lotuses emerged from the ground in the group of fire spirits, and the ice lotuses bloomed rapidly. At their brightest moment, these crystal ice lotuses shattered with the blue water waves in Fengwu Tianqiong's hand. , burst them all!




A series of damage values ​​floated up from the group of fire spirits.

The water-type spiritual practitioners behind Feng Wu Tianqiong also launched an attack together, and their slender hands condensed into crystal clear water blades.


The water-type attack, which was born to be incompatible, made the fire spirit roar angrily, but there was a group of melee players blocking them, and they could only bear the attack that drove them crazy.

"Water Bomb!"

The rippling water balls flew into the group of fire spirits, and then explosions were heard.

With the joint efforts of the water-type spiritual practitioners of the Phoenix Guild and the players of the Eternal Alliance, the fire spirit was not wiped out very quickly.

"It's coming again..." Liu Tian said helplessly, looking at a red cloud spreading from the distant sky.

"Long-range attack players pay attention, the fire spirits are coming again, and the number is even bigger." A captain reminded in the guild channel.

"Understood, all adjusted their own state, ready to face the battle."

This time, Huo Ling still came to Sky City, but with the experience from last time, Huo Ling's "bird body bomb" has not hurt many people. When transformed into a dog-like animal, the players of the Eternal Alliance chased after them and wiped out half of the fire spirits.The subsequent battle was much easier, but it ended in a few minutes.

"Going back to the back of the canyon, the president and the others encountered the attack of the flame killer bees, so let us go to support them." Feng Wu Tianqiong glanced at Liu Tian's back and said.


Fengwu Tianqiong and his team came and went in a hurry, which made many male players feel a little regretful. Finally, a group of young girls came and just left. Many players looked at their backs and howled unwillingly.

After Huo Ling, they soon ushered in a new wave of monsters.This time it was the Hokage wolf of the wolf clan, an extremely fast wolf.

It is already a bit difficult for players to resist, but fortunately, it is not one or two players who are dealing with them, but thousands of players are resisting together.Now players have more or less a sense of cooperation, and because of the mission, many players are trying to kill more monsters and strive to obtain a piece of equipment suitable for their level and occupation.

kevinbelieve, Ye Tianxiang, looking at the sword with the light on, and my crotch is a bit murderous are still fighting guerrilla on the battlefield. Their purpose is still the same as before, just to help other players kill monsters.At the same time, Liu Tian also sent some members of the Eternal Alliance to join the battle to make up for some weak spots in the defense line.

The sun was marching and the moon was advancing, the sun was rising in the east and setting in the west, and soon night came. Liu Tian had already gone offline after six o'clock, and after a good rest, he went online again at eleven o'clock.

"President, are you here?" At the gate of Taniguchi, just as Liu Tian appeared, he heard Wufeng's voice.

"Well, how's the situation?"

Outside the canyon, the flames flickered, not only from the players' torches, but also from the bodies of many fire-type creatures, which became the source of light.The number of players killing monsters at night has decreased a lot, and most of the Eternal League players who went online at night participated in the battle.

"Most of the offline players are players below level 25, and those who are still fighting are generally players who can form a team to deal with monsters of level [-]. Although the number of players drops at night, the ferocity of the attacks of fire creatures It has also dropped a lot, although the defense is a bit reluctant, but it can still survive in a short time, but it is estimated that it will rely on the defense of the canyon to survive in the second half of the night." Wufeng said.

"This is already a good situation. If the night can last, the day is almost fine, but it will be dangerous tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Generally, monsters of level 2000 will appear. Not to mention our Eternal Alliance, even the Huaxia There are only nearly 31 level [-] players in the district, and many of them are players from other guilds. Our Eternal Alliance has only received more than [-] people, and the level is not very high. Most of them are level [-] or [-]. If you want to It's really not easy to defend this huge canyon." Liu Tian's brows revealed a hint of worry.

"Well, the biggest problem right now is the monsters above level [-]."

Time passed slowly, and the player's defense circle was also slowly shrinking. After more than two hours, the players all retreated into the canyon, and with the help of the canyon's defense line, they resisted the attacking mad fireworks.

The wild fire bull is 15 meters high and 25 meters long, with two sharp horns on top of its head, and its limbs are like tree trunks. The whole wild fire bull is like a small mobile fortress.

boom boom boom…

The wild fire bull at the front slammed into the defense line violently, and every time the sharp horns hit, they left scars on the wall, and the durability of the city wall was slowly decreasing.Inside the city wall, there is a row of architects repairing the city wall.

The walls are full of long-range attacking players, and defensive fighters stand in front of them to protect them.The crazy fire bull is attacking, and the long-range attacking players are also attacking, and each skill is thrown down the city wall like crazy.

chi chi...

The wild fireworks bulls that could not hit the city wall stopped quietly behind, but they did not stop attacking. The two horns burst into flames, and the purple flames quickly gathered between the horns. Fuchsia-colored fireball.

Puff puff…

Purple-red fireballs rushed out from the horns of the wild fireworks and shot towards the players on the city wall.

"Be careful!" a player reminded.

The players hurriedly used various defensive skills to build defenses one after another on the city wall, and only then did they block the attack of the wild fire bull.

"Attack the mad fire bull in the rear first!"

It is said that many players' attacking targets have changed, becoming the wild fire bulls in the rear. As for the wild fire bulls attacking the city wall, they can only let them do whatever they want.

Half an hour later, there was a huge collapse sound in the canyon, the first line of defense was washed away, and the players had already retreated to the second line of defense.

More than 20 minutes later, there was another loud noise, and the second line of defense was also conquered.

Six lines of defense were taken that night, but they were finally defended.

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