The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 405 Explosion ●Burning 3 souls and 7 souls

Chapter 405 Explosion Burning Three Souls and Seven Souls

The ten-meter-long body of the Shadow Ghost Jiao King*** reappeared in the sky, its dark scales glowing with a strange luster. 26nbsp;

"Come on, let me see how much you have grown over thousands of years, whether you can reach the level of Lord Tianjiao King, and reflect the value of your survival." Abyss Demon King sneered, he has made up his mind, even if he uses that Trick, even if your soul flies away, you must completely wipe out the traitor, Shadow Ghost Flood King!

"Today, I will let your soul fly away!" The shadow ghost dragon king roared angrily, his huge body suddenly spun, and in the blink of an eye, the figure of the shadow ghost dragon king disappeared, and a violent tornado appeared in the place where he was.

The dead wood and rocks on the ground were all attracted to the sky by the tornado, and Liu Tian and Tianxuan were also subjected to a great suction force. Liu Tian could only hug Tianxuan with one hand, and tightly grasped the abyss demon with the other hand. The body of Jiaowang.

"Endless abyss!"

The void around the Abyss Demon Flood King collapsed, and a black abyss appeared around him, protecting his entire body inside. The suction of the Shadow Ghost Flood King's tornado was directly swallowed by the dark abyss.

"Human, take the human on your back out of here first, I won't be able to take care of you in the next big battle." The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King stared at the Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King and said.

"Hmm." Liu Tian also knew the seriousness of the situation. He didn't know whether the Abyss Demon King could defeat the Shadow Ghost King, but judging from the actions and words of the Abyss Demon King, he seemed to be a little sure of defeating the Shadow Ghost. Jiao Wang.

With the help of the Abyssal Demon King, Liu Tian carried Tianxuan and flew to the Sky City, watching the clock with his eyes, and landed on the temporary city wall of the Eternal Alliance.

"Brother Eternal, are you alright?" Tianqing asked with concern, and the others also asked.

"We're fine." Liu Tian glanced at Tianxuan and said, "She's just too tired, Lan'er, take care of her."

Liu Tian handed Tianxuan to Yang Lan, and focused his attention on the Abyss Demon King and Shadow Ghost King.

"Shadow Storm!"

The voice of the Shadow Ghost King came from the violent tornado, and a small tornado came out of the tornado following the sound of the Shadow Ghost King. While absorbing the energy in the air to enhance its own power, it attacked the Abyss Demon King.

"Devouring the Abyss!"

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King pushed an abyss, separated it, and turned it into a real abyss, blocking in front of the tornado.What is astonishing is that the huge abyss was destroyed by a small tornado, and the entire mountain was disintegrated.

"Is this your strength? It's really inferior." The shadow ghost Jiao King yelled wildly, and the speed of rotation increased by a notch. Spinning, blasting towards the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King.

"Your strength is not great! You have lived on dogs for thousands of years, you have to know! Your thousands of years of life were bought by the lives of hundreds of dragon brothers!" said the Abyss Demon King .

"Shut up!" The Shadow Ghost Flood King controlled the entire tornado and moved towards the Abyss Demon Flood King.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King sneered, and suddenly activated the dark abyss that swallowed all the light.

"He really wants to use that trick..." Jin'er looked at the firm back of the Abyssal Demon King, feeling sad alone.

The Reincarnation of War Soul is an extremely powerful skill, I am afraid it can be called a taboo technique, it can summon the war spirit who has signed a contract unlimited times, but if the war spirit is destroyed when it is in the world, then it will really be lost I will never be reborn forever.The summoned battle spirit can use two skills, one is to burn three souls, and the other is to burn seven souls.Burning the three souls, the battle soul can restore the strength in life, burning the seven souls, can increase the strength by 140%!Every time one soul is burned, the strength will increase by 140%, and after seven souls, the strength will increase by [-]%.

Burning three souls and seven souls means that there will be no more traces of him in the world, and everything about him will disappear. The real thing is that his soul will fly away!

Undoubtedly, judging from Jin'er's words, the Abyss Demon King is probably going to use this move. After all, the Shadow Ghost King just doesn't know her strength, but he will not show mercy when dealing with the Abyss Demon King. This is the only way to kill him, but the premise of using these two skills is that the life of the battle soul is below 5%, and when the true energy is below 5%, this is why the Abyss Demon King has been fighting hard!He had already planned to use this move, and at the same time, he could reward the vigilance of the Shadow Ghost Flood King.

However, the Shadow Ghost Flood King doesn't know the two skills of War Soul Reincarnation, and he doesn't know much about Battle Soul Reincarnation.

The Shadow Ghost Flood King urged the tornado, like a savage beast, raging in the sky, all the rubble on the ground was attracted by the tornado to the sky, and quickly rotated around the tornado, forming a rubble wall.

"I haven't seen you for thousands of years. You seem to be confused in hell. How dare you confront me head-on. Do you still think you were the Abyss Demon Dragon King? You are just a poor wretch who is slaughtered. Get me out of my wits!"

The Shadow Ghost King controlled the tornado and finally confronted the Abyss Demon King, but the situation was one-sided. Under the attack of the tornado, the endless abyss of the Abyss Demon King kept collapsing. Although the abyss reappeared after the collapse, the speed was completely behind. The speed at which the Shadow Ghost Flood King can destroy it!

Finally, the shadow ghost dragon king broke through the defense of the abyss and directly attacked the abyss demon dragon king itself.

"Magic Dragon Scissors!"

The Abyss Demon Flood King roared wildly, advancing instead of retreating, his 60-meter-long body actively engulfed the tornado, and flesh and blood flew all over for a while, but the tornado of the Shadow Ghost Flood King also slowly stopped, and at the last moment, the tornado The Abyssal Demon Flood Dragon King was thrown out.

"Overreaching!" The Shadow Ghost King suddenly leaped out, entangled the body of the Abyssal Demon King suddenly, opened his mouth wide, and mercilessly bit the neck of the Abyssal Demon King, tearing a piece of flesh and blood.

"Aw..." The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King screamed in pain, the dragon's head barely turned around, trying to bite the Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King.


The Shadow Ghost King spewed out a dragon flame, which hit the head of the Abyss Demon King, and the moment he let go of the Abyss Demon King, he flicked his tail down, with a sound of fear, the Abyss Demon King was thrown, powerless fell to the ground.

"Haha, you are too weak now! What qualifications do you have to teach me? The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. One day I will stand at the pinnacle of the mainland!" While speaking, the Shadow Ghost King said A pillar of flame was condensed, and it was shot out before finishing speaking.

"Cowardly, betrayal, and fear of death! You, who are like this, have no right to speak such big words!"

The falling Abyss Demon King twisted his body and rushed upwards. A huge abyss crossed the limitation of space and rushed out of the collapsed space above his dragon head!

One tail shattered the abyss, and the Shadow Ghost King's tail continued to sweep down, directly hitting the head of the Abyssal Demon King, with a bang, the Abyssal Demon King fell straight, his head hit the ground, and hit the ground.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King struggled for a while, and rushed to the sky again, only to be pulled back to the ground by the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King at the next moment. This was not a level battle at all.

"Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon!"

The Shadow Ghost Flood King roared and charged straight down. A phantom dragon rushed out of his fast-falling body, rushing towards the Abyss Demon Flood King on the ground at an even faster speed.


In an instant, a huge pit with a radius of more than 100 meters appeared on the ground.Dust billowed in the huge pit, blocking the sight of the Shadow Ghost King Jiao and all players!

"Fifty-level strength, this time you should be out of your wits forever."

Suddenly, the shadow ghost Jiao King saw in the billowing dust, a pair of eyes shining red!The dust slowly dissipated, and in the huge pit with a radius of 120 meters, a giant dragon more than [-] meters long appeared in front of the shadow ghost Jiao King!

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