The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 406 The Evil Dragon Reappears

Chapter 406 The Evil Dragon Reappears

The billowing dust and mist dispersed, and in the huge pit with a diameter of 120 meters, there was a 26-meter-long dragon twisting and turning. Two rounds of red suns, like the scorching sun, shone with terrifying red lights. [-]nbsp;

"Are you the Abyssal Demonic Dragon King? No, that's impossible!" The Shadow Ghost Demonic Dragon King stared at the Abyssal Demonic Dragon King in the huge pit in disbelief, feeling beyond doubt.

"Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King, you don't know me?" Abyss Flood Dragon King sneered, feeling the returning power in his body.

The shadow ghost dragon king roared: "Impossible! You were completely hit by the shadow ghost dragon, it is impossible to be unharmed! Shadow ghost dragon!"

The Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King once again cast [Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon], a dragon phantom rushed out of his [-]-meter-long body, and killed the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King, but the phantom dragon collapsed after rushing two or three meters away!

"Ah, you, when did you..." The shadow ghost Jiao King turned his head with difficulty and looked behind him. A continuous abyss appeared behind him at some point, and suddenly pulled his tail into the abyss, and the endless suction force Still pulling him continuously, his body was disappearing inch by inch into the endless dark abyss.

"You are so proud, you entered my attack range, just now in the dust and mist, I have already released my skills." The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King slowly flew up, his body more than [-] meters long was fully exposed in the air.

Jin'er gently closed his eyes, everything became clear, the Abyss Demon King burned three souls, and recovered to his former strength.

"What happened?" Liu Tian looked at the sky in front of him, and said to himself in confusion: "The strength of the Abyss Demon King seems to have improved a lot, Jin'er, do you know what happened to the Abyss Demon King?"

Jin'er shook his head and didn't say anything.

Feeling the increasing pulling force, a few flashes of panic flashed in the dragon eyes of the Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King: "You, your strength..."

"Has it recovered?" The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King sneered, "I don't believe you can break free from my endless abyss now!"

"You, you..." The Shadow Ghost Flood King tried his best to get out of the endless abyss, but it was all in vain. He could only watch helplessly as his body sank inch by inch into the endless abyss.

"In order to avoid death thousands of years ago, today I will let you enjoy the taste of death. Remember that there are thousands of ghosts of Jiaolong brothers waiting for you underground!" Collapse, abysses up and down, echoed in the air echoed the voice of the Shadow Ghost Jiao King's unwillingness and panic.

"No! I don't want to die yet!" Shadow Ghost Flood King roared angrily, but he felt a sense of powerlessness. More than half of his [-]-meter-long body had disappeared into the dark abyss. He seemed to hear ghosts crying and wolves howling under the abyss, and the roars of countless monsters. Voice.

"You don't want to die, do thousands of dragon brothers want to die? Because of your cowardice and your betrayal, they died. You are not worthy to be the king of the dragon clan!" .

"No, it's none of my business, it's Kukri who bewitched me, that's why I betrayed the Flood Dragon Clan, don't kill me, the Flood Dragon Clan still needs me, Lord Tian Flood King still needs me..."

"Idiots talk about dreams, you are such a dragon, death is not a pity!"

The space around the two dragons completely collapsed, and an endless abyss appeared in that space, and the two dragons came out of the center of the abyss.

Gradually, four-fifths of the shadow ghost Jiao King's body was swallowed by the abyss.The shadow ghost dragon king stared at the abyss demon dragon king firmly, and roared unwillingly. Once he stumbled, he hated him forever. His carelessness this time made him fall into a deep danger and was about to die.

"You, no, will be fine, Ku, Kerry is, near here..." the Shadow Ghost Flood King said with difficulty.

"Him? I hope he comes, just to eradicate him together." The Abyss Demon Flood King looked coldly at the Shadow Ghost Flood King.

It fell inch by inch, and soon the neck of the shadow ghost dragon king also disappeared into the abyss, leaving only a dragon head on the abyss, the shadow ghost dragon king felt as if a pair of giant hands were strangling his throat, making him feel extremely uncomfortable to breathe smooth.

"Abyss, Demon Flood Dragon King, you must die..." The Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King gritted his teeth, looking around in despair, he already felt the approach of death.

"Master Tianjiao King, I am finally going to eradicate the traitors of our dragon clan..." Abyss Demon Jiaowang looked at the shadow ghost Jiaowang with only a pair of eyes outside, and said to himself.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a deep hole appeared in the ground, an almost invisible one!The phantom rushed out of the hole and attacked the abyssal dragon king in the sky.

"what happened?"

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King looked at the ground in shock, but it was too late, the phantom had already rushed in front of him, and he also saw the true face of the phantom, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Evil Dragon Kukri!"

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King did not expect that it was the evil dragon Kukri who attacked him. At this time, the evil dragon Kukri had turned into a human, holding a dark red long sword in his hand, and wanted to cut him off from the waist.

At the very moment, the Abyss Demon King turned around with difficulty, a red light flashed, and there was only a pop, his two dragon claws were severed by the evil dragon Kukri, and the blood gushed out like rain, but luckily He escaped the danger of being cut off in two, and his life is not in danger for the time being.

"Oh, it's a pity, you can almost be wiped out without any effort." The evil dragon Kukri stroked the dark red and warm dragon blood on the dark red long sword, and smiled.

"Kukri, hurry up, save me..." As a result, the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King was attacked, and for a moment he neglected the control of the endless abyss, causing the Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King to escape by the end.

"Hey, isn't this the shadow ghost dragon king? You are usually high-spirited, why are you so embarrassed now?" The evil dragon Kukri breathed out a look of surprise.

"Quick, save me..."

"No, just now I heard a certain dying dragon speaking ill of me and laying all the blame on me."

"Kukri, you, you..." The Shadow Ghost Flood King was very angry, but he was extinguished by the light words of the evil dragon Kukri before he was angry for a long time.

"It's impossible if we don't save them. Anyway, we are also partners and we need to help each other, don't we?"

"Yes, yes..." The Shadow Ghost Flood King nodded hastily, ignoring the harsh words in the words of the evil dragon Kukri.

"The evil dragon divides the sky!" While the evil dragon Kukri slashed at the abyss demon dragon king with a stroke of [Evil dragon divides the sky], a dragon claw appeared in his left hand, grabbed the dragon head of the shadow ghost dragon king, and pulled it suddenly. , unexpectedly forcibly pulled the shadow ghost Jiao King out of the dark abyss.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King looked coldly at the evil dragon Kukri, and said, "I never thought that the shadow ghost Flood Dragon King, a waste of thousands of years, has not improved much, but your strength has improved so much."

"Hehe, physical problems, I'm a real dragon." The evil dragon Kukri smiled faintly, then squinted at the shadow ghost Jiao King in his hand and asked, "Where's the human girl?"

"Enter, enter the city ahead..."

"Oh, then I have to kill the Abyss Demon Dragon King quickly, lest that human girl escape." The evil dragon Kukri said lightly.

"What are you doing with that human girl?" Abyssal Demon Flood Dragon King asked coldly.

"Here, the offspring of the fire phoenix is ​​on her body, I just want to snatch it and threaten the fire phoenix." The corner of the evil dragon Kukri's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

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