The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 407 Seven souls are all burned

Chapter 407 Seven Souls All Burn

Holding the Shadow Ghost Jiao King in one hand and the bloody dark red sword in the other, the evil dragon Kukri said lightly.

"Here, the offspring of Huo Fenghuang is on her body, I just want to snatch it and threaten Huo Fenghuang."

"The offspring of the fire phoenix, Kukri, are you too courageous? Even the offspring of the fire phoenix dare to attack, be careful not to know when or how you will die." The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King said coldly.

"Don't worry about it, you should worry about yourself now, I won't let you go, Abyss Demon King." The evil dragon Kukri smiled evilly.

The Abyssal Demon Jiao King looked down at the two severed dragon claws, and frowned inadvertently. On his two severed claws, clusters of dark red flames were burning, preventing his energy from healing injuries. Dragon Claw.

"I sent you on the road to hell back then, but I didn't expect to send you to hell again after thousands of years." The evil dragon Kukri moved his left hand slightly, and the blood-soaked shadow ghost flood king was thrown directly by him. to a small hill.

"Shadow Ghost Flood King, heal yourself quickly, the fire phoenix and the powerhouses of the Huaxia Dynasty will arrive here soon."

"Hmm..." The Shadow Ghost Flood King turned into a human form, moved his body with difficulty, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to mobilize the energy in his body to heal his injuries.

"Now it's time for me to fight you." The evil dragon Kukri grinned.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King didn't answer, and turned into a black-robed man, slowly pulling out a black long sword from his back.

"Evil dragon divides heaven!"

The evil dragon Kukri blasted out [Evil Dragon Divides the Sky] simply, the terrifying sword energy pierced through the void, and rushed towards the Abyss Demon King. At the same time, the evil dragon Kukri also moved, Following the sword qi, his evil pupils shone with evil light.

"Light of the Dark Abyss!"

With a whoosh, the Abyss Demon King disappeared in place, and his whole body turned into a ray of light, rushing directly towards [Evil Dragon Fisting Heaven]. What was surprising was that the Abyss Demon King passed through the sword energy!Then it moves around the evil dragon Kukri at high speed.In fact, the Abyss Demon King does not pass through the sword energy. [Light of the Abyss] is a unique skill of the Abyss Demon King. It turns itself into a ray of light and moves at high speed. It was bypassing the sword energy.In the state of [Light of the Abyss], the damage received by the Abyssal Demon King is reduced by 40%.

With a flash of white light, the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King attacked instantly, clang!The fire burst out, and a piercing sound of clashes spread in all directions. His attack was blocked by the evil dragon Kukri.


The evil dragon Kukri slashed his long sword behind him, blocking another attack from the Abyss Demon King.

"Your speed is very fast. Although I can't match it, it is still very easy for me to defend." The evil dragon Kukri said lightly, his right hand moved rapidly, and he manipulated the dark red long sword to block the attack The attack of the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King.

Suddenly, the expression of the evil dragon Kukri changed, and the ray of light transformed by the Abyss Demon King unexpectedly threw a dragon's tail and hit his face.The evil dragon Kukri quickly turned into a dragon claw with his left hand and grabbed the dragon tail. The moment he grabbed the dragon tail, his face changed. What he caught was not the real dragon tail, but the abyss demon king It was just an afterimage deliberately shown to him during the high-speed movement.

"Here it is." Behind the evil dragon Kukri suddenly came the voice of the Abyssal Demon King, bang!Before the evil dragon Kukri could react, his body had already flew out, and severe pain came from his back. On his back, a wound more than ten centimeters long was oozing blood.With a flash of light, the Abyss Demon Dragon King had appeared in front of the evil dragon Kukri, and he swung a dragon tail horizontally, blasting the evil dragon Kukri away. "Is my speed really useless?" Bang!The evil dragon Kukri was blown away like a balloon.A look of embarrassment appeared on the face of the evil dragon Kukri, and his left hand turned into a dragon claw and grabbed the dragon tail that was thrown horizontally. Poof, his left shoulder was cut with a sword, and that dragon tail was another fake.

"Evil Dragon Assassination Stabbing!"

The evil dragon Kukri yelled angrily, and his body, which was flying powerlessly in the air, spun at a high speed in an instant, turning into a small tornado, and the dragon tail of the Abyssal Demon King was thrown away but was bounced away.

The evil dragon Kukri moved, only shifted slightly, and immediately appeared a few meters away. His speed was not fast, but an attack skill similar to teleportation. Only teleportation effect.

However, the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King was even more astonishing. He only relied on the slight vibration of the evil dragon Kukri's body when he moved instantly, and immediately knew where the evil dragon Kukri would appear next, and started a new round of pursuit.

Suddenly, the small tornado formed by the rotation of the evil dragon Kukri spread out, and inside the tornado was a red light, which was similar to the light of the Abyss Demon Dragon King.

The two rays of light flashed, and the white light and the red light collided together like two colliding lights. The energy wave was like a water wave, and the space where they intersected was silently annihilated, and then that space collapsed.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King was knocked into the air, revealing his original shape, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.The evil dragon Kukri also regained his human form, but his situation was completely opposite to that of the Abyssal Demonic Dragon King. The Abyssal Demonic Dragon King was knocked into the air, but he pursued the Abyssal Demonic Dragon King.

"Slash through the abyss!"

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King raised his bloody arm, hooked upwards, and slashed out an arc of sword energy.At the same time, the void in front of the evil dragon Kukri quietly shattered, and an abyss appeared.Whoosh!The arc-shaped sword energy disappeared on the spot, and then rushed out of the abyss, blasting towards the evil dragon Kukri.

After a simple block, the Abyssal Demon Dragon King stabilized his figure, stood in the void and panted slightly, the slamming just now was completely he was being beaten, on the surface it seemed that the two were for the same purpose, but in fact it was the evil dragon Cook Li figured out his movement trajectory and gave him a strong counterattack on his movement route.

"Endless abyss!"

The void collapsed, and the abysses of continuous mountains sank and floated around the body of the abyss demon dragon king, devouring the light of the sky. Every abyss was like the mouth of a giant beast, exuding a terrifying aura.

"The evil dragon devours!"

The dragon chanted, the evil dragon Kukri recovered its dragon body, and a huge dragon's mouth suddenly opened, and the abyss of the abyss demon king disappeared after touching his dragon's mouth.

At this time, all the players held their breath, concentrating on the battle between the abyssal dragon and the evil dragon Kukri. The monster tide had already spread far away involuntarily because of their coercion, and even the new monster 'Tide' avoid this area.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King calmly watched the evil dragon Kukri devour the abyss he had condensed, and continued to condense the abyss while retreating step by step.

"It's useless. My devouring ability is unparalleled in the world. I can devour everything. No matter how many abyss you condense, you will only be swallowed by me!" The evil dragon Kukri laughed wildly. Wherever his dragon's mouth passed, All abysses disappear.

"Pfft..." The retreating Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King shook and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"The three souls are almost exhausted, and the fierce generals are consumed too quickly." A wry smile appeared on the corner of the Abyss Demon King's mouth. He knew that he was not far away from the soul flying, but he hadn't even succeeded in killing a single enemy.

Suddenly, the Abyss Demon Jiao King glanced at the shadow ghost Jiao King who was healing on the hill not far away, and then at Jin'er in the Sky City who was looking here, his eyes were firm.

"Seven souls burn!"

boom!The aura of the Abyss Demon Dragon King soared in an instant, and the injuries all over his body recovered quickly. With a single move, the space around the evil dragon Kukri collapsed completely, and one after another abyss appeared around the evil dragon Kukri. Surrounded by the evil dragon Kukri.

"Under my devouring, any tricks are useless!" The evil dragon Kukri wandered in the abyss, the special space in the dragon's mouth swallowed one abyss after another, and the attack of the abyss demon king seemed useless .

"The energy you can devour should be saturated, right? Evil Dragon Kukri." When the Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King retreated more than ten meters, he finally stopped.

"You have consumed enough energy." The evil dragon Kukri said lightly.

"If it was before, my energy was indeed exhausted, maybe I could only run away, but now my energy is still full, and I want to let you know that your devouring ability is just a slightly stronger ability, the abyss snake's tide '!"

The abyss that gushed out the snake was not the abyss around the Abyss Demon King, but the abyss that was swallowed into the mouth of the evil dragon Kukri.

"No matter how strong your devouring ability is, it is impossible to dissolve all the abyss into energy. There is always a part of the abyss that is still safe and sound in the space in your mouth. Now the energy in that special space is saturated. If I add more energy, And cause an energy riot, what do you think will happen? The evil dragon Kukri! The funeral of the black snake ●Self-destruct!" The abyss demon king turned into a dragon body and roared.

Hearing this, the evil dragon Kukri changed color. At the same time, he felt a wave of brand-new rioting energy gushing out of the abyss of the special space in his mouth, which in an instant made the special space energy that was still in a saturated state fucked up.

puff!There was a faint sound of a layer of membrane breaking, glaring blood flowed from the corner of the evil dragon Kukri's mouth, and streams of energy raged out of its mouth, arousing the energy in the air, causing the energy in the air to discover a riot.

"Abyss Demon Dragon King, you actually ruined my devouring space..." the evil dragon Kukri said every word, his eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty light, and suddenly the evil dragon Kukri's face revealed With a painful look, he twitched in pain in mid-air, and let out a shrill dragon's moan.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King originally wanted to kill the evil dragon Kukri in one fell swoop, but for some reason, the energy around the evil dragon Kukri rioted, cracks in space often appeared, and gangster winds raged. He could only give up and fly away instead. To the shadow ghost Jiao King, he only flew more than ten meters away when an extremely cold voice came from behind him.

"Thank you for allowing me to merge with the devouring space! To repay your thanks is to send you to hell!"

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