The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 423 Lava Beast King

Not far away, dust and mist filled the air, and a team of nearly 100 players galloped forward, and the clear running sound was heard in the ears of the remaining [-] people from Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild.

"I just asked about the location of our support. It will take at least 10 minutes for them to reach us. Obviously, they should be the guild who came here after receiving the information that there is a level 40 b here."

You Long Tianxia said, they had just experienced the battle, they were far behind the opponent in terms of strength, they were completely unable to compete, the opponent thought it took a long time to prepare before rushing over, but it was a bit late. £

"Form a defensive formation and retreat! The thieves set up traps along the way!"

You Long Tianxia made a decisive decision, since he couldn't fight against him, he could only retreat.

There is too much difference in strength between the two sides. If they negotiate, they will have no initiative at all.And the other party doesn't believe that you only got two pieces of equipment, their purpose is to order from heaven.Even if you believe it, because of the power gap, the opponent will definitely let You Long Tianxia hand over the equipment.

Hearing this, more than 100 people quickly organized into a defensive formation, and under the command of You Long Jiutian, they rushed towards the direction where the support came.

The scorching breath filled the red earth.In the land, more than 100 people traveled all the way south, advancing at full speed, and nearly [-] teams were chasing them a kilometer behind them.


Suddenly, screams spread in the air, and there was a commotion in front of the team chasing Liu Tian and the others. More than a dozen people fell into the trap, their bodies were pierced by bamboo points in many places, and blood flowed like running water.





The nearly 600 people all stopped. A man with a gloomy face, about 27 or [-] years old, walked to the trap and said gloomyly: "Pull them! The thieves dismantled these traps for me. And send a team Vanguard thieves, thoroughly investigate the path they have traveled!"

These traps are relatively simple traps, and they are relatively easy to dismantle. In less than half a minute, all the traps were dismantled.It's just that their marching speed has slowed down. Firstly, they have to wait for the news from the thieves who are exploring the trap ahead, and secondly, they have to wait for the dismantling or detour.

"They must have thieves who set traps along the way, send some people to kill them." The man's face was full of haze, and he gave an order coldly.

Soon, a thief who was hiding in the dark and setting up a trap let out a scream, and his body was full of arrows, like a hedgehog.Soon, another thief died under the siege of three other thieves.

Ten minutes later, You Longtianxia slightly closed his eyes, then slowly opened his sharp eyes, and said, "The 10 thieves have all sacrificed, but I will not let them die in vain! Wuyin Guild!"

"When the other brothers come, it's time for them to pay the price!" You Long Jiutian clenched his fists.

"Jiutian, you go tell the brothers to speed up and hurry, but don't disappear in the sight of the Wuyin Guild, just keep a certain distance. With the temptation of the Tianxingling that doesn't exist in our hands, I believe they will Chased down."

"it is good!"

About to fight?Liu Tian thought to himself, watching all this silently, fighting is undoubtedly a wonderful thing for him now.

Because he was in the battle, he could forget about that extremely absurd thing, and he didn't have to think of Liu Ruoxi involuntarily. He still didn't know how to face Liu Ruoxi.But he knew he would have to face her one day.

At this time, the distance between Hidden Kiwi and them was about 500 meters, not very far, and Hidden Kiwi could just see them.

"Hurry up! They probably have the Heaven's Order in their hands! Our Wuyin Guild will recreate the game world with a gesture that shocks the entire region!" Wuyin Wuhen, the gloomy-faced man, said.

Suddenly, a player hurriedly ran to Wuyin Wuhen, and said in a low voice, "Master Wuhen, for some reason, the members of Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild suddenly stopped."

"Suddenly stop?"

Wuyin Wuhen walked to the front of the team, and sure enough, he saw that Youlong and Phoenix Guild, who had been running away, stopped running and stopped at the junction of heaven and earth.

"The thieves will detect if there are traps and ambushes, and the others will follow! No matter what 'medicine' they sell in their gourds, they must die today, and the order of heaven must be in our hands!"

The junction of heaven and earth, where Liu Tian and others are located.

It wasn't that they didn't want to leave at this time, but that they couldn't leave here. They were both lucky and unlucky to meet a level 40 b.And there are no dynasty soldiers around here, which means that they are now the main body that bears the firepower of level 40b.

Not far in front of them, a pool of magma-like creatures were wriggling there, leaving scorched black marks tens of centimeters deep on the ground wherever they passed, it was this inconspicuous thing, its level was 40, and or b.

【Law Lava Beastmaster】〖Low Grade〗b:

Level: 40

Health: 1400014000

Infuriating value: 7 07 0

Weaknesses: Unknown.

"President, do you think we were lucky? Or unlucky? Now we meet level [-] B. It really has become a situation where there are strong enemies before and pursuers behind." You Long Jiutian said with a wry smile.

"You Long Tianxia, ​​why don't I hold B, you go first, and I will come later. The Wuyin Guild will probably give up chasing because of the Karst Beastmaster. You can also wait for the support to come, come back and grab the Wuyin The day of the guild said.

"No, you will be very dangerous." You Longtianxia shook his head.

"I know my strength myself. There is absolutely no problem. You can rest assured. If you don't leave, it will be too late, and the entire army may be wiped out." Liu Tian said.

"President, brother Eternal is right. I think we should do as he said. I am more assured of his strength. Didn't he easily entangle the giant lava beast for a long time?" You Long Jiutian Persuade.

After scanning the guild members around, You Longtianxia nodded helplessly: "Okay, you have to be careful in eternity."

"I will, don't worry."

"Liu Tian, ​​I hope to see you later." The beautiful squad leader said, "You must chase us."


You Long Tianxia and the others walked a few steps, the slow movement of the rock lava beast king suddenly sped up, and rushed towards them, but it hadn't gone far before, with a bang, a blood-stained killing sword was already nailed to it the way forward.

"Brother Youlong, hurry up and be careful of other ordinary monsters."

Liu Tian walked slowly towards the Karst Beastmaster, a strand of unruly hair fluttering gently against the scorching breeze.

"Yeah!" You Longtianxia nodded solemnly, leading the others to move on, they only took one or two steps, the lava beast king wanted to stop them again, but at this time Liu Tian had already arrived in front of the karst beast king, it just wanted to move, The killing sword was nailed into the soil in front of it again, and the strange sword body shone with a strange light.

"Sword Demon Killing Seal!" Liu Tian half-raised his left hand, and a printing pad emerged, and with his light pressure, the entire printing pad was suppressed like a sky.


The sword demon town killing seal completely hit the lava beast king, and even the ground was blasted out of a deep square by it.


Suddenly, Liu Tian's expression froze, and the sword demon's killing seal exploded in an instant, and the lava beast king soared into the air, covering him with his liquid body.He quickly took a step back, and at the same time released [Sword Shield], forming a defensive shield in front of him.

puff!The lava beast king completely covered the sword and shield, eroding the sword and shield at a speed visible to the naked eye.In an instant, the sword and shield became riddled with holes and shattered with a crash.

The Lava Beastmaster had just broken through the [Sword and Shield] defense, and a cross cut had hit the body of the Lava Beastmaster head-on, and the 'liquid' body of the Lava Beastmaster was easily cut into four parts by the [Trial Cross Slash], and fell on the ground.


Liu Tian's expression changed slightly, and under his gaze, the four pools of liquid that fell on the ground turned into four three-legged divine birds!

"Three-legged Golden Crow?" Seeing the strange scene, Liu Tian secretly heightened his vigilance.

The three-legged crows transformed by the four lava beast kings flapped their wings and flew up, standing in the square above Liu Tian's head, singing softly.

Liu Tian frowned slightly, looked at the four three-legged Golden Crows, and stepped out of the [Sword Demon Walking Alone] in an instant, wanting to leave the encirclement range of the three-legged Golden Crows, but just as he stepped out, the four The three-legged golden crows sang together, and four flames spewed out from four directions.

The four flames gathered together like a sea of ​​flames. Liu Tian, ​​who was in the center of the flames, received the greatest impact, and was forced to stop his forward pace.




A series of injuries emerged from Liu Tian's head, Liu Tian cursed in a low voice, and while swallowing a red 'drug', he tried his best to rush towards Huohaihai.


A Golden Crow curled up, head to tail, and turned into a bright sun in the blink of an eye. It rushed forward, and Liu Tian, ​​who had finally escaped from the sea of ​​flames, was hit by it, and his body immediately flew backwards for several meters.

"-4 "

"Fuck, come again..."

While his body was still flying upside down, Liu Tian saw another golden crow turning into the sun and crashing towards him, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. At this time, his [Life and Death] is still in a cooling state, and he can't share the cold fairy at all. The flying skill [Royal Sky Art].


Once again Liu Tian was hit in the chest by the sun transformed by the Golden Crow, and the scorching pain surged into his heart all of a sudden.Fortunately, the impact knocked him to the ground.

While Liu Tian was entangled with the three-legged Jinwu, Wuyin Wuhen was listening to the information from his subordinates.

"Hallmaster, it turned out that the Youlong Guild and the Phoenix Guild met level 40 b, but they have left now, because the level 40 b is now blocked by a player."

"Oh I got it."

Wuyin Wuhen whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming, he was thinking about a crucial question - whether to continue chasing Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild.

Chasing them might end in vain. Leaving aside whether they can be chased or not, it is a question of whether Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild have Tian Xingling.

If you don't chase after him, even though level 40 b is right in front of you, it's a problem to kill him, and if you kill it in the end, whether it can explode is also a problem.

What should I choose?The team was still advancing, but the light in Wuyin Wuhen's eyes flickered on and off.

"Master, are you thinking about whether to continue the pursuit?" A player beside him suddenly said.

"Well, what do you think?" Wuyin Wuhen raised his head slightly.

"Master, in fact, you don't need to worry so much. Although it is dangerous to kill b, it is even more dangerous to chase them. Don't chase after them. They have definitely contacted the reinforcements already, and they may have set up an ambush somewhere, waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net." What?" said the player.

"What you said makes sense, but my main concern is not this, but that Youlong and the Phoenix Guild just didn't get the order of heaven. At the critical moment when we killed b, they came back and robbed us Yin Wuhen said.

"But now the Youlong Guild and the Phoenix Guild have disappeared."

Hearing this, Wuyin Wuhen suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. Sure enough, more than 100 people from Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild had disappeared at the junction of heaven and earth.

"It seems that there is no other choice, pass on the order! Let the thieves monitor the area with a radius of at least 500 meters here, and report immediately if anyone from other guilds appears!"

In an instant, fifty or sixty thieves left the team and rushed in all directions.Wuyin Wuhen watched this scene, and sent the message of finding b and requesting support to Wuyin Wuyuan, the president of the Wuyin Guild.

Suddenly, Wuyin Wuhen's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a group of royal soldiers were printed in his eyes.

"Hehe, luck is really good, there just happened to be a group of soldiers coming over."

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