The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 424 Counterattack

Sorry for the lack of updates in the past two days of exams. 2626 Two updates the day after tomorrow.

"Pass the order down, slow down, and let the soldiers of the dynasty come into contact with b first." Wuyin Wuhen said, a smile rarely appeared on his gloomy face.

In the distance, Liu Tian was still entangled with the lava beast king. He fully felt the strength of the forty-level B. If it wasn't for his various skills and equipment, he might not be able to withstand the lava beast king's attack.

You must know that this is not a gap between two levels, but a gap between levels. Even if a level 39 player is compared with a level 40 player who passed the fourth trial, the gap between the two is still not small.Because the attributes improved by each trial are not just a few levels, the more trials, the benefits will be immeasurable.

boom!There was a loud noise, and a large scorched black pit appeared on the ground, and white smoke was still emitting from the pit.Liu Tian looked at the big pit with lingering fear in his heart, secretly surprised.

The diameter of this large pit is about one meter, and its depth is half a meter. The culprit of this large pit is only one of dozens of fireballs blasted by the three-legged Golden Crow.

At this time, the four rounds are intertwined like four bombers, one after another blasting purple compressed fireballs the size of a human head. If there is no [Sword Demon Walking Alone], it would not be so easy for Liu Tian to dodge.

Suddenly, a round of the sun turned into a crimson liquid again, which seeped into the ground at once.Seeing this scene, Liu Tian frowned slightly, thinking something was wrong.Although he knew that the Lava Beast King was probably going to attack from the ground, but at this time the other three rounds of the sun were still attacking in turn, he had no way to make other countermeasures, and the Lava Beast King had completely disappeared on the ground, so he didn't know when it would come. attack.


The purple-red fireballs blasted out of the three rounds of the sky one after another, leaving big pits on the ground.While dodging, Liu Tian suddenly felt that it was getting hotter and hotter. There seemed to be some heat coming from the ground. He lowered his head during the interval between three rounds of attacks from the sun, and his complexion suddenly changed.The land under his feet was melting into magma at some point, and steam was rising.

The whirring sound of piercing the air reappeared, and Liu Tian didn't need to look to know that the fireball was coming again. He decisively stepped on [Swing Straight], and stepped out of the magmatic ground in an instant, like a wisp of green smoke, appearing in a round under the sun.

Now the effect of Liu Tian's [Swinging Straight] is far from what it was when he first comprehended [Swinging Straight]. Other skills have been upgraded, and [Swinging Straight] has also been upgraded, by three levels.

〖Swing Straight〗【Special Grade】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 4259000

[Skill effect]: When using this skill, the player can run 30 meters in any tangible place without being hindered by space, and can travel through all areas at will. The speed is 300% of his own speed, and the effect can be superimposed.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 10 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 points of true energy. Although the distance of 30 meters is not far, the most powerful effect of [Swinging Straight] is that it can travel through any tangible area, even on the water surface, it can do whatever it wants, and its effects can also be superimposed.Maybe [Swinging Straight] In the future, it is really possible to be like Kunpeng, soaring straight and walking high in the sky.

The moment he attacked, Liu Tian thought a lot, but it was just a thought, and it didn't affect his attack.

"Sword Gang!"

He shouted, and the moment he jumped up, a layer of sword gang appeared around the body of the Killing Sword, and with the swing of his arm, it hit the round of sky continuously.

Under Liu Tian's attack, Tian Ri had no choice but to turn into a three-legged Golden Crow.At the same time, Liu Tian also landed on the ground, a fireball was approaching behind him, but when he was about to hit him, his body moved sideways like a ghost in the night, and moved sideways.

boom!There was another scorched black hole in the ground.

"Are there soldiers coming?"

Out of the corner of Liu Tian's eyes, he saw the soldiers of the Dynasty who were rushing towards this side, and he couldn't help frowning. What he was worried about was not that the soldiers of the Dynasty would kill b, a group of soldiers was not enough for the Lava Beast King at all.

What he was worried about was that once the soldiers of the dynasty joined the battle, they would be the ones to bear the firepower, which would indirectly reduce the pressure and loss of Wuyin Guild, which would be detrimental to Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild.

But now there is nothing he can do, and he can't stop the imperial soldiers from participating in the war.Speaking of which, it is also beneficial for him to join the battle with the soldiers of the dynasty. The lava beast king that the soldiers of the dynasty are targeting will not care about him.And if the Hidden Fog Guild came over, they would definitely attack him.

Stepping on 【Swinging Straight】, Liu Tian flew directly towards the team of imperial soldiers.Four three-legged golden crows appeared in mid-air.

When approaching the imperial soldiers, Liu Tian heard the whizzing sound of piercing through the air. Pieces of wooden arrows had pierced through the air, drowning the four three-legged Golden Crows in an instant. When the Lava Beast King reappeared, it was already The original 'liquid' state.


The Lava Beast King disappeared on the surface, and Liu Tian went to the place where Youlong Guild and others disappeared without turning back. He guessed that the Lava Beast King was about to use the trick he had just dealt with him. Judging from the situation just now, if Dynasty If the soldiers can't cope well, there may be many casualties.However, this is the result he prefers to see.

"Be alert!" The captain of the soldiers said, but just after his words fell, plumes of heat rose from the place where they were, and the whole ground became extremely red, and magma quickly melted from the outside to the inside.

"Hurry up..." the team leader shouted, but before the word "retire" was shouted, four rounds of dazzling sky suddenly rose from the ground, and along with the sky appeared purple-red fireballs.


One soldier was hit in the chest by the fireball, and his armor was immediately shattered into pieces. Another soldier beside him was hit by the fireball in the head, and his head exploded on the spot. He couldn't die anymore.



The soldiers ran out of the lithification circle in panic, and many of them got stuck in the magma on the way, struggling to slowly disappear into the magma.





"What are your current coordinates? I have already got rid of the Lava Beastmaster, and the Wuyin Guild is about to fight with the Lava Beastmaster, but there is a team of Dynasty soldiers joining the battle."

Liu Tian sent a short message to You Long Tianxia, ​​and soon he got a reply from You Long Tianxia.

You Long Tianxia: "Coordinates, are you alright? We are about to meet up with your members of the Eternal Alliance, and we will rest on the spot later! Go back in an hour! Hmph, now we have changed from passive to active."

More than ten minutes later, Liu Tian, ​​You Long Tianxia and others reunited. At this time, Wufeng had brought the elite members of the Eternal Alliance with them. When Liu Tian came back, a bunch of people rushed over.

"All right?" You Longtianxia asked.

"It's okay." Liu Tian shook his head, glanced at the crowd, then looked at Wufeng, hesitatingly said: "Well, Wufeng, Zi, Ziye, have you returned to Sky City?"

Wufeng was stunned, and said: "No, after she returned to the city with the president, she never came back again, president, what's the matter?"

"No, no. Well, I'm going to take a rest." After finishing speaking, Liu Tian walked alone in this area with a sad look in his eyes.

"Uh, something happened to President Eternal?" Wu Feng looked at You Longtianxia: "Mr. You Long, do you know what happened?"

You Longtianxia shook his head lightly.The beautiful squad leader also shook his head, but looked at Liu Tian's bleak back thoughtfully.

Lying on a rock, Liu Tian looked up at the sky. At this moment, only he knew how 'turbulent' his heart was. When he calmed down, his mind was involuntarily filled with that figure. Her every frown and smile seemed to be imprinted on the in front of you.

"Zi'er, Xiaoxi..." Liu Tian closed his eyes, the heat on his back could not warm his increasingly cold heart at all.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep, and was finally woken up by the beautiful squad leader.

"Hehe, Liu Tian, ​​you are really good, you can fall asleep even now." The beautiful class leader teased.

"Hehe..." Liu Tian smiled with difficulty, and said, "Is it time to start?"

"Well, it's almost there. In just an hour, the players of the two guilds have almost run in. The next thing to do is what the Wuyin guild did to us an hour ago." Support from our Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild has also come, and now there are a total of 1000 or [-] people."

"Two hundred people in 1000, almost twice the size of the Hidden Fog Guild, um, when are we leaving?"

"It's up to you..."

Liu Tian looked at the resting place of the team. The originally scattered team was now neatly organized and ready to go.

"Divide into three teams! Let's go!" Seeing Liu Tian and the pretty squad leader approaching, You Long Tianxia's expression changed, and he shouted loudly.




"Throw all kinds of weakening and blocking skills to the Lava Beastmaster!"

Wuyin Wuhen roared in the team channel, looking at the Lava Beastmaster with only a quarter of his life left, he was both excited and worried, but at the same time he was also looking forward to it, because his support was coming soon.

At this moment, the Lava Beastmaster turned into a three-legged Golden Crow, his whole body was burning with golden flames, and the purple flames in his eyes were burning fiercely.


The three-legged Golden Crow let out a long cry, and then more than a dozen rock pillars exploded from the ground, and seven or eight players turned into white light in an instant.

In the Wuyin Guild, a cold-hearted man waved a misty staff of white gas, and suddenly shouted: "Xue Piao Frozen!"

In the sky, white snow began to fall, and at the same time, layers of white frost quickly spread from the ground to the sky, and spread under the lava beast king in a blink of an eye.

The lava beast king screamed angrily, turned around, and turned into a huge round of sky and blasted at the ice-type spiritual practitioner. At the same time, the sky and sun rotated, and fireballs blasted out one after another.

It belongs to fire, so it naturally hates water and ice energy.

"Fuck!" Wu Yin Wuhen cursed in a low voice, and when he hurriedly ran to other places, he was also in the direction where the lava beast king's fireball attacked, but suddenly, he was stunned.

"President, the enemy is attacking! There are three groups of enemies, each with about 400 people. It is temporarily uncertain whether they belong to the same organization."

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