The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 425 Encirclement and suppression

Dozens of wooden arrows shot out quickly, followed by the sound of fleshless puffs, a series of blood flowers bloomed in the air, and a corpse full of arrows appeared in front of the empty space

The one who died was a thief from the Hidden Fog Guild

"The next thief is [-] meters ahead, behind the boulder with approximate coordinates"

Soon, the body of a thief appeared behind the rock at the coordinates

"The next thief is 110 three meters ahead, the coordinates are about"


The same thing happened in many places in this region, this is just the beginning of the attack by Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild

"Report, Thief No. 48 sacrificed"

"Report, Thief No. 43 sacrificed"


Listening to the latest situation report of the staff under him, Wuyin Wuhen clenched his fists secretly. The thieves are numbered according to the distance from them. When the number one thief dies, it means that the enemy has entered the range of 800 meters

"Report, No. [-] thief sacrificed"

"Fuck" Wuyin Wuhen let out a low growl, and looked towards the distance angrily. At this time, a large number of players had already appeared in the distance, and it was obvious that they were the teams of Youlong Guild and Phoenix.

"Report, the hall master Wuyin Wuyuan will lead seven hundred brothers and will arrive in about 15 minutes."

"15 minutes, okay..."

Wuyin Wuhen breathed a sigh of relief. With nearly 15 players, they could barely hold on for [-] minutes. However, if the opponent's main target was the lava beast king, the result would not be so clear.

On the crimson land, three groups of fog quickly filled the air. Although the distribution directions of about [-] players in the three routes were different, their ultimate goal was the same.

800 meters, 700 meters, 600 meters...


The three groups of Liu Tian and others were quickly approaching the Wuyin Guild, and finally, with a cold sound, various attacks and various sounds of piercing through the air played a battle song


In an instant, the melee players met each other in battle, and the clear and clear screams spread in all directions, the sword light and sword shadow dazzled the eyes, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, the cold knife opened and closed, and the spear was like a snake, suddenly biting people in the gap

At the same time, the long-distance attacking players also launched skills, various attack skills, various weakening skills, and various impact skills blasted out crazily

The sky and the earth are filled with various skills. In the air, water blades, fireballs, wind blades, and arrow feathers hit the ground on both sides like a heavy rain. Attacks such as soil thorns, vines, and thorns spring up from the ground like mushrooms after rain, either attacking or affecting players.

"Healing Light..."



The Taoist players on both sides stare at the players they are responsible for, and whenever they see their health drops by 80%, they immediately release [Healing Light] or its upgraded version [Healing Technique] to replenish the player's life


"Go ahead"

"Destroy these gangsters who are taking advantage of others"


A roar was mixed with the sound of the attack. The players from the three guilds of Youlong, Phoenix, and Eternal League were fighting with high spirits, and the one who suffered indirectly was the Hidden Fog Guild.

There are only nearly 300 people in the Hidden Mist Guild, but Liu Tian and the others have about 1000 and [-] people.

"The players behind the battlefield surround the Hidden Fog Guild from both wings"

You Long Tianxia observed the battle situation, and coldly issued the next step of the combat order, making dumplings so that the Kirigakure guild can be attacked in all directions, so that the Kirigakure guild's combat power can be quickly consumed

The order has just been issued, and teams of players belonging to the Yulong Guild, Phoenix Guild, and Eternal Alliance have surrounded the Wuyin Guild from both sides of the battlefield in an orderly manner

"Proceed with the order and retreat." Wuyin Wuhen gritted his teeth and said, "At the same time, continue to attract the lava beast king to me."

Wuyin Wuhen understands very well that once the Yanlai Beastmaster transfers his hatred to Liu Tian and the others, the Yanlava Beastmaster will probably become their prey. He can only delay as much as possible and wait for the arrival of support.

Suddenly, he heard screams coming from behind him, turned around and saw dozens of players at the end of the team all fell into the quicksand that appeared inexplicably behind the team

Hot Quicksand Cang Yuan Blood Wolf Ten Brothers' Trap

Seeing the guild members struggling and sinking slowly, Wuyin Wuhen could only temporarily stop the team from retreating, and at the same time dispatched thieves to dismantle the traps

"Youlong Guild, Phoenix Guild..." Wuyin Wuhen murmured gloomyly

"Hall master, it's not good. A strong team from the Youlong Guild and the Phoenix Guild has broken through our defenses, and they are rushing towards the place where the Lava Beastmaster is now."

"Fucking trash can't even defend a line of defense" Wuyin Wuhen scolded angrily, his expression a little crazy

"In any case, let this team of enemies disappear within our team"

In order to prevent the Yulong Guild from coming into contact with the Lava Beastmaster, Wuyin Wuhen specially asked his subordinates to lead the Lava Beastmaster to the middle and rear of their team, some players would attract the Lava Beastmaster, and the others would form a defensive line to protect the Lava Beastmaster

It's not that he didn't think about letting Youlong Guild bear the attack of the lava beast king, but at this time, the life of the lava beast king is only about one-fifth, and the troops commanded by Youlong Tianxia are too powerful at this moment, and they are fully capable of attacking them. Isolate from the Lava Beastmaster, so that they can only watch the Lava Beastmaster die

A team is like a sharp blade, piercing deeply into the belly of Kirigakure Guild. The person leading this team is the stalwart figure at the front of the team, covered with the glory of various auxiliary skills——Liu Tian

Although they were in the enemy camp, Liu Tian and the team led by him rushed straight into the interior of the Wuyin Guild with indomitable and fearless belief. Although their goal was the lava beast king, they did not kill it

Ahead, Liu Tian waved his arm, blasting out a cross sword aura, and a member of the Wuyin Guild who blocked him was directly blown away, turning into a white light in mid-air

Suddenly, he paused as he walked forward, the sword groaned, and a bright long sword passed through his abdomen, almost stabbing him in the abdomen

"Sword Gang"

Liu Tian's right hand suddenly chopped, and the killing sword struck the player's shoulder. With a bang, the player was directly blasted to the ground, and died as well.

Two green vines looked like green dragons from the ground, just about to wrap around Liu Tian's ankles, a reddish sword light flashed away, and the vines broke in two

The members of this team led by Liu Tian are all at least level 30. The two sides of the team are defensive players, mainly defending against the attacks of players from the Hidden Fog Guild, and in the middle of the team are long-range and melee players.

Fortunately, the Wuyin Guild is currently under fierce attack, and it is not very difficult for Liu Tian and others to go deep

The reason for the birth of this team is because Wuyin Wuhen "protected" Yanlu Beastmaster. It wasn't Liu Tian who originally led this team, but Liu Tian didn't want to be idle and didn't want to remember that person, so he replaced the original captain

bang bang bang...

The team led by Liu Tian is constantly advancing. Although there are many casualties along the way, no one flinches, and there is firm belief in their eyes

"Master, the players in that team are of high level, and we are under attack from the outside, we, we may not be able to stop it..."

"Fucking people have entered your house, and you can't do anything about it? Trash, everything is trash"

Wuyin Wuhen roared. Apart from roaring, he could only mobilize some players to support those players who attracted the lava beast king. He couldn't mobilize too many members to team Liu Tian and his team.

Two minutes later, Liu Tian and the team led by him finally broke through the barriers and came to the open space between the Wuyin Guild and the Lava Beastmaster. people

"Attack" Liu Tian simply gave the order, the attack he said was not aimed at the lava beast king, but the members of the Wuyin Guild

"Star Kill"

Approaching the battlefield within this battlefield, Liu Tianxun squeezed the sword art and star swords immediately appeared in the sky. With his light drink, they all fell down and blasted into the players of the Wuyin Guild who were dealing with the Lava Beast King.

In an instant, several white lights flickered, while Liu Tian was attacking, the members of the team he led also took advantage of the opportunity that the players of the Wuyin Guild were attacked by the Lava Beast King, and began to deal with the players of the Wuyin Guild one by one

At this time, the life of the Lava Beastmaster was only one-fifth, but Liu Tian didn't think about beheading it now, because it was useful to keep it, and it was still not easy to deal with it now.

Seeing the players who attracted the lava beast king fall to the ground one by one under the attack of Liu Tian and his team, Wuyin Wuhen secretly clenched his fists

"Send another team of players to support"

Wuyin Wuhen gave orders, this is all he can do, at this time they are almost surrounded, there is not much troops to support those players who attracted the Lava Beastmaster, now their first task is to defend and wait for support

Holding a killing sword in his hand, Liu Tian shuttled around the edge of the battlefield, looking for an opportunity to attack the players who attracted the lava beast king

Liu Tian's body moved suddenly, and the killing sword in his hand shot out of his right hand in an instant, stabbing a player who had just turned his back

"Some people continue to attract lava beast kings, while others resist enemy attacks"

"Hehe..." Liu Tian smiled slightly, looking at some members of the Wuyin Guild who had escaped from the Lava Beastmaster and defending them, he said softly in the team: "Attack"


It was very easy to charge, and all the players of the Hidden Mist Guild who resisted them were wiped out, and now there are only a dozen or so players left to attract and attack the Lava Beastmaster

Liu Tian slightly swept away the Wuyin guild players around, and the killing sword shook slightly: "Scatter the attack"

More than 30 players dispersed in an instant, attacking the players from the Hidden Mist Guild who attracted the Lava Beastmaster from all directions


Swords and swords, swords and guns, and soon the remaining players of Wuyin were killed one by one

Looking at the Lava Beastmaster who was transformed into the sun, Liu Tiangang wanted to lead the team to leave, and let the Lava Beastmaster who had transferred the hatred value to other players in the Wuyin Guild to attack

It's just that he led the team just one or two meters away, and the sky transformed by the lava beast king exploded with a bang, turning into clusters of flames, and then these flames slowly gathered together

The gathered flames turned into a pool of magma-like liquid, the appearance of this magma beast king at the beginning

"Huh? One-third of your life has recovered?" Liu Tian frowned slightly, but suddenly the voice of his teammates came from behind him.

"Captain, it's not good, the Lava Beastmaster has advanced." 26nbsp;.

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