On the ground, a pool of crimson liquid was slowly wriggling, and the land around it was magmaized silently, bubbling with scorching heat. 26nbsp;

"It's unobstructed."

【Law Lava Beastmaster】〖Low Grade〗b:

Level: 42

Health: 60001000

Infuriating value: 50009000.

"Level 42, two levels up..." Liu Tian said to himself, "It's a bit tricky."

"Retreat! All retreat! Stop attracting the hatred of the lava beast king."

As soon as he got the latest attributes of the Lava Beastmaster, Wuyin Wuhen decisively asked the guild members to retreat.

Because he knows very well that with the current life and level of the Lava Beastmaster, even if Youlong Tianxia has so much combat power, he will definitely not be able to wipe out the Lava Beastmaster in a short time.Moreover, their President Wu Yuan is about to arrive at this time, and the time is only four or five minutes.

"Quack quack..."

Just as the Wuyin Guild retreated collectively, the cries of the three-legged golden crows suddenly resounded throughout the battlefield, and a three-legged golden crow flew out of the lava beast king. Every time a three-legged golden crow flew out, the rock The body of the molten beast king will become smaller.

In a blink of an eye, ten three-legged golden crows danced in the sky, and the lava beast king disappeared.

"Let's get away from here as well."

Liu Tian looked at the ten golden crows in the sky, and said in the team channel, but just after he finished speaking, the ten golden crows in the sky screamed together, and the monstrous flames swept down from the sky, like a sea of ​​fire pouring down.

"Fuck..." Liu Tian cursed, and [Fuyao Zhi] stepped out quickly, narrowly and dangerously out of the attack range of the sea of ​​fire, but several players in the team he led and many members of the Wuyin Guild were all killed by the sea of ​​fire. drowned.





A series of injuries emerged in the sea of ​​flames.

"One, two, three...seven." Liu Tian stared at the rapidly darkening team portraits in the team and muttered to himself. In an instant, seven players in the team had died, and several players' lives were still alive. rapid descent.

"All come to me, coordinates

Liu Tian said quickly, he stopped in place and did not move any more. He was in the turbulent flow of the Wuyin Guild's retreat, and while defending against the retreating personnel's attack, he waited for his team's arrival.

Soon the remaining [-] players gathered around him, and after confirming that they were correct in the team channel, they immediately cast [Trapping Formation].After solving some of the Hidden Fog Guild players who strayed into the trap, they were considered safe for the time being.

The beep of the system sounded, and the short message from Youlong Tianxia arrived.

"Brother Eternal, how are you? Has the Lava Beastmaster upgraded?"

"We're fine for the time being. The Lava Beastmaster has indeed been upgraded, and Tian, ​​who has become level 42, attached the attributes of the Lava Beastmaster to the reply message.

"Most of the players in the Hidden Fog Guild are now in a state of chaos, and the lava beast king is killing people. I'm afraid its target is no longer the target of hatred, but all aliens!" The short message from Youlong Tianxia was sent again. .

"Well, Brother Youlong, what are you going to do now?"

"Wait for the Lava Beastmaster to deal with a player from the Hidden Fog Guild before making any plans."

"Oh. We have to wait for the players of the Hidden Fog Guild to retreat before we can leave my defensive formation."

At this time, there are still many players from the Hidden Fog Guild hurriedly retreating around the trapped formation. If they retreat now, they will definitely be affected by the chaotic flow of people.

Liu Tian walked to the edge of the trapped formation and carefully checked the situation outside, when suddenly his expression changed slightly.Ten golden crows were actually flying towards them, and the culprit was more than a dozen archers from the Wuyin Guild!

"Quick, let's leave immediately..."

Liu Tian's voice stopped abruptly. He originally called the team to leave here, but suddenly he saw the chaotic retreating players outside the trap surrounded by the trap.

"Damn it, we've been tricked..."

Liu Tian cursed, the Wuyin Guild that besieged the formation must have received an order to stop them and escape from here.The Hidden Fog Guild has two purposes for doing this,

One: Use them to attract the attention of the lava beast king, and then evacuate here.

Two: I hope Youlong Tianxia will send players to support it, so that Youlong Guild, Phoenix Guild, and Eternal League will be the main targets of B's ​​attack.

"Get your skills ready, we're going to rush out here." Liu Tian looked coldly at the players outside the formation, and slightly turned the Dragon Soul Ring in his hand.


"Follow me! Go!"

In an instant, 19 people moved, and Liu Tian was the first to rush to the edge of the trapped formation. The moment the light arrow moved away, [Dragon Soul Shockwave] spread from under his feet.

The players blocked outside the formation were immediately affected, seven or eight players were directly thrown into the sky, and an open space was immediately vacated outside the formation.

"Dragon Soul Protector! Dragon Soul Possession!"

A skill that boosts the attack and a skill that strengthens the defense were simultaneously blessed on Liu Tian's body. Although he was attacked by players from the Hidden Fog Guild at this time, his head was floating -1 ironically!

[Dragon Soul Protector] The effect of exempting 0% damage is not withered, it is strong!

Although Liu Tian is powerful, his strength is a bit insignificant compared to the members of the Wuyin Guild who are rushing forward and succeeding one after another, regardless of their own safety, and fearless of death.Although he and his team worked hard, they still didn't get very far.


Suddenly, a fireball rushed past Liu Tian, ​​instantly killing a player from the Wuyin Guild on the spot.

"Damn it, the Lava Beastmaster has arrived."

Liu Tian cursed in a low voice, looked back, and immediately saw ten three-legged golden crows and those archers who specially attracted the lava beast king who were only seven or eight meters away.

"Haha, you are just waiting for the attack of the lava beast king." An archer rushed over with a wild laugh, Liu Tian thought, and the killing sword rushed out of his palm and nailed the archer's eyebrow.

"-1 weak point attack"


Suddenly, Liu Tian's figure flashed, and the place where he was standing was replaced by a scorched black hole.At this time, the lava beast king had completely flew into their sky, and they were surrounded by archers.

bang bang bang...

Purple-red fireballs or raging flames crazily attacked from the mouths of the ten Golden Crows. Although Liu Tian and the others were not the main people attacked by the Ten Golden Crows, there were still quite a few people who were attacked by the Ten Golden Crows. archer players.

Dodging the attacks of ten golden crows with difficulty in the crowded crowd, Liu Tian was secretly startled, never expecting that the Wuyin Guild would use the lives of its members to stop them. ,

Almost all the dodging space around him was blocked by players from the Hidden Fog Guild. If there was no [Sword Demon Walking Alone], he might not be able to dodge the random attacks of ten golden crows so easily.

However, if he was able to dodge it, the rest of his team might not.Many people were attacked by the ten golden crows, and when their lives fell to the bottom, they were killed by the Wuyin guild taking the opportunity to attack frantically.

"Star Kill!"

boom!Pieces of star swords fell, and in an instant the players around Liu Tian were unreasonable. Taking this opportunity, Liu Tian and the players in his team hurriedly escaped.

"After leaving four people to break with me, the others all withdraw!"

Turning his head, Liu Tian saw a group of tails behind him, and immediately made a decision, dodging from the front of the team to the back of the team.

"Captain, you go with the others, just leave the rest to us!" You team said hastily.

"This is an order!" Liu Tian's faint words blocked all the mouths.

The four people behind the team stopped without the slightest hesitation, and formed a simple line of defense with Liu Tian, ​​blocking the remaining fourteen members of the Wuyin Guild.

"Kill!" Liu Tian let out a low growl, and released the 【Killing Art】, and a bloody killing god appeared behind him!


With a stride, Liu Tian rushed into the players of the Wuyin Guild, and [Sword Gang] waved out, hitting a player in the chest.Turning his body around, the killing sword hit out, bloody cutting into the head of a player next to him.


With a splash, the player fell to the ground!

"Three combos of chasing souls!"

The killing sword was stabbed three times in a row, all of which hit a player's heart. After three hits, another corpse appeared on the ground.


With the sound of piercing the air, Liu Tian raised his eyes slightly and raised his brows suddenly.In his oblique sky, a purple-red fireball is attacking him at this moment.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Liu Tian shouted coldly. In an instant, he used his right foot as a fulcrum, and his body spun around a half circle. When the fireball hit his feet, the three sword qi from his killing sword also killed a player.

Looking down at the scorched black pit only ten centimeters away from his right foot, Liu Tian smiled slightly, shot out quickly, and continued to start a new killing!

After a while, all the members of the Hidden Mist Guild who had attracted the Lava Beastmaster died. At this time, a strange situation appeared in this area.

More than 1000 players from Youlong Guild, Phoenix Guild, and Eternal League, and more than 100 players from Wuyin Guild were standing in two places. Between them, ten golden crows were fighting against one player——Liu Tian.

The four players who stayed with Liu Tian were all killed at this time, leaving Liu Tian alone.Originally, You Long Tianxia wanted to send a team to help Liu Tian escape, but Liu Tian refused with a very firm attitude.

This move of his made many people very strange, but only Liu Tiantian knew what he needed now, and the plan he made with You Long Tianxia after a brief exchange.As for whether he would die, he didn't think much about it.

"What's wrong with the president? What are you going to do on your own? Although he is strong, there is no problem supporting him for a while, but after a long time..." Wufeng frowned and asked: "President You Long, when will we deal with B?"

"When?" You Longtianxia looked at the back of the Wuyin Guild: "I also want to deal with b now, but the support of the Wuyin Guild is here. If we attack b first, the result will be... But don't worry, As soon as he is in danger, I will order a general attack. Part of the reason why I let him deal with B alone is to let him vent.

But don't worry, he is not simply venting, he also has his own plans, and his strength is also very evil, even in the face of the advanced lava beast king, he can still support it, we don't have to worry about it for the time being. "

Indeed, what You Long Tianxia said was not wrong.Wufeng could only nod silently.

Suddenly, Liu Tian, ​​who was entangled with the ten golden crows, changed his expression, and stepped out in an instant with [Fuyaozhi], flashing a circle surrounded by ten golden crows, and then stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Walk] towards the Wuyin Guild.

Behind him were birds chirping, and ten golden crows were chasing him. At this time, the lava beast king's health had almost recovered to half.

At the same time, You Long Tianxia's expression also changed, and he whispered: "Here we come."

After the guild was hidden in the fog, at some point, the dust and mist filled the air, and a team of hundreds of people descended from the horizon to the horizon.

Support from the Hidden Fog Guild has arrived.

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