The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 427 Suppressing Wuyin

The ten golden crows flew extremely fast in the sky, and the temperature in the places they passed increased sharply. 26nbsp;And on the ground in front of them, a figure was running fast, heading towards the Wuyin Guild not far away.

"damn it!"

Wuyin Wuhen clenched his fists tightly. Although he also guessed Liu Tian's plan, he never expected that Liu Tian would leave the encirclement of ten golden crows transformed by the lava beast king with such a relaxed attitude.

In fact, Wuyin Wuhen never thought that Liu Tian could survive the attack of the lava beast king.

"All long-range attackers, stop him for me! The others retreat and join the main force!"

A team of about 45 long-range attack players broke away from the remaining 100 demons, and the number of players in the Hidden Fog Guild dropped by nearly half in a blink of an eye.

Ten golden crows attacked in turn, and the place Liu Tian passed by suddenly became potholed and scorched black.It's just that the attacks of the ten Golden Crows always missed Liu Tian by a little bit.

"Quack quack..."

The Three-legged Golden Crow's cries became louder and angrier, and Liu Tian's friskiness made them extremely dissatisfied.

"To live and die together, to share the air defense technique." Liu Tian secretly activated the flying skill to avoid the attack of the Wuyin Guild players.


Green vines and dark gray thorns rushed out of the ground one after another. Liu Tian didn't even look at it, and his figure was pulled up three meters. All the vines and thorns could only dance feebly under his feet.

Looking at the Wuyin guild players who were getting closer, Liu Tian smiled, and while dodging the Wuyin guild players' attack, he attracted ten golden crows to quickly approach.

Liu Tian landed on the ground, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed into the scattered players.

bang bang bang...

Fireballs and raging flames followed Liu Tian's ravages, and many Wuyin Guild players died in a hurry without knowing how they were hit.

Suddenly, Liu Tian stopped scurrying around, like a big roc rushing high into the sky, naturally there were still ten golden crows following him.In the blink of an eye, Liu Tian and the ten Golden Crows disappeared into the sky.

"All attack." You Longtianxia smiled slightly and issued a combat order. More than 1000 people marched together and rushed towards Wuyin Guild quickly, and the sound of noisy footsteps resounded.

Players from Youlong, Phoenix, and Eternal guilds are attacking, while players from Hidden Fog are retreating.

Soon Wuyin Wuhen led more than 700 people to rendezvous with more than [-] people from Wuyin Wuyuan.

"Keep going, don't stop." You Long Tianxia issued a new combat command on the guild channel.After his order was issued, the players at the front of the team immediately strengthened their pace and accelerated towards the Hidden Fog Guild, which had reached more than 800 people at this time.

"President, what should we do now?" Wuyin Wuhen said respectfully to a man in his thirties who was wearing dark golden armor beside him.

"Well, what about the b?" Wuyin Wuyuan asked.

"I was attracted by a player of the other side."

"Yintian?" Wuyin Wuhen frowned slightly, and just about to look up at the sky, suddenly heard Wuyin Wuhen's panicked voice.

"President, that player is down, down."

The cries of the Golden Crow came down from the sky, and Wuyin Wuyuan looked up and saw a player diving down from a high altitude, and ten Golden Crows behind him were chasing him.

"Scatter! Scatter! All long-range attacking players, let me attack that player!"

Wu Yin Wuhen roared furiously, seeing Liu Tian descending quickly, he instantly understood You Long Tianxia and Liu Tian's plan, but unfortunately it was too late, one after another fireballs passed Liu Tian's body and blasted towards the ground.

At the same time, Youlong Tianxia issued an order to attack at full speed.Because Liu Tian just led the Lava Beastmaster to the middle and rear of the Hidden Kiss Guild, they could take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Hidden Kiss Guild players in front.

swoosh swish...

Liu Tian stared at Jiandun, and rushed directly into the attack of the Wuyin Guild players.Although the Hidden Fog Guild's attack was fierce, it still couldn't stop Liu Tian. After all, there was too much difference between levels, and the attack had little impact on Liu Tian.

And following Liu Tian were naturally ten three-legged Golden Crows burning golden flames all over their bodies.

As soon as he rushed into the group of Wuyin Guild players, Liu Tian immediately ran around, and ten golden crows screamed angrily, followed him closely, attacking one after another.However, it was not Liu Tian who suffered, but the players of Wuyin Guild.

"Blood Moon, take the team of melee players you are in charge of and kill that player!"

Wuyin Wuyuan said coldly, with a terrifying murderous intent flashing in his eyes, Liu Tian had caused too much loss to him.Almost every time the Lava Beastmaster attacks, several players will die, but they are still active among the players.

bang bang bang...

Where Liu Tian passed by, a series of fireballs blasted down from the sky, followed by the flickering white light of death...

It was worse than being lured by Liu Tian to the Lava Beastmaster in front of the Wuyin Guild, but the Youlong Guild was completely suppressed, and the attack was more violent than the Lava Beastmaster fighting alone.

At a glance, the light of the cold weapon and the unique brilliance of the skills of the spiritual cultivators of each department interacted with each other. Every player's face flashed with killing intent. When a player fell to the ground, another player rushed over immediately.

Under the fierce attack of more than 1000 people from three guilds, the Wuyin Guild, which originally had fewer than three guilds, was forced to retreat in a short time.

The battle line is getting longer and longer, and the Hidden Wu Guild is being attacked more and more intensely. Under the attack from inside and outside, the Hidden Wu Guild's defeat is already obvious.In more than ten minutes, their strength has been reduced to more than 500, while the Youlong Guild still has about [-] troops.

In fact, if Liu Tian hadn't led the Yanlu Beastmaster to the rear of the Wuyin Guild, the Wuyin Guild wouldn't have lost so badly and so quickly.After all, the target of both sides is the Lava Beastmaster, and the guild battle is only secondary.

Staring at Liu Tian who continued to make trouble in his own guild, Wuyin Wuyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Check it out for me, I must find out the details of this player!"

Stepping on the [Sword Devil Walking Walk], Liu Tian was quickly changing to the [Gap Bow] that fell from the Wuyin player, and raised his head to shoot an arrow, which directly hit a Golden Crow.

Withdrawing the [Gail Bow], Liu Tian soared into the sky, held the bells to attack, flew to a place where there were more members of the Wuyin Guild, and then landed, replenishing his life, and continued to run around.

As time passed slowly, more and more players from the Hidden Fog Guild died, and were killed by more and more passionate players from the three guilds, and soon they were defeated.

In the end, Wuyin Wuyuan retreated with more than 100 remaining players, but they were chased and killed by Youlong Tianxia for a while, and only more than 50 people survived in the end.

"Although we have won, it is not over yet." You Long Tianxia said in the team channel: "Now is the most critical moment. The future success of the guild depends on the brothers."

"Attack the Lava Beastmaster with all our strength!"

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