Dark clouds overwhelm the city and destroy it, and Jiaguang opens to the sun's golden scales!

At this time, there was such a scene outside the village, bustling with players, and the dull atmosphere swirled in the air, as if a thousand troops had arrived. 5c5cnuoshu2

But before Wanjun, outside the city gate, stood a tall and tall figure proudly. He carried a long sword on his back, wore a light red leather armor, and his flowing black hair fluttered in the wind. He looked at tens of thousands of people indifferently. A player with no trace of fear on his face.

"F*ck! Where the hell did you come from, a wild dog, how dare you bark in front of me!" After receiving the signal, a big man strode over ten meters in front of Liu Tian and shouted curses. It's like the battle between the two armies before the battle.

Liu Tian, ​​who had changed his face, just glanced at him indifferently: "Get lost."

"Fuck, dare to tell my uncle to go, I'm getting impatient!"

The big man showed a six-ringed machete, and a barbaric charge rushed straight at him.The corner of Liu Tian's mouth twitched into a smirk, and slowly pulled out from the scabbard on his back a sword that knocked everyone down—a wooden sword!

The big man stopped urgently and asked, "Are you an npc?"

He now doubts that Liu Tian is an NPC, otherwise, how could he face Wan Jun alone, and with such arrogance, facing his attack, he only pulled out a wooden sword?There are many signs that the person in front of him is probably an npc.

"np your sister paper!"

"Fuck, it's not..."

The big man brandished a big knife, and angrily slashed at Liu Tian's head!Wow!When his cold lingering sword was about to hit Liu Tian's body, Liu Tian's figure suddenly blurred, and his sword fell into the air.

"You, ah..." Before the big man had time to ask, a sharp pain suddenly came from his head, and he lost consciousness in an instant.


The player who saw this scene involuntarily gasped, with just one move, and seemingly without using any skills, he pierced the big man's forehead with an easily broken wooden sword at the moment of dodging, killing him!

"Among the masters you have collected, is there such a person?" Ji Hao stared at Liu Tian without looking sideways, and asked.

A middle-aged man in his 30s beside him looked at Liu Tianning for a while, then shook his head: "President, there is no such person. I'm afraid his strength is not weaker than some masters on the ranking list, it's just what I collected. There is no such person in the data."

Liu Tian stepped over the big man's body that hadn't been brushed off, Mu Jian shook and pointed at the countless figures in front of him: "Why don't you go up?"

"Fuck, you're looking for death, aren't you?"

"The next door to Marle, do you think that if you are stronger, you will be invincible?"



"Noisy!" Liu Tian sneered. 4∴8065

Ji Hao frowned, and then said to the middle-aged man in his 30s, "Let the blood rain."


Soon, a man with a long gun came out from the army.

"Blood rain in the world!" The man swiped his spear obliquely, aiming at Liu Tian diagonally.

Liu Tian frowned: "The one who killed the blood rain."

Luàn Shi Xueyu snorted coldly, and with a sharp sting of the spear, he struck in front of Liu Tian, ​​sweeping out thousands of spears in an instant, as if a wave of làngcháo was rushing towards Liu Tian, ​​and there was a faint wave of làng waves hitting the shore sound!

Liu Tian stepped on the sword demon and walked alone, defending himself against the sky, and did not fight back. He just practiced his footwork and body skills in the endless gun scene.

Seeing Liu Tian who was almost stabbed by him but escaped repeatedly, Luàn Shi Xueyu couldn't help but frowned. This enemy was stronger than he imagined.

With a flick of the spear, the gun screen was completely closed, Luàn Shi Xueyu's left hand violently threw a small ball the size of a thumb, boom!The ball exploded, and a ball of bright white light burst out in an instant. Immediately, many players were affected by the white light, and their eyes were completely white.

Luàn Shi Xueyu looked at Liu Tian with his eyes tightly closed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. This move made him kill many players and monsters successfully!And never missed!

"Dragon Drill!"

There was a vague sound of piercing through the air like a dragon's shadow, and a silver gun burst out with dazzling silver light, directly piercing Liu Tian's throat.

"Wait to die..." Luàn Shixueyu looked at Liu Tian, ​​who was staggering with slow footsteps, and almost expected the final result in his heart.


The silver gun quickly approached Liu Tian's throat, Luàn Shi Xueyu seemed to have seen the scene when the silver gun sank into Liu Tian's throat, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.


The blood flowers bloomed, and a few wisps of blood rain filled the air. Luàn Shi's blood rain opened his eyes and slowly fell down. He wondered in his heart why he was able to stab Liu Tian by only a few centimeters, but he was the one who died in the end .

With illusory footsteps and body like a flying bird, he rushed towards Ji Hao's guild members quickly.

"Attack!" Ji Hao's face was sullen, and his voice was cold!

His attack order not only caused his guild members to launch a general attack, but also made people from Tianding guild and Jiangshan guild start to attack the village.


Liu Tian stopped his pace suddenly, looked at the shouting and rushing players, and smiled.As his mind turned, a crystal ball appeared in his hand, and a small dragon was swimming in the crystal ball.


Liu Tian led the crystal ball to the ground and shattered with a bang, but the evil dragon Kukri in the crystal ball disappeared.Suddenly, many players felt that the sky darkened. When they looked up at the sky, they were completely stunned.

A huge dark dragon of more than [-] meters is hovering in the sky!The brilliance of death flashed in the dragon's eyes, and the scales that flowed under the gloomy light were like black iron!

"Dragon, it's a dragon..."

"There are dragons above us!"

"This dragon, I seem to have seen it somewhere..."


A sound of panic spread.

"Kill them and leave none behind." Liu Tian kicked his feet, rose into the air, and returned to the village.


As soon as Liu Tian landed on the ground, there was a loud noise outside the village. A hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared in the pile of players in Luàn Shi, and hundreds of players died just like that.

The beauty squad leader brought a group of people to Liu Tian.

"President, isn't this our guardian beast, the evil dragon Kukri?" Wufeng asked suspiciously.

God nodded.

"Isn't the guardian beast unable to leave the city? Why..."

Liu Tian told everyone about the crystal ball.Everyone immediately understood everything.

"No wonder the president asked us to come back just now, that's why." Zhu Sha lowered her head slightly, as if talking to herself and everyone.

"Pavilion Master Cinnabar, you really opened our eyes this time. With more than 1 troops, you can stop the pace of 3 people." Liu Tian laughed.

"President Eternal is even more admirable," Zhu Sha said.

"Yes, our obstruction is only temporary, but you are able to kill them, President Eternal, I admire you so much." The purple eyes beside Zhu Sha also opened their mouths.

"You are humble..."


Led by the squad leader Meiv, a group of people boarded the gate of the city, looking at the flames of war outside the city.

After a period of cultivation, the evil dragon Kukri has returned to its peak strength. Let alone tens of thousands of players, the number has doubled.It is not difficult to kill them.Of course, the premise is that they can't run around.

"Liu Tian, ​​your guardian beast is really powerful..."

The squad leader of the beautiful girl on the gate of the city said with emotion that the evil dragon Kukri under the gate of the city had slaughtered thousands of players in just two to three minutes.

"Swallow the black hole!"

The dragon's body twisted, and the evil dragon Kukri turned into a deep black hole. The power of devouring was running, and the bodies of many players involuntarily fell in the direction of the black hole, and they were swallowed silently in an instant.

The evil dragon Kukri drove the devouring black hole to move on the battlefield, and players were directly sucked into the black hole amidst screams.

"Experience is increasing really fast..." Liu Tian couldn't help sighing when he saw the soaring experience.

Soon a system prompt sounded in his ear.

"Ding Dong, the player's eternal level 41 experience is full, the level is upgraded to level 42, strength +1, constitution +1, agility +1, spirit +1, free attribute points +5, life value +10, true energy value +10, the state of recovery is the best , Immortal Origin Clan upgrade reward, constitution +1, spirit +1, free attribute +1, health +5, true energy +5."

"Attack!" The beauty squad leader ordered, and the four gates were opened together, and teams of players from Phoenix Pavilion rushed out to cooperate with the evil dragon Kukri to kill the players.

A sound of dragon Yin sounded like it was ringing in the ears, extremely loud.The evil dragon Kukri dragged its [-]-meter-long body straight to the place where there were many players, and often a lot of players died under its body.

"Run away, run away quickly..."

The players fled in all directions in panic.Suddenly, an extremely excited dragon's voice spread across the entire battlefield!

Puff puff…

The arc-shaped beam of light invaded one after another from the dragon's mouth in the evil dragon library. Wherever it passed, blood mist filled the air, and all players fell down!

When most of the players were killed by the evil dragon Kukri, Liu Tian was promoted to another level.

"Ding Dong, the player's eternal level 42 experience is full, the level is upgraded to level 43, strength +1, constitution +1, agility +1, spirit +1, free attribute points +5, life value +10, true energy value +10, the state of recovery is the best , Immortal Origin Clan upgrade reward, constitution +1, spirit +1, free attribute +1, health +5, true energy +5."

At this time, the three guilds of Luàn Shi, Tianding, and Jiangshan were almost completely wiped out, and the remaining players only managed to escape at the cost of the flesh and blood of other players.

"All personnel, chase and kill!" The US female squad leader issued another order on the city wall.

"President, it's probably inappropriate to send all our troops to hunt down deserters who have become useless... The time we allow to be attacked is not over yet," Zhu Sha said.

"It's okay, I have my own measure." The class leader of the beautiful women waved her hand.

Looking at the players gradually disappearing under the city, Liu Tian looked into the distance.

"I don't know if there are any hidden enemies, I hope there are."

Two minutes later, the evil dragon Kukri, who went to chase Luàn Shi and other guilds together with the Phoenix Xuan players, returned.Within a few minutes of coming back, the time it could exist was up. With a low growl, it disappeared over the village.

"President, that dragon disappeared, probably because the skill time is up! And now all the players of Phoenix Pavilion are out chasing and killing the guild that is besieging the city!" A mysterious message was sent out.

In the west of the village, dust suddenly billowed, and there were bursts of trampling.At the same time, a message came from the thieves lurking in the west of Fenghuangxuan.

"President, enemy attack!"

Liu Tian and the squad leader of Meiv looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

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