"I really plan to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole is behind the guild.

The beauty squad leader smiled delicately, her delicate body trembled slightly, and there was no pressure on her face, all of this was under her and Liu Tian's control.

"President, didn't you already have a countermeasure?" Zhu Sha looked at Liu Tian, ​​who was smiling all over her face, and the squad leader Meiv, and asked in surprise.

"It's not that we have countermeasures..." The beauty squad leader smiled and pointed at Liu Tian: "It's that he has a way to deal with those people."

Hearing this, a gleam flashed in the beautiful eyes of cinnabar, and he didn't speak any more, but just looked at Liu Tian a few more times.

"Pass down the order and let the guild members come back as quickly as possible!"

"Yes!" Zhu Sha replied.

After a while, the Phoenix Xuan players in the west sent back more detailed information.The attack was the Devil's Guild, whose souls lingered, and the number of them was about 2.

"It's really lingering." Liu Tian couldn't help sighing, "It seems that since I entered the game, I have been fighting against the Devil's Guild..."

Outside the village, players from Phoenix Pavilion came back one after another, but not many came back.Moreover, the Devil's Guild in the West is getting closer and closer, and many surveillance thieves on the road have been killed by them.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

On the west side, in the woods less than 300 meters away from the village, the sound of birds suddenly sounded, flocks of birds flapped their wings, flew into the woods, and circled in mid-air.This scene clearly indicated that the members of the Devil's Guild had reached the forest.

About 1 minute later, players from the Devil's Guild appeared.

"Quick, attack, attack!"

"Destroy these girls!"


Seeing the devil guild players attacking violently, the class leader of the beautiful girl just gave an order lightly: "All the players who return to the village go out to fight!"


The west gate was opened, and two to three thousand Phoenix Pavilion players formed a defensive formation to meet the Devil Guild players who had just emerged from the woods.And Liu Tian was hiding among these two more than 3000 players.

As soon as he got in touch with the Devil's Guild players, Liu Tian rushed into the Devil's Guild's camp alone, relying on his own strong attributes, headed deep into the woods, aiming at the rear of the Devil's Guild!

The three skills of Wutian Boundless Sword Demon Lone Walk were activated at the same time. The effect of Sinnoh's skills allowed Liu Tian to move freely in the enemy camp, and the speed of marching towards the rear of the Devil's Guild was much faster.

"Star Kill!"

"Sword Qi Slash..."


Skills came out one by one, Liu Tian didn't need to aim at all, the figures floating around were all players from the Devil's Guild. 5c5c debut 5c5c

"Unblock left hand!"

Finally, when he reached the middle of the woods, Liu Tian opened and unsealed his left hand, and curse seals gushed out from his palm, quickly spreading across his entire arm!

In an instant, a burst of flames erupted from his body, and his figure rushed straight away like a meteorite, leaving a deep ditch of scorched black soil on the ground...

A long and narrow road was opened up for the densely populated Devil's Guild players, and the Devil's Guild players on both sides of the road looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were welcoming some important person who hadn't appeared as the road deepened.

In just half a minute, Liu Tian rushed to the rear of the Devil's Guild. He didn't make a move along the way, but there were hundreds of players who died in his hands!

"Now is the time for you to pay!"

Looking at the vigilant players around, Liu Tian slightly clenched his left hand covered with curse marks, his faint voice was extremely clear in the noisy environment.

"Destroy reincarnation!"

Liu Tiangao shouted, and punched into the ground!

fine?Looking at the calm ground, the players of the Devil's Guild became suspicious.Just the next moment, they heard explosions and screams, not very far away from them.

At this time, if it is in the sky, everything can be seen clearly.With Liu Tian as the center of the circle, a circle composed of flame 'luàn' flows from far to near, quickly spreading towards Liu Tian, ​​the center of the circle!The ground exploded one after another, and the hot magma shè' all over the place!The tragic cry resounded through the forest!

This trick was used to deal with those guilds that followed the boss when Liu Tian was the class leader of the beauty girl, and the boss was ordered to attract the boss!With just this move, 800 people were directly killed when the guild players were not crowded at that time!

Once within the attack range of this move, unless you can fly into the sky, you will have to wait for death!Because the circle formed by the "luàn" of the flames has no loopholes!

Hearing the rapidly approaching explosion and screams, Liu Tian smiled lightly.Whoosh!In a flash, he appeared in the sky.On the ground, the circle of flame 'luàn' shrinks extremely rapidly, and gathers rapidly toward the center of the circle!

When the sound of explosions and screams disappeared, the circle of flames 'luàn' converged at the center of the circle, forming a point, a deep red 'sè', extremely concentrated point, and the sound of chirping also sounded from time to time.


A loud noise that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods suddenly spread in this world!The crimson dot exploded in an instant like the dot in the derived universe.It's just that that point in the derived universe represents the beginning, and this point represents destruction, death!

The terrifying wave, the raging 'luàn' flow reappeared in the world in an instant, spreading out at twice the speed before, and in the blink of an eye, a giant circle with a diameter of [-] meters appeared in the forest!There is nothing in the giant circle, only the land that seems to have been overturned by a hook machine.

On the round side, rows of ancient trees are leaning or falling to the ground.Apart from the ancient tree, there were the members of the Devil's Guild who looked astonished and terrified.With Liu Tian's blow, the entire rear of the Devil's Guild was wiped out, and thousands of people were killed!

"What? Thousands of members in the rear died?!!" Devil Heitian was furious: "How is it possible? The battle has just begun. Even if they are ambushed, it is impossible for so many people to be killed or injured in an instant! What is going on!"

"President, the surviving players in the rear said that it seems to be a range attack skill..."

"Get lost! Area attack skills? Now which player's area attack can kill thousands of people in an instant?!" Devil Heitian yelled.

"Yes, President, I think it might be an NPC helping Fenghuangxuan, ah..." The voice stopped abruptly!

A beam of hundreds of meters long sword descended from the sky, traversed most of the woods, and reached the front line of the battlefield!A gully more than two meters wide was cut out, and the Devil's Guild players lost more than 1000 players in a blink of an eye.

The player who reported the battle situation to Devil Heitian happened to be within the attack range, and unfortunately returned to the city.

Looking at his feet, Devil Heitian's heart couldn't help trembling. His feet were only more than ten centimeters away from the gully that was hundreds of meters long. Looking along the gully, he only saw corpses Players who moan 'yin' with pain.

His pale lips were tightly pursed, and his gaze was fixed on the figure who descended from the sky.

"Npc? Player?..."

Devil Heitian couldn't tell the difference, his thoughts seemed to stop working at this moment.

"Retreat, retreat..." Finally, he said a word.

Liu Tianmo danced wildly, like a god and demon, his thoughts moved slightly, fiery red sword aura erupted from the ground, screams resounded through the forest, and in a blink of an eye there were nearly a thousand members of the Devil's Guild The player is down.

On the wall of the small village, a group of people stared dumbfounded at the hellish scene not far away. At this moment, they could clearly hear their own heartbeats.

"This, is this true?..." Wufeng stammered.

"It seems, it seems, maybe, maybe, it should be true..." Ye Tianxiang said blankly.

"President, is he really a player?" The beautiful face with purple eyes was full of disbelief.

The class leader of the beauty girl smiled slightly: "The players who are fake are just more evil."

Indifferently scanning the panicked and terrified players around, Liu Tian smiled coldly, and once again launched an invincible offensive...

"Ding dong, the player's eternal level 43 experience is full, the level is upgraded to level 44, strength +1, constitution +1, agility +1, spirit +1, free attribute 'xing' points +5, life value +10, true energy value +10, state recovery The best, the upgrade reward of the Indestructible Origin Race, constitution +1, spirit +1, free attribute 'xing' point +1, life value +5, true energy value +5."

At some point, another upgrade reminder sounded in Liu Tian's mind.

Smiling slightly, Liu Tian muttered: "This upgrade is really fast. In just two hours, it has been promoted to three levels."

In the forest, the screams continued for a long time, Liu Tian was alone in the world, but the Devil Guild had no power to fight back, so he could only flee around in a panic.It's a pity that they are too crowded. As long as Liu Tian launches an attack, the dead players will fall down in rows like ears of rice.

At the same time, the players who were sent out to hunt down the previous siege also came back, and surrounded the players of the Devil's Guild from all directions.

More than ten minutes later, there were only more than 1000 people on the battlefield fighting in the corner. Liu Tian flashed his figure and returned to the city wall.

"President, can I worship you?" Wufeng stared at Liu Tian fieryly.

"Pfft..." Liu Tian almost laughed: "You think it's easy for me to become so powerful, and in a few minutes, even you can easily kill me."

"Side effects?" The beauty squad leader asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Liu Tian shook his head: "It's only a week, and I will be in a weak state."


Seven or eight minutes later, the curse seal on Liu Tian's hand returned to the curse seal on his palm as if retreating 'cháo'.And the powerful power that filled every corner of his body disappeared, and the huge contrast made him almost collapse. Fortunately, he had an experience and managed to hold on.

"Liu Tian, ​​how are you? Your face is so pale, are you okay?" Seeing Liu Tian's abnormal state, the class leader of the beauty girl hurried over to hold Liu Tian's hand.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't worry, it's just a side effect, my body is not used to it for the time being, that's why..." Liu Tian said.

"It's fine." A hint of guilt and heartache flashed in the eyes of the beauty class monitor...

At this time, all the remaining players of the Devil's Guild had been killed, and the time allowed for surprise attacks had passed, and the siege was truly over.

And because of this battle, Fenghuangxuan's reputation has gradually increased, and the position of the Great Guild has been stabilized.Not only did the guild dare not despise Fenghuangxuan anymore, many players who originally looked down on Fenghuangxuan were also convinced.

Whether it's successfully building a city, meeting two guilds with the power of nv'xing' players from two pavilions, or resisting the sneak attack of seven big guilds, and even destroying them.No matter what it is, it is worthy of admiration from the heart.

When Fenghuangxuan was clearing up the battlefield, a post on the game forum was getting a lot of praise.It was published only a little over ten minutes ago, yet it received millions of clicks and over ten thousand replies.

The title of the post: "Seven guilds attacked Phoenix Pavilion, but were wiped out by the entire army!"There are videos and truths! "

The post first described how Fenghuangxuan resisted the attack of monsters and was attacked by seven guilds.It details that Zhuque Pavilion and Qingluan Pavilion blocked Tianding Guild and Jiangshan Guild.In addition, the evil dragon Kukri and Liu Tian slaughtered seven guilds.

There are a total of four videos in the post, and these four videos are about the four things detailed.

It was because of this post that Phoenix Xuan became popular and became famous.Please remember the URL, if you like "Online Games: Eternal Immortality" written by Xiao Di Tiantian

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