Little Bailong suddenly flew into the air, when Liu Tian and little princess Qin Jing thought she was going to leave, they didn't expect that she turned into a young girl and landed beside them. 【】2626

"Thank you for saving me." Little White Dragon Ziqi looked at the two sincerely.

"Sister Longnu, are you really the jewel in the palm of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?" the little princess Qin Jing asked softly.

"It's true."

"Sister Longnu, why were you hunted down by that purple dragon?" The little princess Qin Jing asked Liu Tian's question.

"I don't know who that dragon is. But I think my being hunted down should have something to do with the dragon's spirit map."

A look of surprise appeared on the little princess's face: "Suppressing Jiaoling Map? Is it the seal that you Donghai used to imprison the Jiaolong clan?"


Liu Tian's expression changed: "Dragon Girl, what does your being hunted have to do with Zhenjiao Lingtu? Can you tell me."

Little White Dragon's Ziqi pretty face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"It's okay if you can't say it." Liu Tian said lightly.

After hesitating for a while, little white dragon Ziqi finally nodded: "It's okay to tell you. A few days ago, Ao Jin from the South China Sea Dragon Palace sent his son Ao Guang to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, wanting to borrow the map of Jiao Zhenling."

"As far as I know, the Dragon Palaces of the Four Seas each have their own dragon-suppressing spirit maps that were used to suppress the defeated dragon clan. The dragon-suppressing spirit maps of the Four Seas Dragon Palaces are extremely important to their respective dragon palaces. Why did the South Sea Dragon Palace come back to borrow from you? "The little princess Qin Jing interrupted.

"Father and I are also very puzzled. The reason why the Nanhai Dragon Palace borrowed the spirit map of Jiao Zhen is that the spirit map of Jiao Zhen in Nanhai Dragon Palace has been damaged, and the dragon is about to break out. The importance of the spirit map to the Dragon Palace is extraordinary. And once the Zhenjiao Lingtu leaves the Dragon Palace, the suppressed Jiaolong will definitely attack and break the seal with all its strength." Xiaobailong Ziqi said: "So my father rejected Ao Guang on the spot. The request, but promised to send troops to help the South China Sea Dragon Palace to suppress Jiaolong. However, Ao Guang refused, and he left the East China Sea Dragon Palace with his men on the spot."

"Originally we thought that the matter of borrowing pictures was over, but we didn't expect that this was just the beginning. Ao Guang and his men did not leave the East China Sea, but hid. One day ago, I left Dragon Palace to go out to play. When I was close to the sea , I was attacked, led by a purple dragon I had never seen before."

"Wait, you mean that the one who attacked you was Ao Guang from the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea, but you also said that you have never seen Zilong, how do you know that Zilong is Ao Guang?" Liu Tian asked.

"Thank you for this. At the beginning, I thought they were my father's enemies. Although they trapped me and didn't kill me, they wanted to capture me from the beginning to the end. But their strength far exceeds me. I rely on them Wanting to capture my purpose, I tried my best to escape from their encirclement.

Because they blocked all my escape routes, I could only flee towards the shore. I was attacked by them all the way, and when I got to the shore, I became what you saw me.But I got that look, and I also gained some information. Through my observation, they might be Ao Guang and his subordinates!

Originally, I couldn't be sure, because Ao Guang was a blue dragon, not a purple dragon, and he never used the attack moves of the South Sea Dragon Palace from the beginning to the end.Hehe, but after trying so hard to pretend for so long, he finally showed his flaws.When he was fighting with you just now, he probably thought I was unconscious and used the [Dragon Language ●Water Dragon] from the South China Sea Dragon Palace.I also belong to the Dragon Palace, so I can easily sense the energy attributes belonging to the South Sea Dragon Palace.

The water that merged into his eight water dragons was not ordinary water, but the unique dragon spring water of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, which was extremely powerful and extremely difficult to deal with.Longquan water has a certain 'indestructible' attribute.If the water dragons are made of ordinary water, your first strike can destroy them.However, I didn't expect that you could make the water of Longquan disappear without a trace, it's unbelievable. "

"Oh, so that's how it is." Liu Tiandao: "Ao Guang wanted to capture you, probably because he wanted to use you to force your father to hand over the map of suppressing Jiaolong. It is not worthwhile for him to offend you East Sea Dragon Palace just to suppress Jiaolong. ?”

"It was because of this idea that I didn't associate him with Ao Guang at first. But later, on the way to escape, I remembered the important role of Zhenjiao Lingtu. After the painstaking efforts of various generations of dragon kings, on the one hand, in order to strengthen the suppression force , to prevent the Jiaolong family from breaking the seal, on the one hand, for the safety of the Dragon Palace, the Jiaozhen Lingtu can be linked with the defense of the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace can not only mobilize the terrain of the East China Sea to suppress the Jiaolong, but also use the power of the Jiaolong to strengthen the defense.

I think that Ao Jin should have sent Ao Guang to the East China Sea for the function of suppressing Jiao Lingtu.As for the damage to the Nanhai Zhenjiao Lingtu, I'm afraid it's just an excuse they made up by themselves.They probably planned to use me to threaten the father and ask him to hand over the map of Jiao Zhenling. "

Liu Tian frowned: "I think it's not worthwhile for them to become enemies with you in order to increase the defense of the Dragon Palace."

"No, you don't know the current situation." Xiaobai Long Ziqi shook his head: "A great catastrophe is coming, and the three continents and other spaces will be involved. Don't think that there is no change in the world now. In fact, many The forces are already preparing for the coming catastrophe."

"You mean the catastrophe 5000 years ago?" Liu Tian asked.

Little White Dragon Ziqi glanced at Liu Tian in surprise, then nodded immediately: "That's right, only a very small number of forces with a long history know about the secrets of 5000 years ago. For 5000 years, the power of many races in our human race and the mainland has retreated." Many, far less powerful than 5000 years ago, once the catastrophe strikes, no one is sure that they can survive the catastrophe safely."

"That's why the South Sea Dragon Palace wants to get a few more dragon-suppressing spirit maps to increase the defense of the Dragon Palace, yes." Liu Tian said.

"That's right. It's just that I didn't expect the South Sea Dragon Palace to ignore the overall situation and just want to protect itself. Now should be the time to let go of the past and cooperate to resist the catastrophe!" The little white dragon Zi cried angrily!

Liu Tian remained silent, thinking about the catastrophe.

"Sister Longnu is right, we should work together now." The little princess Qin Jing nodded in Liu Tian's arms.

"Ah!" Little White Dragon Ziqi suddenly exclaimed: "I'm sorry, I have to go! I'm going back to the Dragon Palace now, and tell my father about Ao Jin's schemes, so that he can prepare himself! So as not to get hurt!"

Little White Dragon's voice of crying and screaming brought Liu Tian back to reality from deep thinking: "What's wrong with your injury? Do you want to rest for a while before going to the East China Sea?"

"Oh, I can't wait. Anyway, the injury has almost been healed by Miss Jing'er, so let me adjust my breath again, the problem shouldn't be too big." Xiaobai Long Ziqi said anxiously, but it was right.Anyone who knows that their parents are in danger will only be more nervous.

Seeing the little white dragon Ziqi gradually disappearing into the sky, Liu Tian smiled faintly.

"Brother, where are you going later?" The little princess Qin Jing leaned comfortably in Liu Tian's arms.

"I'll go back to the beach later. I just lured him here to deal with Ao Guang. Now that everything is over, I'll go back to the beach when your strength recovers." Liu Tian said.

"Oh, brother, do you want Jing'er to follow you?" the little princess Qin Jingrou said.

"No need, the place I'm going to is too dangerous, I can't take you on an adventure." Liu Tian shook his head, going to the chaotic sea area is not a joke, one careless will be life-threatening, he dare not take the little princess Qin Take it with you.

Princess Qin Jing nodded disappointedly.

"Next time I have a chance, I'll show you around again." Liu Tian apologized.

"It's okay, brother." A smile appeared on the corner of the little princess Qin Jing's pale mouth.

After resting for more than 20 minutes, the little princess Qin Jing's complexion recovered most of it, and she was finally free from leaning in Liu Tian's arms.

"Jing'er, let's go back together." Liu Tian said.He had completely forgotten the way he came here, so naturally he couldn't use the [Royal Sky Technique] to fly back.And when he and Ao Guang were chasing back and forth, the speed of one person and one dragon was very fast.With the speed at which he uses the [Royal Sky Technique], he doesn't know how long it will take to return to the coast of the East China Sea.

Back at the villa, Liu Tian didn't stay any longer, and went directly to the teleportation array, stepped on the teleportation array to the East China Sea, and with a flash of light, he disappeared in the teleportation array.


The waves hit the rocks on the shore, making an earth-shattering roar.

Returning to the beach again, Liu Tian found the right path with ease. After walking for a while, it was hard to see the fishermen around him.After walking for another 10 minutes or so, Liu Tian finally arrived at the grove.

Liu Tian looked around, and when he saw no one, he dodged into the grove.

After entering the grove, before Liu Tian took a few steps, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him, it was a burly man dressed as a worker.

"Who are you?" said the worker.

"Oh, hello, I'm Eternal. I left for a while because of something, and now I'm back." Liu Tian said.

The worker said: "You are eternity? Come with me quickly, the captain thought you were gone, and sent some brothers to look for you."

"Oh, let's go then."

Following the worker, Liu Tian quickly passed through the grove.Someone might have notified Xiang Yin, and before he walked out of the grove, he saw Xiang Yin and a few workers waiting for him outside the grove.

"Oh, Eternal, you are finally back. Where did you go? I thought something happened to you." As soon as Liu Tian walked out of the grove, Xiang Yin quickly walked in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Xiang, I encountered a little accident, that's why I was let go without saying goodbye." Liu Tian said.

"It's okay, it's okay, just come back safely."

"Thank you, Uncle Xiang." A touch of emotion flashed in Liu Tian's eyes.

"I've prepared the fishing boat, let's go and have a look now," Xiang Yin said.

"it is good."

On the coast not far away, Liu Tian saw a fishing boat.The fishing boats are much smaller than the warships made by Xiang Yin, but they are not going to fight, so it doesn't matter how big they are.There were some supplies piled up on the fishing boat, and these supplies were deliberately moved by Xiang Yin.

After wandering around, Liu Tianzhou said, "Uncle Xiang, when can I leave?"

"at any time."


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