"It's not too late. 【26nbsp;】Uncle Xiang, is there someone who will go with me to the chaotic sea?" Liu Tian asked.

Although due to the side effects of [Unblocking ●Left Hand], his current attribute is only 3% of the original, but it takes about seven days to get from the shore to the chaotic sea.After reaching the chaotic sea area, the attributes will return to normal.

"Go now? Okay, I will arrange a few strong ones to stay with you, and then you will take care of each other. If things work out, they will contact me, and I will go to the outskirts of the chaotic sea to meet you. " said to the uncle.


Liu Tian boarded the fishing boat together with more than a dozen workers who changed into fishermen's clothes.Standing on the deck, waved goodbye to Xiang Yin.

Looking at the fishing boat gradually going away, a dark-faced worker standing beside Xiang Yin suddenly said: "Captain, do you think they can successfully steal the navigation chart from the pirate queen Tian Ruoshui?"

"I don't know." Xiang Yin said flatly.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for fear of being recognized by other pirates, we wouldn't need to rely on that kid to steal the nautical chart now." The man snorted coldly.

"Something happened in the chaotic sea area recently, maybe he can really steal the nautical chart from Tian Ruoshui."

"Captain, what happened in the Chaotic Sea Area? Since we betrayed Tian Ruo Shui and escaped from the Chaotic Sea Area eight years ago, I have never been to the Chaotic Sea Area again. I really miss it." The man gave Xiang Yin a surprised look.

Xiang Yin said calmly: "It's nothing. Friends in the chaotic sea area have heard news. The chaotic sea area has not been very calm recently. A powerful pirate ship has conquered many pirate ships."

"Captain, if we managed to get the nautical chart in Tian Ruoshui's hand and find the treasure of the pirate king, we should be the most powerful pirate group in the chaotic sea area now. Huh, what kind of pirate queen, just It’s just the glory of the ancestors.”

"Don't mention these things that have passed. After eight years of preparation, I have found the entrance to the channel that can safely enter the violent sea. Even if that kid can't steal the nautical chart, I don't want to wait any longer. The nautical chart is in the In the hands of Tian Ruoshui, her pirate ship is one of the most powerful pirate ships in the Chaotic Sea Region, recently there is news that she seems to intend to go to the Wild Sea Region, if she preempts, our eight years of preparation will be in vain."

"Captain wise!"

Xiang Yin smiled: "Fortunately, I know the approximate location of the treasure. By the way, let everyone prepare, we will also set off later."

"Yes, Captain!"

It was the first time for Liu Tian to go to sea after growing up so big.Standing on the railing of the boat, his eyes are blue waves, and waves spread to both sides as the fishing boat advances...

The humid sea breeze brings a light salty taste, and the chirping of seabirds can be heard from time to time.

At a glance, you can't see the end, only the sea and the sky.

This is the sea, and it is also the starting point for fishing.Before going far, you can see fishing boats with fishing nets, sailing towards the far sea.

After walking for about half a day, an island appeared in front of us.There are many fishing boats moored around the island, and there are still many people who can be seen faintly on the island.

"Where is that place?" Liu Tian pointed to the island and asked a worker next to him.

"Sir, there is a small town there. Because it is the only small town in the nearby sea area, and ships often pass by this sea area, the town has become more and more prosperous over the years. Go fishing The fishing boats usually stop there to have some lunch, replenish some supplies, and then continue to move further into the sea. My lord, we will also need to go to that small island to replenish food for the next few days later.” The worker beside him said Come on.


After traveling for more than ten minutes, the fishing boat came to the simple port on the shore of the island.After parking the boat, Liu Tian got off the boat with more than a dozen workers and walked towards the town.At this time, people's voices could already be heard on the shore.After walking for five or six minutes, Liu Tian and others arrived at the entrance of the town.

"Xiaofeng Town." A stone tablet stood at the entrance of the town.

Led by a worker, they stopped in front of a noodle shop.

"My lord, how about having noodles for lunch?" the lead worker asked Liu Tian.

"Oh, whatever."

Liu Tian replied casually, his eyes wandering around the people in the small town.The people in the small town have dark skin, and they should be people who often work in the sea.

"Boss, bring us nineteen bowls of noodles." After entering the noodle shop, the worker shouted.

"Okay, you guys wait, the horse will come soon."

Everyone sat down, and within a short time, there was a bowl of delicious noodles in front of Liu Tian.

The worker suddenly raised his head and said, "My lord, we'll go to the town's market after eating the noodles. We should be able to buy all the supplies we need at the market. You can also buy some things you need."


Half an hour later, lunch was settled.Led by the worker just now, more than a dozen people arrived at the second street of the town - a rather lively market.

"My lord, you can take a stroll around and come back here to gather in half an hour."


Liu Tian was not polite either, and waved his hand to bid farewell to everyone.

There are people coming and going in the market, and all kinds of cries are full of people's ears.Perhaps because there are hawkers from the nearby sea area gathered here, the market is more lively than the first street in the town.From the beginning of the market, both sides of the street are full of goods, and there are all kinds of goods at a glance.

Liu Tian turned on [Glance], and walked forward step by step leisurely, and the attributes of each product appeared in his mind one after another.

After shopping for five or six minutes, Liu Tian also bought something—some beautiful shells, and a few seaweeds with special effects.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, a group of people appeared in front of him, and they gathered in front of a small stall.

"Everyone pay attention, pay attention, fish herb is on sale, those who want to buy it as soon as possible, there are only a few plants, oh, the one with the highest price." An unusually loud voice came from the crowd.

Hearing this, more people surrounded the small stall.Liu Tian's expression changed, and he strode towards the small stall. After all the hard work, he finally squeezed in front of the small stall, and saw the fish and herbs in the mouth of the stall owner.

Fish herb has only one stem and two leaves, one blue and one green.

The God's right eye rotated, and the attributes of Yuxiangcao appeared in Liu Tian's mind.

"So it's like this..." Liu Tian looked at the people around him: "Sure enough, almost all of them are fishermen."

Fish herb is a special seaweed with only one function, which is to attract fish within a certain range.As long as you mix and stir the juice in its two leaves, the juice will release a special aroma, attracting all fish within a certain range.

"Everyone, there are not many fish herbs. If you want them, please bid quickly. Don't regret it when others take them away." The stall owner is a thin man in his 30s, who sees more and more When people came around, he immediately smiled.

Liu Tian curled his lips, turned around and wanted to leave here, but he didn't expect it to be easy to get in and difficult to get out.The people outside kept pushing in, and it was difficult for him to even turn around.In the end, he had no choice but to stay where he was.

"Boss, I, I will give you a gold coin to buy a fish herb." A fisherman gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

"A gold coin? Aren't you trying to make me bleed? One fish herb can be used three times. As long as you find a good place where fish gather, you don't know how much money you can make once." The stall owner shook his head.

"I'll offer one gold coin and ten silver coins!" Another fisherman bid.

The stall owner shook his head: "Four gold coins for a plant of fish herb, start bidding now!"

"Boss, can you lower it? You know what we do. It's not easy to make money."

"Yeah yeah."

"No, it took me a lot of effort to get three fish herbs, and they are worth the price," said the stall owner.

"Four gold coins and one silver coin."

"Four gold coins and two silver coins..."

"Four gold coins and three silver coins..."


Hearing the fishermen's bidding, Liu Tian almost vomited.As if they had agreed in advance, they added one silver coin at a time.

However, despite the price increase of one silver coin and one silver coin, due to the gathering of many fishermen.The price of Yuxiang Herb was quickly raised to six gold coins. At this time, the number of people bidding for the price was reduced by half, but the noise of bidding still kept coming and going.

Liu Tian squatted in front of the stall boredly, looking at the stall's products.This stall is very different from other stalls. The items in this stall are very strange. There are all kinds of stones and beads in this stall, just like a grocery store.

[Unobstructed view] Slowly scanning the items in the stall, Liu Tian found that the items in the stall all had magical effects.For example, a fiery red fruit can actually give people extra fire damage for half an hour.

"Boss, how do you sell this fruit?" Liu Tian picked up the fiery red fruit and asked.

"Here, thirty gold coins." The stall owner said with a casual glance.

"It's too expensive..." Liu Tian smiled wryly.

"Oh, it's not expensive."

Liu Tian curled his lips, and turned on [Glance] again to check the attributes of other items.

"Little Grass, you won't be hungry for seven days after taking it. Snake Bead Stones can be inlaid with equipment... Damn, there are still a lot of good things." Liu Tian said depressingly.Unexpectedly, there are so many good things in an ordinary stall.

"Water-proof beads can isolate sea water... black iron, used for, wait, water-proof beads?!" Liu Tian's eyes were fixed on the stone in the booth.

He held back the excitement in his heart, picked up the stone, and checked it again with [Glance].That's right, it is to avoid water beads.

He put down the stone, picked up the fiery red fruit and little grass, and said, "Boss, I'll buy these two things."

"Oh, seventy gold coins in total."

Tian handed the seventy gold coins to the stall owner, and immediately pretended to pick up the stone by accident.

"Boss, do you still have stones for sale here?"

The stall owner replied casually, and then continued to drive up the price of fish and herbs.

"Boss, what's the use of your stone." Liu Tian asked.

"I don't know, a little kid gave it to me."

"Uh..." Liu Tian was sweating profusely, "Then how much does this sell for? It's like a round ball, and I can give it to the kids next door to play with when I buy it back."

"For the sake of taking care of my business, ten gold coins."

"Pfft, is the boss killing people or killing pigs?"

The owner of the stall said: "I've already given you a discounted price."

"Okay, okay, whatever you want." Liu Tian threw down ten gold coins, picked up the water-proof beads, pretended to look down at the sky and said, "It's so late? It's time to go home."

With that said, Liu Tian squeezed out of the crowd, quickly ran to an alley, and excitedly took out the water-proof beads.


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