The blue sea looks calm, but in fact it is undercurrents.

The black basilisk quietly appeared in front of the fishing boat. A snake-like neck stood upright on the sea, and a huge head that was no different from a snake's head was staring at the fishing boat, glowing with a faint light.

Its lower body is hidden in the sparkling sea, Ren Liutian can't see clearly no matter how hard he tries, but he has an intuition that the black basilisk is definitely huge

After the fishing boat moved away from the black basilisk, Xu Tou said: "My lord, please be careful, the black basilisk is capable of making waves, but don't let it upset the fishing boat."

"Be careful. If you can't kill him, you can send out a distress signal." Liu Tiandao



Xu Tou jumped into the sea, like a flying arrow shot into the deep sea, and disappeared under Liu Tian's eyes in a blink of an eye

"Xu head has an order, sail back immediately," a worker shouted

The fishing boat broke through the waves again, retreating a full five or sixty meters before stopping After entering the sea, he never appeared again. No one knows where he is in the sea at this time

Suddenly the calm sea exploded, causing thousands of rains to fall, and the waves splashed. A figure suddenly rushed out from the rolling waves, and directly attacked the black basilisk.

At this moment, the mysterious basilisk, which had been acting like a puppet, moved. At the same time as its head was moving, a black shadow burst out from the sea and swept towards Xu's head.

Crashing, Xu Tou's figure turned suddenly in mid-air, and after avoiding the killing of the black basilisk, his body straightened immediately, and turned into a sharp arrow, pounced on the head of the black basilisk

The black basilisk made a strange cry, and six tentacles suddenly protruded from the sea. They had only one target, and that was Xu Tou

Maybe thinking that he couldn't dodge this time, Xu Tou didn't react to dodge, and a sharp and long scimitar appeared in his hand at some point

"Bright Whirlwind"

Xu Tou's icy voice was still extremely clear amidst the tumbling waves. As the sound spread, Xu Tou's figure disappeared in mid-air

The sound of the knife clang spread, and the knife light spread out instantly as if being summoned, and then blossoming blood peaches bloomed in the air, and the six tentacles that attacked Xu's head were broken into several pieces, spraying bright red blood, and fell to the surface of the sea. dyed the sea red

"Oh..." When Xu Tou's figure appeared in the void again, an angry scream rang out

Xu Tou landed on the surface of the water with a bang, his body broke away from the surface of the sea, and rushed up to the bottom of the sky. More than a dozen tentacles broke through the water and tried to wrap Xu Tou, but unfortunately they were a step too late. No matter how they chased, they kept a certain distance from Xu Tou

Suddenly, Xu Tou frowned, and there was a sound of piercing in his ears. He tilted his head slightly, and the long head and ferocious fangs of the black basilisk were imprinted in his eyes.

"Half Day Cut"

In an instant, Xu Tou's body was stagnant in the void, and the scorching breath swept away, and the void turned into a calm water surface that had been broken, so Xu Tou was blurred, and a waning sun that was just like a waning moon appeared in midair

Suddenly, a round of dying sun turned into a golden wave and swept across the four directions. After a scream, more than ten tentacles and a snake head with a long neck fell from the sky.

Broken hands and necks fell to the sea surface, causing splashes all over the sky, which coincided with the rain of blood in the sky

"Is this the end?" Liu Tian was stunned, with a dazed expression

"My lord, not yet, the black basilisk has just lost one head," said a worker beside him

Liu Tian originally wanted to ask the workers the meaning of these words, but unexpectedly there were several loud noises from the distant sea, and then his doubts were answered

On the battlefield over there, the heads of five black basilisks appeared again. They neighed again and again, and their eyes shone with dangerous light.

"Are these the heads of the black basilisk?" Liu Tian asked

"My lord, in fact, the black basilisk has only one head, but it is rather special. In addition to the head that really controls the body, it also has six heads that look like hands. Normally, these six insignificant heads are exposed. Outside," said the worker

"Does it mean that even if all six of its heads are chopped off, it will be fine?"

"Indeed it is"

"Its six heads only have certain attack capabilities, what is really terrifying is its real head"

Liu Tiandao: "Then can Xu Tou deal with it?"

"Hey, it shouldn't be a problem"


For some reason, the sea surged for a while, and waves appeared on the originally calm sea.

"what happened?"

"My lord, it should be that the mysterious basilisk is about to emerge from the water."

"Its body is going to be exposed?

"Well, and its real head may also come out."

The sea was surging, and suddenly, Liu Tian was startled, because he saw a piece of "land" suddenly emerging from the sea, and there were six or five heads growing on this "land", and on both sides of the "land", several Unclear tentacles ready to move

"A whole fortress in the sea!" Liu Tian sighed. The size of the black basilisk was beyond his expectation. If conditions permit, it would not be a problem to build a football field on the back of the black basilisk.

The sharp sound of "嗤" broke through the sound of the waves and spread to everyone's ears. With the sound, the sea was not calm again. Under the gaze of Liu Tian and others, a huge object slowly raised its head from the "land".

"My lord, that is the real head of the black basilisk" the worker shouted

Liu Tian took a serious look, the thing sticking up from the black basilisk's back was indeed a head, a head that was far bigger than the six heads, this head was above the other five heads, like a lantern The big pupils are frighteningly red, and the nine-meter-long neck is covered with scales, shining brightly in the sun

"Hehe" Xu Tou stood on top of the pile of severed tentacles, looked at the real head of the black basilisk and smiled irresistibly.

"Why is it dark?" Liu Tian noticed that at some point, a pile of dark clouds had piled up in the sky.

"This is caused by the black basilisk. My lord, do you see that the sky is still clear in the distance?"

"Uh, that's true." Liu Tiandao said, indeed only their area had dark clouds

The surface of the sea was churning more violently, as if a huge hand was stirring it, and Xu Tou didn't make any expression from the beginning to the end, just standing quietly on the turbulent sea

The place where Xu Tou was located sank suddenly, and at the same time, a huge wave as high as four or five meters formed in the two directions of his front and back, and the two huge waves pressed against Xu Tou together, like a giant beast closing and devouring giant mouth

Boom, lightning and thunder, two huge waves collided. At the moment before the huge waves met, Xu Tou was still smiling and did not dodge or dodge, but no one thought that after the huge waves parted, Xu Tou's figure disappeared

A blood flower suddenly bloomed in the void, which represented the departure of a head. At some point, Xu Tou appeared behind the black basilisk unknowingly.

bang, another head blooms

bang bang bang...

One after another, the sound spread on the sea surface, five heads, only the long neck remained

Liu Tian was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Xu Tou to destroy those five heads with ease. In just the blink of an eye, apart from the sound, there was only the sound of broken heads falling into the water.

The five heads are like a flash in the pan, completely withered

When the shattered head fell into the water, the real head finally knew what had happened, its face was distorted due to the severe pain, and painful hisses echoed in the sea


A series of sparks shot in all directions, the black basilisk stopped shouting that it had to stop, because just now Xu Tou hit its neck with a knife, if it wasn't because of the protection of the scales, it would have been decapitated by now

Xu Tou scolded softly, and his figure shuttled around like a ghost, easily dodging the common pursuit of thousands of tentacles

Bang Two blood-red beams shot out from the black basilisk's eyes, passing through the tentacles, trying to hit Xu's head, but finally passed by it, blasting into the sea, stirring up tens of thousands of waves

When Xu Tou avoided the attack of the tentacles again, the head of the black basilisk rushed up and bit Xu Tou's body with its mouth open.

Xu Tou hides slightly, behind him are tens of thousands of tentacles, except for some tentacles, all others are cut off by Xu Tou unknowingly

bang, bang...

Countless tentacles fell to the surface of the sea one after another, and finally the tentacles around the black basilisk dared not move

For some reason, Xu Tou didn't kill the black basilisk, but let him escape

After solving the mysterious basilisk, Xu headed back to the fishing boat, and they continued to sail towards the chaotic sea

Another day passed slowly, and Liu Tian learned from Xu Tou that the appearance of sea monsters proved that they had entered the chaotic sea area. However, they did not encounter sea monsters all the time. The first time Liu Tian encountered a black basilisk, he only encountered a sea lion beast.

"Xu Tou, how many days will it take for us to completely mess up the sea area?" Liu Tian asked while standing on the deck

"I'm not too sure about this, but I guess it's only two or three days away," Xu Tou said.

"Oh" Liu Tian nodded, and then bid farewell to Xu Tou, entered the cabin, locked the door, and he went offline. When he went online again, the game turned into night

Perhaps because Liu Tian and the others encountered another sea monster as they got deeper and deeper into the chaotic sea area, Xu Tou was still the one who dealt with this sea monster. without killing the enemy

Fishing boats move on, a day later

"Hey, what's that?" Liu Tianben stood on the deck enjoying the beautiful scenery, but accidentally discovered something floating on the sea ahead.

"It seems to be a person," the worker replied after looking at it for a while with sharp eyes.

Baidu searched. 【】.

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