The worker's eyes were very sharp, and he was floating on the surface of the sea. The floating object that appeared and disappeared with the waves was indeed a person. 【26nbsp;】

"What about my lord?" the worker asked.

God is concise.He also had a certain purpose in wanting to save Hai that person, maybe that person could help him?After all, it must not be that simple to appear in the chaotic sea area.

"Yes, my lord."

The worker immediately put down a small boat, and vigorously paddled the oars, so the small boat carried Liu Tian and the worker quickly towards the person floating in the sea.

When approaching that person, Liu Tian suddenly discovered that the person turned out to be a woman. Although her pretty face was pale, she was heroic. The torn clothes revealed a few places of white skin, and the clothes were stained with blood. It must have been attacked.She is also a rare beauty, and she is both weak and heroic, and her charm has been raised to a higher level.

"Unobstructed view!"

The right eye of the god changed instantly, and showed it to the person with [Unobstructed View], but he didn't get the information Liu Tian wanted, only got three big question marks.

"Huh? Could it be that her level is higher than the detection range of [Break-in View]? But it's almost impossible. There don't seem to be many in this world. Or does she have any equipment that can block detection skills."

Liu Tian's thoughts flashed like lightning, although he thought a lot, it was only for an instant.

"Let's get her on the boat together." Liu Tian said.

"Yes, my lord."

The worker put down the oar in his hand and together with Liu Tian got the woman into the boat.Fortunately, he has experience, otherwise Liu Tian would have capsized the boat by himself if he let the woman get into the boat.

"Sir, what should I do now?"

"Get back to the boat first."

Since it was lunch time at this time, the fishing boat had stopped sailing, so it was extremely convenient for Liu Tian and the two of them to disembark.

Looking at the unconscious woman lying on the deck, Liu Tian suddenly became a little bit troubled, because he didn't know what to do next...

"My lord, this girl should be seriously injured, but our ship doesn't have anyone who can heal her, so what should I do?" the worker sighed.

"Healing?" Liu Tian's eyes lit up: "I have a way, help me get her into my room."

The worker glanced at Liu Tian strangely, probably thinking of a certain aspect: "Yes, my lord."

Ever since, there were three people missing on the deck.

"You go out, I'll treat her." Liu Tian said.

"Yes..." The worker glanced at Liu Tian and the unconscious woman with a strange look in his eyes, and stepped back.

Liu Tian understood the meaning in the worker's eyes, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew that the worker probably thought he was going to rape the woman.But the little princess Qin Jing couldn't be exposed in front of people casually, so he could only invite the worker out.

Putting his hands on his heart, for a moment, a strange feeling enveloped his body and mind, his heart gradually became hot, and there was a faint song of birds coming from his heart.At the same time, the little princess who was with the girls was shaken physically and mentally, and a touch of sweetness appeared on her face unconsciously.

"Jing'er, can you hear me?" Liu Tian asked.


"Can you come here? I just rescued someone in the sea. She was seriously injured and is still in a coma."

"Brother wants me to heal him?"


"Oh, then I'll come right over."

In about a minute or two, Liu Tian's heart suddenly felt hot, and a lovebird rushed out of his heart.Immediately afterwards, a female lovebird appeared out of thin air, and walked side by side with the lovebird that flew out of Liu Tianxin's mouth, circling around the roof. , the next moment, a beautiful woman with a smile like a flower appeared in front of Liu Tian.

"Jing'er, your move is really good." Liu Tian had to sigh.

"What..." The little princess Qin Jing blushed slightly, dissatisfied: "Brother, who do you want me to save?"

"Hey, that's it." Liu Tian pouted towards the bed, the meaning was obvious.

The little princess Qin Jing walked to the side of the boat, and when she saw the appearance of the man on the boat, Xiaozui let out an exclamation.

"Jing'er, what's wrong?" Liu Tian asked.

"Brother, she is a woman."

"Yeah, what's wrong? She doesn't know why she was unconscious and floating in the sea. If I hadn't found her, I'm afraid she would have been floating forever." Liu Tiandao: "Jing'er, can you save her?"

"Although her injury is serious, it is not fatal. Although I have almost no attack power, I still know a little bit of miscellaneous things."

"What do you mean by miscellaneous? You are all talented and learned. I don't know how many people can't compare with you." Liu Tian frowned slightly. If the little princess Qin Jing called it miscellaneous, other Taoist priests might be just miscellaneous.It can be said that the little princess Qin Jing is definitely the most comprehensive Taoist priest, whether it is adding blood, adding support, or other formations, she can do her part.

"Thank you brother."

"Don't talk about anything else, saving people is the most important thing."

"Chunhui ●Rejuvenation!"

The wonderful hands and jade fingers of the little princess Qin Jing are like the elves of the piano keys, dancing the most wonderful dance in the world.A green light spread out from the tip of each finger. With the beating of the jade fingers, the woman's delicate body was empty, and a simple "human body" made of green lines appeared.

This "human body" slowly entered the woman's tender body with the little princess Qin Jing's hand and pressure, and finally merged perfectly with it.

"Brother, it is estimated that she will wake up soon."

"Oh, Jing'er..."

dong dong!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the voice of the previous worker came from outside the door.

"My lord, Mr. Xu has something to discuss with you."

"Oh, I'll be right there."

"Jing'er, then you stay here first, I'll go out for a while." Liu Tian whispered to the little princess Qin Jing.

"Well, brother, go if you have something to do. I just stay here to take care of this sister."

When Liu Tian opened the door, he saw the worker staring directly into the room.As soon as he changed his mind, he knew what the workers wanted to do.It's a pity that Liu Tian's whole body blocked his sight, and even when the door was closed, he deliberately used his body to cover the eyes of the workers.

There was a look of regret in the worker's eyes: "My lord, please follow me."

Following the worker, Liu Tian arrived on the deck. At this time, Xu Tou had been standing on the deck waiting for Liu Tian for a long time.

"Xu Tou, is there something important you want to ask me for?"

"There is a very important thing, which is the purpose of our trip." Xu Tou said.

"Please tell Xu Tou in detail."

"The people we sent out sent back news that a pirate ship appeared in the sea not far ahead, and they were heading in our direction!"

"It's finally the pirate ship!" Liu Tian almost cheered.Waiting for the pirate ship is the beginning of all plans. Only when this step can be developed according to the original plan can their plan continue to be implemented.Otherwise, everything will have to start from scratch.

"My lord, they are not far away from us. I should start preparing now. We must not let them see that we are acting." Xu Tou said: "My lord, let me tell you about the pirate ship first."


"The captain of that pirate ship is named Booth. His pirate team is not strong in the chaotic sea area, but it is not too weak. It is considered medium. This Booth is obsessed with gold and silver treasures. He will lead the pirate ship to at least one month. Patrol seven or eight times outside the chaotic sea area, looking for prey."

"Hehe, I didn't expect us to be lucky." Liu Tiandao: "By the way, is there any precedent for him to send someone back to the base?"

"That's true. It's just that the ones he lures back are rich people and high-ranking officials. His purpose is to let the family members of the rich man and high-ranking officials redeem them with gold and silver treasures." Xu Tou said.

Hearing this, Liu Tian smiled and said: "This is not easy? When they attack our fishing boat, we can just play a show, let them think that I am a son of an official, isn't that enough?"

"My lord is right."

"Okay, let's plan now."

The two planned for more than half an hour, and finally got everything done, and the rest was only implementation.

"My lord, then you go on your own. I'll tell the others about the plan I just made, so that they won't spoil our big business." Headless said.


Liu Tian nodded, and then returned to the cabin by himself.

dong dong.

Liu Tian knocked on his door and said, "Jing'er, it's me."

The little princess Qin Jing opened the door, and Liu Tian was about to step into the room, but unexpectedly, the little princess Qin Jing stopped him with her eyes, and her black eyebrows moved towards the room.

At this moment, Liu Tian felt a gaze, and when he raised his head, he saw a pair of indifferent and cold eyes staring at him with a hint of confusion.Liu Tian completely understood what the little princess Qin Jing meant, and the one who was comatose woke up.

Liu Tian nodded indistinctly, and the little princess Qin Jing immediately retreated obediently to the two sides, giving Liu Tian the way in and out of the room.

Liu Tian stepped into the room and closed the door, but the next moment he was stunned, because of a question from that woman, it wasn't who you were, but who I was!

The woman's gaze never left Liu Tian, ​​seeing Liu Tian stunned, she frowned slightly, and asked again: "Who am I?"

"Uh, this, this lady, are you asking me who you are?" The corner of Liu Tian's mouth twitched.

The woman nodded seriously, without any sign of joking.

"Uh uh... Well, I don't know who you are either?" Liu Tian said, "When I met you, you were already unconscious and still floating in the sea. After I rescued you, I asked Jinger to heal you. And then, and then, now."

Hearing this, the woman's eyebrows frowned even deeper, her eyes became more confused, and there was an aura of pity that I saw all over her body.Liu Tian knew the pain of amnesia, he really wanted to comfort the woman, but the two had never met each other before, and now they met by chance, so he could only feel pity in his heart.

"Brother..." The little princess Qin Jing showed a look of impatience.

Liu Tian sighed slightly.

The woman didn't say a word, Liu Tian and the little princess Qin Jing were too embarrassed to speak, and finally the room fell silent.

After an unknown amount of time, hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside the door, the footsteps came from far to near, and stopped in front of Liu Tianfang's door.


"My lord, Booth's pirate ship is here!"


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