The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 491 My name is Tian Ruoshui

Liu Tian was shocked. 【26nbsp;】3∴35686688 He did not expect that the pirate ship known as the Pirate Queen would sink in this blood-red sea.

The blood-red flag that has been stained with blood is extremely shocking.How many lives were lost in this sea area?The crimson blood gathered and did not disperse, and it is estimated that many fierce beasts will be attracted to it in the near future.

Looking at the pirate flag, Ruo'er's delicate body trembled unconsciously, and scenes of deja vu flashed in her mind like lightning.


The horrified screams stopped abruptly, and when Liu Tianxun looked away, Ruo'er had already fallen unconscious on the boat, her pretty face was extremely pale, her lips were clenched tightly, and her teeth were clenched.

"What's going on?" Liu Tian asked in shock.

Han Xian shook his head lightly: "I don't know."

"My lord, let's leave here quickly. The smell of blood here must have already spread. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave when those beasts come." A worker said.

Liu Tian also knew that the situation was not good. After taking a look at Ruo'er, he waved his hands to let the workers leave the blood-red sea.

On the boat, Liu Tian frowned and pondered, the pirate queen should be an extremely powerful force in the Hunluàn sea area, who dared to destroy one of her pirate ships.Could it be the devil pirate ship that the leader said earlier?

"Is he still saved?" Liu Tian asked, he was the pirate leader who was rescued from the sea just now.

"My lord, he is seriously injured, and there is little hope of resuscitating him." The worker who treated him had a look of embarrassment.

"Ahem..." Suddenly, the leader coughed a few times, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

"What is this place?" the leader asked.

Liu Tian's face was full of joy, and he jumped from the boat below him to the side of the leader.

"Don't talk yet." Liu Tian said, "The reason why you are here is because we just passed by the place where you were fighting and happened to save you."

"Ahem, where are the others? Have you seen anyone else?" He wanted to grab Liu Tian's sleeve agitatedly, but it was a pity that he had more energy than he wanted.

"Others, your condolences..."

"Devil King Pirate Ship, I will not let you go!" The leader's eyes flashed with hatred, and his face was crazy.

"Sure enough, it's the devil's pirate ship..." Liu Tian muttered in his heart, a little surprised at the strength of the devil's pirate ship.

"Ahem..." The leader coughed violently a few times: "Can you do me a favor?"

"This, please tell me." Liu Tian knew that the mission was coming.

"I'm a subordinate of the pirate queen, you should know this, I'm dying soon, I hope you can help me deliver this letter to our vice-captain Rocky. Book mi group 2"

"Ding Dong, do you accept the task?

. "

"Accept!" Liu Tian was ecstatic in his heart, he didn't expect it to be such a task.With this mission, he can go to the base of the Pirate Lady King in an open and aboveboard manner, and then stealing the nautical chart will be much easier.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the mission

. "

Task format:

〖The only hidden〗

〖phase level〗:


Go to the depths of the Hunluàn sea area and hand over the letter to Rocky, the deputy captain of the pirate queen pirate ship.

: ten days


: The mission has not been completed yet after the mission time expires.


"Please, please..." the leader said with difficulty: "You, can you help me up?"

Liu Tian didn't speak, but silently helped him up.

"Where is the battlefield?" he asked.

Liu Tian was stunned for a moment, and then pointed to a direction. In that far away direction, there was a blood-red sea, where countless lives were lost.

Looking in that direction, the leader remained silent for a long time, the anger and murderous intent in his eyes were evident.

"Pfft, cough cough..." Suddenly, a mouthful of blood gushed out of the leader's mouth.

"My name is Zhuo Luoer." The leader glanced at Liu Tian, ​​his eyes dimmed, and his vitality was rapidly disappearing.

Suddenly, a burst of surprise burst out of Zhuo Luoer's eyes, his eyes were fixed on a figure crouching on the boat, his body trembled violently!

"She, how could she be on your boat?" Zhuo Luoer managed to stabilize his mind, and he grasped Liu Tian's shoulders weakly with both hands, his pale face turned rosy due to the agitation.

"She's someone I saved at sea, and she's being rude. Do you know her?"

"She, she is me... the sister of one of my brothers, please protect her and send her back to the base!"

"No problem." Liu Tian said.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the mission

. "

Drool fell, never getting a chance to get up again, but there was a faint smile on his lips.

"Brother's sister?" Liu Tian glanced at Ruo'er, he had an intuition that Ruo'er was not brother Zhuo Luoer's sister, he was hiding Ruo'er's true identity.However, if you hide it, you can hide it. To protect her, he doesn't reject it.After a short time together, he has an inexplicable emotion towards Ruo'er.

"The devil's pirate ship, what kind of pirate ship is it? Even they dare to attack." Liu Tian murmured.

"Hey, by the way, do you know the Devil's pirate ship?" Liu Tianchao asked the workers.

"The Devil's Pirate Ship? Never heard of it, it should have appeared recently."

"Yeah, I haven't heard of such a pirate gang before. With their strength to attack the pirate ship of the pirate queen, they shouldn't be unknown. I think they should be a mysterious force that popped up recently. I always feel that the mainland is a bit strange. calm…"

Liu Tian looked at the person who spoke in surprise.

Time gradually passed by on the dry sea, and after about an hour, Ruo'er woke up. As soon as she woke up, Liu Tian was startled by the first words she spoke.

"Where's Drool?"

"You, have you recovered your memory?" Liu Tian's eyes were horrified.

Ruo'er simply nodded, with a cold and pretty face, with a heroic air, Liu Tian saw the aura of a superior in her.

"Where's Drool?" she asked again.

Liu Tian looked at his feet, Ruo'er stood up, followed his gaze, and immediately saw Zhuo Luoer's cold and stiff corpse.

"Devil King Pirate Ship, I am sworn to death with you!" A crazy red light flashed in her eyes, and the evil spirit flowed!

It took her a long time to calm down, Jiang Chun opened slightly, and a thunderbolt rang in Liu Tian's ears.

"My name is Tian Ruoshui."

The sky is like water? !Liu Tian was undoubtedly familiar with this name. During the period of sailing at sea, he often thought about how to steal the nautical chart from this pirate lady king.He didn't expect that the person he thought about day and night was by his side.

At this time, he was a little uneasy, because he had revealed the purpose of this trip to Tian Ruoshui a little.Now that she has recovered her memory, I don't know if she will trouble her.

"Thank you for taking care of me for so long." She said lightly.

"No, you're welcome." Liu Tian waved his hands, not daring to look at Tian Ruoshui, feeling a little guilty.

"I can give you what you want."

Tian Ruoshui released another thunderbolt next to Liu Tian's ear.

"You, you said that you can give me the navigation chart to enter the violent sea?!"

"That's your repayment."

"Ah? This is too, too expensive..." Liu Tian said.

"That's nothing, it's just that you have to do me a favor."


"Take me to Hongdou Island first. If we want to go to my base, it's a bit dangerous with these small boats." Tian Ruoshui said: "There is a friend of mine on Hongdou Island. I want to borrow a pirate ship."

"Where is Hongdou Island?" Liu Tianchao said to the worker holding the nautical chart.

"Red Bean Island? Ah, oh, oh, my lord, wait a moment." The pirate holding the nautical chart woke up from his dementia.

Not only he was demented, but the other workers on the boat were also demented. No one thought that the famous Tian Ruoshui would be by their side.And it seems that the task of this trip can be completed without breaking a sweat.

"My lord, Hongdou Island is not far from us, it takes about two hours to get there," said the worker.

"Two hours? Turn to Hongdou Island immediately!" Liu Tian ordered.

Tian Ruoshui looked at the direction of the boat, with too many emotions in his eyes.

Liu Tian stopped talking.

When both of them were silent, a worker took advantage of everyone's inattention, and while flipping his palms, a streak of light flew out from between his palms and shot into the distance.

On the way to Hongdou Island, Liu Tian found an opportunity to be with Tian Ruoshui.He has many things he wants to ask Tian Ruoshui.

"God, if the sky..."

"You can still call me Ruo'er, if you have anything to say."

"I want to ask, why did you lose your memory? Why did you fall into the sea? Did you also get attacked?"

The light in the eyes of the sky is like water.After pondering for a while, she said: "It's okay to tell you in advance. Just like you thought, I did lose my memory after being attacked by the devil's pirate ship. It's a shame that we didn't take them to heart during the negotiation." On the way, I was caught off guard by them, and I escaped under the protection of my subordinates. However, due to brain trauma, I temporarily lost my memory."

"Negotiation? What are you negotiating for?"

"A few days ago, the devil's pirate ship appeared mysteriously, stirring up a bloodbath in the hunluàn sea area. As a descendant of the king of pirates, I should have the responsibility to let these violent people leave the hunluàn sea area. So I led Some of the subordinates found the Demon King's pirate ship, but they didn't expect their strength to be terrifying, and many powerful beasts in the depths of the Hunluàn sea area were subdued by them."

"Did the dragon monster also be subdued?"

"Well, a total of fourteen dragon monsters were subdued, and we killed seven when we broke through. However, none of the men I brought over at that time did not return."

"Don't you know about the arrival of the devil's pirate ship?" Liu Tian asked.

Tian Ruoshui slightly closed his eyes: "I guess it came from there."


"It's better that you don't know about this. But you should know in the future. You just need to remember that this world is not peaceful at first." Tian Ruoshui said.

Liu Tian's heart was shocked, the world is not peaceful?Is the devil's pirate ship related to the catastrophe 5000 years ago?

"My lord, Hongdou Island is here."

Just when Liu Tian was deep in thought, Hongdou Island arrived.


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