Hongdou Island, a small island that is not very big. []txt e-book download There is a very peaceful town in the middle of the island, which is all attributed to Hongsha, the captain of the pirate ship on the island.

Hongsha and Tian Ruoshui are good friends. Because of their relationship, the pirates in the hunluàn sea do not dare to have friction with Hongsha casually, thus creating a peaceful land in this hunluàn sea.

"My lord, Hongdou Island is here."

The worker's words woke Liu Tian up from his contemplation. Looking at the quiet and peaceful town on the small island, Liu Tian was a little surprised.Judging from the situation in the Hunluàn sea area, it is really rare for this small town to be so peaceful.

In fact, there are quite a few large-scale towns in the Hunluàn sea area, and they are towns formed because of the needs of pirates.Generally, pirates would not attack these towns, but vicious incidents in the towns happened from time to time.

The boat docked, and at Tian Ruoshui's request, Liu Tian asked the others to stay on the shore.He entered the town with her and asked Captain Hongsha to borrow a boat.

Loud noises could be heard everywhere in the small town. After drifting on the sea for a period of time, hearing these noises, Liu Tian felt extraordinarily comfortable, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ruo'er, where is your friend usually?"


Tian Ruoshui walked ahead calmly, she had been here several times, and knew where her friends were usually.

The two of them stopped at a bar where people were coming and going.Liu Tian followed Tian Ruoshui into the bar.

Tian Ruoshui looked around, and when she saw that familiar figure, a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

Smiling slightly, she went straight to the figure and sat down beside him: "Can I have a drink with you?"

"Ruoshui!" the man exclaimed, his charming face was full of surprises.

"Sasha, this time I have something to ask for your help." Tian Ruoshui straight to the point, the matter was urgent, and she couldn't afford to waste her time.

"Come on, have a few drinks with me first, hey, give my friend a drink..."

Just as Hongsha was about to order a drink, she was stopped by Tian Ruoshui: "Sasha, this time the matter is too serious, I don't have time to stay here. Next time I have time, I will have a drink with you."

"What's the matter? Just say it." Seeing Tian Ruoshui's solemn expression, Hongsha frowned slightly.

"Lend me a boat, I want to go back."

"Borrowing a boat? How come you don't have a boat? Is something wrong?"

"I'll tell you about this later, you can lend me the boat first."

"Okay, you come with me. txt e-book download**"

Hongsha stood up and just turned around when she saw Liu Tian standing behind her. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing standing behind me?"

"Sasha, he is my friend. If I hadn't had him along the way, I might not have seen you."

"Ruoshui, what happened? You are so dangerous, who else in the Hunluàn sea area dares to fight with you? Could it be the devil's pirate ship that suddenly appeared?" Hongsha was slightly shocked.

"Well. Sasha, you should be careful recently. The devil's pirate ship has a mysterious origin and its strength should not be underestimated. Many pirate ships have been destroyed by them. I was also attacked by them before, which made the pirate ship useless."

Hong Sha was surprised: "Are you not their opponent?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I didn't bring many people with me this time, and I don't know much about their strength, so this trip was a complete failure. Well, let's not talk about it, I have to go back immediately to discuss some things with other pirate groups .” Tian Ruoshui said.

Sha also knew that the matter was serious, and after saying hello to Liu Tian, ​​she led the two of them out of the bar and walked towards the depths of the island.

The three gradually moved away from the town.Liu Tian was a little strange following Hongsha, the pirate ship couldn't possibly be deep in the island, right?However, Tian Ruoshui didn't speak at all, so his friend who could only be regarded as an outsider could only shut up.

After traveling for more than ten minutes, Liu Tian finally saw a pirate ship, but this pirate ship was actually on a high mountain.

"Miss Hongsha, is that the pirate ship you lent Ruo'er?" Liu Tian couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Hongsha looked at Liu Tian's surprised expression, and giggled: "Are you worried that you won't be able to take it away?"

Liu Tian nodded awkwardly.

"You don't have to worry about that. There is a river that has been transformed on that mountain. We can use that river to send the boat into the sea." Before Hongsha could speak, Tian Ruoshui explained.

"I see."

The three of them moved forward for a further distance, and the sound of dingling water reached Liu Tian's ears.

On the way into the mountains, pirates started appearing.Because of Hongsha's existence, the road was unimpeded, and she came directly to the pirate ship.

When he came under the pirate ship, Liu Tian was a little shocked.The pirate ship was originally in a lake, and the lake had a river leading to the sea. Although the river course was not very deep, it was enough for the pirate ship to slip from the lake into the sea.

"Sasha, tell your subordinates to untie the pirate ship, I'll leave immediately." Tian Ruoshui said.

"So anxious..." Hongsha was a little bit reluctant.

"There will be a chance to meet in the future."

"Okay." After speaking, Hongsha clapped her hands, and several pirates ran to her immediately.

"Unchain the pirate ship and let Rumbull send the ship into the sea."

"Yes, Captain." The pirate who received the order went straight to work without any hesitation.

The ropes holding the pirate ship to the lake were removed, and the pirate ship moved, slowly heading for the river.Under the gaze of Liu Tian and the others, the pirate ship slid into the river, taking advantage of the terrain and water to slide towards the sea.

"We'll follow."

Hong Sha pulled Liu Tian and Tian Ruoshui into a small boat. She steered the boat and slid the boat into the river.The river tilted, and the boat quickly accelerated as soon as it entered the river, rushing to the sea along the terrain.Hongsha yelled a few times excitedly, she steered the boat and controlled the boat, there was no danger along the way, and it was extremely exciting.Liu Tian also experienced drifting this time.

After the river sloped, there was a gentle terrain, and Liu Tian and the others caught up with the pirate ship on the gentle terrain.The small boat carried three people and followed behind the pirate ship. Five or six minutes later, the pirate ship finally entered the coast.

The pirate ship stopped on the shore, and several pirate navigators got off the ship and came to Hongsha.

"Captain, mission accomplished!"

"Don't rush to claim credit, you still have tasks to do."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Is there any problem for you to be their navigators and go to the depths of the Hunluàn sea?"


"Okay, let's go now!"

Tian Ruoshui looked a little bit reluctant: "Sasha, goodbye."

"Goodbye, I decided to go to the Hunluàn sea area with you! Anyway, I'm bored to death here, so I might as well go out with you to stimulate." Hongsha said.

"It's not a stimulant now. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. The devil's pirate ship should still be searching for my trace. You should stay here."

"That can't be done. After all, we are also friends. How can I let you take risks alone? I have to go this time!"

Looking at Hongsha's firm expression, Tian Ruoshui could only nod.

"Haha, let's go, hurry up! By the way, do you have any other partners? Where are they?" Hongsha called.

"They..." Tian Ruoshui frowned, and looked at Liu Tian: "I don't want to bring anyone else into the depths of the Hunluàn sea except Hanxian."

"This..." Liu Tian thought for a while: "Okay, you have promised to send me the nautical chart, and it's useless for them to go in."

"Well, let's go then." Tian Ruoshui said to Hongsha: "They are on the east side of the island, not very far from here. If you drive along the coast, you should be able to find them easily."


A group of people boarded the pirate ship and sailed along the coast to the east of the island.Liu Tian and Tian Ruoshui who were standing on the deck soon saw those workers.

Liu Tian and Tian Ruoshui got off the boat together, and when they heard that they could not enter the Hunluàn sea area with Liu Tian, ​​several workers' expressions changed.

"My lord..." A worker hesitated to speak.

"It's okay, I'll go back to the East China Sea when I get the nautical chart, just ask Uncle Xiang to wait for me in the East China Sea." Liu Tian said.

"Brothers, let's go back first." The worker whose palm flew out of the beam said.

When the other workers saw him speak, they didn't hesitate anymore and agreed to Liu Tian's approach.

"Brothers have worked hard, I will leave first." Liu Tian waved goodbye to the workers on the deck.

The pirate ship gradually went away, and a worker walked up to the person who had spoken just now and said, "Brother, did the captain give you a message?"

"Well, he has already returned to the matter that we can obtain the nautical chart. This sea area is now dangerous, so it's better to leave early."

"Oh, that's how it is, wise."


A group of people boarded the boat and returned to the original road.

Liu Tian lay comfortably on the deck, drifting in a small boat for so long, now he can finally be relieved.

Tian Ruoshui and Han Xian stood beside him, Liu Tian was a little fascinated by his peerless grace, especially Tian Ruoshui's deep and beautiful eyes looking at the distance, there was a kind of magical power, which made people involuntarily sink into it .


Loud noise, làng overturned.A fierce beast with a head like a bull appeared in front of the pirate ship, and its two sharp horns were black and shiny, as if cast from black iron.

Tian Ruoshui frowned slightly, and with a movement of his body, he floated towards the sea in a peerless manner, slashing his fingers together, a light flashed between the sky and the earth, a corpse appeared on the sea surface, and the blood-red sea water quickly spread from the corpse to all directions.

"Uh, this strength..." Liu Tian was a little surprised.

The graceful figure returned to the boat, her face was extremely calm, as if what happened just now didn't exist.

On the way to the depths of the Hunluàn sea area, because of the existence of Tian Ruoshui, there was no obstacle at all.

Three days later, they finally entered the depths of the Hunluàn Sea, where the powerful pirates regarded as forbidden areas gathered by ordinary pirates.


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